The Immortal Game, von AestheticB
Long ago, in the magical land of Equestria, there lived a powerful King and his dark Queen. Immortal and ignorant, their end came at the hooves of their daughters, Celestia and Luna, who sought to build a better future for ponykind.
Now ponykind’s old gods have returned.
Twilight Sparkle is trapped inside her own mind, slave to a cruel and impulsive consciousness built from everything she is not. Powerless and voiceless, she must find a way to stop the being that calls itself Nihilus from destroying everything she holds dear.
Luna is tasked with assembling the remaining Elements of Harmony in hopes of freeing their leader. For if ponykind is to have any hope, it is in Twilight Sparkle. And if Twilight Sparkle is to have any hope, it is in her five friends.
Facing her father in mortal combat, Celestia must do everything she can to ensure that ponykind has the tools to survive before she falls. With inevitable defeat bearing down upon her, she makes the first move in the oldest and deadliest game known to creation.
Meine absolute Lieblingsfanfic, und ich habe Fallout Equestria gelesen.
Wie die Tags schon andeuten, ist die Fic mitunter
sehr dunkel. Nicht Cupcakes/gore-dunkel, sondern eher hoffnungslos/mindrape dunkel, fühlt euch gewarnt.
(Wobei es alles in Allem
viel harmloser als Rainbowfactory und Cupcakes ist)
Die Story führt tolle Charaktere ein, hat großartigen Humor und weiß, wie man die mane 6 zu schreiben hat.
Jeder, der etwas für epische Storys übrig hat, sollte zumindest einmal reinschauen.
Für alle, die keine Zeit/Lust haben die Fanfic zu lesen, gibt es
hier auch ein gutes Reading von Raven Feathers.
So, jetzt seid
ihr an der Reihe.
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Kennt ihr die Fic vieleicht sogar schon?
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