![[Bild: unnamed.png]](http://equidev.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/unnamed.png)
Informationen zum Spiel
HorseGame ist ein Open-World-Spiel welches an MLP FiM angelehnt ist und von Fans der Serie entwickelt wird. Das Spiel befindet sich momentan noch in der Entwicklungsphase, allerdings gibt es seit kurzem eine spielbare Demoversion. In der Demo übernimmt man die Rolle eines Unicorns mit magischen Fähigkeiten, und muss versuchen ein verstecktes Relikt zu bergen welches sich irgendwo auf einer Insel befindet. Unterwegs trifft man hierbei auf allerlei Gegner und bekämpft diese mit einem magischen Schwert und Zaubersprüchen. Durch das sammeln von Kristallen welche sich in Kisten und Fässern befinden kann man neue Zaubersprüche lernen und kombinieren. Außerdem kann man diverse Kleidungsstücke (z.B. Socken) finden und anlegen. Das Spiel basiert auf dem Unity3D - Free Engine und ist kostenlos als Demo erhätlich.
Links und Download
Equidev.net - Offiziele Webseite von HorseGame
HorseGame Demo (Windows)
HorseGame Demo (OSX)
HorseGame Demo (Linux)
Q: Is it really called "Horse Game"?
A: Yes.
Q: What engine does the game run on?
A: Unity3D - Free
Q: Why does the game run slow as ballz?
A: We are currently using Unity3D Free, which does not offer us much potential for optimization. Hopefully we will switch to the full version soon.
Q: Why are there bugs?
A: The game is not finished.
Q: Will there be multiplayer?
A: Multiplayer is coming, although it will not be a major component of the game for a while.
Q: What sort of multiplayer gameplay is planned?
A: The two main possibilities are Unreal-style arena battles, and Co-op in the story.
A: We currently don't plan on having character customization for singleplayer, but multiplayer may have that.
Q: Are you worried about a potential Cease and Desist letter?
A: The Horse Game uses all original or legally licensed assets, and we have discussed the matter with knowledgeable people. We're fine.
Q: Will this game be released in other languages?
A:That is not planned, but contact us if you are interested in helping with localization.
Q: Will this be a paid game in the future?
A: We hope to keep this game free for as long as our developers can feed themselves.
Q: When will the full game be released?
A: The game is too early in development for us to give any sort of estimate on this.
Q: What is the ESRB rating for Horsegame?
A: Rated PV for Pony Violence (13+)
Q: Can I play as a Pegasus/Earthpony/Griffon?
A: No. Although you may see NPCs as those races at some point.
Q: Will this game attempt Steam Greenlight?
A: That is not planned for any time soon.
Q: I uploaded a gameplay video to Youtube. Is it okay for me to monetize it?
A: Yes, you're free to do whatever you like with gameplay videos you create.