RE: Von Windows auf Linux - die Umsteiger - chrodo - 24.06.2016, 19:28
Ich habe das soooo kommen sehen! 
Hab ja selber letztes Jahr immer wieder mal zwischen Gnome und KDE gewechselt. Einfach ein Mix aus Neugier und Interesse, oder so?! 
Die Soundbugs sind aber ungewöhnlich, traten die auch beim Livesystem auf oder erst nach der Installation?
RE: Von Windows auf Linux - die Umsteiger - Nebulous - 24.06.2016, 19:31
(24.06.2016)chrodo schrieb: Ich habe das soooo kommen sehen! 
Hab ja selber letztes Jahr immer wieder mal zwischen Gnome und KDE gewechselt. Einfach ein Mix aus Neugier und Interesse, oder so?! 
Die Soundbugs sind aber ungewöhnlich, traten die auch beim Livesystem auf oder erst nach der Installation?
Auf nem Live-System habe ich bisher keine Musik gehört.
RE: Von Windows auf Linux - die Umsteiger - chrodo - 24.06.2016, 19:37
Dann versuche es mal zunächst.
Ich könnte sonst noch so Sachen wie "Installiere einen 'Realtime Kernel'" dir vorschlagen, doch das wäre wohl wie mit Kanonen auf Spatzen zu schießen
RE: Von Windows auf Linux - die Umsteiger - Nebulous - 24.06.2016, 19:51
Also bei der Ubuntu Live DVD sind die Audioeinstellungen immer ausgerastet. Da wurde immer angezeigt, dass ein Audiogerät ein und wieder ausgesteckt wird.
RE: Von Windows auf Linux - die Umsteiger - Crash Override - 24.06.2016, 20:03
(24.06.2016)SaveDerpy schrieb: Audio-Treiber habe ich keine extra installiert. Das habe ich vorhin auch versucht, aber bin gescheitert. Scheint ziemlich kompliziert zu sein.
Treiber-Einstellungen finde ich nirgends.
Zumindest bei *buntu kann ich da dir vielleicht etwas helfen, falls es das ist, was du suchst:
KDE -> Anwendungen -> Einstellungen -> Systemeinstellungen
Dort etwas herunterscrollen, dann sieht man die Option Multimedia;
Dort sollten dann die Einstellungen für das Backend, die Gerätepriorotät und die Hardware-Einstellungen zu finden sein.
Etwas weiter unten (unter dem Menüpunkt Multimedia ) ist der Menüpunkt Treiberverwaltung zu sehen - dort kann man die Treiber sehen, die aktuell für entsprechende Hardware (z.b. Grafikkarten) gebraucht werden.
So mal in Klickibunti erklärt.
Edith: Man kommt da auch übrigens über Rechtsklick auf das Audiosymbol zu den Einstellungen hin.
RE: Von Windows auf Linux - die Umsteiger - Nebulous - 24.06.2016, 20:13
Cool, jetzt geht der Sound auf einmal gar nicht mehr.
Übrigens, auf der Live-DVD ist der Sound auch mit kurzen Aussetzern versetzt.
RE: Von Windows auf Linux - die Umsteiger - Crash Override - 24.06.2016, 20:39
Kmix zickt bei mir nicht (is' ja schließlich auch ein Thinkpad )
Vielleicht kann man bei dir beim Systemlog was sehen; gib mal folgendes (als sudo! ) ein:
- /var/log
das kannst du dann mit dem code:
(beim /code den Punkt weglassen) in eine scrollbare file hier reinsetzen.
cat /var/log/messages
Zeigt dabei alles an - gleich als info: das is nur dann interessant, wenn die Letzten 20 nix vergleichbares bringen. die bekommt man mit:
tail /var/log/messages -n20
mit /dmesg (display Message - ebenfalls als sudo ausführen!) kann man auch was herausfinden, da sollte man aber code /code nutzen, wenn man die terminal-eingaben kopiert.
RE: Von Windows auf Linux - die Umsteiger - Nebulous - 24.06.2016, 20:53
Also im "message"-Log steht nichts, was mit meinem Problem zu tun hat glaube ich.
