Gunslinger Engies
The situation: One or more gunslinger engies are preventing movement with minisentries.
Counter: Soldiers and demomen.
Why: Soldiers and demomen are best equipped to take down minisentries from afar as well as kill the engies responsible for placing them.
A Well Placed Engie Nest
The situation: Red has managed to build a stronghold consisting of one or more level 3 sentries in an awkward position to take out. A large proportion of the enemy
team are helping defend the nest with assistance from one or more dispensers.
Counter: Ubered demoman or pyro.
Why: An ubered medic can tank the sentry's knockback, allowing his patient in close. Both Pyro and demo excel at crowd control, being able to destroy multiple people/buildings at once.
One Strong Pub Hero Playing Solly/Demo
The Situation: The enemy
team's entire strength seems to be one Soldier or Demoman who is wiping everyone out without mercy.
Counter: When one player is carrying the whole
team, the usual reaction is to spam snipers to try take him down. A better strategy is soldiers and pyros with the reserve shooter.
Why: Being one of those annoying sollies and playing against them regularly I can say one simple fact about these types of players. Observe them. They tend heavily to rely on maneuverability, jumping constantly to avoid incoming projectiles. As strange as it seems, this jumping obsession is second nature to the majority of strong pub players. The reserve shooter minicrits airborne targets for 3 seconds after switching to it. For soldiers, softening the target and sending them airborne with a rocket or two before following up with the reserve shooter works a treat. For pyros, airblast them into the air (on fire if the fancy takes you) and likewise, follow up with the reserve shooter. You can also airblast their rockets/pills/stickies back at them. It may seem unlikely but I've turned the tables on many an annoying high skilled player simply by switching to the reserve shooter as my secondary. With multiple allies employing this strategy you are denying them their movement, forcing them to stay grounded or suffer the minicrits. They may still be strong, but you've tipped the scales in balance of your
A Pro Spy
The Situation: Emerging from the shadows in seconds to kill your strongest players before fading away to dust, one spy is wreaking havoc behind your lines.
Counter: A pyro / general awareness.
Why: The Spy is relying on the fact that you aren't paying attention. Spycheck everyone. If you see a spy, call spy! Don't just attack without first informing your
team that you have located the spy. If you are the pyro, pay attention to your
team calling spy. If someone calls spy spray fire everywhere around that location. Think about where a cloaked spy might have run to. Spycheck empty corners where they are most likely hiding and most of all, pay attention, look behind you often. You'd be amazed what is going on behind your back. For sollies/demos, if you kill a spy and he doesn't explode into pieces but merely drops a ragdoll... he isn't dead. Continue to call spy and hope your
team's pyro comes to flush him out with fire.
The Situation: Whilst frowned upon, the legitimate tactic of spawncamping is taking place. Your
team cannot leave spawn due to the majority of the enemy
team waiting outside, perhaps a demoman repeatedly laying stickies or even a level 3 sentry awaits you.
Counter: Pyros (or medics if drastic)
Why: Airblast. Multiple airblasts can push the enemy
team and stickies away from the spawn, allowing the rest of the
team to get out far enough to kill them and break the camp. In the very rare situation that the camp is a level 3 sentry... you've left it far too late. Depending on sentry position try to clear the doors with airblasts so that soldiers and demomen can take down the sentry. Failing that, keep the doors shut while multiple medics build uber, time consuming, but you should never have let it get to this.
Pyros würde ich persönlich nicht unbedingt nehmen, dann eher paar Heavy-Medic-Kombos.
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