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17.03.2025, 04:52

Character RP - Ask Sarcastic Twilight
Atra Demonica Offline
Luna's Festmeister

Beiträge: 4.588
Registriert seit: 01. Nov 2011

Character RP - Ask Sarcastic Twilight

Ich würde gerne mal was ausprobieren. Kp wo genau ich das Reinposten kann? Wollte das noch nicht so einfach in RP reinstellen..

Kennt ihr alle diese Ask Blogs von TumblR? Wo jemand in die ROlle von einem Pony schlüpft quasi und dann gezeichnet antwortet? Auf sowas hätte ich schon lange bock, kann nur nicht zeichnen. Deswegen probier ich einfach mal quasi hier ein bisschen Text RP mit einem Pony. Mal gucken wie es ankommt. Ihr dürft fragen stellen und ich antworte in Character. Vielleicht macht es euch ja auch spaß^^ Ich antworte aber in Englisch.. man kommt so besser in character und so. Wenn es bock macht und ihr spaß dran habt, kann man ja mehrere eröffnen und vllt irgendwann ein RP Unterforum dafür machen. Verschieben geht ja immer..

Vielleicht werde ich auch irgdnwann gezeichnetes dazu hier reinstellen o.ä. Ich bin nur noch nicht so gut drin von daher muss euch erstmal das so reichen.

Ich werde in Character immer in einer bestimmten Schriftweise usw. schreiben so das man das erkennt.

Der erste Text ist etwas länger, weil ich ja einen Charakter erst euch vorstellen muss.. die späteren sollen kleiner sein^^

Also HF und fragt Twilight schön. Englisch oder deutsch ist egal... Ich kann beides lesen^^

Also der Thread hier handelt von:

Sarcastic Twilight

Hello Everypony!

Turns out that Spike, my homedragon given to me from Celestia herself, has another location where he can send the letters to! He doesnt know where it goes. It could be anywhere in Equestria, our planet or.. somewhere else entirely!!

I try to send a picture with this Dragonburp so you can see how i look like.
Spoiler (Öffnen)

I know there are so many things wrong with my mane.. Rarity always talks about it and suggests the spa or some fancy place else where i can "fix" it. Why fix it? Why even thinking about it... beauty is something that lasts so short and has no significance in the greater picture of our world... books and art on the other hand... thats why i live in a library. Dynastys of Ponydom are written done and i just need to stretch my hoof out to read them! They are forever! I have to read all of them!

So i thought i could get some free time from all my friends in Ponyville and just be by myself for some time. Maybe a book helps me, to figure out what hapens when i send out these letters to that unknown place. Even spike doesnt know where they go, even if he is the one who sends them.. maybe he just dont wants to say it... maybe they go to Luna.. i mean he recently discovered that channel.. maybe it has something to do with that.. but can she read our modern language? She doesnt even try hard to fit in. Always stuck in here own ways... she is STILL using the Royal Canterlot Voice and insists that 1000 years ago, everything was better.... i hope you reader know, what i am talking about..

Anyhow.. my friends here always find a way to break my concentration! I mean, i like all of them, but sometimes i think back to the first day i got here and how eager they were to hang out with me.. that never changed. There are always some partys, some makeovers and some animals who are in desperate need for medicine. No Fluttershy doesnt really know how produce that herself. Before i got here, she was only talking to them.. of course nicely.. that they will get better soon... such naitivity. She needs to read more books.. all of them do... they dont know Starswill.. such ignorance.. i have plans to build a school for history and its almost finished. Some of them even subscribed... how wonderful.. finally i can do what i can do best.. lecture them! And they need it..

So i dont want my first letter to be too long. You probably dont know, about whom i am talking.. sometimes this.. i call it "writing rage" just gets to me...Celestia still nags me about my exam, where i had to use 100 Pages instead of 20.. but why should i keep my knwledge by myself.. such ignorance everywhere.. Anyhow.. i have studies to work on and a lot of books in this library are not read by me!!!... wich of course has nothing to do with the "urge" to hang out with my friends all the time.. so i wanted to share some thoughts with you.. whoever reads it...i am sure you are a lot more well read then these folks in Ponyville..

Maybe you guys even have a device, to answer me! That would be great!

So until next time.

