Season 4 ist vorbei und ich wollte schon lange mal in die Runden fragen, was denn eure bisher besten und miesesten Episoden waren.
Episoden Guide findet ihr hier:
Meine Top 20 sind...
1. S02E22 Hurricane Fluttershy
2. S04E12 Pinkie Pride
3. S03E13 Magical Mystery Cure
4. S01E14 Suited for Success
5. S02E18 A Friend in Deed
6. S02E03 Lesson Zero
7. S01E12 Call of the Cutie
8. S01E23 The Cutie Mark Chronicles
9. S04E25-26 Twilight's Kingdom
10. S02E01-02 The Return of Harmony
11. S02E25-26 A Canterlot Wedding
12. S02E12 Family Appreciation Day
13. S01E11 Winter Wrap-up
14. S03E10 Keep Calm an Flutter on
15. S01E20 Green isn't your color
16. S02E17 Hearts and Hooves Day
17. S01E16 Sonic Rainboom
18. S01E09 Birdle Gossip
19. S04E07 Bats!
20. S02E04 Luna Eclipsed
Honorable Mention:
S04E01-02 Princess Twilight Sparkle
S01E22 A Bird in the Hoof
S02E19 Putting your Hoof Down
S04E18 Maud Pie
S03E06 Sleepless in Ponyville
S04E14 Filli Vanilli
Meine Flop 5 sind...
1. S04E17 Some Pony to Watch Over Me
2. S03E09 Spike at your Service
3. S04E24 Equestria Games
4. S02E08 The Mysterious Mare Do Well
5. S04E13 Simple Ways