20.02.2015 |

Beiträge: 6.178
Registriert seit: 25. Nov 2011
RE: Whiteys wirres Wunderland
Viele sehen manchmal nicht die Arbeit, die ein langes Stück teilweise in sich birgt ^^ Manche wertschätzen das nicht wirklich, was schade ist.
20.02.2015 |

Beiträge: 5.852
Registriert seit: 23. Apr 2012
RE: Whiteys wirres Wunderland
(20.02.2015)Dandelo schrieb: Viele sehen manchmal nicht die Arbeit, die ein langes Stück teilweise in sich birgt ^^ Manche wertschätzen das nicht wirklich, was schade ist.
Da sagst du was. Da ist man 2 Jahre mit ner Geschichte beschäftigt und dann kriegen die Leute das in 2 Tagen durch (wenn sie überhaupt Lust haben so nen langen Text zu lesen) und sagen dann: "Yo, ist gut."
Oh well, macht aber nichts. Solange sich jemand daran erfreuen kann, bin ich glücklich. :3
Ich kenne auch Leute, die Comics zeichnen, bei denen ist das ja noch schlimmer. Die brauchen ne Woche für eine Seite, die Geschichte geht dadurch im Grunde kaum weiter und durchgeguckt hat man die in 2 Minuten.
21.02.2015 |

Beiträge: 6.178
Registriert seit: 25. Nov 2011
RE: Whiteys wirres Wunderland
Wobei man das ja weniger gut vergleichen kann. Comics leben ja in erster Linie auch von den Zeichnungen, die auch ihre Zeit beanspruchen. Eine Seite pro Woche erachte ich als guten Schnitt  Ich verfolge ein paar Webcomics, teilweise kommen da nur einmal im Mnat Updates. Wenn überhaupt. Das ist dann immer irgendwie traurig.
Aber auch für kurze Texte kann unbefriedigendes Feedback kommen. Aber je länger der Text und je länger der Aufwand, desto enttäuschter der Schreiber letzten Endes ^^
Mir fällt so gerade auf, dass das hier ja langsam ins Off-Topic gleitet :§ Ich werde dem entgegenwirken und mir nachher mal wieder was von dir lesen.
21.02.2015 |

Beiträge: 5.852
Registriert seit: 23. Apr 2012
RE: Whiteys wirres Wunderland
Oko, hier ist etwas, das mal wieder nichts für Corexx ist.
Requiem of a Mome Rath
Bizarre the trees of tulgey wood,
Twisted, with a painted hood
Of purplish colored leaves.
Stretching wondrous to the sky,
Where birds of folded paper fly,
They take the light like entish thieves.
The Tumtum tree stands in the dark,
Pale his wrinkly, weathered bark
And in his face a wicked look.
A vorpal sword is rested there,
Overgrown in moldy air,
That's just like in the mirror-book.
Grotesque the scary tulgey wood,
Where the Jabberwock once stood,
With biting jaw and catching claw.
Moss grows now atop his bones,
The hero's grave, a pile of stones,
Beneath the last tree that he saw.
Und das hab ich eben für Ving gemacht. Er mag es nicht.
The Ghostly Chains
All the things I have created,
Magic scrolls and spells alike!
But my fame – exterminated!
Treacherous the dark fate's strike!
All my magic, all this power,
Gone forever, lost in time!
Driven to this hidden tower,
I dwell alone in dust and grime.
Darkness grows within my heart,
The evil that I fight!
Every day, there dies a shard,
But still, I hunger for the light!
Changes come and decades go
And just regrets remain.
In the stream of time, its flow,
There is just one way to regain.
In the shadows I've decided,
All the world shall pay the price!
With the undead I have sided
And my heart, it turns to ice.
Unseen chains are holding me,
The ghosts of deeds gone wrong.
Nevermore I can be free,
I'm just a wraith, a dead man's song.
Everything I have forsaken,
So much more I must endure.
Left for dead, just to awaken
Blackness, nightmares, the obscure!
So I'll lock myself away,
My soul inside a book.
Necromancy is the way,
To take with force what they once took!
Hate and anger fuel my curses,
I shall rise and then restart!
Blight and bane my magic verses!
Bow to me and my dark art!
Sory, ich bin grad wieder sehr ungermanisch. ^^
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 21.02.2015 von Whitey.)
21.02.2015 |

