RE: Poste dein STRG-V - Perrydotto - 25.06.2012, 03:47
blarg i am ded Abbildungen
RE: Poste dein STRG-V - InLoveWithDashy - 25.06.2012, 03:58
RE: Poste dein STRG-V - Earl of Cockwood - 25.06.2012, 03:59
Sometimes i just take my cloak and dagger, cloak, hide on a safe spot, do nothing and watch everyone fight.
RE: Poste dein STRG-V - Full Pretext - 25.06.2012, 04:08
RE: Poste dein STRG-V - Cardomon - 25.06.2012, 05:51
[24.06.2012 23:56:52] *** fallencipher hat DSCF0013.JPG gesendet ***
[24.06.2012 23:57:00] fallencipher: saber rider cosplay von der animagic 2003
RE: Poste dein STRG-V - Crunsher - 25.06.2012, 06:13
Wer würde keinen Beta-Pictor spielen wollen?! Das sind Kreuzungen aus dem Terminator und nem Tintenfisch. DEM TERMINATOR UND NEM TINTENFISCH!!!
Ich spiel trotzdem nen Tokmarden :/
RE: Poste dein STRG-V - UKFBronystep - 25.06.2012, 07:25
Morgens um 7:25 ist meine Zwischenablage leider leer :/
RE: Poste dein STRG-V - Jannes1503 - 25.06.2012, 08:01
RE: Poste dein STRG-V - Elora - 25.06.2012, 14:46
- Literarisches und medienästhetisches Lernen
- Literaturhistorisches Bewusstsein entfalten
- Prototypische Vorstellungen von Gattungen/Genres gewinnen
- Narrative und dramaturgische Handlungslogik verstehen
- Mit Fiktionalität bewusst umgehen
- Metaphorische und symbolscihe Ausdruckskraft verstehen
- Sich auf die Unabschließbarkeit des Sinnbildungsprozesses einlassen
- Mit dem literarischen Gespräch vertraut werden
- Beim Lesen und Hören Vorstellungen entwickeln
- Subjektive Invovliertheit und genaue Wahrnehmung miteinander ins Spiel bringen
- Sprachliche Gestaltung aufmerksam wahrnehmen
- Perspektiven literarischer Figuren nachvollziehen
Wahrnehmung der Figuren
RE: Poste dein STRG-V - UKFBronystep - 25.06.2012, 23:58
RE: Poste dein STRG-V - Xoranes - 26.06.2012, 00:00
RE: Poste dein STRG-V - Chilloutman - 26.06.2012, 00:03
RE: Poste dein STRG-V - Livid - 26.06.2012, 00:11
RE: Poste dein STRG-V - Eman Reztuneb - 29.06.2012, 04:50
Added custom events so plugins can now be notified of changes within GroupManager.
GM now registers with Bukkits ServicesManager.
Deleting the contents of GlobalGroups.yml will no longer thrown a NullPointerException.
Removed op permissions from admins in the default GloblaGroups.yml.
Changed ServicesManager registration to lowest from normal.
Fixed 'manucheckp' returning a null for the searched node when it's a group/subgroup.
manpromote and mandemote now correctly send the notification to the console if the command was issued there.
Expanded GlobalGroups.yml and Groups.yml to include Towny permissions.
Delayed GroupManager events so Superperms will be fully updated before plugins receive the events.
Changed the way events are raised to prevent variable corruption.
Reload GlobalGroups when you perform a world load.
Changed GlobalGroups to save/load before local groups in the scheduled data saving/loading
Fix 'manucheckp' to correctly report if a permission is available from GroupManager or Bukkit.
Changed over to a reflection method for populating superperms as Bukkit lags when you handle permissions one at a time.
Major, MAJOR changes to support partial/full world mirroring.
You can now mirror groups.yml, users.yml or both files between different worlds.
Catch NullPointerErrors generated by blank permission nodes.
Removed '- bukkit.command' form the globalgroups permission nodes.
Optimize populating Bukkit perms so we no longer calculate the child nodes (Bukkit already does this).
Added a tidy error message for invalid permission entries in GlobalGroups.
Better optimize assembling of a players permissions and allow the * node to populate all registered superperms.
Fixed text when adding a subgroup to not say the player was moved.
Update to new Bukkit Event system.
Update GroupManagerBridge for new event system.
Fixed a random null error upon a player portaling.
Fixed infinite loop error on player join.
Optimized code to only update the player logging in instead of all players online.
Added recursive loop detection for World mirroring (you may not set the main world as a mirror of another).
Fixed fetching world data so it no longer returns the mirrored world for groups. Each world data holder now points to the correct data set, so can be returned as an object.
Changed addSubGroup() to only add the group if it doesn't already exist (no need to update an already existing group).
addSubGroup now returns a boolean for success/failure.
'/manuaddsub' now correctly reports if it was able to add the sub group.
Allow negation to the * permission node when populating superperms.
Fix trying to modify an unmodifiable collection breaking superperms.
Fixed subgroups (I broke earlier).
Check for a null player object in the PlayerTeleportEvent.
Trap errors in fetching the mirrors map.
Fixed an infinite loop error when using '/manudel' on a logged in player. It caused setDefaultGroup to trigger a bukkit update when no GM User existed yet.
RE: Poste dein STRG-V - Jannes1503 - 29.06.2012, 09:34
RE: Poste dein STRG-V - DwBrot - 29.06.2012, 10:36
wo jetzt grad noch
RE: Poste dein STRG-V - Jannes1503 - 29.06.2012, 11:53
RE: Poste dein STRG-V - Garves - 30.06.2012, 03:48
RE: Poste dein STRG-V - DA4K - 30.06.2012, 03:51
baked bacon palace ( )
RE: Poste dein STRG-V - rx1603 - 30.06.2012, 04:07
Uh, gute Eigenwerbung