03.06.2014 |
Squid Girl ღ

Great and Powerful

Beiträge: 388
Registriert seit: 16. Apr 2014
Englisch-Referat: Mondlandung
Hey Leutz!
Ich soll bis zum 11. Juni ein Englisch-Referat vortragen und dazu konnte ich mir ein Thema aussuchen. Also hab ich mal spontan die Mondlandung gewählt. 
Und nun wollte ich mal fragen, was ihr davon haltet, da mein Englisch manchmal so seine Hochs und Tiefs hat. ![[Bild: pc-flushy.png]](https://smilies.bronies.de/smiley/102Fluttershy/pc-flushy.png) Ich hab jetzt zwar 3h dran gearbeitet am Stück gerade aber es ist noch nicht fertig. Es fehlt noch der Teil mit der Mondlandung und eventuell will ich noch Verschwörungstheorien ansprechen aber dafür hab ich ja jetzt ne Woche Zeit. Dachte nähmlich, dass ich das bis morgen (4. Juni) fertig haben muss. 
Ich bedanke mich schon mal wenn jemand drüber schaut. ![[Bild: cl-fs-wink.png]](https://smilies.bronies.de/smiley/102Fluttershy/cl-fs-wink.png)
Und by the way ich gehe in die 10te Klasse einer Realschule.
Since the excistence of humanity, humans looked up to the stars. But hundred of years ago we didn't know what was there. We only saw the light of stars far away or planets in our own solar system. The space seemed just unreachable.
But later we discoverd that the earth is just a giant globular rock, floating around our sun and is pulling us down with its gravity. Then space had become interesting. Indeed we didn't have the technology and 'know-how' to just fly away and visit our moon or other planets. But this had changed in an not so gleeful event.
The invention of the first ground to ground ballistic missile by the germans.
'Aggregat 4' or 'A4' was it called and 'Vergeltunswaffe 2' short 'V2' was it praised by the nazi propaganda at the time of 'World War 2'. Wernher Magnus Maximillian Freiherr von Braun invented this rocket in 1944. This rocket could reach a high up to 84.5 km. So the 'A4' rocket was not able to fly to the moon or even reach a save orbit besides, travelling by a ballistic rocket is not the best way. But it was the beginning of serious rockets which could fly around the earth.
After the end of 'World War 2', the winners, took the greatest minds and technologies from the germans. With that knowledge and the german scientists both, the 'USA' and the 'Sovjet Union' had copied their own 'A4' rockets. And the sovjets launched the first probe named 'Sputnik 1' into earth's orbit on 4th october 1957. Actually they named their first 10 probes 'Sputnik' 1 to 10. Later the sovjets launched the first man, 'Juri Gagarin' into space. He orbited the earth in around 100 minutes by the spacecraft 'Wostok 1' at the 12. april 1961. The 'USA' hadn't acomplished such a goal untill ten months later in ferbruary 1962. Now the USA was technological behind the Sovjet Union. With that the 'Space Race' between the two 'Cold War' rivals USA and Sovjet Union had started.
At may 25th 1961, only one and a half months after Juri Gagarin's flight, the US president John F. Kennedy made a famous speech. He said: “I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth. No single space project in this period will be more impressive to mankind, or more important for the long-range exploration of space and none will be so difficult or expensive to accomplish.” And with that, the Apollo program had launched.
As the americans planned the travel to the moon, they created four concepts to acomplish that.
The first one was to fly by a one part spacecraft. It should start, land and return as a whole rocket.
The second, the Earth Orbit Rendezvous, EOR concept said that the rocket should be build from two parts in earth's orbit. Then like the first, the whole spacecraft should land on the moon and return as one piece.
The Lunar Orbit Rendezvous said that when the spacecraft once has reached the moon orbit, it split up into two parts. Then
the lander part lands on the moon, flies back to the second part of the spacecraft then both return to earth as a whole.
The fourth concept meant a landing nearby a fuelstation which has landed on the surface before. Then the crew would have to refuel their lander and fly back to earth.
The fourth concept was rejected first. Then they rejected the first concept because it was unrealistic, since the carrier system must have been much more bigger than the 'Saturn 5' rocket, which was later built and already the biggest and most powerful carrier system every created. The EOR concept got rejected too because it was too expensive since they would have to launch up to 15 rockets to build the lander in space. Eventually they decided to build a rocket optimized for the LOR concept.
04.06.2014 |
Great and Powerful

