19.02.2013 |
Cheerilee's Student
Trixies Quizmaster

Beiträge: 5.620
Registriert seit: 16. Aug 2012
RE: My Little Pony character sorter
Naja.... ein großer Teil stimmt schon
1 Rainbow Dash
2 Twilight Sparkle
3 Applejack
4 Scootaloo
5 Cheerilee
6 Apple Bloom
7 Sweetie Belle
8 Princess Celestia
9 Rarity
10 Fluttershy
11 Pinkie Pie
12 Princess Luna
13 Big Macintosh
14 Babs Seed
15 Spike
16 Discord
17 Nightmare Moon
18 Princess Cadence
19 Spitfire
20 Zecora
21 Queen Chrysalis
22 Berry Punch
23 Octavia
24 Vinyl Scratch
25 Lyra
26 Colgate
27 Lightning Dust
28 Shining Armor
29 Bon Bon
30 Cloud Chaser
31 Flitter
32 Rose Luck
33 Carrot Top
34 Braeburn
35 Caramel
36 Diamond Tiara
37 Silver Spoon
38 Dr. Whooves
39 Granny Smith
40 Pipsqueak
41 Flim
42 Fleur de Lys
43 Iron Will
44 Derpy
45 Flam
46 Soarin'
47 Snowflake / Horsepower
48 Gilda
49 Twist
50 King Sombra
51 Trixie
52 Photo Finish
53 Fancy Pants
54 Hoity Toity
55 Prince Blueblood
19.02.2013 |

Beiträge: 1.111
Registriert seit: 23. Okt 2012
RE: My Little Pony character sorter
Kommt ungefähr hin
1 Colgate
2 Vinyl Scratch
3 Applejack
4 Rainbow Dash
5 Twilight Sparkle
6 Fluttershy
7 Derpy
8 Zecora
9 Pinkie Pie
10 Cloud Chaser
11 Spitfire
12 Rarity
13 Trixie
14 Discord
15 Photo Finish
16 Sweetie Belle
17 Apple Bloom
18 Scootaloo
19 Cheerilee
20 Lyra
21 Princess Luna
22 Princess Celestia
23 Nightmare Moon
24 Flitter
25 Babs Seed
26 Rose Luck
27 Carrot Top
28 Berry Punch
29 Octavia
30 Lightning Dust
31 Bon Bon
32 Big Macintosh
33 Snowflake / Horsepower
34 Spike
35 Granny Smith
36 Fleur de Lys
37 Soarin'
38 Braeburn
39 Dr. Whooves
40 Flim
41 Flam
42 Iron Will
43 Princess Cadence
44 Queen Chrysalis
45 Prince Blueblood
46 Twist
47 Shining Armor
48 Silver Spoon
49 Hoity Toity
50 Caramel
51 Pipsqueak
52 Diamond Tiara
53 Fancy Pants
54 Gilda
55 King Sombra
19.02.2013 |

