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04.10.2024, 01:22

Fallout RPG
HK G11 Offline

Beiträge: 1.871
Registriert seit: 10. Mär 2013

RE: Fallout RPG
[Rivet City/Shatty]

*lehnt sich zurück*

"Ich weiss es nich.William hast du ne Idee, wie wir das Vieh lebend fangen können?"

The Heckler & Koch G11 is a non-production prototype assault rifle developed during the late 1960s, 1970s and 1980s by Gesellschaft für Hülsenlose Gewehrsysteme (GSHG) (German for "Corporation for Caseless Rifle Systems"), a conglomeration of companies headed by firearm manufacturer Heckler & Koch (mechanical engineering and weapon design), Dynamit Nobel (propellant composition and projectile design), and Hensoldt Wetzlar (target identification and optic systems). The rifle is noted for its use of caseless ammunition.

It was primarily a project of West Germany, though it was also of significance to the other NATO countries as well. In particular, versions of the G11 were included in the U.S. Advanced Combat Rifle program.

In 1990, H&K finished the development of the G11, intended for the Bundeswehr and other NATO partners. Although the weapon was a technical success, it never entered full production due to the political changes of German reunification and lack of procurement contract. Only 1000 units were ever produced, some of which made their way into the hands of the Bundeswehr. Ultimately, the German armed forces replaced the G3 with the G36

Früher mal bekannt als Pony-Lüfter
Östeoporose Offline

Beiträge: 875
Registriert seit: 01. Sep 2012

RE: Fallout RPG
[Rivet City]

*schaut ihn etwas verwundert an*

"hmm, gute Frage, so wie du das Ding beschreibst hab ich es noch nie gesehn, und ich hab schon wirklich viel gesehn"


"Aber wie du sagt wenn das Ding auf die Psyche von uns geht sollte vielleicht einer von uns ins kalte Wasser springen, während die Anderen sich heranschleichen!"

Bitte nicht schubsen ich habe Osteoporose
[Bild: rickfagetry6xbuks5wm9.png]
vorher bekannt als Waldemar Rammel
HK G11 Offline

Beiträge: 1.871
Registriert seit: 10. Mär 2013

RE: Fallout RPG
[Rivet City/Shatty]

*nickt kurz*

"Das mach ich dann.Ich hab nichts, wovon ich nicht weiss, wie ich damit fertig werde."

The Heckler & Koch G11 is a non-production prototype assault rifle developed during the late 1960s, 1970s and 1980s by Gesellschaft für Hülsenlose Gewehrsysteme (GSHG) (German for "Corporation for Caseless Rifle Systems"), a conglomeration of companies headed by firearm manufacturer Heckler & Koch (mechanical engineering and weapon design), Dynamit Nobel (propellant composition and projectile design), and Hensoldt Wetzlar (target identification and optic systems). The rifle is noted for its use of caseless ammunition.

It was primarily a project of West Germany, though it was also of significance to the other NATO countries as well. In particular, versions of the G11 were included in the U.S. Advanced Combat Rifle program.

In 1990, H&K finished the development of the G11, intended for the Bundeswehr and other NATO partners. Although the weapon was a technical success, it never entered full production due to the political changes of German reunification and lack of procurement contract. Only 1000 units were ever produced, some of which made their way into the hands of the Bundeswehr. Ultimately, the German armed forces replaced the G3 with the G36

Früher mal bekannt als Pony-Lüfter
Tyrconnel Offline
Ponyville Pony

Beiträge: 214
Registriert seit: 07. Mai 2013

RE: Fallout RPG
[Rivet City]

*Schaut Shatty kurz geschockt an*

"Was, wenn das Vieh mehrere Gedanken gleichzeitig lesen kann? Ich meine kann ja sein...Wir wissen nicht wie das Teil funktioniert... Ausserdem wärst du nicht gerade der beste für den Job... Du hast schon genug Probleme..."

*Schaut beschämt auf den Boden*

"Ich würds ja machen...aber..naja..."

*Weist auf seine Wunde am Hals hin*

"Ich glaube ich habe mindestens genauso viele Probleme..."

aka. Romanov
HK G11 Offline

Beiträge: 1.871
Registriert seit: 10. Mär 2013

RE: Fallout RPG
[Rivet City/Shatty]

*schaut Byand ernst an*

"Ich weiss aber schon genau, wie dieses Ding versuchen wird mir zuzusetzen.Und Ich hab mich mit diesen Problemen auseinandergesetzt und damit abgefunden.Ich kann nichts an der Vergangenheit ändern."

The Heckler & Koch G11 is a non-production prototype assault rifle developed during the late 1960s, 1970s and 1980s by Gesellschaft für Hülsenlose Gewehrsysteme (GSHG) (German for "Corporation for Caseless Rifle Systems"), a conglomeration of companies headed by firearm manufacturer Heckler & Koch (mechanical engineering and weapon design), Dynamit Nobel (propellant composition and projectile design), and Hensoldt Wetzlar (target identification and optic systems). The rifle is noted for its use of caseless ammunition.