Beiträge: 327
Registriert seit: 13. Feb 2014
RE: Englisch-Referat: Mondlandung
Mal sehen was ich tun kann, aber ich muss dich gleich warnen. Das ganze passiert ein wenig nebenbei und ich werde bestimmt das ein oder andere übersehen
Since the excistence of humanity,
[klingt so seltsam, besser: All through human history...]
humans looked up to the stars. But hundredsof years ago we didn't know what was there. We only saw the light of stars far away or planets in our own solar system. The space seemed just unreachable.
But later we discoverd that the earth is just a giant globular rock, floating around our sun and is pulling us down with its gravity. Then space had become interesting. Indeed we didn't have
the technology and 'know-how' to just fly away and visit our moon or other planets.
[Streng genommen so nicht falsch auf den ersten Blick (Horch ^^) klingt es aber so, als würdest du den Mond als Planeten bezeichnen]
But this had changed in
[ich würde with schreiben]
an not so gleeful event.
The invention of the first ground to ground ballistic missile by the germans.
[Länder und deren Einwohner werden, glaube ich groß geschrieben, schau da aber lieber nochmal irgendwo nach]
'Aggregat 4' or 'A4' was it called and 'Vergeltunswaffe 2' short 'V2' was it praised by the nazi propaganda at the time of 'World War 2'.
[solltest du es vortragen müssen, achte darauf, dass das two ausgesprochen wird, viel zu viele bauen da irgendwie second ein ![Facehoof Facehoof]() ]
Wernher Magnus Maximillian Freiherr von Braun invented this rocket in 1944. This rocket could reach a high up to 84.5 km. So the 'A4' rocket was not able to fly to the moon or even reach a save orbit besides, travelling by a ballistic rocket is not the best way. But it was the beginning of serious rockets which could fly around the earth.
After the end of 'World War 2', the winners, took the greatest minds and technologies from the germans. With that knowledge and the german scientists both, the 'USA' and the 'Sovjet Union' had copied their own 'A4' rockets. And the sovjets launched the first probe named 'Sputnik 1' into earth's orbit on 4th october 1957. Actually they named their first 10 probes 'Sputnik' 1 to 10. Later the sovjets launched the first man, 'Juri Gagarin' into space. He orbited the earth in around 100 minutes by the spacecraft 'Wostok 1' at the 12. april 1961. The 'USA' hadn't acomplished such a goal untill ten months later in ferbruary 1962. Now the USA was technological behind the Sovjet Union. With that the 'Space Race' between the two 'Cold War' rivals USA and Sovjet Union had started.
At may 25th 1961, only one and a half months after Juri Gagarin's flight, the US president John F. Kennedy made a famous speech. He said: “I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth. No single space project in this period will be more impressive to mankind, or more important for the long-range exploration of space and none will be so difficult or expensive to accomplish.” And with that, the Apollo program had launched.
As the americans planned the travel to the moon, they created four concepts to acomplish that.
The first one was to fly by a one part spacecraft. It should start, land and return as a whole rocket.
The second, the Earth Orbit Rendezvous
[sieht in 'Anführungsstrichen' einfach besser aus, finde ich ^^]
, EOR concept said that the rocket should be build from two parts in earth's orbit. Then like the first, the whole spacecraft should land on the moon and return as one piece.
The Lunar Orbit Rendezvous said that when the spacecraft once has reached the moon orbit, it split up into two parts. Then
[Der Absatz hier war bestimmt ein Unfall]
the lander part
[top part, oder geht die Bedeutung hier richting Anführer?]
lands on the moon, flies back to the second part of the spacecraft then both return to earth as a whole.
The fourth concept meant a landing nearby a fuelstation which has landed on the surface before. Then the crew would have to refuel their lander and fly back to earth.
The fourth concept was rejected first. Then they rejected
[Wortwiederholung. Wird schwer zu vermeiden sein, such aber lieber ein Synonym, so ist das schlechter Stil]
the first concept because it was unrealistic, since the carrier system must have been much more bigger than the 'Saturn 5' rocket, which was later built and already the biggest and most powerful carrier system every created.
[ ever created]
The EOR concept got rejected too because it was too expensive since they would have to launch up to 15 rockets to build the lander in space. Eventually they decided to build a rocket optimized for the LOR concept.
Klingt aber alles in Allem nicht schlecht