Beiträge: 2.334
Registriert seit: 27. Mai 2012
RE: My Little Pony character sorter
(19.02.2013)Vingthor schrieb: okay, ich habe meist ziemlich leichtfertig entschieden, sodass das Ergebnis nicht zu 100% richtig ist. Werde es wohl nochmal machen müssen und mir mehr Zeit nehmen ![[Bild: cl-rd-grin.png]](https://smilies.bronies.de/smiley/104Rainbow%20Dash/cl-rd-grin.png)
1 Pinkie Pie
2 Twilight Sparkle
3 Rainbow Dash
4 Applejack
5 Fluttershy
6 Rarity
7 Discord
8 Princess Luna
9 Nightmare Moon
10 Photo Finish
11 Octavia
12 Cloud Chaser
13 Queen Chrysalis
14 Spitfire
15 King Sombra
16 Vinyl Scratch
17 Shining Armor
18 Lightning Dust
19 Flitter
20 Princess Cadence
21 Soarin'
22 Spike
23 Trixie
24 Colgate
25 Derpy
26 Zecora
27 Braeburn
28 Gilda
29 Snowflake / Horsepower
30 Rose Luck
31 Dr. Whooves
32 Berry Punch
33 Babs Seed
34 Caramel
35 Carrot Top
36 Fancy Pants
36 Fleur de Lys
38 Hoity Toity
39 Twist
40 Prince Blueblood
41 Princess Celestia
42 Flam
43 Sweetie Belle
44 Big Macintosh
45 Flim
46 Scootaloo
47 Apple Bloom
48 Granny Smith
49 Cheerilee
50 Iron Will
51 Lyra
52 Bon Bon
53 Diamond Tiara
54 Silver Spoon
55 Pipsqueak
Habe es nun nochmal gemacht und gemerkt, dass ichs so oft machen kann wie ich will, es wird wohl immer ein etwas anderes Ergebnis rauskommen 
Aber ich denke, das hier wäre nun die Richtigere:
1 Pinkie Pie
2 Twilight Sparkle
3 Rainbow Dash
4 Applejack
5 Fluttershy
6 Rarity
7 Discord
8 Princess Luna
9 Photo Finish
10 Octavia
11 King Sombra
12 Cloud Chaser
13 Spitfire
14 Lightning Dust
15 Big Macintosh
16 Nightmare Moon
17 Vinyl Scratch
18 Spike
19 Queen Chrysalis
20 Shining Armor
21 Flim
21 Flam
23 Iron Will
24 Trixie
25 Princess Cadence
26 Flitter
27 Soarin'
28 Colgate
29 Zecora
30 Braeburn
31 Princess Celestia
32 Fancy Pants
33 Granny Smith
34 Sweetie Belle
35 Scootaloo
36 Apple Bloom
37 Cheerilee
38 Derpy
39 Dr. Whooves
40 Gilda
41 Rose Luck
42 Pipsqueak
43 Babs Seed
44 Lyra
45 Snowflake / Horsepower
46 Berry Punch
47 Bon Bon
48 Carrot Top
49 Caramel
50 Fleur de Lys
51 Hoity Toity
52 Diamond Tiara
53 Silver Spoon
54 Twist
55 Prince Blueblood
Aber warum gibts dort keine Daring Do?
19.02.2013 |
Silly Filly

Beiträge: 82
Registriert seit: 01. Jul 2012
RE: My Little Pony character sorter
Also bei mir Stimmts irgendwie fast ziemlich genau.
1 Applejack
2 Sweetie Belle
3 Derpy
4 Fluttershy
5 Octavia
6 Pinkie Pie
7 Lyra
8 Dr. Whooves
9 Apple Bloom
10 Twilight Sparkle
11 Discord
12 Big Macintosh
13 Princess Luna
14 Shining Armor
15 Colgate
16 Vinyl Scratch
17 Bon Bon
18 Princess Cadence
19 Spike
20 Granny Smith
21 Berry Punch
22 Babs Seed
23 Braeburn
24 Princess Celestia
25 Flim
26 Cheerilee
27 Carrot Top
28 Rarity
29 Soarin'
30 Photo Finish
31 Queen Chrysalis
32 Flam
33 Scootaloo
34 Pipsqueak
35 Flitter
36 Cloud Chaser
37 Nightmare Moon
38 Rainbow Dash
39 Diamond Tiara
40 Rose Luck
41 Zecora
42 Spitfire
43 Silver Spoon
44 Hoity Toity
45 Fleur de Lys
46 Caramel
47 Trixie
48 Fancy Pants
49 Lightning Dust
50 Twist
51 King Sombra
52 Gilda
53 Prince Blueblood
54 Snowflake / Horsepower
55 Iron Will
19.02.2013 |

Beiträge: 1.803
Registriert seit: 12. Okt 2011
RE: My Little Pony character sorter
Rank Character
1 Fluttershy
2 Derpy
3 Princess Luna
4 Scootaloo
5 Sweetie Belle
5 Apple Bloom
7 Babs Seed
8 Spitfire
9 Vinyl Scratch
10 Pipsqueak
11 Rainbow Dash
12 Applejack
13 Pinkie Pie
14 Twilight Sparkle
15 Braeburn
16 Princess Cadence
17 Trixie
18 Shining Armor
19 Lyra
20 Octavia
21 Cheerilee
22 Big Macintosh
23 Berry Punch
24 Soarin'
25 Princess Celestia
26 Carrot Top
27 Bon Bon
28 Zecora
29 Rarity
30 Silver Spoon
31 Diamond Tiara
32 Dr. Whooves
33 Caramel
34 Lightning Dust
35 Twist
36 Cloud Chaser
36 Flitter
38 Rose Luck
39 Colgate
40 Photo Finish
41 Hoity Toity
42 Fancy Pants
42 Prince Blueblood
44 Fleur de Lys
45 Nightmare Moon
46 Queen Chrysalis
47 Spike
48 Discord
49 Granny Smith
50 Iron Will
51 Snowflake / Horsepower
52 King Sombra
53 Flim
53 Flam
53 Gilda
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
19.02.2013 |
Fou Lou