Twilight Sparkle
Personal Prodigee of Princess Celestia

(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 20.12.2011 von Atra Demonica.)
Atra Demonica Offline
Luna's Festmeister

Beiträge: 4.588
Registriert seit: 01. Nov 2011

RE: Character RP - Ask Sarcastic Twilight
I wonder if Spike really does have a connection to this other End and i hope it isnt a one way ticket. Maybe he sends the letter right to the moon... that would be like writing youre own diary... writing youre thoughts and no one reads them except yourself.. . i ve tried it when i was a student at canterlot. It was really lonely sometimes.. peaceful.. quiet.. not so small and loud as ponyville! Seriously every week some commotion is going on. Its never organised, never planned, no routine! At least i, with my organising skills, am here to help them. Can you guys believe how chaotic winter wrap up was before i got here? They sent the pegasus to the wrong direction, they lost seeds.. uhhhhhrghh. life is hard to make perfect. But i got my list so i can try to make it perfect!

So enough from me. I hope i get something back or i have to assume spike never had a new channel and is just messing with me. Maybe you , the one who is reading this, is just teasing me and letting me wait? I mean.. i am just princess celestias most faithful student.. indeed somepony who you should mess with.. i bet you live in Equestria.. dont think we cant find you or anything.. so if the connection is working please answer. Maybe we can be good friends and you can get mentioned in my studies.. or if you really just fool with me be prepared to be send to the moon! (if it turns out the letters are send to the moon anyway, that would be awkward..)

Twilight Sparkle

(OOC) Schade das bisher noch nichts kam. Ich frag mich woran das liegt, hier sind doch so viele Threads wo irgendwas gefragt, geschrieben oder gespielt wird. Wenn euch irgendwas misfällt könnt ihr es auch gerne sagen.. auch wenn ich hier ungerne diskutieren würde in dem Thread. Per PN vllt? Ist auch mein erster Versuch aber ich finds spaßig.

Ihr braucht auch keine überfragen stellen.

Die Twilight lebt im Canon sozusagen.. also ihr könnt auch einfach was aus einer Folge fragen. Muss nichts großartiges sein^^ Ihr könnt auch einfach schwachsinn fragen oder sagen.. ich lass sie drauf eingehen ;-) Wäre schade wenn das so abgelehnt wird FS sad
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 20.12.2011 von Atra Demonica.)
Lykran Offline
Das uralte Böse

Beiträge: 1.051
Registriert seit: 06. Jul 2011

RE: Character RP - Ask Sarcastic Twilight
Warum ist deine Prinzessin Celestia eigentlich nie da wenn es Probleme gibt?
Bist wohl doch nicht ihre ach so tolle Studentin oder?

Ich bin nicht verrückt, meine Realität ist nur eine andere.
Atra Demonica Offline
Luna's Festmeister

Beiträge: 4.588
Registriert seit: 01. Nov 2011

RE: Character RP - Ask Sarcastic Twilight
It Works! It really works! This is so exciting! Like a letter friend from far far away wich you dont know!
Spoiler (Öffnen)

We can talk about our cultures and maybe share meaningful thoughts!

So lets see what you have written me!

Zitat:Warum ist deine Prinzessin Celestia eigentlich nie da wenn es Probleme gibt?
Bist wohl doch nicht ihre ach so tolle Studentin oder?

This tone... i thought we could be some kind of friends... I am not sure if i should feel lucky that i have a book wich decypheres youre freaky language... but i answer you in that same.. rude tone!

Celestia choose me, because she has Royal business to attend to... i dont know what but who am i to question her... and especially who are you to do that. I bet there is a perfectly reasonable explaination, why she didnt attend to the fight for the fate of our entire universe against discord....... like brushing her mane...

Spike did you write that?

What do you mean we cant erase it??? This is bad!!...

yeah like is was saying... she had business to do...

Didnt you had business to do while you let me wait for that kind of response? Are you an enemy of our princess Celestia? Some kind of Rebel for the Lunar Republic.. laughable attempt.. Luna is never as powerfull as Celestia! I mean, look at her arrival at Nightmare Night. She doubted herself the whole time. And yeah.. she didnt knew what fun is... i bet she sits at home and doesnt come out one bit. The world is so cruel, everyone hates me and so on!

And you are a that naive to be part in that gang... yeah i I am her most prized pupil. Deal with it.. even if she isnt there everytime.. i still have access to the royal halls.. and the royal librarys... do you ;-)

(OOC) ach noch was. Mir wurde gesagt es fiele vielen schwer sich fragen auszudenken. Deswegen einmal, um vielleicht die Ideen leichter werden zu lassen:

Fragt nach:
Sachen über twilight oder irgendwas in Equestria. Fehler die euch mal aufgefallen sind oder irgendwas kulturelles etc.