04.06.2014 |
Blue Sparkle
Beiträge: 11.615
Registriert seit: 22. Mär 2012
RE: Englisch-Referat: Mondlandung
Ich gehe explizit nicht auf die Sachen ein, die mein vorposter angemerkt hat (es sei denn ich bin komplett anderer Meinung) schließlich muss ja nicht alles doppelt sein.
Since the excistence of humanity, humans looked up to the stars. But hundred of years ago we didn't know what was there. We only saw the light of stars far away or planets in our own solar system. The space seemed just unreachable.
But later we discoverd that the earth is just a giant globular rock, floating around our sun and is pulling us down [besser: "pulling us down" also "and is" weglassen. Klingt einfach besser.]with its gravity. [ Since]Then space had become [besser: became]interesting. Indeed we didn't have the technology and 'know-how' to just fly away and visit our moon or other planets. But this had changed [besser: changed; wechsel zwischendurch nicht von simple past zu past perfect und zurück, wenn es nicht auch vorzeitig ist] in an not so gleeful event.
The invention of the first ground to ground ballistic missile by the germans.
'Aggregat 4' or 'A4' was it called and 'Vergeltunswaffe 2' short 'V2' was it praised by the nazi propaganda at the time of 'World War 2'. Wernher Magnus Maximillian Freiherr von Braun invented this rocket in 1944. This rocket [besser: it] could [besser: was able to] reach a height up to 84.5 km. So the 'A4' rocket was not able to fly to the moon or even reach a save orbit besides, travelling by a ballistic rocket is not the best way. But it was the beginning of serious rockets which could fly around the earth.
After the end of 'World War 2', the winners, took the greatest minds and technologies from the germans. With that knowledge and the german scientists both, the 'USA' and the 'Sovjet Union' had copied their own 'A4' rockets. And the sovjets launched the first probe named 'Sputnik 1' into earth's orbit on 4th october 1957. Actually they named their first 10 probes 'Sputnik' 1 to 10. Later the sovjets launched the first man, 'Juri Gagarin' into space. He orbited the earth in around 100 minutes by the spacecraft 'Wostok 1' at the 12. april 1961. The 'USA' hadn't acomplished such a goal untill ten months later in ferbruary 1962. Now the USA was technological behind the Sovjet Union. With that the 'Space Race' between the two 'Cold War' rivals USA and Sovjet Union had started.
[Tatsächlich haben sich die meisten Deutschen Forscher aus Peenemünde freiwillig mit samt ihren Forschungsergebnissen den Amerikanern ergeben um nicht in Sovietische Gefangenschaft zu geraten. Die Raketen, die die Soviets hochgeschossen haben sind im wesentlichen von Sergei Korolijow https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sergei_Paw...h_Koroljow unter zuhilfenahme der deutschen Konstruktionen entstanden.]
At may 25th 1961, only one and a half months after Juri Gagarin's flight, the US president John F. Kennedy made a famous speech. He said: “I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth. No single space project in this period will be more impressive to mankind, or more important for the long-range exploration of space and none will be so difficult or expensive to accomplish.” And with that, the Apollo program had launched.
As the americans planned the travel to the moon, they created four concepts to acomplish that.
The first one was to fly by a one part spacecraft. It should start, land and return as a whole rocket.
The second, the Earth Orbit Rendezvous, EOR concept said that the rocket should be build from two parts in earth's orbit. Then like the first, the whole spacecraft should land on the moon and return as one piece.
The Lunar Orbit Rendezvous said that when the spacecraft once has reached the moon orbit, it split up into two parts. Then
the lander part lands on the moon, flies back to the second part of the spacecraft then both return to earth as a whole.
The fourth concept meant a landing nearby a fuelstation which has landed on the surface before. Then the crew would have to refuel their lander and fly back to earth.
The fourth concept was rejected first. Then they rejected the first concept because it was unrealistic, since the carrier system must have been much more bigger than the 'Saturn 5' rocket, which was later built and already the biggest and most powerful carrier system every created. The EOR concept got rejected too because it was too expensive since they would have to launch up to 15 rockets to build the lander in space. Eventually they decided to build a rocket optimized for the LOR concept.
![[Bild: 00528cd316.png]](http://puu.sh/9gxo4/00528cd316.png)
04.06.2014 |
Squid Girl ღ