Great and Powerful

Beiträge: 285
Registriert seit: 14. Jun 2012
RE: My Little Pony character sorter
1 Pinkie Pie
1 Derpy
3 Dr. Whooves
4 Twilight Sparkle
5 Spike
6 Babs Seed
7 Rarity
8 Discord
9 Princess Luna
10 Vinyl Scratch
11 Photo Finish
12 Apple Bloom
13 Pipsqueak
14 Applejack
15 Big Macintosh
16 Scootaloo
17 Rainbow Dash
18 Cheerilee
19 Fluttershy
20 Zecora
21 Snowflake / Horsepower
22 Princess Celestia
23 Princess Cadence
24 Queen Chrysalis
25 Trixie
26 Sweetie Belle
27 Spitfire
28 Shining Armor
29 Iron Will
30 Lyra
31 Berry Punch
32 Octavia
33 Gilda
34 Twist
35 Cloud Chaser
36 Nightmare Moon
37 Braeburn
38 Granny Smith
39 King Sombra
40 Silver Spoon
41 Bon Bon
42 Colgate
43 Rose Luck
44 Flitter
45 Carrot Top
46 Soarin'
47 Caramel
48 Diamond Tiara
49 Prince Blueblood
50 Lightning Dust
51 Fleur de Lys
52 Fancy Pants
53 Hoity Toity
54 Flim
54 Flam
Jup kommt so ungefähr hin.
19.02.2013 |
Mama Apfel

Beiträge: 1.839
Registriert seit: 05. Mai 2012
RE: My Little Pony character sorter
Rank Character
1 Fluttershy
1 Queen Chrysalis
3 Princess Luna
4 Trixie
5 Discord
5 Nightmare Moon
7 Apple Bloom
8 Rose Luck
8 Berry Punch
10 Applejack
11 Carrot Top
12 Cheerilee
13 Twist
14 Pinkie Pie
15 Derpy
16 Flitter
17 Fleur de Lys
18 Twilight Sparkle
19 Octavia
20 Spike
21 Colgate
22 Big Macintosh
22 Granny Smith
24 Spitfire
24 Caramel
26 Pipsqueak
27 Princess Cadence
28 Photo Finish
28 Fancy Pants
30 Zecora
30 Babs Seed
32 Bon Bon
33 Lightning Dust
33 Hoity Toity
33 Prince Blueblood
36 Soarin'
37 Shining Armor
38 Braeburn
39 Sweetie Belle
40 Princess Celestia
41 Lyra
42 Silver Spoon
43 Rainbow Dash
43 Rarity
45 Scootaloo
45 Flim
47 Flam
47 Diamond Tiara
47 Iron Will
47 King Sombra
47 Cloud Chaser
47 Gilda
47 Snowflake / Horsepower
54 Vinyl Scratch
55 Dr. Whooves
passt wirklich recht gut
Ducunt volentem fata, nolentem trahunt
19.02.2013 |
Great and Powerful

Beiträge: 435
Registriert seit: 19. Mär 2012
RE: My Little Pony character sorter
Rank Character
1 Princess Luna
2 Queen Chrysalis
3 Fluttershy
4 Rainbow Dash
5 Zecora
6 Rarity
7 Scootaloo
8 Princess Cadence
9 Nightmare Moon
10 Discord
haha das ist wirklich zu 95% meine top 10
19.02.2013 |
Silly Filly