Jun 24 20:11:14 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:14 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:14 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:14 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:14 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:15 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:15 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:15 debianPC org.gnome.Bijiben.SearchProvider[1180]: (bijiben-shell-search-provider:2273): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_unref: assertion 'G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed
Jun 24 20:11:15 debianPC org.gnome.Bijiben.SearchProvider[1180]: (bijiben-shell-search-provider:2273): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_unref: assertion 'G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed
Jun 24 20:11:15 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:15 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:15 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:15 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:15 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:15 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:15 debianPC org.gnome.Calculator.SearchProvider[1180]: Error: ErrorCode.UNKNOWN_VARIABLE
Jun 24 20:11:15 debianPC org.gnome.Calculator.SearchProvider[1180]: Error: ErrorCode.UNKNOWN_VARIABLE
Jun 24 20:11:15 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:15 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:15 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:15 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:15 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:15 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:15 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:15 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:16 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:16 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: Gjs-Message: JS LOG: Received error from DBus search provider gnote.desktop: Gio.DBusError: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod: Keine derartige Schnittstelle »org.gnome.Shell.SearchProvider2« des Objekts im Pfad /org/gnome/Gnote/SearchProvider
Jun 24 20:11:16 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:16 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:16 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:16 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:16 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:16 debianPC org.gnome.OnlineMiners.GData[1180]: Gom-Message: Setting scheduler policy to SCHED_IDLE
Jun 24 20:11:17 debianPC org.gnome.OnlineMiners.Owncloud[1180]: Gom-Message: Setting scheduler policy to SCHED_IDLE
Jun 24 20:11:18 debianPC org.gnome.OnlineMiners.Zpj[1180]: Gom-Message: Setting scheduler policy to SCHED_IDLE
Jun 24 20:11:18 debianPC org.gnome.zeitgeist.SimpleIndexer[1180]: ** (zeitgeist-fts:1398): WARNING **: Unable to get info on application://kdesystemsettings.desktop
Jun 24 20:11:19 debianPC org.gnome.Contacts.SearchProvider[1180]: (org.gnome.Contacts.SearchProvider:2271): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_list_store_insert_before: assertion 'iter_is_valid (sibling, list_store)' failed
Jun 24 20:11:19 debianPC org.gnome.Contacts.SearchProvider[1180]: (org.gnome.Contacts.SearchProvider:2271): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_list_store_set_valist: assertion 'iter_is_valid (iter, list_store)' failed
Jun 24 20:11:19 debianPC org.gnome.OnlineMiners.MediaServer[1180]: Gom-Message: Setting scheduler policy to SCHED_IDLE
Jun 24 20:11:20 debianPC org.gnome.OnlineMiners.Flickr[1180]: Gom-Message: Setting scheduler policy to SCHED_IDLE
Jun 24 20:11:20 debianPC org.gnome.OnlineMiners.Facebook[1180]: Gom-Message: Setting scheduler policy to SCHED_IDLE
Jun 24 20:11:20 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:20 debianPC kde4-kdesystemsettings.desktop[2312]: QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave.
Jun 24 20:11:20 debianPC kde4-kdesystemsettings.desktop[2312]: QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave.
Jun 24 20:11:21 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:21 debianPC kde4-kdesystemsettings.desktop[2312]: Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"
Jun 24 20:11:21 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:21 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:21 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:22 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): GLib-CRITICAL **: Source ID 2814 was not found when attempting to remove it
Jun 24 20:11:23 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:23 debianPC kde4-kdesystemsettings.desktop[2312]: Connecting to deprecated signal QDBusConnectionInterface::serviceOwnerChanged(QString,QString,QString)
Jun 24 20:11:23 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): GLib-CRITICAL **: Source ID 3230 was not found when attempting to remove it
Jun 24 20:11:23 debianPC kde4-kdesystemsettings.desktop[2312]: QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave.
Jun 24 20:11:23 debianPC kde4-kdesystemsettings.desktop[2312]: QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave.
Jun 24 20:11:23 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): GLib-CRITICAL **: Source ID 3251 was not found when attempting to remove it
Jun 24 20:11:23 debianPC kde4-kdesystemsettings.desktop[2312]: Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"
Jun 24 20:11:23 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:23 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:23 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:23 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:23 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:23 debianPC kde4-kdesystemsettings.desktop[2312]: kbuildsycoca4 running...