Beiträge: 6.178
Registriert seit: 25. Nov 2011
RE: Whiteys wirres Wunderland
Die gefallen mir beide sehr gut. Gerade das letzte besticht durch seine düstere Art. Bei dem Vers "I'm just a wraith, a dead man's song" musste ich unweigerlich an das Spiel "Spellforce 2" denken xD Warum gefällt es dir denn nicht? Und warum sollte es Cora nicht gefallen D:
21.02.2015 |

Beiträge: 5.852
Registriert seit: 23. Apr 2012
RE: Whiteys wirres Wunderland
(21.02.2015)Dandelo schrieb: Die gefallen mir beide sehr gut. Gerade das letzte besticht durch seine düstere Art. Bei dem Vers "I'm just a wraith, a dead man's song" musste ich unweigerlich an das Spiel "Spellforce 2" denken xD Warum gefällt es dir denn nicht? Und warum sollte es Cora nicht gefallen D:
Danke. ^^
Es gefällt ihm nicht weil ich in der Chronologie der Geschichte was gedreht hab um es dramatischer zu machen und so einen Wandlungsprozess zu zeigen, der in seiner Version natürlich viel länger und nicht so geradlinig ist. Aber naja, ich meine, es ist eine Adaption, da muss man schonmal Kompromisse machen. ._.
Und Corexx mag nicht wenn man Alice umschreibt, was ich dummerweise immerwieder mit Begeisterung tue. ^^
Spellforce hab ich übrigens nie gespielt, das sagt mir nur vom Namen was.
21.02.2015 |

Beiträge: 6.178
Registriert seit: 25. Nov 2011
RE: Whiteys wirres Wunderland
Ach, der olle Grantler ![[Bild: cl-rd-gosh.png]](https://smilies.bronies.de/smiley/104Rainbow Dash/cl-rd-gosh.png) Soll er mal nicht so sein. Es dient einem höheren Zweck.
An Spellforce musste ich auch nur denken, weil man im Verlauf der Geschichte häufig mit Geistern Verstorbener zu tun bekommt und mit ihnen interagieren muss auf verschiedene Weise
22.02.2015 |

Beiträge: 5.852
Registriert seit: 23. Apr 2012
RE: Whiteys wirres Wunderland
Selbstreflektion der anderen Art.
"I know, this might be a bit odd, but lately I noticed, that a lot of my favourite characters have names beginning with the letter A. Of course this is purely coincidental, but then I thought, what could that say about me?"
A for...
A stands for Alice, the child inside your mind.
A stands for Alita, the power that you bind.
A, that stands for Ahab, obsession, burning hate.
And maybe it is Aerith, the love for life in every shade.
A stands for Ayanami, the silence that they hear.
A is short for Alien and everything they fear.
A, that could mean Applejack, the honesty of heart.
And lastly it's Arthuria, your fate, your codex, final part.
A means always Alpha, beginning of the new,
Ascension of the first, the best and maybe someday you.
A is old Arcadia, the world that long you seek.
And then it's just a letter, that many times you speak.
Der Grund warum ich grad soviel auf englisch schreibe ist übrigens, weil ich, nachdem ich mit Alice fertig bin, jetzt wieder vermehrt an meiner neuen Story arbeite und das hier quasi als Ausgleich mache. ^^
23.02.2015 |