Beiträge: 79
Registriert seit: 27. Dez 2012
RE: My Little Pony character sorter
Kommt bei mir ziemlich genauso hin! ![[Bild: cl-ts-clap.png]](https://smilies.bronies.de/smiley/106Twilight%20Sparkle/cl-ts-clap.png) ![[Bild: cl-rd-clap.png]](https://smilies.bronies.de/smiley/200Clapping%20Ponys/cl-rd-clap.png)
Rank Character
1 Twilight Sparkle
1 Rainbow Dash
1 Vinyl Scratch
4 Pinkie Pie
5 Shining Armor
6 Trixie
7 Scootaloo
8 Discord
9 Sweetie Belle
10 Spitfire
11 Derpy
11 Dr. Whooves
13 Fluttershy
14 Applejack
15 Apple Bloom
16 Big Macintosh
17 Princess Cadence
18 Rarity
19 Princess Luna
20 Cheerilee
21 Pipsqueak
22 Iron Will
23 Soarin'
24 Octavia
25 Fancy Pants
26 Queen Chrysalis
27 Princess Celestia
28 Granny Smith
29 Braeburn
30 Babs Seed
31 Zecora
32 Twist
33 Photo Finish
34 Lightning Dust
35 Lyra
36 Spike
37 Colgate
38 Carrot Top
39 Nightmare Moon
40 Flitter
41 Rose Luck
42 Cloud Chaser
43 Caramel
44 Bon Bon
45 Snowflake / Horsepower
46 King Sombra
47 Berry Punch
48 Flim
49 Fleur de Lys
50 Hoity Toity
51 Gilda
52 Prince Blueblood
53 Silver Spoon
54 Flam
55 Diamond Tiara
19.02.2013 |
Silly Filly

Beiträge: 61
Registriert seit: 27. Nov 2012
RE: My Little Pony character sorter
Ui, das ist witzig. Hier meine Liste, die zumindest im oberen Teil stimmt.
1 Rarity
2 Princess Luna
3 Applejack
4 Sweetie Belle
5 Princess Celestia
6 Discord
7 Granny Smith
8 Queen Chrysalis
9 Pinkie Pie
10 Rainbow Dash
11 Diamond Tiara
12 Nightmare Moon
13 Spike
14 Princess Cadence
15 Apple Bloom
16 Fancy Pants
17 Spitfire
18 Shining Armor
19 Photo Finish
20 Zecora
21 Babs Seed
22 Lightning Dust
23 Big Macintosh
24 Cheerilee
25 Scootaloo
26 Flam
27 Flim
28 Twilight Sparkle
29 Iron Will
30 Fluttershy
31 Gilda
32 Vinyl Scratch
33 Silver Spoon
34 Octavia
35 Hoity Toity
36 Braeburn
37 Trixie
38 Dr. Whooves
39 Soarin'
40 Snowflake / Horsepower
41 Prince Blueblood
42 King Sombra
43 Fleur de Lys
44 Rose Luck
45 Flitter
46 Cloud Chaser
47 Bon Bon
48 Lyra
49 Caramel
50 Berry Punch
51 Derpy
52 Colgate
53 Carrot Top
54 Pipsqueak
55 Twist
19.02.2013 |
Time Shift
Great and Powerful

Beiträge: 310
Registriert seit: 04. Aug 2012
RE: My Little Pony character sorter
So... hier mal meine Liste...
1 Discord
2 Rainbow Dash
3 Chrysalis
4 Roid
5 Pinkie Pie
6 Luna
7 Big Macintosh
8 Flim
9 Flam
10 Applejack
11 Carrot Top
12 Cheerilee
13 Twist
14 Fluttershy
15 Derpy
16 Flitter
17 Charlie Sheen
18 Twilight Sparkle
19 Octavia
20 Spike
21 Colgate
22 The Living Tombstone
23 Granny Smith
24 Spitfire
25 Caramel
26 Pipsqueak
27 Dr. Whooves
28 Vinyl Scratch
29 Fancy Pants
30 Zecora
31 Babs Seed
32 Bon Bon
33 Lightning Dust
34 Apple Bloom
35 Prince Blueblood
36 Soarin'
37 Shining Armor
38 Braeburn
39 Sweetie Belle
40 Princess Celestia
41 Lyra
42 Silver Spoon
43 Mr. Trollolol
44 Rarity
45 Scootaloo
46 Hoyti Toyti
47 King Sombra
48 Diamond Tiara
49 Iron Will
50 Angela Merkel
51 Cloud Chaser
52 Gilda
53 Snowflake / Horsepower
54 Photo Finish
55 Princess Cadence
19.02.2013 |