It was primarily a project of West Germany, though it was also of significance to the other NATO countries as well. In particular, versions of the G11 were included in the U.S. Advanced Combat Rifle program.

In 1990, H&K finished the development of the G11, intended for the Bundeswehr and other NATO partners. Although the weapon was a technical success, it never entered full production due to the political changes of German reunification and lack of procurement contract. Only 1000 units were ever produced, some of which made their way into the hands of the Bundeswehr. Ultimately, the German armed forces replaced the G3 with the G36

Früher mal bekannt als Pony-Lüfter
Tyrconnel Offline
Ponyville Pony

Beiträge: 214
Registriert seit: 07. Mai 2013

RE: Fallout RPG
[Rivet City]

*Schaut etwas Stolz auf und lächelt*

"Gut... Dann wäre das wohl beschlossen...Shatty lenkt das Teil ab, während wir es überwältigen... Nur wie wollen wir in diese Firma reinkommen? Geschweige denn auf die Reaktorebene?"

aka. Romanov
HK G11 Offline

Beiträge: 1.871
Registriert seit: 10. Mär 2013

RE: Fallout RPG
[Rivet City/Shatty]

*hebt sein MG*

"Mit Waffen.Meine neue Spezialmunition, die ich bekommen habe kommt selbst durch Power-Armor durch wie durch Papier."

The Heckler & Koch G11 is a non-production prototype assault rifle developed during the late 1960s, 1970s and 1980s by Gesellschaft für Hülsenlose Gewehrsysteme (GSHG) (German for "Corporation for Caseless Rifle Systems"), a conglomeration of companies headed by firearm manufacturer Heckler & Koch (mechanical engineering and weapon design), Dynamit Nobel (propellant composition and projectile design), and Hensoldt Wetzlar (target identification and optic systems). The rifle is noted for its use of caseless ammunition.

It was primarily a project of West Germany, though it was also of significance to the other NATO countries as well. In particular, versions of the G11 were included in the U.S. Advanced Combat Rifle program.

In 1990, H&K finished the development of the G11, intended for the Bundeswehr and other NATO partners. Although the weapon was a technical success, it never entered full production due to the political changes of German reunification and lack of procurement contract. Only 1000 units were ever produced, some of which made their way into the hands of the Bundeswehr. Ultimately, the German armed forces replaced the G3 with the G36

Früher mal bekannt als Pony-Lüfter
Tyrconnel Offline
Ponyville Pony

Beiträge: 214
Registriert seit: 07. Mai 2013

RE: Fallout RPG
[Rivet City]

*Lächelt etwas*

"Gut...Dann wäre das mit den Sabotieren auch geklärt... Sonst noch was?...Ist die Reaktorebene frei von radioaktivität?... Ich habe ehrlich gesagt keinen Bock darauf, dass mir ein fünfter Huf anfängt zu wachsen..."

*Nimmt einen Schluck von der Scotchflasche*

aka. Romanov
HK G11 Offline

Beiträge: 1.871
Registriert seit: 10. Mär 2013

RE: Fallout RPG
[Rivet City/Shatty]

*lächelt kurz*

"Wofür gibts Rad-X und Rad-Away?"

*wendet sich an alle*

"Also, in 3 Tagen um 10 Uhr früh vor Rivet City.Dan gehen wir erst zu Crackeys Haus, da das direkt auf dem Weg liegt und sich als Nachtlager anbietet und dann zur Forschungsanstalt."

The Heckler & Koch G11 is a non-production prototype assault rifle developed during the late 1960s, 1970s and 1980s by Gesellschaft für Hülsenlose Gewehrsysteme (GSHG) (German for "Corporation for Caseless Rifle Systems"), a conglomeration of companies headed by firearm manufacturer Heckler & Koch (mechanical engineering and weapon design), Dynamit Nobel (propellant composition and projectile design), and Hensoldt Wetzlar (target identification and optic systems). The rifle is noted for its use of caseless ammunition.

It was primarily a project of West Germany, though it was also of significance to the other NATO countries as well. In particular, versions of the G11 were included in the U.S. Advanced Combat Rifle program.

In 1990, H&K finished the development of the G11, intended for the Bundeswehr and other NATO partners. Although the weapon was a technical success, it never entered full production due to the political changes of German reunification and lack of procurement contract. Only 1000 units were ever produced, some of which made their way into the hands of the Bundeswehr. Ultimately, the German armed forces replaced the G3 with the G36

Früher mal bekannt als Pony-Lüfter
Tyrconnel Offline
Ponyville Pony

Beiträge: 214
Registriert seit: 07. Mai 2013

RE: Fallout RPG
[Rivet City]

*Nickt und steht auf*

"Alles Klar..."