Jun 24 20:11:23 debianPC kde4-kdesystemsettings.desktop[2312]: kbuildsycoca4(2410) KBuildSycoca::checkTimestamps: checking file timestamps
Jun 24 20:11:23 debianPC kde4-kdesystemsettings.desktop[2312]: kbuildsycoca4(2410) KBuildSycoca::checkTimestamps: timestamps check ok
Jun 24 20:11:23 debianPC kde4-kdesystemsettings.desktop[2312]: kbuildsycoca4(2410) kdemain: Emitting notifyDatabaseChanged ()
Jun 24 20:11:24 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:24 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:25 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:25 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:25 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:25 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:25 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:25 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:25 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:25 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:25 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:27 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:28 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:28 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:28 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:28 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:28 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:29 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:30 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:35 debianPC kde4-kdesystemsettings.desktop[2312]: Object::connect: No such signal org::freedesktop::UPower::DeviceAdded(QString)
Jun 24 20:11:35 debianPC kde4-kdesystemsettings.desktop[2312]: Object::connect: No such signal org::freedesktop::UPower::DeviceRemoved(QString)
Jun 24 20:11:35 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:35 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:37 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:37 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:48 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:48 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:53 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:53 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:54 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:54 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:59 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:11:59 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:12:10 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:12:10 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:12:10 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): mutter-WARNING **: STACK_OP_ADD: window 0x3800065 already in stack
Jun 24 20:12:10 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): mutter-WARNING **: STACK_OP_ADD: window 0x3800065 already in stack
Jun 24 20:12:10 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:12:10 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): mutter-WARNING **: STACK_OP_ADD: window 0x380006d already in stack
Jun 24 20:12:10 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): mutter-WARNING **: STACK_OP_ADD: window 0x380006d already in stack
Jun 24 20:12:10 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:12:15 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:12:16 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:12:17 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:12:17 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:12:17 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:12:17 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:12:21 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:12:23 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:12:23 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:12:23 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:12:25 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:12:25 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:12:25 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:12:26 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:12:26 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:12:26 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:12:26 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:12:26 debianPC kde4-kdesystemsettings.desktop[2312]: QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave.
Jun 24 20:12:26 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:12:26 debianPC kde4-kdesystemsettings.desktop[2312]: QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave.
Jun 24 20:12:26 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:12:26 debianPC kde4-kdesystemsettings.desktop[2312]: Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"
Jun 24 20:12:26 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:12:26 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:12:27 debianPC kde4-kdesystemsettings.desktop[2312]: QDBusConnection: name 'org.kde.kglobalaccel' had owner '' but we thought it was ':1.92'
Jun 24 20:12:35 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:12:35 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:12:36 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:12:42 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:12:44 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:12:44 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): mutter-WARNING **: STACK_OP_ADD: window 0x38000bb already in stack
Jun 24 20:12:44 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): mutter-WARNING **: STACK_OP_ADD: window 0x38000bb already in stack
Jun 24 20:12:44 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): mutter-WARNING **: STACK_OP_ADD: window 0x38000be already in stack
Jun 24 20:12:44 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): mutter-WARNING **: STACK_OP_ADD: window 0x38000be already in stack
Jun 24 20:12:44 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:12:46 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:12:46 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:12:47 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:12:48 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:12:48 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:12:48 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:12:49 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:12:56 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:12:57 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:12:57 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:12:57 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:12:57 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:12:57 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:12:57 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:12:57 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:12:57 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:12:57 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:12:57 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:12:58 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:12:58 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:12:58 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:12:58 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:12:58 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:12:58 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:12:58 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:12:58 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:12:58 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:12:58 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:13:00 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:13:00 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:13:00 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:13:00 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:13:00 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:13:00 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:13:00 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:13:00 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:13:00 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:13:00 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:13:01 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:13:01 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:13:01 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:13:01 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:13:01 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:13:01 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:13:01 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:13:01 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:13:01 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:13:01 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:13:02 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:13:02 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:13:02 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:13:02 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:13:02 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:13:02 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:13:02 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:13:02 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:13:02 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:13:02 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:13:03 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:13:03 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:13:04 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:13:04 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:16:52 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1465948400)