Beiträge: 5.852
Registriert seit: 23. Apr 2012
RE: Whiteys wirres Wunderland
Mittagsschein im Wasserwald
Die Gräser, in bedächt'ger Stille,
Orchestriert durch seichten Wind,
Rauschen nach der Böen Wille
Um das luftumspülte Kind.
Bäume, die Grimassen schneiden,
Winden sich zum Licht empor
Und strecken über flachen Weiden
Taubedeckte Äste vor.
Kleine Fellknäuel huschen leise
Durchs Geäst und feuchten Grund,
Am Rande einer Blütenschneise,
Eines Blumenteiches bunt.
Das Kind, umrahmt von hellen Strahlen,
Fließt wie Wasser durch das Meer,
Des so grün, wie nie zu malen,
Wogend, warmen Kräuterheer.
Ihre Wangen, fast wie Muscheln,
Sind wie Kreide auf dem Stein,
Ragend überm Sträuchertuscheln,
In der Flut des Mittagsschein.
Blass-durchnässte Haare fallen
In der Sonne auf das Kleid
Und legen sich, mit Flattern, Wallen,
Auf den Mund, der wortlos schreit.
Und der Wasserwald liegt trocken,
Dürre zehrt den Zephyrfluss,
Denn wenn Abendschimmer locken,
Haucht das Kind den Todeskuss.
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 23.02.2015 von Whitey.)
24.02.2015 |

Beiträge: 5.852
Registriert seit: 23. Apr 2012
RE: Whiteys wirres Wunderland
Glorb, I controls teh spice, I controls the universe.
Butlerian Jihad
"Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a human mind." - The O.C. Bible
Robots think, machines are rising,
Computerminds are rationalizing
And all mankind faces doom.
Steelbound, soulless, cold inside,
They're getting bolder, want their right,
But for them, there is no room.
This is the battle for the stars,
All man against machine!
This is the holiest of wars,
To wipe the planet systems clean!
Take them to the execution,
What they are can never be!
This is the human revolution,
'Thou shalt not think' is the decree!
Fear takes shape in human hearts,
Disdain for our counterparts
And so the great crusade begins.
We swarm throughout the galaxy,
For god, for glory, to be free,
To smash them before evil wins!
Bodies breaking, hulls exploding,
Human flesh against hard steel!
Our Lasguns we are loading,
Show them pain and how we feel!
This battle's outcome lasts for ages,
Legends for the scriptures pages
And the end decides our fate.
We send them to the iron hell,
Stones are burning, war cries swell,
Fueled by madness and by hate.
Mindless armies rage and roar,
AI-massacre, not a war.
And even if we win this fight,
Our sanity has long since died.
But from the ashes are reborn,
The Mentats, who have said and sworn
To be processors made of skin;
So what did we here really win?
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 24.02.2015 von Whitey.)
26.02.2015 |

Beiträge: 5.852
Registriert seit: 23. Apr 2012
RE: Whiteys wirres Wunderland
Glorb! Hier etwas kurzes Manga-Relatiertes.
Ms. Van Winkle
Ms. Van Winkle, shine and twinkle,
Like a star on fields of war.
Rip Van Winkle, dance and sprinkle,
Out on sea, where you meet me!
Ms. Van Winkle, bullets tinkle,
Arcane blaze and magic haze!
Rip Van Winkle, twist and wrinkle,
In your throes, like all your foes.
Ms. Van Winkle, do not crinkle,
Have no shame in misjudged aim.
Dear Lieutenant, raise the pennant!
We'll meet again in Valhall's glen.
26.02.2015 |

Great and Powerful

Beiträge: 278
Registriert seit: 24. Dez 2014
RE: Whiteys wirres Wunderland
Letztes Kapitel Seras Pantyshot ♡
Ich habe sofort an Hellsing denken müssen.
Es erinnert etwas an ein Schlaflied.
Aber ich war das nicht, ich bin mir sicher, dass hat jemand anders gesagt.
Ich meine, es würde aber gut passen. Nur hast du dafür ein Wörterbuch benutzen müssen oder schweben dir diese auffällig seltener anzutrefenden englischen Wörter gerne durch den Kopf?
Vielleicht nehme ich mir auch mal die Zeit andere Werke von dir zu kommentieren...
Man kann nicht etwas verlieren, das man nie besaß, doch kann mehr als einmal verlieren, was man selbst als Wert betrachtet..
26.02.2015 |

