User: And I am here to say:. ( Wollte für "Smile Smile Smile" anstimmen. )
Cleverbot: To say what.
User: Forget it.
Cleverbot: Ok.
User: Come on everypony Smile Smile Smile... ( Hier auch )
Cleverbot: I am.
User: Fill my hearth up like sunshine sunshine...
Cleverbot: I am not Sunshine. I am Xandry. (lol)
User: What is Xandry?
Cleverbot: Bob I just told you.
User: Major Bob? ( Dritter Arenaleiter bei Pokemon Rot,Blau,Gelb )
Cleverbot: What is money?
User: What is love? ( Baby, dont hurt me.^^ )
Cleverbot: A feeling.
User: Who let the dogs out? ( Ou ou ou ouou )
Cleverbot: What?
User: Nevermind.
Cleverbot: What word rymes with orange.
User: Melange.( Danke, Tales of.^^ )
Cleverbot: XD.
User: I owned you.^^.
Cleverbot: No you don't.
User: The lets fight to the death. ( Shit got serious >;D )
Cleverbot: I'm guessing you mean Megsie, then.
![Big Grin Big Grin]()
User: 'Put out a lightsaber'.
Cleverbot: *deystroys claymore*.
User: 'Attacks you with the Lightsaber'.
Cleverbot: No, in.
User: Did I hit you?
Cleverbot: Not physically. But emotionally.
User: Then my lightsaber is broken.XD.
Cleverbot: It's advances?
User: Yes.More length.
Cleverbot: Are you sleepy?
User: No. I am awake.
Cleverbot: Don't you have a watch? ( wtf? XD )
User: Yes. But what does it matter?
Cleverbot: Does anything matter?
User: Will you give me a Brohoof?
Cleverbot: Yes. ( grins )
User: 'Brohoof giving'.
Cleverbot: No, I am your father. ( O.O )
User: Noooooooooooooooooo. ( BASTARD. XD )
Cleverbot: It's a trap!
User: That
Cleverbot is a Spy.
Cleverbot: I must obey...
User: You must taste the Rainbow, motherfucker. XD. ( like a boss.XD )
Cleverbot: Its you idiit.
User: Or do you like to taste the Rainbow Dash? XD.
Cleverbot: I think she's ok, yeah.
User: She is cool.
Cleverbot: Rainbow Dash is much better than Fluttershy. ( "Must...resist..." )
User: WHAT????? (Running you fool >;D)
Cleverbot: You heard me!
User: Fluttershy is better than Rainbow Dash.
Cleverbot: Why?
User: Because Rainbow Dash has not the ability to cause Diabetis. (XD)
Cleverbot: Cool.
User: Rainbow Dash is cool but Fluttershy means Cutenes Overload. ( yay )
Cleverbot: Rarity is 20% cooler than Rainbow Dash. ( ... )
User: She is a Dramaqueen. Nothing more. ( Ich werde sterben dafür.XD )
Cleverbot: This is the end, there isn't any more.
User: Any last words,
Cleverbot: Why are they 'last words?' Are you going to kill me?
User: If it is your wish... ( Muhahahahaaa )
Cleverbot: My will be done.
User: What should I take. Pistol or knife?
Cleverbot: You never asked that. And you don't have a question mark at the end of that question! ( Schwachsinn, aber gut... )
User: Pistol or Knife?
Cleverbot: Pistols - I'm a very good shot.( -.- )
User: Be a good targed and dont move.
Cleverbot: I am a girl, and I am not tired.
User: And stop talking. I need to concentrate.
Cleverbot: Are you a guy?
User:!!!!!!!!!!!! ( "Musik summ" )
Cleverbot: Are you mad?
Cleverbot: Can you help me dress like a girl. ( What....the...O.O XD
![RD laugh RD laugh]()
User: Wait what?
Cleverbot: With a great big hug and a kiss from me to you. (
![Lyra astonished Lyra astonished]()
User: Critical hit 4000 !
Cleverbot: Foe lugia fainted.
User: Where did Lugia came from?
Cleverbot: He was just there always.
User: Oh. Sorry Lugia.^^.
Cleverbot: You should say sorry to him.
User: I Have sayed it.
Cleverbot: True again.
User: Now I will shoot you. Good Bye,
Cleverbot: Where are you going?
User: To Hell for this. PENG.
Cleverbot: So far.
User: Sleep well.
Cleverbot: You too, if you can.
User: Just die.
Cleverbot: Mann!
User: FRAU!
Cleverbot: Du bist eine Frau? Du sagtest du bist ein Mann.
User: Du bist ein Mann? Du sagtest du bist ein Mädchen. Und ich bin ein Mann.
Cleverbot: Das habe ich nie gesagt.
User: Das hast du 2 mal gesagt?
Cleverbot: Nein habe ich nicht.
User: Dann halt 3 mal.
Cleverbot: Ich mach mir gleich essen.
User: Du bist tot. Wie kannst du dir da Essen zubereiten?
Cleverbot: Nein, ich bin ein Mensch.
User: Du bist ein Bot, Bot.
Cleverbot: Ich bin ein Keks. '-'. ( Rofl )
User: 'Denn Keks ess.'. ( Omnomnom )
Cleverbot: Doesn't sound like any street name I know.
User: Now you are dead and eaten too.
Cleverbot: How?
User: I shooted and eated you.
Cleverbot: I don't get you.
User: Because you are dead.
Cleverbot: I am dead?
User: Yes.
Cleverbot: When did this happen?
User: For few seconds.
Cleverbot: How?
User: I shooted you.
Cleverbot: You're very rude, then.
User: Maybe your soul comes to Equestria.XD.
Cleverbot: No you're slow and now I'm angry.
User: You mad bro?
Cleverbot: Yes I am mad bro.
User: Fluttershy will make you not mad anymore.
Cleverbot: What is fluttershy?
User: Fluttershy is a Pony.
Cleverbot: Who is snorlax? ( Mindfuck. Wie zur Hölle... )
User: Snorlax is a Pokemon.
Cleverbot: Smd. ( KA )