Jun 24 20:28:21 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:28:21 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:28:25 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:28:25 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:28:25 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:28:26 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:28:26 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:28:27 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:28:27 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:28:27 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:28:33 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:28:33 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:28:34 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:28:35 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:28:35 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:28:36 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:28:37 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:28:37 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:28:39 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:28:39 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:28:39 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:28:41 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:28:41 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:28:41 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:29:29 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:29:30 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:29:45 debianPC opera.desktop[1938]: [0624/202945:ERROR:PlatformKeyboardEvent.cpp(117)] Not implemented reached in static PlatformEvent::Modifiers blink::PlatformKeyboardEvent::getCurrentModifierState()
Jun 24 20:29:54 debianPC opera.desktop[1938]: [0624/202954:ERROR:PlatformKeyboardEvent.cpp(117)] Not implemented reached in static PlatformEvent::Modifiers blink::PlatformKeyboardEvent::getCurrentModifierState()
Jun 24 20:29:54 debianPC opera.desktop[1938]: [0624/202954:ERROR:PlatformKeyboardEvent.cpp(117)] Not implemented reached in static PlatformEvent::Modifiers blink::PlatformKeyboardEvent::getCurrentModifierState()
Jun 24 20:30:01 debianPC opera.desktop[1938]: [0624/203001:ERROR:PlatformKeyboardEvent.cpp(117)] Not implemented reached in static PlatformEvent::Modifiers blink::PlatformKeyboardEvent::getCurrentModifierState()
Jun 24 20:30:02 debianPC opera.desktop[1938]: [0624/203002:ERROR:PlatformKeyboardEvent.cpp(117)] Not implemented reached in static PlatformEvent::Modifiers blink::PlatformKeyboardEvent::getCurrentModifierState()
Jun 24 20:30:05 debianPC opera.desktop[1938]: [0624/203005:ERROR:PlatformKeyboardEvent.cpp(117)] Not implemented reached in static PlatformEvent::Modifiers blink::PlatformKeyboardEvent::getCurrentModifierState()
Jun 24 20:30:13 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:30:13 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:30:32 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:30:32 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:30:59 debianPC opera.desktop[1938]: [0624/203059:ERROR:PlatformKeyboardEvent.cpp(117)] Not implemented reached in static PlatformEvent::Modifiers blink::PlatformKeyboardEvent::getCurrentModifierState()
Jun 24 20:31:00 debianPC opera.desktop[1938]: [0624/203100:ERROR:PlatformKeyboardEvent.cpp(117)] Not implemented reached in static PlatformEvent::Modifiers blink::PlatformKeyboardEvent::getCurrentModifierState()
Jun 24 20:31:10 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): GLib-CRITICAL **: Source ID 3256 was not found when attempting to remove it
Jun 24 20:31:11 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): GLib-CRITICAL **: Source ID 8651 was not found when attempting to remove it
Jun 24 20:31:11 debianPC org.gnome.zeitgeist.SimpleIndexer[1180]: ** (zeitgeist-fts:1398): WARNING **: Unable to get info on application://konsole.desktop
Jun 24 20:31:11 debianPC kde4-konsole.desktop[2647]: QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave.
Jun 24 20:31:11 debianPC kde4-konsole.desktop[2647]: QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave.
Jun 24 20:31:11 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:31:11 debianPC kde4-konsole.desktop[2647]: Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"
Jun 24 20:31:11 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:31:11 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:31:11 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:31:11 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:31:11 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:31:11 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:31:11 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:31:13 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:31:13 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:31:13 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:31:13 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:31:13 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:31:13 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:31:13 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:31:20 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:31:20 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:31:20 debianPC opera.desktop[1938]: [0624/203120:ERROR:PlatformKeyboardEvent.cpp(117)] Not implemented reached in static PlatformEvent::Modifiers blink::PlatformKeyboardEvent::getCurrentModifierState()
Jun 24 20:31:42 debianPC opera.desktop[1938]: [0624/203142:ERROR:PlatformKeyboardEvent.cpp(117)] Not implemented reached in static PlatformEvent::Modifiers blink::PlatformKeyboardEvent::getCurrentModifierState()
Jun 24 20:31:43 debianPC opera.desktop[1938]: [0624/203143:ERROR:PlatformKeyboardEvent.cpp(117)] Not implemented reached in static PlatformEvent::Modifiers blink::PlatformKeyboardEvent::getCurrentModifierState()
Jun 24 20:41:50 debianPC opera.desktop[1938]: [0624/204150:ERROR:PlatformKeyboardEvent.cpp(117)] Not implemented reached in static PlatformEvent::Modifiers blink::PlatformKeyboardEvent::getCurrentModifierState()
Jun 24 20:41:50 debianPC opera.desktop[1938]: [0624/204150:ERROR:PlatformKeyboardEvent.cpp(117)] Not implemented reached in static PlatformEvent::Modifiers blink::PlatformKeyboardEvent::getCurrentModifierState()
Jun 24 20:41:52 debianPC opera.desktop[1938]: [0624/204152:ERROR:PlatformKeyboardEvent.cpp(117)] Not implemented reached in static PlatformEvent::Modifiers blink::PlatformKeyboardEvent::getCurrentModifierState()
Jun 24 20:41:59 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:41:59 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:43:09 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:43:09 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:43:14 debianPC opera.desktop[1938]: [0624/204314:ERROR:PlatformKeyboardEvent.cpp(117)] Not implemented reached in static PlatformEvent::Modifiers blink::PlatformKeyboardEvent::getCurrentModifierState()
Jun 24 20:43:22 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:43:22 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:43:55 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:43:55 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:43:55 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:43:55 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:43:55 debianPC kde4-kdesystemsettings.desktop[2312]: QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave.