Fragt, wie sie sich in einer euch grade durch den Kopf gehenden stelle in einer Episode gefühlt hat.

Fragt nach persönlichen Dingen. Z.B. auch, wie bekomme ich eine Freundin. Alles geht ;-)

Fragt nach irgendwas, was sie in den Briefen geschrieben hat.

Oder sagt einfach irgendwas zu ihr.. es muss keine Frage sein!

Vielleicht hilft euch das ein wenig :-)

(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 20.12.2011 von Atra Demonica.)
Blitzsturm Offline

Beiträge: 549
Registriert seit: 03. Dez 2011

RE: Character RP - Ask Sarcastic Twilight
Luna ist mindestens doppelt so mächtig wie Celestia!
Oder glaubst du wirklich das Celestia mächtiger ist?

♔✠☠ NOCH FRAGEN? ☠✠♔



Atra Demonica Offline
Luna's Festmeister

Beiträge: 4.588
Registriert seit: 01. Nov 2011

RE: Character RP - Ask Sarcastic Twilight
Zitat:Luna ist mindestens doppelt so mächtig wie Celestia!
Oder glaubst du wirklich das Celestia mächtiger ist?

Double as mighty as the ruler of Day AND Night?

Huzzah!! The might has been doubled!

Seriously. Luna said something like that! You should have seen her on nightmare night. In my mind, i facehoofed...and still am...about myself too... especially because i just knew this new and other "Graveyard for my letters" ... as if Celestia reads all of my weekly reports...


I know i put you under a spell so you can write faster but... URRGHH..

Please search for: How to make youre homedragon usefull: Book 2 when we are done here.. this cant go on like this...

Back to the letter... i mean you...back to you...

I knew you are one of Lunas rebel soldiers! I have read about youre organisation!!! It was so obvious, that spikes new Channel had to be caused by Lunas arrival... And these letters you send me.. i trace them back.. and come with Celestia and her guards. You will be sent to the moon!!!.....and Luna with you!!
.... oh wait.. maybe you want that...uhhhh... send to the sun?... You might not come back then... that would be kind of sad because writing to you is kind of fun... but dont think i dont have my eye on youre wrongdoing..

uhhh.... so... where are you from...? Yeah i know spike, they wont answer that now because they know i trace them... argh.. put that quill away!

(OOC) Wenn eine Frage schon steht, könnt ihr trotzdem weiterposten. Ich fass das dann sozusagen als eine Antwort an Twi zusammen.
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 20.12.2011 von Atra Demonica.)
Yue Offline
Great and Powerful

Beiträge: 254
Registriert seit: 12. Okt 2011

RE: Character RP - Ask Sarcastic Twilight
Oh don't listen to their lies Twilight, Luna can't compare to the princess of the sun in the slightest and you... oh you~
It's so delightful to see you, finally embracing who you truly are, we should have a party together! A great party, an eternal party...


Come now, try to remember. What form did you have?
It must have been a beautiful shape...

vorher bekannt als PinkamenaDianePie
Blitzsturm Offline

Beiträge: 549
Registriert seit: 03. Dez 2011

RE: Character RP - Ask Sarcastic Twilight
Ich glaube ehrlich gesagt kaum dass Du,Celestia und ihre Wachen eine Chance gegen Mich,Luna und unsere Soldaten hätten.Aber wenn du es probieren möchtest kannst du das gerne.
Aber verraten wo ich bin werde ich dir trotzdem nicht.
Für die Luna Republik!

♔✠☠ NOCH FRAGEN? ☠✠♔



Atra Demonica Offline
Luna's Festmeister

Beiträge: 4.588
Registriert seit: 01. Nov 2011

RE: Character RP - Ask Sarcastic Twilight
Last letter today spike!

I know you get youre "claw cramp". Man up. A week ago you destroyed ponyville and now you complain about holding a quill and writing with it.

You are already writing? Urghhhh.. dont argue with me when i have that spell on you... its all written down now!...

Urrghh.. Sometimes Magic dont work like you want them to... do you have the same problem sometimes? I mean you must have magical abilitys to write such clear text. You always spot letters, that are written with the mouth.. you should have seen Rainbow Dashs letter to the princess, after she discovered mare do well..HA!!