Great and Powerful

Beiträge: 388
Registriert seit: 16. Apr 2014
RE: Englisch-Referat: Mondlandung
Wow. An manchen Stellen waren schon etwas idiotische Rechtschreibfehler. Auf jeden Fall danke für die Hilfe. Ich werde es dann komplett fertig und korrigiert wahrscheinlich am Wochenende hier noch mal reinschreiben, falls es jemanden interessieren sollte.
Wtf. Bin grad etwas zu blöd zum Post editieren und zitiere den stattdessen xD
Liegt wahrscheinlich auch etwas an leichter Übermüdung.
09.06.2014 |
Squid Girl ღ

Great and Powerful

Beiträge: 388
Registriert seit: 16. Apr 2014
RE: Englisch-Referat: Mondlandung
Since the excistence of humanity, humans looked up to the stars. But hundreds of years ago we didn't know what was there. We only saw the light of stars far away or planets in our own solar system. The space seemed just unreachable.
But later we discoverd that the earth is just a giant globular rock, floating around our sun and is pulling us down with its gravity. Since space had became interesting. Indeed we didn't had the technology and know-how to just fly away and visit our moon and other planets. But this changed in an not so gleeful event.
The invention of the first ground to ground ballistic missile by the Germans.
Aggregat 4 or A4 was it called and Vergeltunswaffe 2, short V2 was it praised by the nazi propaganda at the time of World War 2. Wernher Magnus Maximillian Freiherr von Braun invented this rocket in 1944. It rocket could reach a height up to 84.5 km. So the A4 rocket was not able to fly to the moon or even reach a save orbit besides, travelling by a ballistic rocket is not the best way. But it was the beginning of serious rockets which could fly around the earth.
After the end of World War 2, the winners, took the greatest minds and technologies from the Germans. Most of the scientists fleed to the US and the rest got captured by the UDSSR. With that knowledge and the german scientists both, the USA and the Sovjet Union had copied their own A4 rockets. And the Sovjets launched the first probe named Sputnik 1 into earth's orbit on 4th october 1957. Later the Sovjets launched the first man, 'Juri Gagarin' into space. He orbited the earth in around 100 minutes by the spacecraft Wostok 1 at the 12. april 1961. Now the USA was technological behind the Sovjet Union. The USA hadn't acomplished such a goal till ten months later in ferbruary 1962. With that the Space Race between the two Cold War rivals USA and Sovjet Union had started.
At may 25th 1961, only one and a half months after Juri Gagarin's flight, the US president John F. Kennedy made a famous speech. He said: “I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth. No single space project in this period will be more impressive to mankind, or more important for the long-range exploration of space and none will be so difficult or expensive to accomplish.” And with that, the Apollo program had launched.
As the Americans planned the travel to the moon, they created four concepts to acomplish that.
The first one was to fly by a one part spacecraft. It should start, land and return as a whole rocket.
The second, the Earth Orbit Rendezvous, EOR concept said that the rocket should be build from two parts in earth's orbit. Then like the first, the whole spacecraft should land on the moon and return as one piece.
The Lunar Orbit Rendezvous said that when the spacecraft once has reached the moon orbit, it split up into two parts. Then the Lunar Module lands on the moon, flies back to the Command Modile of the spacecraft then only the Command Module returns to earth.
