1. To begin with: tell something about you – just nickname (or real name), age and how long are you a brony. Of course, if you would like to add something, you can.
I'm (as you can see) Blue Sparkle, 22 years old, Supermoderator on Bronies.de and president of the Bronies Bayern e.V. I'm Brony since March 2013. I like to write and translate MLP Fanfictions.
2. How much bronies is there in your country? Are they teenagers, students or adults? More men or women?
Quiet a lot. I know several in all areas of Germany, and in all levels of society.
3. How old is fandom? I mean, when it started to grow?
It really startet in 2011 I think.
4. Where do you meet? On facebook or some other website?
We use this Website and the "Treffen" ("Meet Up") Part of the forum.
5. How about ponymeets, meetups or however you call them? Do you have them? If you do – how often and where – just in big cities or in small towns too? How much people come? Do you have something bigger, like conventions, too?
Yes we have plenty of them all over germany. If you want you can go almost every week on a Meet up in your region. Most happens in the bigger cities, but it starts also to spread to the countryside.
Most Meetups have around 20 pariticants. But there are also smaller with around 10 oder bigger like the "Lunafest" with much more than 100 participants.
The biggest one is of course the Galacon at Stuttgart.
6. Do you have any musicans in the fandom in your country? Are they also popular abroad? How about artists or creators of animations and pony music videos? And, at last, fanficitons – does anyone write it in your fandom? What are the most popular ones?
Does anyone translate fanfictions from English to your native language?
Musicians ... i don't know.
But we have lots of artists, writers and producers of customs. I never counted them, but it appears to me, that there are hundreds.
We have a
list of all fanfictions written from artists here at the forum.
And yes, there are translaters. For Example, I do so.
7. Some countries have a pony which symbolized it – like Queen Poland (
http://kocurzyca.deviantart.com/art/Quee...-313347327 ). Do you have one too?
Atm we are searching for a mascott for the forum.
8. How society reacts to bronies? They hate, like or ignore? In some countries there were articles about fandom in newspapers – did it occur in your country too?
there are all kinds of reactions. Most ist indifferent, but there are also haters and supporters.
9. Are pony gadgets, like plushies or blindbags, avaible in your country?
Blindbags are available all over the country. For Plushies, wie have some Sewers here at the forum.
10. Is there dubbing for MLP in your country? Do you like it? If there is no dubbing – would you like it to exist or not?
Yes, i think. But i don't know them.
11. Do you have some expectations for the future connected with development of fandom?
No. My expactations were never correct, so I give up to make new ones.
12. If you want to add something – write here. Thank you so much for help!
I'm glad to have the opportunity to tell you my point of view.