*Rückt sich den Mantel und den Hut zurecht und schaut alle mit einem aufgesetzten Lächeln an*

oO(Lass dir nicht anmerken, dass du Angst hast... Was soll Shatty denn von dir denken...)

"Also... Was kann man hier machen um sich die Zeit zu vertreiben?"

aka. Romanov
HK G11 Offline

Beiträge: 1.871
Registriert seit: 10. Mär 2013

RE: Fallout RPG
[Rivet City/Crackey]

*denk kurz nach*

"Also ich könnte dir Pokern beibringen, dann kannst du morgen auch beim Pokerturnier mitmachen.Ansonsten denke ich nich viel."



"Das Pokerturnier hier is so ziemlich das einzige.Oder du wanderst auf dem Deck wo früher Flugmaschinen rumstanden."

The Heckler & Koch G11 is a non-production prototype assault rifle developed during the late 1960s, 1970s and 1980s by Gesellschaft für Hülsenlose Gewehrsysteme (GSHG) (German for "Corporation for Caseless Rifle Systems"), a conglomeration of companies headed by firearm manufacturer Heckler & Koch (mechanical engineering and weapon design), Dynamit Nobel (propellant composition and projectile design), and Hensoldt Wetzlar (target identification and optic systems). The rifle is noted for its use of caseless ammunition.

It was primarily a project of West Germany, though it was also of significance to the other NATO countries as well. In particular, versions of the G11 were included in the U.S. Advanced Combat Rifle program.

In 1990, H&K finished the development of the G11, intended for the Bundeswehr and other NATO partners. Although the weapon was a technical success, it never entered full production due to the political changes of German reunification and lack of procurement contract. Only 1000 units were ever produced, some of which made their way into the hands of the Bundeswehr. Ultimately, the German armed forces replaced the G3 with the G36

Früher mal bekannt als Pony-Lüfter
Tyrconnel Offline
Ponyville Pony

Beiträge: 214
Registriert seit: 07. Mai 2013

RE: Fallout RPG
[Rivet City]

*Lacht kurz auf*

"Als ob es mich interessiert, wo diese verdammten Dinger standen... Die Teile die ich von draußen gesehen habe, werden uns auch nicht nach Europa bringen...Also sind sie Uninteressant..."


"Na schön, dann zeigt mir doch mal wie Pokern funktioniert... Hab das ehrlich noch nie gemacht..."

aka. Romanov
HK G11 Offline

Beiträge: 1.871
Registriert seit: 10. Mär 2013

RE: Fallout RPG
[Rivet City/Crackey]

"Na dann,komm mit."

*geht in ihr Zimmer und holt ihr Pokerset heraus.*

The Heckler & Koch G11 is a non-production prototype assault rifle developed during the late 1960s, 1970s and 1980s by Gesellschaft für Hülsenlose Gewehrsysteme (GSHG) (German for "Corporation for Caseless Rifle Systems"), a conglomeration of companies headed by firearm manufacturer Heckler & Koch (mechanical engineering and weapon design), Dynamit Nobel (propellant composition and projectile design), and Hensoldt Wetzlar (target identification and optic systems). The rifle is noted for its use of caseless ammunition.

It was primarily a project of West Germany, though it was also of significance to the other NATO countries as well. In particular, versions of the G11 were included in the U.S. Advanced Combat Rifle program.

In 1990, H&K finished the development of the G11, intended for the Bundeswehr and other NATO partners. Although the weapon was a technical success, it never entered full production due to the political changes of German reunification and lack of procurement contract. Only 1000 units were ever produced, some of which made their way into the hands of the Bundeswehr. Ultimately, the German armed forces replaced the G3 with the G36

Früher mal bekannt als Pony-Lüfter
Applejack Daniels Offline
Ponyville Pony

Beiträge: 133
Registriert seit: 14. Apr 2013

RE: Fallout RPG
Ok, wie dem auch sei, in welche Richtung gings jetzt nochmal zur nächsten Stadt?
*schaut sich orientierungslos um*
Tyrconnel Offline
Ponyville Pony

Beiträge: 214
Registriert seit: 07. Mai 2013

RE: Fallout RPG
[Rivet City]

*Folgt ihr bis sie im Zimmer ankommen*

*Setzt sich schweigend neben ihr hin und schaut sie verträumt an, während sie das Pokerset rausholt*

aka. Romanov
HK G11 Offline

Beiträge: 1.871
Registriert seit: 10. Mär 2013

RE: Fallout RPG
[Rivet City/Crackey]

*wedelt Byand mit dem Huf vorm gesicht rum*

"Hey!Noch da?Byand, aufwachen!"