Beiträge: 1.315
Registriert seit: 29. Apr 2012
RE: Whiteys wirres Wunderland
(24.02.2015)Whitey schrieb: Glorb, I controls teh spice, I controls the universe. ![[Bild: pc-deserious.png]](https://smilies.bronies.de/smiley/112Derpy, Doctor (W)Hooves/pc-deserious.png)
Butlerian Jihad
"Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a human mind." - The O.C. Bible
Robots think, machines are rising,
Computerminds are rationalizing
And all mankind faces doom.
Steelbound, soulless, cold inside,
They're getting bolder, want their right,
But for them, there is no room.
This is the battle for the stars,
All man against machine!
This is the holiest of wars,
To wipe the planet systems clean!
Take them to the execution,
What they are can never be!
This is the human revolution,
'Thou shalt not think' is the decree!
Fear takes shape in human hearts,
Disdain for our counterparts
And so the great crusade begins.
We swarm throughout the galaxy,
For god, for glory, to be free,
To smash them before evil wins!
Bodies breaking, hulls exploding,
Human flesh against hard steel!
Our Lasguns we are loading,
Show them pain and how we feel!
This battle's outcome lasts for ages,
Legends for the scriptures pages
And the end decides our fate.
We send them to the iron hell,
Stones are burning, war cries swell,
Fueled by madness and by hate.
Mindless armies rage and roar,
AI-massacre, not a war.
And even if we win this fight,
Our sanity has long since died.
But from the ashes are reborn,
The Mentats, who have said and sworn
To be processors made of skin;
So what did we here really win?
Wahrlich, es hinterfragt sehr genau, welcher Preis, unser Handeln hat I:
Sehr genial verfasst Whitey
26.02.2015 |

Beiträge: 5.852
Registriert seit: 23. Apr 2012
RE: Whiteys wirres Wunderland
(26.02.2015)WindGodGirl schrieb: Schön!
Letztes Kapitel Seras Pantyshot ♡
(26.02.2015)WindGodGirl schrieb: Hmm.
Ich habe sofort an Hellsing denken müssen.
Es erinnert etwas an ein Schlaflied.
Aber ich war das nicht, ich bin mir sicher, dass hat jemand anders gesagt.
Ich meine, es würde aber gut passen. Nur hast du dafür ein Wörterbuch benutzen müssen oder schweben dir diese auffällig seltener anzutrefenden englischen Wörter gerne durch den Kopf?
Vielleicht nehme ich mir auch mal die Zeit andere Werke von dir zu kommentieren...
Sehr gut, alles richtig. Es geht natürlich um Hellsing und ich hatte irgendwie die Idee, es als Kinderreim zu schreiben, weil es so komplett unpassend ist und sich der Name außerdem auf twinkle reimt, wie in Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. ^^
Aber ja, da war ein Wörterbuch mit im Spiel. Ich kenne nicht genug Reime auf Winkle. Wie oft braucht man sowas schon?
(26.02.2015)Moonseeker schrieb: (24.02.2015)Whitey schrieb: Glorb, I controls teh spice, I controls the universe. ![[Bild: pc-deserious.png]](https://smilies.bronies.de/smiley/112Derpy, Doctor (W)Hooves/pc-deserious.png)
Butlerian Jihad
"Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a human mind." - The O.C. Bible
Robots think, machines are rising,
Computerminds are rationalizing
And all mankind faces doom.
Steelbound, soulless, cold inside,
They're getting bolder, want their right,
But for them, there is no room.
This is the battle for the stars,
All man against machine!
This is the holiest of wars,
To wipe the planet systems clean!
Take them to the execution,
What they are can never be!
This is the human revolution,
'Thou shalt not think' is the decree!
Fear takes shape in human hearts,
Disdain for our counterparts
And so the great crusade begins.
We swarm throughout the galaxy,
For god, for glory, to be free,
To smash them before evil wins!
Bodies breaking, hulls exploding,
Human flesh against hard steel!
Our Lasguns we are loading,
Show them pain and how we feel!
This battle's outcome lasts for ages,
Legends for the scriptures pages
And the end decides our fate.
We send them to the iron hell,
Stones are burning, war cries swell,
Fueled by madness and by hate.
Mindless armies rage and roar,
AI-massacre, not a war.
And even if we win this fight,
Our sanity has long since died.
But from the ashes are reborn,
The Mentats, who have said and sworn
To be processors made of skin;
So what did we here really win?
Wahrlich, es hinterfragt sehr genau, welcher Preis, unser Handeln hat I:
Sehr genial verfasst Whitey ![[Bild: cl-ts-clap.png]](https://smilies.bronies.de/smiley/200Clapping Ponys/cl-ts-clap.png)
Yay, danke.
Und ich bin halt eher auf der Seite der Cyborgs. xD Oder nein, auf der Seite der denkenden Wesen. :3
01.03.2015 |