Uhh back to topic.. i actually havnt read youre letter yet... i got my spell out, as i saw youre letter was coming. I bet some : Luna ruls, Celestia drools stuff in youre strange language. My book calls it german. Never heard of that.. so

Zitat:Oh don't listen to their lies Twilight, Luna can't compare to the princess of the sun in the slightest and you... oh you~
It's so delightful to see you, finally embracing who you truly are, we should have a party together! A great party, an eternal party...

....I...SPIKE you said this just goes to one unknown reciever!!!... this is in english and written clearly from another Person!!!...
Spoiler (Öffnen)
... so...friend...uhhh...Do you know a pony named PinkiePie? She kinda sounds like you... but.. kind of..not... and do you know me???? Embrace who i am? um... i am confused.. and strangely..scared..

To youre letter... eternaly party sounds fun.. for a while. i mean i need to study stuff and i know how tiresome parties are. That PinkiePie i told you about, she throws awesome Partys with lots of music and the best Cupcakes you will ever taste!.. after her pets birthday she wanted to do immediatly another. She should lay down that sugar that cant be healthy...haha... um... please tell me who you are and whats going on...

(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 20.12.2011 von Atra Demonica.)
Friendship_Warrior Offline

Beiträge: 390
Registriert seit: 04. Okt 2011

RE: Character RP - Ask Sarcastic Twilight
Wait... What? Where... WHere did this letter come from?

errr... well... This is kinda... awkward... Luna? how could anyone possibly compare Luna with her highness princess Celestia?

Wait... Luna? Princess Celestia? oh my god... unbelievable! magnificent!

So you're Twilight? Twilight Sparkle?

[Bild: zigad8nn.jpg]
19.01.2015 - Der Tag, an dem User ihre Dummheit bewiesen
Yue Offline
Great and Powerful

Beiträge: 254
Registriert seit: 12. Okt 2011

RE: Character RP - Ask Sarcastic Twilight
Hey Twilight, you said last letter for today and... it's tomorrow now! Well technically it's still today but... you know what I mean!

Yes, yes I know Pinkie Pie and I know you! I know you so well, you would be scared out of your hooves if you had any idea. Oh you don't know who I am? That's odd but I'm still not as surprised as I should be, I guess Rainbow Dash would know, oh hell yeah she would. Don't worry you'll find out in time, I may even shorten the duration of my eternal party for you as compensation, how about half an eternity? Would that make sense? No I guess not...

Hey do you know this guy, what was his name again... oh yeah, 4th wall! He was such a funny fellow, well until I killed him that is. I really miss him sometimes, there are things in this world no Pony should know~


Come now, try to remember. What form did you have?
It must have been a beautiful shape...

vorher bekannt als PinkamenaDianePie
Lightning Spark Offline
Ponyville Pony

Beiträge: 208
Registriert seit: 07. Nov 2011

RE: Character RP - Ask Sarcastic Twilight
Hm, this is kinda interesting. Not only did one letter pop up out of nothing here, but now there are already 5 of them!
But how rude of me, let me introduce myself. I am Lightning Spark. I don't know how your world and my world are connected, but it looks like your homedragon Spike can use that connection somehow... this is really exciting Big Grin
So tell me.. Miss Twilight Sparkle? Unfortunately you never said if you were male or female, but from the name i assume that you are female. I hope I am right and don't offend you in any way, that is definitely not my intention.
But what about that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna? Are they in a war against each other? You said that this Princess Luna appeared at Nightmare Night, whatever that might be, but there seems to be no violant reactions or anything... so are you at peace with each other or are you at war? Is your nation even split?
I'm looking forward hearing from you.
Lightning Spark (f)

OOC: Ja, mein Char ist weiblich, auch wenn ichs nicht bin, liegt an dem erschaffer meines Avatars Big Grin (ka ob ich das überhaupt "rechtfertigen" muss, hatte aber irgendwie das verlangen es doch zu tun ^^ ). Btw. finde das ne tolle idee, man sehen wie es weiter geht Big Grin

Multipliziere es mit der Unendlichkeit, erweitere es um die Ewigkeit und du wirst im Ansatz erahnen können, wovon ich spreche
Lykran Offline
Das uralte Böse

Beiträge: 1.051
Registriert seit: 06. Jul 2011

RE: Character RP - Ask Sarcastic Twilight
Rüder Ton? Bin doch einfach nur direkt. Tschuldige wenn es so rüber kam, denn weißt du.
I really like your mane and your horn and your eyes... and your flank. Hey what are you doing this weekend? Wink

Ich bin nicht verrückt, meine Realität ist nur eine andere.
Hari龜 Offline

Beiträge: 2.588
Registriert seit: 25. Sep 2011

RE: Character RP - Ask Sarcastic Twilight
da deine spezielles Talent die Magie ist, kannst du bestimmt alle Elemente bändigen (Feuer, Wasser, Luft, Erde)
Bist du dadurch ein Avatar?

