18.05.2015 |

Blank Flank

Beiträge: 2
Registriert seit: 18. Mai 2015
American player looking for others while in Germany for Summer
Apologies if this is in the wrong place, my German is rudimentary at best and google translate is only so trustworthy.
Anyways, I am an American player from Texas who is going to be in North Germany (Wilhelmshaven to be exact) this Summer from July 12th to August 15th. I am looking for players in and around the area to play the CCG with while I am in Germany. I am hoping to find at least some people nearby who I could meet with.
On another note I will also be attempting to go to Gala Con during my stay, so if any players are going to that and want to meet up that would be cool too.
18.05.2015 |
Saucy Mod

Beiträge: 17.766
Registriert seit: 19. Nov 2011
RE: American player looking for others while in Germany for Summer
I'm not sure, if there are many CCG-Players so far north, but there will probably be ccg room at galacon like last year where i am going to spend a good time of the convention
(Odoga from reddit, i suppose)
18.05.2015 |

Blank Flank

Beiträge: 2
Registriert seit: 18. Mai 2015
RE: American player looking for others while in Germany for Summer
The very same Odoga, yes. Still, I am hoping there is at least a bit of a chance I can find someone. Worst case I will see people at Galacon I suppose.