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14.03.2025, 19:32

My Little Pony CCG treffen zur Galacon?
HK G11 Offline

Beiträge: 1.871
Registriert seit: 10. Mär 2013

My Little Pony CCG treffen zur Galacon?
Da sich letztes Jahr doch relativ viele gefunden haben, um am Tag vor der Galacon im Fantasy Stronghold ne Runde MLP CCG im Fantasy Stronghold in Ludwigsburg zu spielen werd ich dieses mal auch schonmal das Stronghold vorwarnen, dass am 31.07. um ca. 17 Uhr die Pony-Spieler antanzen werden. Das ganze wird in der Mensa der Volkshochschule Ludwigsburg stattfinden, wer nich weiss wo das ist, ich werde ca. 16.30 Uhr am Forum (= Dort wo die GalaCon stattfindet) sein und dort die leute einsammeln die Lust haben und dann könnten wir uns gemeinsam auf den weg machen  Twilight happy

-Lüfter (bzw werd ich nur hinführen, das CCG an sich macht mir selbst keinen spass mehr, ich werd mich mit Friday Night Magic begnügen und eventuell meine Rares abgeben  AJ Prost )
(-Jake the Changeling)
Alter Startpost:
Spoiler (Öffnen)

The Heckler & Koch G11 is a non-production prototype assault rifle developed during the late 1960s, 1970s and 1980s by Gesellschaft für Hülsenlose Gewehrsysteme (GSHG) (German for "Corporation for Caseless Rifle Systems"), a conglomeration of companies headed by firearm manufacturer Heckler & Koch (mechanical engineering and weapon design), Dynamit Nobel (propellant composition and projectile design), and Hensoldt Wetzlar (target identification and optic systems). The rifle is noted for its use of caseless ammunition.

It was primarily a project of West Germany, though it was also of significance to the other NATO countries as well. In particular, versions of the G11 were included in the U.S. Advanced Combat Rifle program.

In 1990, H&K finished the development of the G11, intended for the Bundeswehr and other NATO partners. Although the weapon was a technical success, it never entered full production due to the political changes of German reunification and lack of procurement contract. Only 1000 units were ever produced, some of which made their way into the hands of the Bundeswehr. Ultimately, the German armed forces replaced the G3 with the G36

Früher mal bekannt als Pony-Lüfter
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 29.07.2015 von HK G11.)
Koyo Offline

Beiträge: 16.949
Registriert seit: 29. Mai 2012

RE: My Little Pony CCG treffen zur Galacon?
Mal schauen ob sich das einrichten lässt. Ich weiß nämlich nicht wann ich in Ludwigsburg bin.

[Bild: d9k953o-39e6ddfe-2025-4509-a91f-363559cd...Z7mx-PIu2g]
Diz Offline
Ponyville Pony

Beiträge: 166
Registriert seit: 26. Dez 2011

RE: My Little Pony CCG treffen zur Galacon?
Also, Van Horsing, Shadow ELE, Nightflake, R4Yx und meine Wenigkeit hätten Interesse und würden falls nichts mehr dazwischen kommt mitmachen RD wink

[Bild: Diz1993.png]
Raytee Offline
Cloudchaser's Love

Beiträge: 9.357
Registriert seit: 07. Mai 2012

RE: My Little Pony CCG treffen zur Galacon?
Die Oldenburger melden sich auch zum Deinst. RD salute

Hipster There Is A Meaning In This Madness, DASS DEIN CHRYSALIS COSPLAY TRASH IS Hipster
Hipster I did 9/11  Hipster
HK G11 Offline

Beiträge: 1.871
Registriert seit: 10. Mär 2013

RE: My Little Pony CCG treffen zur Galacon?
Alles klar,wird im Startpost eingetragen^^ damit sinds schon mehr als normalerweise zusammenkommen...Immer als ich da war hab ich beide promos bekommen weil ich der einzige spieler war xD

The Heckler & Koch G11 is a non-production prototype assault rifle developed during the late 1960s, 1970s and 1980s by Gesellschaft für Hülsenlose Gewehrsysteme (GSHG) (German for "Corporation for Caseless Rifle Systems"), a conglomeration of companies headed by firearm manufacturer Heckler & Koch (mechanical engineering and weapon design), Dynamit Nobel (propellant composition and projectile design), and Hensoldt Wetzlar (target identification and optic systems). The rifle is noted for its use of caseless ammunition.

It was primarily a project of West Germany, though it was also of significance to the other NATO countries as well. In particular, versions of the G11 were included in the U.S. Advanced Combat Rifle program.

In 1990, H&K finished the development of the G11, intended for the Bundeswehr and other NATO partners. Although the weapon was a technical success, it never entered full production due to the political changes of German reunification and lack of procurement contract. Only 1000 units were ever produced, some of which made their way into the hands of the Bundeswehr. Ultimately, the German armed forces replaced the G3 with the G36

Früher mal bekannt als Pony-Lüfter
Twistrike Offline
Great and Powerful

Beiträge: 274
Registriert seit: 29. Jul 2013

RE: My Little Pony CCG treffen zur Galacon?
Also Shy as Fluttershy und ich würden auch mitmachen wenn wir rechtzeitig ankommen Twilight smile

HK G11 Offline

Beiträge: 1.871
Registriert seit: 10. Mär 2013

RE: My Little Pony CCG treffen zur Galacon?
Wurde eingetragen. Ich würde sagen,man kann sich ja um ca. 16Uhr am Forum treffen und bis 16:30 auf Nachzügler warten. Dann noch für die die was essen wollen zum Subway/McDoof und dann zum Stronghold.