[Bild: accoleft_by_theharibokid-dbxt9ag.png][Bild: sigi_by_theharibokid-dbxt9ve.png][Bild: accoright_by_theharibokid-dbxt9aq.png]
══ 3DS-Freundescode: 4639 - 8947 - 9834 ══
══ Signatur by cute-anonyme/Aschestern ══ Avatar by Megueggu ══
Atra Demonica Offline
Luna's Festmeister

Beiträge: 4.588
Registriert seit: 01. Nov 2011

RE: Character RP - Ask Sarcastic Twilight
Hello Everypony. This is Twilight again.

What a rough night! Spike kept getting you're letters and materialized them. He said, his stomach is hurting a lot and he asked me to stop this. But i wont! I feel sorry for Spike and got him some herbs from Zecora. She is the local medicine brewer with an interesting ...quirk... which causes her to speak in rhymes...maybe she just wants to be all mystical to scare these pony's here and get less attention...didn't work for someone like me thou.. but maybe i should try that too...

Anyhow our little phenomenon here has to be explored and studied...at all costs!
Spoiler (Öffnen)
Also this is a good training for Spike. When he is older, he will spew bigger and hotter flames which will really hurt his stomach if he doesn't train it.. which he don't.. he prefers to stalk Rarity...

I just tell the truth spike!

No i don't care for that Pinkie Pie swear, you saw what happened the last time!

Grow up and admit you're flaws... Face yourself or dont deserve to have one at all..

No thats not mean of me, if anything ,it was mean from Celestia when she said that to me just because i didn't told her that thing in laboratory a few years back!...yeah i know you don't knew that... Celestia is a bit different when we are alone...

Oh sorry...uhm... like i was saying.. he isn't used to that much mail... but sure he will get over it...he is my Nr. 1 Assistant after all!

So lets see what you guys have written me!

Zitat:Ich glaube ehrlich gesagt kaum dass Du,Celestia und ihre Wachen eine Chance gegen Mich,Luna und unsere Soldaten hätten.Aber wenn du es probieren möchtest kannst du das gerne.
Aber verraten wo ich bin werde ich dir trotzdem nicht.
Für die Luna Republik!

You again... i dont know youre name so i just think of one fitting. How about... pathetic, laughable... or..even better... lunatic! As in Luna and Attic.. and alltogether crazy! Perfect! I hope youre mind can undestand what i did there! It wouldnt suprise me, you cant be to bright if you speak against Celestia with her most favorited student in that way.

So lunatic, i am pretty sure Celestia will find you soon. I bet she has a mole in youre little Rabbit Hole that you call a fortress and knows through him everything about you already. Heres a quote from a good book you maybe should read. Resistance is futile! You will be Assimilated!

Its about Ponys in Space. Fun book, but completely unrealistic and full of plot holes..

Zitat:Wait... What? Where... Where did this letter come from?

errr... well... This is kinda... awkward... Luna? how could anyone possibly compare Luna with her highness princess Celestia?

Wait... Luna? Princess Celestia? oh my god... unbelievable! magnificent!

So you're Twilight? Twilight Sparkle?

Someone new again? Uhm... how many ponies could have gotten my letters... this could get really bad...

No spike... we talked about it and i wont repeat myself when you are writing everything down what i speak!...

urm yes... I am Twilight Sparkle. Do you know me? Maybe you have seen the reenactment of hearth warms eve with me and my friends last week? I was the one who played clover the clever! I think my portrayal of him was really close to the original. I studied long and hard for it...i even visited the medieval fair in Troutingham... turns out i didn't have to... that reenactment was just some show to please the masses not to educate them... I was this close to run from that stage in shame when they presented our modern Flag of Equestria instead of the original.

The most accurate character Portrail was Pinkie Pies Puddinghead! Yeah.. he sure acted just like that...but i have to admit... it was fun to watch!

You know what? They wanted to produce it as a musical! We all had to sing all the way through that reenactment. I stopped that Idea right when it got up. Could you imagine? hours of original Songs sung by us. That would not have been faithful to the tragic story of our forefathers!