Beiträge: 9.518
Registriert seit: 06. Jun 2012
RE: My Little Pony character sorter
Hier ist meine Liste:
Rank Character
1 Twilight Sparkle ![Twilight happy Twilight happy]()
2 Princess Celestia ![Celestia Cutie Mark Celestia Cutie Mark]()
3 Vinyl Scratch ![Vinyl Cutie Mark Vinyl Cutie Mark]()
4 Applejack ![AJ Prost AJ Prost]()
5 Derpy ![Derpy confused Derpy confused]()
6 Shining Armor
7 Rainbow Dash ![RD salute RD salute]()
8 Fluttershy ![FS sad FS sad]()
9 Lyra ![Lyra astonished Lyra astonished]()
10 Princess Cadence
11 Dr. Whooves
12 Rarity ![Whining Whining]()
13 Princess Luna
14 Octavia ![Octavia angry Octavia angry]()
15 Bon Bon
16 Big Macintosh
17 Colgate
18 Scootaloo
19 Apple Bloom
20 Sweetie Belle
21 Spitfire
22 Discord
23 Babs Seed
24 Cheerilee
25 Nightmare Moon
26 Granny Smith
27 Spike
28 Braeburn
29 Carrot Top
30 Photo Finish
31 Berry Punch
32 Soarin'
33 Trixie
34 Queen Chrysalis
35 Pinkie Pie
36 Lightning Dust
37 Rose Luck
38 Caramel
39 Cloud Chaser
40 Iron Will
41 Pipsqueak
42 Flim
43 King Sombra
44 Flam
45 Zecora
46 Fancy Pants
47 Fleur de Lys
48 Twist
48 Gilda
50 Hoity Toity
51 Flitter
52 Snowflake / Horsepower
53 Silver Spoon
54 Prince Blueblood
55 Diamond Tiara
Twilight is Best Pony!
Das meiste stimmt sogar.
Ich bin hier nicht mehr online, nehmt mir gerne jeden x-beliebigen Thread weg, den ihr gerne hättet. Ich erteile die grundsätzliche Erlaubnis für alle meine noch offenen Threads.
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 19.02.2013 von LightningGear.)
19.02.2013 |

Beiträge: 614
Registriert seit: 03. Feb 2013
RE: My Little Pony character sorter
1 Pinkie Pie
2 Discord
3 Derpy
4 Zecora
5 Soarin'
6 Scootaloo
7 Trixie
8 Applejack
9 Princess Luna
10 Rainbow Dash
11 Fluttershy
12 Big Macintosh
13 Apple Bloom
14 Photo Finish
15 King Sombra
16 Vinyl Scratch
17 Spitfire
18 Flam
19 Dr. Whooves
20 Granny Smith
21 Braeburn
22 Octavia
23 Shining Armor
24 Twilight Sparkle
25 Colgate
26 Sweetie Belle
27 Princess Celestia
28 Queen Chrysalis
29 Spike
30 Flim
31 Nightmare Moon
32 Princess Cadence
33 Lyra
34 Cheerilee
35 Rarity
36 Bon Bon
37 Pipsqueak
38 Lightning Dust
39 Carrot Top
40 Rose Luck
41 Twist
42 Caramel
43 Berry Punch
44 Fancy Pants
45 Flitter
46 Babs Seed
47 Iron Will
47 Hoity Toity
49 Silver Spoon
50 Fleur de Lys
51 Diamond Tiara
52 Cloud Chaser
53 Snowflake / Horsepower
54 Prince Blueblood
55 Gilda
Und das ist meine Liste ^^
19.02.2013 |
Shadow Mane


Beiträge: 1.020
Registriert seit: 09. Sep 2012
RE: My Little Pony character sorter
Rank Character
1 Rainbow Dash
2 Soarin'
3 Scootaloo
4 Twilight Sparkle
5 Pinkie Pie
6 Applejack
7 Fluttershy
8 Discord
9 Trixie
10 Rarity
11 Cheerilee
12 Shining Armor
13 Lightning Dust
14 Spitfire
15 Colgate
16 Apple Bloom
17 Princess Cadence
18 Braeburn
19 Vinyl Scratch
20 Derpy
21 Cloud Chaser
22 Flitter
23 Princess Luna
24 Big Macintosh
25 Sweetie Belle
26 Lyra
27 Nightmare Moon
28 Flim
29 Flam
30 Snowflake / Horsepower
31 Babs Seed
32 Octavia
33 Fancy Pants
34 Caramel
35 Dr. Whooves
36 King Sombra
37 Spike
38 Bon Bon
39 Zecora
40 Hoity Toity
41 Photo Finish
42 Queen Chrysalis
43 Princess Celestia
44 Berry Punch
45 Rose Luck
46 Granny Smith
47 Carrot Top
48 Iron Will
49 Pipsqueak
50 Fleur de Lys
51 Twist
52 Gilda
53 Silver Spoon
54 Diamond Tiara
55 Prince Blueblood
19.02.2013 |
Thunder Mane
Cutie Mark Crusader

