RE: Poste dein STRG-V
"register": "Register",
"desc0": "Register now at!",
"desc1": "But why? Here are some of the most important reasons:",
"desc2": "Special offer: Every new registered user receives a free user account!",
"desc3": "You can brag among your friends that you have an account on a site as great as this one.",
"desc4": "You can always log in an out over and over again by using the great ajax-powered login form without realoading the page. So much fun!",
"desc5": "You receive access to one-of-a-kind services",
"desc6": "(if those should exist some time in the far future)",
"desc7": "On pages where there's an input field for your name, such as in the <a href='/shop'>Shop</a>, your name will be entered automatically for you.",
"desc8": "I get access to your e-mail adress, your password, and your identity and the ability to collect further personal data about you."
"desc9": "Sounds good? Of course it does! So what are you waiting for? Join the",
"desc10" "wise, intelligent and good-looking people who already registered right now!",
"checking": "Checking ...",
"username": "Username",
"username_tt": "Required.<br />Please enter your desired username.",
"username_error": "Error checking your username!",
"username_toshort": "This username is too short.<br />Please choose a name with at least two characters.",
"username_taken": "This username has already been taken.",
"username_invalidchars": "This username contains forbidden characters.<br />Forbidden characters:",
"username_ok_tt": "Available!",
"pass": "Password",
"pass_tt": "Required.<br />Please choose a password.",
"pass_tooshort": "This password is too short.<br />Please choose a password with at least six characters.",
"pass_ok": "Looks good!",
"passrepeat": "Repeat password",
"passrepeat_tt": "Required.<br />Please repeat your password to avoid typos.",
"passrepeat_notok": "The passwords you entered do not match".
"passrepeat_ok": "No typos!",
"email": "E-mail",
"email_tt": "Required.<br />Please enter your e-mail address.",
"email_error": "Error checking your e-mail address!",
"email_malformed": "Malformed e-mail address.<br />Please enter a valid e-mail address.",
"email_taken": "There's another account using this e-mail address.<br />Please use a different one.",
"email_ok": "Perfect!",
"tou1": "I haven't read the",
"tou2": "terms of usage",
"tou3": "but agree to them anyway.",
"tou_tt": "Check this box if you agree to the terms of usage.<br />Your agreement is required to complete your registration.",
"pp1": "I haven't even considered opening the",
"pp2": "privacy policy",
"pp3": "but also agree to those.",
"pp_tt": "Check this box if you agree to our privacy policy.<br />Your agreemend is required to complete your registration.",
"spam": "Please send me lots of advertisement for online casinos and virility pills multiple times a day.",
"spam_tt": "Check this box to receiv exclusive spam for members of<br />Never miss out a chance to buy cheap Viagra online, get great bonusses in online casinos, or download severe viruses!",
"submit_notok": "Please check the form.",
"submit_notok_tt": "You haven't filled out all fields yet!",
"submit_ok": "Register!",
"submit_ok_tt": "Click here to complete your registration.",