![[Bild: Zimni_Karaoke_Party_2024_banner_cz__by_MesuYoru.png]](https://www.czskbronies.cz/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/Zimni_Karaoke_Party_2024_banner_cz__by_MesuYoru.png)
13th Winter Karaoke Party 2024
When: 14th December 2024 (10:00-20:00)
Where: KD Krakov, Prag, Czech Republic (map)
Discussions: Czequestria Discord server, bronies.cz forum or this thread
News and updates: https://www.czskbronies.cz/en/
The fifth generation of My Little Pony has officially come to an end, and while we eagerly await what’s will happen next, it’s time for our annual meetup! The Winter Karaoke Party has been here for all MLP fans for thirteen years, regardless of age or events in the surrounding world.
Everyone who wants to enjoy fun with ponies in the run-up to Christmas is welcome! Whether you want to meet your friends from Czequestria (and other cons or meetups), or you want to experience the first-ever pony meetup to explore how the fun with little colorful ponies looks like.
If you do not know how Winter Karaoke Party goes, check out the photos and videos from all previous years. The meetup is suitable for participants of all ages (children under 12 have free entry).
So don't hesitate, mark the date in your calendars and enjoy the Christmas atmosphere with bronies & ponies!
In addition, to meet up with many other pony fans, you can look forward to:
- Music games My Little Karaoke (singing with ponies), My Little Rockband (playing in a band with ponies) with songs from MLP series, movies, and also made by fans and also DDR Trotmania (jumping with ponies), BeatSaber (Jedi knights with ponies) or PonyVRville (ponies in virtual reality); these games will run during the whole event.
- Christmas gift exchange for attendees (see below)
- Drawing and papercraft during the entire event
- Screening of various pony videos
- Singing together and group photo together
- Vendors with MLP merchandise
- Christmas atmosphere, themed decorations, ...
- ...and much more!
From the very beginning, our pre-Christmas meetup goes along with the unofficial motto "It's a meetup, not a con", which means, among other things, that meeting others is the main purpose of the event. And there is a place (and equipment) available for anypony who wants to prepare an activity for others or show others something from the world of MLP or its fans. It doesn't have to be anything spectacular – because the Winter Karaoke party is about having fun together

>> Program applications <<
- Standard: 300 CZK (~12 €) in pre-order (450 CZK / 18 € at the entrance, we can't guarantee if you fit in if you choose to buy a ticket this way!) Children under 11 are admitted for free.
- Sponsor: 650 CZK (~26€) pre-order only (not to be sold at the entrance)
- Super-sponsor: 1210 CZK (~48 €) pre-order only (not to be sold at the entrance), limited amount!
The purchase of tickets is via the payment system (see the links below). All ticket reservations must be paid within 7 days of their creation, but no later than 1 day before the event! After this deadline, all unpaid ticket reservations are canceled automatically.
>> Tickets here <<
If you want to have a 100% guarantee that you will get the chance to get on meetup, get your ticket in advance! As we mentioned above, the capacity is not (unlike some on-site decorations) inflatable. In addition, you will help us pay for everything that needs to be paid in advance (from rental to ticket rewards) and we will have more time to prepare the event itself.
Detailed information about tickets and other rules can be found on Winter Karaoke Party – rules page.
FRIDAY (12th December) – Pre-party
In the light of recent experience, we are not planning an official pre-party at this time. We will inform you if the situation changes.
Although it may seem strange, finding a place with refreshments in Prague where we can meet in large numbers without problems is not an easy thing. Unfortunately, we have unpleasant experience from the past years that restaurants often do not behave solidly, and in the end, they take visitors as hostages to enforce conditions that are advantageous for them and disadvantageous for us, despite previous agreements.
SATURDAY (13th December) – Winter Karaoke party
When: 10:00-20:00
Where: KD Krakov, Prag, Czech Republic (map)
How to get there: The bus stop near the venue is called Krakov. You can get there by daytime buses 102, 177, 235, 236, and 202. The nearest metro station to the venue is Kobylisy (red C line) – from there you can take the bus 102 or 177.
In addition to the Mane Hall on the ground level, we will also have foyer for Workshops as well as additional rooms for Karaoke and other music games. The dress room is of course available, as always. There is a shopping mall nearby with a supermarket and restaurants.
Christmas gift exchange
The annual search for gifts for everyone around doesn’t tend to be the most delightful Christmas activity. This is why we came up with a different way at our first Christmas karaoke. It’s not so stressful and adds another element of surprise.
Everyone can take part in this: prepare one gift, but do not address it to anypony specific. Just wrap it and bring it to the party. Put the gift underneath the Christmas tree in the Mane Hall, and write your nickname on the paper and drop it into a marked box near the tree. During the Christmas Exchange event, gifts will be randomly selected from the pile during the exchange, and one name will be drawn from the box for each gift. The lucky person then takes the present on the stage.
The gift can be anything as long it’s MLP themed; something you make yourself (whether it’s a drawing or a repainted figure) or another special thing – anything you cannot usually buy at a corner shop. Show others that you can do more than buy a blind bag. If you don’t know what to make for your gift, let the following video inspire you.
Accommodation and shared transport
If you are looking for accommodation and don’t want to pay for a hostel or a hotel, you can ask local bronies if they have a free place for the sleepover. As with other meetups, these are often available, if you ask at the right place – in this case, the 13th Winter Karaoke Party discussion thread on our forum and our Discord server are the ones you are looking for.
The same applies to shared transport: if you are traveling via (more or less) known routes and do not want to go alone, try to ask at the same places, and you will most likely find someone who will travel via the same or similar route at the same time.
Sellers and vendors
This year we also offer several tables to those more active of you who want to sell something from their pony works. Vendors will be let in for the preparation of their table at least 1 hour before the official start. The sales requirements are entirely at your command - we will only give you a spot to place your stand with craft or artwork. Of course, all vendors must have purchased a ticket allowing entry to the event.
Wanna join the staff at meetups or conventions, and contribute to the group effort that makes every single event a unique experience for everyone? No matter if you want to join us for the first time or if you are an experienced volunteer!
As an approved member of the volunteers team (also referred to as the “staff team” or “helpers team”), you receive free entry and our gratitude for helping us with this event, because it would not be possible to organize any bigger event without a good volunteers team!
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask here!
We look forward to meeting you!