The Heckler & Koch G11 is a non-production prototype assault rifle developed during the late 1960s, 1970s and 1980s by Gesellschaft für Hülsenlose Gewehrsysteme (GSHG) (German for "Corporation for Caseless Rifle Systems"), a conglomeration of companies headed by firearm manufacturer Heckler & Koch (mechanical engineering and weapon design), Dynamit Nobel (propellant composition and projectile design), and Hensoldt Wetzlar (target identification and optic systems). The rifle is noted for its use of caseless ammunition.

It was primarily a project of West Germany, though it was also of significance to the other NATO countries as well. In particular, versions of the G11 were included in the U.S. Advanced Combat Rifle program.

In 1990, H&K finished the development of the G11, intended for the Bundeswehr and other NATO partners. Although the weapon was a technical success, it never entered full production due to the political changes of German reunification and lack of procurement contract. Only 1000 units were ever produced, some of which made their way into the hands of the Bundeswehr. Ultimately, the German armed forces replaced the G3 with the G36

Früher mal bekannt als Pony-Lüfter
Koyo Offline

Beiträge: 16.949
Registriert seit: 29. Mai 2012

RE: My Little Pony CCG treffen zur Galacon?
Wenn wir uns am Forum treffen wollen, schau ich ganz spontan vorbei, da ich nicht weiß, wann meine Fahrgemeinschaft vor hat, los zufahren und ob sie nicht noch was mit mir vorhaben. xD

[Bild: d9k953o-39e6ddfe-2025-4509-a91f-363559cd...Z7mx-PIu2g]
HK G11 Offline

Beiträge: 1.871
Registriert seit: 10. Mär 2013

RE: My Little Pony CCG treffen zur Galacon?
Man könnte es auch so machen,dass man von 16:00 bis 16:20 am Bahnhof wartet,dann zum Forum und da nochmal 20 minuten warten.

The Heckler & Koch G11 is a non-production prototype assault rifle developed during the late 1960s, 1970s and 1980s by Gesellschaft für Hülsenlose Gewehrsysteme (GSHG) (German for "Corporation for Caseless Rifle Systems"), a conglomeration of companies headed by firearm manufacturer Heckler & Koch (mechanical engineering and weapon design), Dynamit Nobel (propellant composition and projectile design), and Hensoldt Wetzlar (target identification and optic systems). The rifle is noted for its use of caseless ammunition.

It was primarily a project of West Germany, though it was also of significance to the other NATO countries as well. In particular, versions of the G11 were included in the U.S. Advanced Combat Rifle program.

In 1990, H&K finished the development of the G11, intended for the Bundeswehr and other NATO partners. Although the weapon was a technical success, it never entered full production due to the political changes of German reunification and lack of procurement contract. Only 1000 units were ever produced, some of which made their way into the hands of the Bundeswehr. Ultimately, the German armed forces replaced the G3 with the G36

Früher mal bekannt als Pony-Lüfter
Star Blink Abwesend
Great and Powerful

Beiträge: 446
Registriert seit: 21. Jan 2012

RE: My Little Pony CCG treffen zur Galacon?
Da ich der Fahrer von Rayliath bin, hoffe ich doch mal, das ich es schaffen werde, uns rechtzeitig da ankommen zu lassen. [Bild: 01-untz.png]
Kanst mich auch gerne eintragen

HK G11 Offline

Beiträge: 1.871
Registriert seit: 10. Mär 2013

RE: My Little Pony CCG treffen zur Galacon?
Ist eingetragen RD wink

Achja,noch etwas: Einer beim Zeltplatzmeetup wird 2 Canterlot Nights Displays und eventuell 1 Premiere Display mitbringen und verkauft die booster für 3,00€. Falls also jemand n paar booster braucht kann ich ihn ja mal fragen ob er am freitag mitkommt oder wenn nicht sag ich bescheid,dann kann man ja mir bescheid sagen wie viele booster man braucht,dann bring ich sie von ihm mit.

The Heckler & Koch G11 is a non-production prototype assault rifle developed during the late 1960s, 1970s and 1980s by Gesellschaft für Hülsenlose Gewehrsysteme (GSHG) (German for "Corporation for Caseless Rifle Systems"), a conglomeration of companies headed by firearm manufacturer Heckler & Koch (mechanical engineering and weapon design), Dynamit Nobel (propellant composition and projectile design), and Hensoldt Wetzlar (target identification and optic systems). The rifle is noted for its use of caseless ammunition.

It was primarily a project of West Germany, though it was also of significance to the other NATO countries as well. In particular, versions of the G11 were included in the U.S. Advanced Combat Rifle program.