Beiträge: 5.852
Registriert seit: 23. Apr 2012
RE: Whiteys wirres Wunderland
Das hier find ich ja persönlich auch ziemlich awesome.
The Music of Erich Zann
You play the violin of fate
With matchless, driven haste,
In the midnight hour late,
A song amorphous and displaced!
All the windows open wide,
You play, you play, you play!
You let the madness in and glide
Into the dreamlands far away.
You play the violin of things
Unspoken in the dark,
On your eldritch, howling strings,
That rip the space-time right apart.
You play the symphony of doom,
Beyond the purple ray!
O lunacy outside this room!
The vortex swirls, you play, you play!
Screeching, twisting dies the mind,
You play insanity!
Of the cosmic, starbound kind,
The gibbous inhumanity!
Blasphemous your fingers jerk,
In ecstasy and loathful chants!
Like a cultist in his work,
You play of fungi, serpents, plants!
You play with moonshine in your eyes,
Beyond the mortal realm,
Of the nameless things that rise;
You play, you play, to overhelm!
It echos through the spectral haze,
To Yuggoth's unnamed shores!
You play, you play, you play – you gaze!
My head! My god! The open doors!
01.03.2015 |

Beiträge: 5.852
Registriert seit: 23. Apr 2012
RE: Whiteys wirres Wunderland
(01.03.2015)Dandelo schrieb: Oha, Erich Zann? Von dem guten Mann, hab ich ja lange nichts gehört. Sehr schönes, rasantes Werk. Gerade die letzten vier Verse gefallen mir ausgesprochen gut. Ein Lied, das super zu der Geschichte passen würde 
Hehe, danke. Die DeviantArt Version geht am Ende noch weiter und das ganze Ding driftet zuerst in wirren Buchstabensalat ab und dann verrücktes Gebrabbel über Yog-Sothoth.
Ziemlich over the top, aber als ich es schrieb kam es mir awesome vor. xD
Leider klappt das hier im Forum mit den Einzügen nicht so.
Siehe hier: http://almostwhitey.deviantart.com/art/T...-516500964
Da ich mich momentan so lovecraftisch fühle, hier noch etwas.
Mad Arab
They call me mad, but you're insane
If you don't heed my words.
There are creatures on this plane,
So eldritch, their existence hurts!
I wandered through the desert black
And heard the demons howling.
A saw the rifts, felt every crack
And listened to strange aeons growling.
“Write a book”, they told me soft,
“A book of cosmic evil.
Tell them of the ones aloft,
The ones below and the primeval!”
Can't you hear the hissing sounds,
Of things too wrong to say?
Can't you see cyclopic towns,
In waving fog beyond the bay?
I'm a prophet since that walk,
Of horrors from the stars.
I saw them move, I heard them talk,
They told me of their ancient wars.
I wrote a book for you to read,
The book of corners black!
The book of humming desert heat
And of the times, when they come back!
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 02.03.2015 von Whitey.)
06.03.2015 |