The fourth concept meant a landing nearby a fuelstation which has landed on the surface before. Then the crew would have to refuel their lander and fly back to earth.
The fourth concept was rejected first. Then the first concept disapproved because it was unrealistic, since the carrier system must have been much more bigger than the Saturn 5 rocket, which was later built and already the biggest and most powerful carrier system ever created. The EOR concept got rejected too because it was too expensive since they would have to launch up to 15 rockets to build the spacecraft in space. Eventually they decided to build a rocket optimized for the LOR concept.
The Apollo program was divided into the missions A to G. Mission G was planned to be the landing on the moon. The other missions were mostly tests of the rockets and equipment. H to J were additional missions which were supposed for research. The planning of mission G, or Apollo 11 began in 1965.
The crew of Apollo 11 was Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins and Buzz Aldrin. The commander was Neil Armstrong. He was a combat aricraft pilot at the US Navy before he joined the NASA as a testpilot. Pilot of the Lunar Module was Edwin Buzz Aldrin. He was in the Air Force and helped in the Korean War. Pilot of the Command Module was Michael Collins. He was in a combat jet pilot in the US Air Force.
Then finally at July 16. 1969 1.32 pm UTC Apollo 11 launched in Cape Canaveral, Florida. The spacecraft reached as planned after twelve minutes earth's orbit. After one and a half earth orbits, the third stage of the rocket had been restarted after it was shut down as it reached earth's orbit. It burned for six minutes and brang the spacecraft into a course to the moon. Three days later they reached the moon and decelerated to stay in the moon orbit. Aldrin transfered himself to the Lunar Module. One hour, after he started the systems of the Lander, Armstrong followed him. Collins remaind in the Commander Module. Now the Lander flew down to the moon. On the way to the surface the had some
issues with the bord computer. They were caused because the Rendezvous Radar was still on but not needed for the landing. Also the autopilot flew the lander into a crater with big rocks. Armstrong took the control of the spacecraft and landed the Lunar Module 60m fourther west on a flat spot. At 8.17pm UTC at July 20. 1969 announced Armstrong: "Houston, Tranguility Base here. The Eagle has landed!"
Around 6 hours later, after some preparations, Neil Armstrong steped onto moon and spoke his famous sentence: "That's one small step of man, one giant leap for manking!" 20 minutes later, Buzz Aldrin followed the first man on the moon. After they placed the US flag and some scientific instruments, they returned to the Lunar Module. The flight back to the Command Module was smooth and took four hours. Armstrong and Aldrin went to Collins in the Command Module. The Lunar Module was decoupled and the Command Module with Armstrond Aldrin and Collins flew back to earth and landed safe and sound in the pacific and were brought back by the ship USS Hornet.
At the same time of the Apollo missions, the USDSSR planned same missions to land on the moon. But the carrier system that the built, exploded at all four test starts before it reached the earth orbit. That tests were between the 1969 and 1972. Because of that and the fact, that the USA landed already on the moon, the Sovjets cancelled the missions.
So endlich damit fertig.  Aber jetzt kann ich erstmal bis Mittwoch chilln.
10.06.2014 |
Squid Girl ღ