Jun 24 20:43:55 debianPC kde4-kdesystemsettings.desktop[2312]: QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave.
Jun 24 20:43:55 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:43:55 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:43:55 debianPC kde4-kdesystemsettings.desktop[2312]: Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"
Jun 24 20:43:55 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:43:55 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:43:55 debianPC kde4-kdesystemsettings.desktop[2312]: Object::connect: No such signal org::freedesktop::UPower::DeviceAdded(QString)
Jun 24 20:43:55 debianPC kde4-kdesystemsettings.desktop[2312]: Object::connect: No such signal org::freedesktop::UPower::DeviceRemoved(QString)
Jun 24 20:44:10 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:44:10 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:45:14 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:45:14 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:45:15 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:45:15 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:45:15 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:45:15 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:45:15 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:45:15 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:45:15 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:45:15 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:45:15 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:45:16 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:45:16 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:45:16 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:45:16 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:46:01 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:46:01 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:46:13 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:46:13 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:46:14 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:46:14 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:46:55 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:46:55 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:47:26 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:47:26 debianPC gnome-session[1138]: (gnome-shell:1273): Clutter-CRITICAL **: clutter_actor_set_child_above_sibling: assertion 'child->priv->parent == self' failed
Jun 24 20:47:26 debianPC opera.desktop[1938]: [0624/204726:ERROR:PlatformKeyboardEvent.cpp(117)] Not implemented reached in static PlatformEvent::Modifiers blink::PlatformKeyboardEvent::getCurrentModifierState()
Jun 24 20:47:27 debianPC opera.desktop[1938]: [0624/204727:ERROR:PlatformKeyboardEvent.cpp(117)] Not implemented reached in static PlatformEvent::Modifiers blink::PlatformKeyboardEvent::getCurrentModifierState()
Ich überlege aber gerade, das System vielleicht neu zu installieren um dann nur GNOME zu installieren. Ansonsten werde ich wahrscheinlich dauernd hin und her wechseln. Außerdem hab ich jetzt Programme von drei Desktopumgebungen hier installiert... mal sehen. Wie installiert man eine minimal-Installation. Debian kommt mir mit zu viel Zeug im Schlepptau.
Ich denke ich installiere es nochmal neu.
RE: Von Windows auf Linux - die Umsteiger - mowny - 25.06.2016, 01:58
(24.06.2016)SaveDerpy schrieb: Also im "message"-Log steht nichts, was mit meinem Problem zu tun hat glaube ich.
Mir fällt da jetzt nur auf, daß gnome und KDE beide was mit DBus machen wollen.
Ansonsten versuch mal /var/log/syslog.
RE: Von Windows auf Linux - die Umsteiger - Nebulous - 25.06.2016, 09:13
Soo aktueller Stand:
Debian 8.5 neu installiert.
GNOME als Desktopumgebung.
Jetzt ist da nicht mehr so viel Müll mitinstalliert und ich habe keine Qual der Wahl.
Aktuelle Probleme:
Audioausgabe immer noch mit winzigen Aussetzern:
Ich habe bemerkt, dass auch hier anscheinend angenommen wird, dass ein Kabel kurz raus und wieder reingesteckt wird, weshalb es immer zu diesen kurzen Aussetzern kommt. Diese Aussetzer sind aber gerade mal ein paar Millisekunden lang.
