A is for Applejack, honest as can be,
And also for the Apples, Equestria's largest family
B is for Bronies, loyal 'til the end,
Always awaiting something, new around the bend
C is for Celestia, the princess we all adore,
With her guidance we keep peace, always and evermore
D is for Dash, we're talkin Rainbow of course,
Whose loyalty and bravery would shame any horse
E is for Equestria, the utopia we all call home,
Its boundaries from which, nopony wants to roam
F is for Fluttershy, whose kindness is her might,
Though she's often quiet, she is always a delight
G is for Grany Smith, the oldest one in town,
Who grows the finest apples, which will cancel any frown
H is for Harmony, stronger than a sword,
Whose elements combined, can defeat even discord
I is for Inspiration, which came from Lauren Faust,
Without whom all ponies, forever would've been lost
J is for the Journey, to becoming a Brony,
Despite all the differences, it fills our hearts with glee
K is for Kinship, which all the ponies share,
a connection that's desired, by societies everywhere
L is for Luna, the Princess of the Moon,
Whose Nightmare Night mischief, makes all pony hearts swoon
M is for Cutie Marks, which everypony earns,
But not before a special talent, anypony learns
N is for Nature, where Earth Ponies are best,
Their knowledge of the land, sustains all the rest
O is for Original, which Derpy used to be,
Before her change caused heartache, to befall you and me
P is for Pinkie Pie, a friend to one and all,
Who will always be nearby, to catch your spirit when it falls
Q is for Quality, for every episode,
And hopefully for Quantity, greater than a mother lode
R is for Rarity, the most beautiful indeed,
Always there to give, to anypone who's in need
S is for Scootaloo, and also Sweetie Belle,
Who alongside Apple Bloom, wish their Cutie Marks they could tell
T is for Twilight Sparkle, whose wisdom saved the herd,
And always is the first, to send Celestia the word
U is for Unicorns, whose magic all should behold,
Unlocking spells and secrets, which never have been told
V is for the Values, each pony does employ,
Which all should embrace, lest the real world be destroyed
W is for Weather, controlled by Pegasi,
On which all other ponies, are happy to rely
X is for Xerography, which animates our show,
Without which we revert, to the times of radio
Y is for Year-sound, the season length we wish
But until that day, the reruns we cherish
Z is for Zecora, who always has a potion,
To cure whatever ails you, and put you back in motion
And so we've reached the end, of this poem all our own,
Reminding us that as Bronies, we will never be alone
Ist leider nicht von mir aber ich finds extrem gut

Weiß leider nicht von wem das ist :/