Ultra Rares:
1x Ship Shape
2x Zecora
1x Philomena
1x princess Celestia, Ray of Sunshine
2x Fluttershy, Monster Tamer
2x Princess Luna Mane, Dream Catcher
3x Princess Celestia Mane, Equestrian Leader
1x Bulk Biceps
1x Granny Smith
1x DJ Pon-3 (nur evtl)
1x Princess Luna, Mare in the Moon
1x Twilight, Noted Speaker
1x Fancy Pants (nur evtl.)
1x Sweetie Belle
1x Princess Celestia, Protector of Equestria
1x The Element of Kindness
1x The Element of Magic
Rares und Fixed:
http://ponyhead.com/deckbuilder?v1code=p...x2-cn172x1 (viele die da 3x stehen hab ich auch bis zu 6 mal xD)
Commons und Uncommons beider serien MASSIG auf lager
Foils, Urlras und Promos:
http://ponyhead.com/deckbuilder?v1code=p...x1-cn203x1 (und Fluttershy safe heaven, Back were you began, eeyup, stand still, assault cake, luna night mare, in your dreams)
Rares und Fixed: