07.09.2012 |

Blank Flank

Beiträge: 5
Registriert seit: 07. Sep 2012
A visit from Hungary. Meet in Wien, 2012/12/02
Hi Bronies of Austria!
My name is Adam, I'm organizing a meet for some of the Hungarian Bronies. We are going for a one-day visit to Wien in December 2nd (Sunday).
Some of the details are TBA, but most probably we will take a bus from Budapest early morning, spend the day in Wien, do some sightseeing, shopping, the usual tourist-y stuff, and go home by bus in the evening. We thought that it would be awesome, if some of you could come, and do something together. (like showing us around, taking us to your favourite places, etc.)  This is not a big meet for us, I'm organizing this only for a small, closed group of about 30 bronies, but I don't expect more than 10 of us going. Unfortunately as far as I know the majority of us doesn't speak German, but most of us speak English well, so I don't fear communication will be a problem.  If you're interested, please respond in this thread, or by e-mail at adam434@gmail[dot]com or you can send me a message on Facebook. (in English please)
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 07.09.2012 von adam434.)
07.09.2012 |
Ponyville Pony

Beiträge: 226
Registriert seit: 03. Apr 2012
RE: A visit from Hungary. Meet in Wien, 2012/12/02

that's a real cool idea, unfortunately I'm from Linz, so I don't know Vienna very well and I can't show you much of the city. But I'd like to meet bronies from other countries.
I'm sure the bronies from Vienna will respond soon.
Yours sincerely,
12.09.2012 |

Beiträge: 1.834
Registriert seit: 19. Jul 2011
RE: A visit from Hungary. Meet in Wien, 2012/12/02
Hello adam,
I'm definitely going to announce this meetup on our Bronies Austria Facebook-Page and Group and I'm sure that a lot of Bronies from Vienna will respond
I for myself can't say if I will have time on 2nd December but as soon as I know it I'm going to send you a message.
12.09.2012 |

Beiträge: 2.744
Registriert seit: 14. Feb 2012
RE: A visit from Hungary. Meet in Wien, 2012/12/02
Oh hey adam434,
it would be awesome to meet you.
Uhm, would be a pleasure to come to this "meetup" in vienna it's not as far away from home so it will be easy for me to come.
I think a big part of the other bronies in Vienna would come too, but hopefully not too much so it's become a disaster 
Hopefully all will turn out well.
So thanks for the announce and c u soon!
Yours sincerely,
12.09.2012 |

Beiträge: 759
Registriert seit: 01. Feb 2012
RE: A visit from Hungary. Meet in Wien, 2012/12/02
There will be definitly enougch bronys causing the biggerst disaster ever whitnessed by Pony eyes! But it'll be Totally fun!
Btw theres NO way i'm going to miss This!
14.09.2012 |

Beiträge: 810
Registriert seit: 16. Apr 2012
RE: A visit from Hungary. Meet in Wien, 2012/12/02
Yay! Awesome that bronies from other countries are coming to our city.
Have the hungarian bronies a own forum on internet? (sorry for my english  )
05.10.2012 |
Ponyville Pony

Beiträge: 236
Registriert seit: 05. Okt 2012
RE: A visit from Hungary. Meet in Wien, 2012/12/02
Hi Adam!
This sounds very interesting and it would be my first brony-meet-up, since I am a newcomer-brony. I'd like to meet you all but I'm not sure if it will be possible for me on 2nd December. I will let you know as soon as I know it for myself.
How old are you hungarian bronies? Just because I am interested to know!
vorher bekannt als Captain Flutterhaft
14.10.2012 |

Beiträge: 759
Registriert seit: 01. Feb 2012
RE: A visit from Hungary. Meet in Wien, 2012/12/02
alle österreichischen bronies die da meinen sie warn noch nie auf einem meetup: wir haben fast täglich in Wien kleinere bronytreffen zu denen ihr alle herzlich eingeladen seit! ( http://www.bronies.de/showthread.php?tid=4780 ) und zu season 3 beginn wird es auch ein gewaltiges meetup geben zu dem ihr hoffentlich ALLE kommt!
21.10.2012 |

Blank Flank

Beiträge: 5
Registriert seit: 07. Sep 2012
RE: A visit from Hungary. Meet in Wien, 2012/12/02
Hey guys! Some updates:
-Our bus(Orangeways) arrives around 10:15 to PRATERSTERN U-BAHNSTATION
-We currently have 6 persons confirmed, including me, and some others still considering
-We will arrange some sightseeing, so please leave suggestions about what should we see. We'll try to keep it cheap, 'cause we're broke as hell.
-Our bus back to Hungary leaves at 19:30, from the same place we arrived. There are no other alternatives for us to get back on that day, so it's important, that we catch that bus, so we want to get back to the station at least 15 minutes before the bus leaves.
25.11.2012 |

Blank Flank

Beiträge: 5
Registriert seit: 07. Sep 2012
RE: A visit from Hungary. Meet in Wien, 2012/12/02
Some more updates:
-Our bus arrives to Nordbahnstrasse 50 at 10:15
-All of you are welcome to join us here: http://goo.gl/maps/kcQTc
-We'll be there until 10:30, after that, we'll go to Prater, and from there we'll walk to the inner city, and in the afternoon we'll visit the Christmas market at Rathausplatz. We would be happy if you could come with us all day.
01.12.2012 |

Beiträge: 1.039
Registriert seit: 20. Jun 2012
RE: A visit from Hungary. Meet in Wien, 2012/12/02
I'll be there, too. Sorry for the late reply, but even today I wasn't 100% sure about it. On the bright side, I can speak all of German, Hungarian and English, so I can be your universal translator, among other things.
I'll be happy to meet y'all!
01.12.2012 |

Blank Flank

Beiträge: 5
Registriert seit: 07. Sep 2012
RE: A visit from Hungary. Meet in Wien, 2012/12/02
Yay! Thanks for coming! Don't forget: Tomorrow around 10:15-10:30 at Praterstern http://goo.gl/maps/kcQTc
If needed, you can reach me at +36309984833
02.12.2012 |

Beiträge: 2.744
Registriert seit: 14. Feb 2012
RE: A visit from Hungary. Meet in Wien, 2012/12/02
I'll arrive at 14:31 in vienna with the train, and will ask Xris777 than where you are at this time. I can't come earlier because I have many things to do this weekend and their not finished yet.
But I'm happy to see you soon.
(Oh man, my english skills are as bad as hell)
Werde um 14:31 in Wien mit den Zug ankommen, werde dann Xris777 erstmal fragen wo ihr zu dieser Zeit seid. Ich konnte nicht früher kommen, da ich einige Dinge das Wochenende zu erledigen hatte und vieles davon ist noch immer nicht fertig.
Aber ich freue mich schon darauf euch zu sehen.
(  ich glaub das muss ich nicht übersetzen )
//EDIT  have edited the arrival time, because have writed down the departure time  .
//Edit2: the train has arrived too early, so Im missed it, I'll take the next train at 14:42 and will be in vienna at 15:30
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 02.12.2012 von rainbowdash28.)
16.12.2012 |
Cutie Mark Crusader

Beiträge: 44
Registriert seit: 30. Jan 2012
RE: A visit from Hungary. Meet in Wien, 2012/12/02
Hi everyponie.
How was the meet up? If you would do a second one i would come too. I also speak hungarian and german. If there is going to be a next meet up, please send me a pn. PLEAAASE