The Heckler & Koch G11 is a non-production prototype assault rifle developed during the late 1960s, 1970s and 1980s by Gesellschaft für Hülsenlose Gewehrsysteme (GSHG) (German for "Corporation for Caseless Rifle Systems"), a conglomeration of companies headed by firearm manufacturer Heckler & Koch (mechanical engineering and weapon design), Dynamit Nobel (propellant composition and projectile design), and Hensoldt Wetzlar (target identification and optic systems). The rifle is noted for its use of caseless ammunition.

It was primarily a project of West Germany, though it was also of significance to the other NATO countries as well. In particular, versions of the G11 were included in the U.S. Advanced Combat Rifle program.

In 1990, H&K finished the development of the G11, intended for the Bundeswehr and other NATO partners. Although the weapon was a technical success, it never entered full production due to the political changes of German reunification and lack of procurement contract. Only 1000 units were ever produced, some of which made their way into the hands of the Bundeswehr. Ultimately, the German armed forces replaced the G3 with the G36

Früher mal bekannt als Pony-Lüfter
Tyrconnel Offline
Ponyville Pony

Beiträge: 214
Registriert seit: 07. Mai 2013

RE: Fallout RPG
[Rivet City]

*Besinnt sich wieder und schüttelt den Kopf*

"Hm?...äh..Ja, Klar...Rede weiter...Bitte."

*Schaut zwischen Crackey und dem Pokerset hin und her*

aka. Romanov
HK G11 Offline

Beiträge: 1.871
Registriert seit: 10. Mär 2013

RE: Fallout RPG
[Rivet City/Crackey]

*schiebt Byand ein paar Chips hin und erklärt ihm die Poker Grundregeln.*

"Also, jeder bekommt zuerst 2 Karten.Dann werden am Anfang der Runde die Blinds, also Pflichteinsätze unabhängig davon, ob du bieten willst oder nicht, gesetzt.Dann werden in der Mitte 3 Karten aufgedeckt, die am Ende für jeden zählen.Soweit verstanden?"

The Heckler & Koch G11 is a non-production prototype assault rifle developed during the late 1960s, 1970s and 1980s by Gesellschaft für Hülsenlose Gewehrsysteme (GSHG) (German for "Corporation for Caseless Rifle Systems"), a conglomeration of companies headed by firearm manufacturer Heckler & Koch (mechanical engineering and weapon design), Dynamit Nobel (propellant composition and projectile design), and Hensoldt Wetzlar (target identification and optic systems). The rifle is noted for its use of caseless ammunition.

It was primarily a project of West Germany, though it was also of significance to the other NATO countries as well. In particular, versions of the G11 were included in the U.S. Advanced Combat Rifle program.

In 1990, H&K finished the development of the G11, intended for the Bundeswehr and other NATO partners. Although the weapon was a technical success, it never entered full production due to the political changes of German reunification and lack of procurement contract. Only 1000 units were ever produced, some of which made their way into the hands of the Bundeswehr. Ultimately, the German armed forces replaced the G3 with the G36

Früher mal bekannt als Pony-Lüfter
Tyrconnel Offline
Ponyville Pony

Beiträge: 214
Registriert seit: 07. Mai 2013

RE: Fallout RPG
[Rivet City]

*Nickt schnell*


*Zwingt sich ein grinsen auf*

oO( Komm schon...Hör zu...Schließlich ist das ja irgendwie wichtig für sie...)

aka. Romanov
HK G11 Offline

Beiträge: 1.871
Registriert seit: 10. Mär 2013

RE: Fallout RPG
[Rivet City/Crackey]

*legt den Kopf schief und schaut ihn verwirrt an*

"Wieso grinst du so komisch?Wenn du das nicht lernen willst oder es dir keinen Spass macht, dann lass es.Gegen mich hättest du in dem Turnier eh keine Chance"

*lächelt ihn an*

The Heckler & Koch G11 is a non-production prototype assault rifle developed during the late 1960s, 1970s and 1980s by Gesellschaft für Hülsenlose Gewehrsysteme (GSHG) (German for "Corporation for Caseless Rifle Systems"), a conglomeration of companies headed by firearm manufacturer Heckler & Koch (mechanical engineering and weapon design), Dynamit Nobel (propellant composition and projectile design), and Hensoldt Wetzlar (target identification and optic systems). The rifle is noted for its use of caseless ammunition.

It was primarily a project of West Germany, though it was also of significance to the other NATO countries as well. In particular, versions of the G11 were included in the U.S. Advanced Combat Rifle program.

In 1990, H&K finished the development of the G11, intended for the Bundeswehr and other NATO partners. Although the weapon was a technical success, it never entered full production due to the political changes of German reunification and lack of procurement contract. Only 1000 units were ever produced, some of which made their way into the hands of the Bundeswehr. Ultimately, the German armed forces replaced the G3 with the G36

Früher mal bekannt als Pony-Lüfter

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