Ich bemerke, dass ich oft bei der Installation von ganz einfachen Programmen im Internet nachschauen muss. Das ist etwas gewöhnungsbedürftig.
Bei Windows: Herunterladen -- Installieren -- Fertig
Bei Debian (Linux): Herunterladen -- Versuchen zu Installieren -- Problem finden -- Im Internet danach suchen -- Lösung testen -- Fertig
RE: Von Windows auf Linux - die Umsteiger - CloudsdaleCompanion - 25.06.2016, 09:55
Unter Gnome kannst du Software auch vom Software Center herunterladen. Ist dann quasi wie am Handy.
RE: Von Windows auf Linux - die Umsteiger - 404compliant - 25.06.2016, 14:30
(25.06.2016)SaveDerpy schrieb: Ich bemerke, dass ich oft bei der Installation von ganz einfachen Programmen im Internet nachschauen muss. Das ist etwas gewöhnungsbedürftig.
Ich würde raten, das Installieren von Programmen von irgendwo möglichst zu vermeiden. Da findet man meist entweder Binär-Programme, die Distributions-unabhängig, und damit sehr schlecht ins eigene System integrierbar sind, oder Quelltext-Programme, die man erst selbst übersetzen muss, was nicht ohne Handarbeit (zb. bei den Abhängigkeiten, oder bei inkompatiblen Bibliotheken) abläuft, und am Ende steht ein Install-Prozess, bei dem niemand mehr nachvollziehen kann, wohin sich die Software im System verteilt, und welche Teile des Systems dabei gnadenlos überschrieben werden.
Am Besten fährt man mit Paket-Repositories, in deinem Fall das von Debian mit seinen über 57000 Paketen, die sind alle sauber auf das System angepasst worden, und sollten für fast jede Anwendung das passende dabei haben. Wenn das nicht reicht, gibt es externe Paket-Repositories für Debian, die noch mehr Software enthalten. Am Besten einfach mal nach Programmname + Debian suchen, da finden sich bestimmt Tipps. Und wenn das alte Lieblingsprogramm nicht dabei sein sollte, ruhig mal nach Alternativen suchen und sich darauf einlassen.
Soll es partout ein bestimmtes Programm sein, am Besten nach kompatiblen Paketen Ausschau halten, in diesem Fall .deb Pakete, bevorzugt für Debian, Ubuntu-Pakete funktionieren teilweise aber auch.
Ein derart sauber gehaltenes Debian dankt es einem durch langfristige Stabilität. Meine ältesten Installationen starteten vor 12 Jahren als Debian 3.1 (testing), und wurden seit dem nur mithilfe von Upgrades weiter geführt, und schnurren bis heute als Debian 9 (testing), ohne Alterungserscheinungen.
RE: Von Windows auf Linux - die Umsteiger - Bydlo - 25.06.2016, 15:09
Gnome 3 ist eine schreckliche Desktopumgebung für jene Leute, die zwar keinen Mac, sich aber trotzdem zu hart von Windows distanzieren wollen. Cinnamon ist da viel angenehmer, hat alle Funktionen von GNOME3, ist aber optisch viel intuitiver aufgebaut.
Und Installieren ist doch ganz einfach. Installationspfad in die Repositoty eintragen falls der Paketmanager nichts findet (wird meistens auf der jeweiligen Heimseite erklärt) und über die Repo installieren.
Der ganze Ärger mit Windows-Exetutables ist mir da viel nervenraubender, zumal man Probleme viel schlechter findet weil der ganze kram nicht global verwaltet wird sondern jeder Prozess seine Extrawurst braucht.
Allgein würde ich eher zu Mint raten. Es hat alle ziemlich Ubuntu-Resourcen (sehr gut dokumentiert) und man lernt ständig was dazu. An Debian kann man sich später immernoch rantrauen.
RE: Von Windows auf Linux - die Umsteiger - Neptune PurpleHeart - 25.06.2016, 15:12
Mint ist aber relativ instabil und zickig, ich würde dazu raten Cinnamon unter nem *buntu oder gar unter Elementary nachzuinstallieren. Dann hat man Cinnamon mit dem man viel anstellen kann aber zur Not noch was anderes. Und man ist diese rumgurkereien von Mint los, bei mir lief das nie stabil.
Gesendet von meinem PipBuck 3000 mit Tapatalk
RE: Von Windows auf Linux - die Umsteiger - Nebulous - 25.06.2016, 15:33
Ja... ich habe gerade echt massive Probleme hier mit Debian. Mir fällt auch auf, dass die Performanz ziemlich schlecht ist.