Great and Powerful

Beiträge: 388
Registriert seit: 16. Apr 2014
RE: Englisch-Referat: Mondlandung
Ja wegen den Rechtschreibfehlern.. Ich hab mich da schon mehrmals vertippt aber vorlesen würde ich es richtig. Und das Bild ist auch mal geil xD
10.06.2014 |
Squid Girl ღ

Great and Powerful

Beiträge: 388
Registriert seit: 16. Apr 2014
RE: Englisch-Referat: Mondlandung
So ich hab noch mal genau drüber gesehen und mal korrigiert...
Since the excistence of humanity, humans looked up to the stars. But hundreds of years ago we didn't know what was there. We only saw the light of stars far away or planets in our own solar system. The space seemed just unreachable.
But later we discoverd that the earth is just a giant globular rock, floating around our sun and is pulling us down with its gravity. Since space had became interesting. Indeed we didn't had the technology and know-how to just fly away and visit our moon or other planets. But this changed in an not so gleeful event.
The invention of the first ground to ground ballistic missile by the Germans.
Aggregat 4 or A4 was it called and Vergeltunswaffe 2, short V2 was it praised by the nazi propaganda at the time of World War 2. Wernher Magnus Maximillian Freiherr von Braun invented this rocket in 1944. It could reach a height up to 84.5 km. So the A4 rocket was not able to fly to the moon or even reach a save orbit, besides travelling by a ballistic rocket is not the best way. But it was the beginning of serious rockets which could fly around the earth.
After the end of World War 2, the winners took the greatest minds and technologies from the Germans. Most of the scientists fleed to the US and the rest got captured by the UdSSR. With that knowledge and the german scientists both, the USA and the Sovjet Union had copied their own A4 rockets. Based on that knowledge, the Sovjets built a rocket powerful enough to reach a save orbit around earth. And Sputnik 1 was the first human build probe in space, launched by the Sovjets on 4th october 1957. Later the Sovjets launched the first man, Juri Gagarin into space. He orbited the earth in around 100 minutes by the spacecraft Wostok 1 on the 12th april 1961. Now the USA was technological behind the Sovjet Union. The USA hadn't acomplished such a goal till ten months later in february 1962. With that the Space Race between the two Cold War rivals USA and Sovjet Union had started.
On may 25th 1961, only one and a half months after Juri Gagarin's flight, the US president John F. Kennedy made a famous speech in which he said: “I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth. No single space project in this period will be more impressive to mankind, or more important for the long-range exploration of space and none will be so difficult or expensive to accomplish.” And with that, the Apollo program had launched.
As the Americans planned the travel to the moon, they created four concepts to acomplish that.
The first one was to fly by a one part spacecraft. It should start, land and return as a whole rocket.
The second, the Earth Orbit Rendezvous, EOR concept said that the rocket should be build from two parts in earth's orbit. Then like the first, the whole spacecraft should land on the moon and return as one piece.
The Lunar Orbit Rendezvous, LOR concept said that when the spacecraft once has reached the moon orbit, it would decouple a Lunar Module which should land on the moon and later fly back to the Command Module of the spacecraft then only the Command Module returns to earth.
The fourth concept meant a landing nearby a fuelstation which has landed on the surface before. Then the crew would have to refuel their lander and fly back to earth.
The fourth concept was rejected first. Then the first concept disapproved because it was unrealistic, since the carrier system must have been much more bigger than the Saturn 5 rocket, which was later built and already the biggest and most powerful carrier system ever created. The EOR concept got rejected too because it was too expensive since they would have to launch up to 15 rockets to build the spacecraft in space. Eventually they decided to build a rocket optimized for the LOR concept.
The Apollo program was divided into the missions A to G. Mission G was planned to be the landing on the moon. The other missions were mostly tests of the rockets and equipment. H to J were additional missions which were supposed for research. The planning of mission G, or Apollo 11 began in 1965.
The crew of Apollo 11 was Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins and Buzz Aldrin. The commander was Neil Armstrong. He was a combat aricraft pilot at the US Navy before he joined the NASA as a testpilot. Pilot of the Lunar Module was Edwin Buzz Aldrin. He was in the Air Force and helped in the Korean War. Pilot of the Command Module was Michael Collins. He was a combat jet pilot in the US Air Force.
Then finally on July 16th 1969 1.32 pm UTC, Apollo 11 launched in Cape Canaveral, Florida. The spacecraft reached as planned after twelve minutes earth's orbit. After one and a half earth orbits, the third stage of the rocket had been restarted after it was shut down as it reached earth's orbit. It burned for six minutes and brang the spacecraft into a course to the moon. Three days later they reached the moon and decelerated to stay in moon's orbit. Aldrin transfered himself to the Lunar Module. One hour later, after he started the systems of the Lander, Armstrong followed him.
Collins remaind in the Command Module. Now the Lander flew down to the moon. On the way to the surface they had some issues with the bord computer that were caused by the Rendezvous Radar which was still on but not needed for the landing. Also the autopilot flew the lander into a crater with big rocks. Armstrong took the control of the spacecraft and landed the Lunar Module 60m further west on a flat spot. At 8.17 pm UTC on the 20th July 1969 announced Armstrong: "Houston, Tranguility Base here. The Eagle has landed!"
Around 6 hours later, after some preparations, Neil Armstrong steped onto moon and spoke his famous sentence: "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind!". 20 minutes later, Buzz Aldrin followed the first man on the moon. After they placed the US flag and some scientific instruments, they returned to the Lunar Module. The flight back to the Command Module was smooth and took four hours. Armstrong and Aldrin went to Collins in the Command Module. The Lunar Module was decoupled and the Command Module with Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins flew back to earth and landed safe and sound in the pacific and were brought back by the ship USS Hornet.
At the same time of the Apollo missions, the UdSSR planned same missions to land on the moon. But the carrier system that they built, exploded at all four test starts before it reached the earth orbit. That tests were between the 1969 and 1972. Because of that and the fact, that the USA already landed on the moon, the Sovjets cancelled the missions.