Beiträge: 5.852
Registriert seit: 23. Apr 2012
RE: Whiteys wirres Wunderland
Oh hai! I wrote you a Story.
The Nightingale - A Tragedy
1. World Eater
Walking through this giant hall,
Drawn to the end in fright.
This is the journey to your fall,
Across the room, a distant light.
You bow to it, to him, to her,
Your master out of time.
Flying from it's shard-like lair,
Up to the stratosphere you climb.
The world is burning, fires glow
On blackened, furrowed grounds.
You fly on wings of death, a crow,
The herald of the doomsday's hounds.
The planetside is ripped in two,
The madman-legions marching.
Your victory and doom is due,
The cosmos in contortion arching.
The sounds of war becoming still,
Just silence and the wind.
You stand alone atop this hill,
A shadowblade, a human's hint.
Before your feet, a lifeless thing,
A thing that you once loved;
Fallen to your raven wing,
Between the gears of battle shoved.
Nothingness, just barren land,
Is all that's left behind.
Nature overtakes the strand;
And black the flowers of your mind.
The ruins are your hulking throne,
As stranger, warlord, pilgrim.
For your sins you can't atone,
As last of all the human children.
Finally, the curtain falls,
You draw your bloodsoaked sword.
A shade of an emotion crawls
And then you die without a word.
Above, there looms the blackest sun,
That hides the whitest moon.
You ate the world, yourself, the one,
As dancer to some cosmic tune.
2. Blackest Sun, Whitest Moon
I see you dancing in your mind,
In long past, better times.
You were so close, one of a kind,
A loving song with perfect rhymes.
A crimson dress flows graceful down
Your fragile form, your pallid hills.
Her dress was black, a raven gown,
That gave you just the best of chills.
You were so different as can be,
A sun-filled day, a moonlit night.
While you were tranquil like the sea,
She was ambitious, raging might.
I see you dancing on the edge,
A deadly hollow's gaping.
So dissonant you saw your pledge
And grim your war, the cosmos shaping.
The blackest sun is rising fast,
The whitest moon goes down.
Oh, how much better was the past!
Now in the crimson tide you drown.
3. The Raven and the Dove
One Nameless Narrator:
O sunlight-dame, what have you done?
Are you just mad or evil?
What dark crusade have you begun?
Your soul in chaos, an upheaval!
O moonshine-maid, why follow her?
In love or just lunatic?
Can't you see her disdained glare?
An eagle eye, that's filled with static.
I know, you have tried everything
To safe what is to safe.
There is one hope, to that you cling:
To change her mind and close the grave.
The White Moon:
I still can see the good that lies
Clouded, behind cruel cries!
I knew her long, from head to heart,
And still there is this glowing shard!
I want to end your tragic fate,
So hear my plead, it's not too late!
The Cosmic Evil:
Never you are breaking free,
For in command is only me!
I am the madness, your best friend,
I change the world and bring the end!
I am her mind, so through and through... –
The White Moon:
O darling mine, I'm loving you!
Discard your hate, it is amiss!
You want the world, I yearn your kiss!
The Cosmic Evil:
You're just a satellite, dear child!
Too small, too distant, far too mild!
The White Moon:
We are apart, but would you hear!
The Black Sun:
Just in your dreams we were so near.
The White Moon:
So long ago we dreamed together,
What has happend since that time?
Have I lost you now forever?
You seem so cold, yet still sublime.
One Nameless Narrator:
There is no answer, just the war
And the eternal fighting.
Your very soul is torn and raw,
A circled serpent, twisting, biting.
The Black Sun:
I'm doing what I have to do,
There is no other way!
The White Moon:
So narrow, it just seems to you.
There is still more than only fray!
One Nameless Narrator:
A hero rises, but in vain,
You turn around to have him slain.
The Black Sun:
In thousand years I won't be beaten!
The opposition will just sweeten
My victory on every field.
I am no soldier that will yield!
The White Moon:
You are so blind, why can't you see?
Your're just a puppet reeling!
Once, you had this spark of glee.
Have you killed your every feeling?
I can't stand this anymore,
Where is the love that you once swore?
The Black Sun:
Rebbellious are you? Treachery!
Be gone, out of my way!
The White Moon:
I'll summon all my bravery,
I'm standing up and I will stay!
The Black Sun:
I draw my sword and stab and slice,
But you won't move, it's your demise.
One Nameless Narrator:
You're falling, moonchild, crimsonclad,
Is this now what you wanted?
The White Moon:
No other way was to be had,
I'm rather dead than always haunted.
One Nameless Narrator:
You seem to shiver, burning sun,
She's gone now, you're alone.
Take your sword and run and run!
Wasn't all this long since shown?
The Black Sun:
I didn't mean to... didn't want... –
The White Moon:
And still you're not to blame!
I hope you see, and if it's gaunt,
That all this sorrow has a name.
You're crying, darling, cry no more.
At least I died with reason's roar.
The Black Sun:
I need you moon shine, don't be gone!
Oh what, great heavens, have I done?!
The White Moon:
Now turn around, you'll see the dawn,
The light and your redemption's spawn!
The Black Sun:
I cast away the evil's spell,
My hand on your pale cheek.
Sleep now, sweetheart, all is well,
So white as day, you look so meek.
One last kiss and then goodbye,
I'll follow you into the sky!
The White Moon:
My love, now put your saber down,
There is no need to die.
My soul would only wail and frown,
Up in the heavens I would cry.
The Black Sun:
No turning back, it's far to late
And now I see my final fate.
I'll take my fleet to this black shard,
Where devilish the mountain's scarred,
And give up live in one last fight,
So that from darkness will come light.
The White Moon:
We'll meet again, I promise, dear,
Beyond the darkest moon.
If you do right, then have no fear,
I'm waiting on the heaven's dune.
One Nameless Narrator:
And so the whitest moonshine dims,
With closing eyes and angel's hymns.
The Cosmic Evil:
My dark eclipse is fading! How?!
The sun is shining, blazing!
The Black Sun:
I'm Sol Invictus, you will bow!
I'll banish you with this last phrasing!
I'm sinking gladly in the sea,
Again I'm dancing full of glee.
One Nameless Narrator:
Tragic ends this gloomy tale,
Of armageddon, star-bound love.
The evil's gone, the morning pale,
Above a raven and a dove.
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 07.03.2015 von Whitey.)
07.03.2015 |