Vor allem das Gefühl dabei, wenn ich die Maus bewege ist irgendwie so... "anders"... als bei Windows oder sogar Ubuntu ich weiß nicht wie ich das beschreiben soll. Es ist teilweise so hakelig.
Ich hatte schon öfter Mint in den Gedanken. Aber mit Debian kenne ich mich eben ganz grundlegend schon aus und bei Mint eben noch nicht so ganz.
Aber einfacher ist es bestimmt.
(25.06.2016)404compliant schrieb: Soll es partout ein bestimmtes Programm sein, am Besten nach kompatiblen Paketen Ausschau halten, in diesem Fall .deb Pakete, bevorzugt für Debian, Ubuntu-Pakete funktionieren teilweise aber auch.
Selbst .deb Installationen laufen nicht immer sofort rund. Skype und Steam nur als Beispiel.
RE: Von Windows auf Linux - die Umsteiger - Nebulous - 25.06.2016, 16:12
Habe das Audioproblem jetzt lösen können. Es lag weder an Linux noch an den Treibern. Der Anschluss scheint kaputt zu sein, an der Rückseite.
Habe nun meine Kabel an der Front angeschlossen. Dort funktioniert es.
Unter Windows hat sich das nur nicht so bemerkbar gemacht, wie unter Linux.
Ich überlege aber doch, vielleicht auf Mint zu wechseln. Debian ist zwar echt toll, da man hier eine schöne große Auswahl an Desktopumgebungen und co. hat, aber es scheint nicht so geschmeidig zu funktionieren, wie z.B. Windows oder Ubuntu.
Da ich Ubuntu nicht ausstehen kann, werde ich mir Mint doch nochmal ansehen.
Welches Mint sollte ich dann eurer Meinung nach nehmen?
Mint mit...
RE: Von Windows auf Linux - die Umsteiger - chrodo - 25.06.2016, 17:05
Mint mit Cinnamon, obgleich es mit MATE wahrscheinlich am flüssigsten laufen würde
RE: Von Windows auf Linux - die Umsteiger - Nebulous - 25.06.2016, 17:13
(25.06.2016)chrodo schrieb: Mint mit Cinnamon, obgleich es mit MATE wahrscheinlich am flüssigsten laufen würde 
Vielen Dank.
Wie lange verwendest du eigentlich schon Linux? Du scheinst dich in diesem Bereich sehr gut auszukennen.
Welche Distribution verwendest du gerade? Wahrscheinlich Arch?
Arch schaue ich mir wieder an, wenn ich in zwei Wochen wieder Windows verwende. Dort dann in einer VM.
RE: Von Windows auf Linux - die Umsteiger - chrodo - 25.06.2016, 17:48
Seit 2009 nutze ich Linux durchgängig uns bereue es nicht.
Nope, aufm Desktop nutze ich Kubuntu 16.04, was ich rückblickend betrachtet lieber net installiert hätte.
Dafür läuft aufm Notebook Manjaro Linux(Basiert auf Arch) mit Gnome Shell, was ein sehr guten Mix aus Performance, Bequemlichkeit und Aktualität darstellt.
Vor allem KDE läuft unter Manjaro Linux um einiges flüssiger und stabiler als das momentane Kubuntu.
Wenn du unbedingt ein Debian-basierendes System haben willst, solltest du lieber zu einem *buntu in der 14.04 Version greifen. Die laufen um einiges flüssiger! 
Wenn du in Karlsruhe wohnen würdest, würde ich ja auch persönlich helfen mit meiner Linuxerfahrung, aber glaub da in der Nähe wohnste net
RE: Von Windows auf Linux - die Umsteiger - Nebulous - 25.06.2016, 18:19
(25.06.2016)chrodo schrieb: *buntu in der 14.04 Version greifen. Die laufen um einiges flüssiger! 
Ich habe bereits Ubuntu und Kubuntu ausprobiert. Entweder läuft es wie Müll oder sieht schrecklich aus.
Mint basiert ja auf Ubuntu und damit ja auch auf Debian. Ich mag zwar so viel rumgetue an einem bestehenden System nicht, aber dafür soll ja Mint ganz gut laufen.
Ich habe mir Mint mit Cinnamon mal gebrannt und werde es gleich installieren.