But.. i digress.. you seem quite normal... i would like to hear from you again!Twilight smile

Zitat:yes, yes I know Pinkie Pie and I know you! I know you so well, you would be scared out of your hooves if you had any idea. Oh you don't know who I am? That's odd but I'm still not as surprised as I should be, I guess Rainbow Dash would know, oh hell yeah she would. Don't worry you'll find out in time, I may even shorten the duration of my eternal party for you as compensation, how about half an eternity? Would that make sense? No I guess not...

Hey do you know this guy, what was his name again... oh yeah, 4th wall! He was such a funny fellow, well until I killed him that is. I really miss him sometimes, there are things in this world no Pony should know~

What are you trying to do... i don't know you and i am sure my friends don't either! Please tell me you're name so i can ask them about you! I am pretty sure they don't know someone that is so blatantly insane as you!

4th wall? You mean the art of speaking to the Reader of a book with one of you're characters? You talk about the 4th wall like it is possible to be talked to. How can you kill or even talk to the 4th wall. Its just hypothetical. Its just impossible! As i said, you are out of you're mind... you cant know us... but then again..how did you know about Rainbow Dash.. i didn't mention her until now...

I...demand you're name!!!

..I saw that you have even more letters for me... but i have to eat something.. also.. i have to write my report to princes Celestia till tomorrow... i don't want to be tardy!

Twilight Sparkle

(OOC) Ich werde eure anderen beiden später beantworten. Der Text ist so schon lang genug und ich will euch nicht erschlagen. Auch bei TumblR muss man gerne mal auf sein Request warten :-P

Außerdem noch ein Hinweis: Der Anfang von Twilights Briefen sind eigentlich immer kleine Story Schnipsel (ja ich werde auch so ein halbes Fanfic drauß machen.. eben so wie es bei TumblR auch gang und gäbe ist... canon.. aber trotzdem etwas eigen^^). Es ist keine Vorraussetzung die Nebenstory zu wissen. Also wenn ihr nur Twilights antworten hören wollt, geht einfach unter eure Zitate. Ihr verpasst jedoch dadurch ein paar Interaktionsmöglichkeiten mit ihr.

Diese Nebenstorys sind aber auch nicht immer in den Antwortbriefen!

Außerdem: Ich hab beschlossen, dass ihr Twilight auch Gegenstände schicken könnt um zu sehen, wie sie drauf reagiert (Armer Spike). Außerdem könnt ihr twilight auch einfach fragen, ob sie mal dies und jenes tun soll. Vonwegen: Hey twilight, why dont you go to... oder.. Twilight, tell Fluttershy that she should stop being so scared! Twilight, go kiss Rainbow Dash usw.

Ich will euch nicht eindämmen, aber es ist immernoch Twilights Entscheidung, ob und wie sie es macht^^

(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 28.12.2011 von Atra Demonica.)
Lightning Spark Offline
Ponyville Pony

Beiträge: 208
Registriert seit: 07. Nov 2011

RE: Character RP - Ask Sarcastic Twilight
OOC: Sind die Gesichtsausdrücke (also die Bilder) in den Briefen mit enthalten oder machst du die nur zum Spaß bzw. um zu visualisieren, wir ihr Gesichtsausderuck gerade ist? Das würde nämlich beeinflussen, was ich in zukunft an sie schreibe Tongue

Multipliziere es mit der Unendlichkeit, erweitere es um die Ewigkeit und du wirst im Ansatz erahnen können, wovon ich spreche
Yue Offline
Great and Powerful

Beiträge: 254
Registriert seit: 12. Okt 2011

RE: Character RP - Ask Sarcastic Twilight
Oh Twilight you silly filly~

Insane is such a vague expression, maybe everyone else is insane and I am the only one who catches a glimpse of sanity once in a while. I don't know if I'm insane, it's just that... life is more fun like this, you should try it too!

If I wouldn't know you, how could I have stood beside your bed last night, listening to the soothing sound of your breath as you dove into the sea of dreams, oh you looked so peaceful... I wish I could be that peaceful, a war rages inside my head, all the time and it just won't stop, do you have a spell for that?

It kind of makes me sad, I mean, you being so rude... you demand my name? Well uh, I don't know if I can tell you but I know what I can do! I'm enclosing a picture and a cupcake to this letter! I'm so excited, please tell me that I'm cute! I think you're cute, maybe we could go on a date sometime...