Beiträge: 35
Registriert seit: 09. Sep 2012
RE: My Little Pony character sorter
Ist zwar bis auf die Top 3 nicht ganz richtig aber ich schreibe es mal heren
1 Applejack
2 Princess Luna
3 Big Macintosh
4 Cheerilee
5 Twilight Sparkle
6 Pinkie Pie
7 Granny Smith
8 Fluttershy
9 Rainbow Dash
10 Discord
11 Rarity
12 Apple Bloom
13 Scootaloo
14 Sweetie Belle
15 Rose Luck
16 Shining Armor
17 Spike
18 Colgate
19 Zecora
20 Soarin'
21 Trixie
22 Spitfire
23 Snowflake / Horsepower
24 Babs Seed
25 Braeburn
26 Vinyl Scratch
27 Dr. Whooves
28 Berry Punch
29 Derpy
30 Flitter
31 Lyra
32 Caramel
33 Cloud Chaser
34 Princess Celestia
35 Princess Cadence
36 Octavia
37 Photo Finish
38 Carrot Top
39 Twist
40 Flam
41 Bon Bon
42 Flim
43 Pipsqueak
44 Iron Will
45 Nightmare Moon
46 Silver Spoon
47 Hoity Toity
48 Fancy Pants
49 Fleur de Lys
50 King Sombra
51 Lightning Dust
52 Gilda
53 Diamond Tiara
54 Queen Chrysalis
55 Prince Blueblood
19.02.2013 |

Beiträge: 784
Registriert seit: 05. Mär 2012
RE: My Little Pony character sorter
Hmm... Haut so hin xDD
1 Rainbow Dash
2 Spitfire
3 Applejack
4 Fluttershy
5 Twilight Sparkle
6 Lyra
7 Snowflake / Horsepower
8 Princess Luna
9 Vinyl Scratch
10 Trixie
11 Rose Luck
12 Scootaloo
13 Pinkie Pie
14 Rarity
15 Apple Bloom
16 Discord
17 Sweetie Belle
18 Spike
19 Queen Chrysalis
20 Princess Cadence
21 Shining Armor
22 Princess Celestia
23 Nightmare Moon
24 Bon Bon
25 Big Macintosh
26 Granny Smith
27 Pipsqueak
28 Cheerilee
29 Iron Will
30 Flam
31 Flim
32 Lightning Dust
33 Babs Seed
34 Colgate
35 Zecora
36 Berry Punch
37 Soarin'
38 Derpy
39 Octavia
40 Gilda
41 Flitter
42 Cloud Chaser
43 King Sombra
44 Braeburn
45 Carrot Top
46 Silver Spoon
47 Photo Finish
48 Dr. Whooves
49 Caramel
50 Fancy Pants
51 Fleur de Lys
52 Twist
53 Hoity Toity
54 Prince Blueblood
55 Diamond Tiara
19.02.2013 |
Silky Skene

Beiträge: 2.445
Registriert seit: 01. Aug 2012
RE: My Little Pony character sorter
Rank Character
1 Rose Luck
2 Babs Seed
3 Zecora
4 King Sombra
5 Fleur de Lys
6 Pinkie Pie (Dank der dritten Staffel. Davor war sie auf Platz 1)
7 Applejack
8 Discord
9 Princess Cadence
10 Queen Chrysalis
11 Princess Luna
12 Iron Will
13 Cheerilee
14 Apple Bloom
15 Sweetie Belle
16 Fluttershy
17 Lightning Dust
18 Gilda
19 Snowflake / Horsepower
20 Spitfire
21 Soarin'
22 Octavia
23 Berry Punch
24 Big Macintosh
25 Rarity
26 Granny Smith
27 Shining Armor
28 Nightmare Moon
29 Scootaloo
30 Spike
31 Princess Celestia
32 Bon Bon
33 Rainbow Dash
34 Lyra
35 Pipsqueak
36 Flim
37 Flitter
38 Derpy
39 Dr. Whooves
40 Flam
41 Carrot Top
42 Colgate
43 Trixie
44 Cloud Chaser
45 Caramel
46 Photo Finish
47 Diamond Tiara
48 Silver Spoon
49 Vinyl Scratch
50 Prince Blueblood
51 Braeburn
52 Hoity Toity
53 Fancy Pants
54 Twist
55 Twilight Sparkle  (Schuld ist die dritte Staffel)