Beiträge: 5.852
Registriert seit: 23. Apr 2012
RE: Whiteys wirres Wunderland
The Cats of Ulthar
Beware the cats of this small town
And harm not even one.
They are the kings without a crown,
So treat them like your only son.
Most noble are these feline beasts,
And cunning even more.
Anger them and they'll have feasts
And drag you to an eldritch shore.
They claim nine lives on lunar thrones,
Through nine dimensions gazing.
From nineteen men remain just bones
And ninety-nine are Bastet praising.
Death is just a crooked cat,
With mystic glowing eyes.
Source of wonder and of dread,
Your only fellow, bane of mice.
Offer them their due respect,
Their ancient given right.
The dreamland knows the ill effect,
If feline friendship is denied.
This Ulthar is an eerie place,
The safest of the havens.
Once the cats left without trace
And all the rest know just the ravens.
08.03.2015 |

Beiträge: 5.852
Registriert seit: 23. Apr 2012
RE: Whiteys wirres Wunderland
Draculina or: The Psalm of Darkness
The bloodmoon stands in scarlet skies
And watches every move.
This human world, a world of lies,
Your body hungers to improve!
Running silent, beaten down,
You just want it to end.
The night will be your maiden's gown,
Salvation from your grim lament.
You've waited long, for many years,
But now the time is nigh.
Close your eyes and wipe your tears,
This is the perfect night to die.
So young, so fair and full of life,
For blood so sweet I did long strife.
So come, my girl, let us unite;
And trade your fealty for might.
Your human shape will be forlorn,
For to the darkness you are sworn.
The rage awakens in your soul,
The killer deep within.
Bite me, sweetheart, eat me whole,
And welcome to my undead kin.
The hunger drives you through the night,
Let's fly on raving wings.
Say goodbye to sun and light,
You're destined for far greater things!
Dress yourself in bloodsoaked garb,
My powers make you strong.
Embrace this swirling, wicked warp,
In crimson shadows you belong.
You're still in doubt, but have no fear
When you the psalm of darkness hear.
So show the world your razor teeth
And all the anger deep beneath.
You are my servant, I'm your king,
Now come, dear Seras, hell will sing!
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 08.03.2015 von Whitey.)