Spoiler (Öffnen)

Awwww, you probably can't even tell if I'm cute or not... doesn't matter! You know, you could see for yourself, just by taking a quick walk to Pinkies place, I'll be waiting there...

[auch OOC] Schreibe ich eigentlich zu viel? Ich fühle mich ja fast wie ein Stalker XD


Come now, try to remember. What form did you have?
It must have been a beautiful shape...

vorher bekannt als PinkamenaDianePie
Trixies Evil Twin Abwesend
Ponyville Pony

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Registriert seit: 29. Nov 2011

RE: Character RP - Ask Sarcastic Twilight
Weißt du Twilight ob Rainbow Dash lesbisch ist ?

Bin auf der Sache nach jmd der für mich n Pony macht (also n Bild was sogesehen Trixies Bruder darstellt). Wer gerne zeichnet und mir helfen möchte solle sich bitte bei mir melden PLS Twilight happy

[Bild: dragonanimated_770816.gif]

Wenn ihr wissen wollt was aus dem Kleinen wird dann schaut vorbei Great and Powerful
Friendship_Warrior Offline

Beiträge: 390
Registriert seit: 04. Okt 2011

RE: Character RP - Ask Sarcastic Twilight
Dear Twilight Sparkle,

Yes, you could say, that i know you because of the hearts warms eve. Well... it would have been better, if they'd used the old flag of Equestria instead of the new one, but take a wild guess! It seemed to be quite a good reenactment! You did a good job on acting, by the way!

I agree with you! A musical version of tis reenactment would'nt have been such a good idea, even though a musical shows a little more emotions. I really can't say, how your Ancestors would react, if they saw their tale as a musical... guess it would make them go mad.

I still can't believe that i'm actually able to talk to you!

Oh! how rude of me... May i introduce myself? My name is Friendship_Warrior.

Say Twilight... there always was one think that i wanted to know...

How do you use magic? I mean, i can't use magic myself, to be honest, there is no such thing as magic here.

Hope you'l find some time to read this letter.

Your's sincerley


PS. If Spike keeps having trouble with his stomach, brew him a nice cup of Tea, at least once per day and he should feel better.

[Bild: zigad8nn.jpg]
19.01.2015 - Der Tag, an dem User ihre Dummheit bewiesen
Atra Demonica Offline
Luna's Festmeister

Beiträge: 4.588
Registriert seit: 01. Nov 2011

RE: Character RP - Ask Sarcastic Twilight
Twilight Sparkle here again.

Ive eaten well! I even had fine desert! Spike recieved a letter with a cupcake! It was really tasty. A bit like pinkie pies but with another flavor wich i can not describe.I left something for Pinkie so she can tell me, what it is. I definitly want more of those! And you may have already guessed from my letters, i cant let anything what i dont understand unexplained! Even if they are just ingredients a cupcake!

Same with you guys.. you dont know how much books i looked through just to see a hint of whats going on. But no luck so far!

Spoiler (Öffnen)

You ponys can help me if you say how you send these letters yourself. Do you have a homedragon? Is there a portal wich appeared when i sent you the first letter and you are using it to communicate back? Please answer. It may help with my understanding what in the name of celestia is going on...

So on with these other letters that popped up.

(21.12.2011)Lightning Spark schrieb:  Hm, this is kinda interesting. Not only did one letter pop up out of nothing here, but now there are already 5 of them!
But how rude of me, let me introduce myself. I am Lightning Spark. I don't know how your world and my world are connected, but it looks like your homedragon Spike can use that connection somehow... this is really exciting Big Grin
So tell me.. Miss Twilight Sparkle? Unfortunately you never said if you were male or female, but from the name i assume that you are female. I hope I am right and don't offend you in any way, that is definitely not my intention.
But what about that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna? Are they in a war against each other? You said that this Princess Luna appeared at Nightmare Night, whatever that might be, but there seems to be no violant reactions or anything... so are you at peace with each other or are you at war? Is your nation even split?
I'm looking forward hearing from you.
Lightning Spark (f)

Another Pony.... ok i have to think about the possibilty, that maybe thousands of Equestrian Ponys have recieved my letters.. i think i have to ask Celestia about it... but not to openly... i used this channel without asking her first.. this is misuse of magic and i can be punished for that... its not long ago, where i got lucky and Celestia forgot the punishement... normally she doesnt forgave me one bit...

URGH Spike i said: When i whisper i am talking to miself to think better. You should have covered youre Ear...thingies.. and not have written that!

uhh... guys... please dont tell Celestia about our little Phenomenon that were experiencing....please...

So now to you miss Lightning Spark.

Spoiler (Öffnen)

I am glad to make an acquaintance with you. You seem to have manners but i just have to ask... how can you not know Celestia. The Ruler of us all? She moves the Sun and the Moon remember? That is something, that even our littlest of fillys know!

You must live in an outskirt of Equestria, where books are not known.. i would call it hell...

you didnt know that i am female.. i sent a picture with my first letter.. am i that unatractive that i dont even look like a female anymore..? I heard a colt saying that to his friends. just yesterday when they thought i didnt hear them...

Well screw them...i dont need to look "spectacular" like Rarity would say...Beauty is so overated. I am happy, that no Colt just talks about my flank and tries to date me... i would tell him how pathetic he is and that hes not capable to making decisions on Reason and Intelligence..because he always thinks with his...you know........ahm...not with his brain at least. That is is the most important aspect why he failed in life.. if i find a colt somewhere, he has to be kinda like me. He should be looking for a serious relationship wich is not based on looks...
Why am i telling you guys this? Thats private! Urrghh...

So miss..Spark...my answer to youre letter is simple... read some books... begin with: Equestrian history for toddlers... that should be a good start..

(21.12.2011)Lykran schrieb:  Rüder Ton? Bin doch einfach nur direkt. Tschuldige wenn es so rüber kam, denn weißt du.
I really like your mane and your horn and your eyes... and your flank. Hey what are you doing this weekend? Wink

Of course... some horny Colt just had to be reading these letters...


Spoiler (Öffnen)

..............YOURE DISGUSTING!!!!! I AM NOT ONE PONY LIKE FLEURES DE LIS OR WHATEVER YOU THINK OF ME!!! And am i right or were you that first one who responded me? The One who insulted me AND princess Celestia? There is no Excuse for that!

Yes, my friendship studys taught me forgiveness and accepting an apologize, but you have crossed that line!
Urghhh okay lets start again should we... i mean you atleast made a complement about me and i guess i should be thankful.. but i am not...

I would recommend you talk to Rainbow Dash that way... she likes that direct aproach...

(21.12.2011)Haribokid schrieb:  Hey,
da deine spezielles Talent die Magie ist, kannst du bestimmt alle Elemente bändigen (Feuer, Wasser, Luft, Erde)
Bist du dadurch ein Avatar?

Spoiler (Öffnen)
Do you have any Idea how Magic works? It is not all powerfull! Magic has limits and boundaris, it cannot control the Elements. That is ridicoulous. I mean, how could you tame the wind and make it yousefull for youreself.

You had to Bend the Air of some sorts, compress it with all youre might to a form of youre choosing and release it with a burst... thats almost impossible! You would need devices for that... something where Air is compressed and can not flee... you could control it with magic then to bend the air of some sorts... dont know if you mean that.. i bet not... you just think magic is all powerfull... maybe you saw one of Trixies shows and were blown away by it...here is a something for you to learn today: She cant do anything! That is not magic, that is illusionism. Completly different...of course Ponys like you dont seem the difference.. read a book!

thank you... you have brought me an idea... i could be the first pony to bend the air... Twilight the Airbender... sounds nice dont you agree?

(OOC) Die Bilder die ihr seht, sehen eure Charaktere nicht. Die sind für euch. Wenn ihr euch das ganze lieber komplett im Kopf vorstellen wollt, ist das natürlich auch möglich. Deswegen hab ich das gespoilt. Aber ansonsten hilft es... außerdem pack ich jetzt ein Twilight face unter jede Frage. Das macht das ganze vielleicht noch etwas lustiger und bunter :-)

Das einzige ist, wenn Twilight sagt das sie ein Bild schickt. Das werde ich dann auch nicht spoilen, dann wisst ihr das dieses Bild quasi canon, ist. Ein Bild habt ihr halt schon im ersten Brief gesehen.

Und Pinkamena.. nein du schreibst nicht zu lang.. ist schon ok.. aber ich hab mir voll ne szenerie im kopf aufgemalst, wie twilght rumgeht und alle fragt ob sie deinen Namen schonmal gehört haben und so.. aber ok.. als "Dungeonmaster (XD)" muss ich auf meine Rollenspieler eingehen..^^
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 21.12.2011 von Atra Demonica.)

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