In 1990, H&K finished the development of the G11, intended for the Bundeswehr and other NATO partners. Although the weapon was a technical success, it never entered full production due to the political changes of German reunification and lack of procurement contract. Only 1000 units were ever produced, some of which made their way into the hands of the Bundeswehr. Ultimately, the German armed forces replaced the G3 with the G36

Früher mal bekannt als Pony-Lüfter
starfox Offline
Cheerilee's Student Trixies Quizmaster

Beiträge: 5.620
Registriert seit: 16. Aug 2012

RE: My Little Pony CCG treffen zur Galacon?
Ihr geht zum Zocken in diesen Fantasy Stronghold Laden, bietet aber die Booster anderweitig an?
Nicht gerade sehr lukrativ für den Platzanbieter.

HK G11 Offline

Beiträge: 1.871
Registriert seit: 10. Mär 2013

RE: My Little Pony CCG treffen zur Galacon?
(08.07.2014)starfox schrieb:  Ihr geht zum Zocken in diesen Fantasy Stronghold Laden, bietet aber die Booster anderweitig an?
Nicht gerade sehr lukrativ für den Platzanbieter.

Naja,war nur ein Vorschlag meinerseits,ausserdem denk ich mal dass sich einige leute auch ein paar mehr booster holen wollen.

The Heckler & Koch G11 is a non-production prototype assault rifle developed during the late 1960s, 1970s and 1980s by Gesellschaft für Hülsenlose Gewehrsysteme (GSHG) (German for "Corporation for Caseless Rifle Systems"), a conglomeration of companies headed by firearm manufacturer Heckler & Koch (mechanical engineering and weapon design), Dynamit Nobel (propellant composition and projectile design), and Hensoldt Wetzlar (target identification and optic systems). The rifle is noted for its use of caseless ammunition.

It was primarily a project of West Germany, though it was also of significance to the other NATO countries as well. In particular, versions of the G11 were included in the U.S. Advanced Combat Rifle program.

In 1990, H&K finished the development of the G11, intended for the Bundeswehr and other NATO partners. Although the weapon was a technical success, it never entered full production due to the political changes of German reunification and lack of procurement contract. Only 1000 units were ever produced, some of which made their way into the hands of the Bundeswehr. Ultimately, the German armed forces replaced the G3 with the G36

Früher mal bekannt als Pony-Lüfter
Twistrike Offline
Great and Powerful

Beiträge: 274
Registriert seit: 29. Jul 2013

RE: My Little Pony CCG treffen zur Galacon?
Kann man bei mir ne +1 machen kommt noch ein Kumpel mit der hier nicht angemeldet ist.
Wenn es ok ist? FS grins

HK G11 Offline

Beiträge: 1.871
Registriert seit: 10. Mär 2013

RE: My Little Pony CCG treffen zur Galacon?
(10.07.2014)Twistrike schrieb:  Kann man bei mir ne +1 machen kommt noch ein Kumpel mit der hier nicht angemeldet ist.
Wenn es ok ist? FS grins

Ist gemacht RD salute

The Heckler & Koch G11 is a non-production prototype assault rifle developed during the late 1960s, 1970s and 1980s by Gesellschaft für Hülsenlose Gewehrsysteme (GSHG) (German for "Corporation for Caseless Rifle Systems"), a conglomeration of companies headed by firearm manufacturer Heckler & Koch (mechanical engineering and weapon design), Dynamit Nobel (propellant composition and projectile design), and Hensoldt Wetzlar (target identification and optic systems). The rifle is noted for its use of caseless ammunition.

It was primarily a project of West Germany, though it was also of significance to the other NATO countries as well. In particular, versions of the G11 were included in the U.S. Advanced Combat Rifle program.

In 1990, H&K finished the development of the G11, intended for the Bundeswehr and other NATO partners. Although the weapon was a technical success, it never entered full production due to the political changes of German reunification and lack of procurement contract. Only 1000 units were ever produced, some of which made their way into the hands of the Bundeswehr. Ultimately, the German armed forces replaced the G3 with the G36

Früher mal bekannt als Pony-Lüfter
Silver Broom Offline
Ponyville Pony

Beiträge: 201
Registriert seit: 11. Apr 2012

RE: My Little Pony CCG treffen zur Galacon?
Danke für den Vorschlag. Kannst du mal schätzen, wie lang das Turnier dauert?

Ich habe doch Interesse, aber es gibt auch das Pub-Treffen ab 18 Uhr, und davon will ich nicht zu viel verpassen.

Schottischer Brony!
HK G11 Offline

Beiträge: 1.871
Registriert seit: 10. Mär 2013

RE: My Little Pony CCG treffen zur Galacon?
Wie lang das Turnier dauert kann ich nich wirklich sagen,aber da es erst um 17:30 Uhr anfängt würde ich sagen musst du dich zwischen pub oder CCG entscheiden.

The Heckler & Koch G11 is a non-production prototype assault rifle developed during the late 1960s, 1970s and 1980s by Gesellschaft für Hülsenlose Gewehrsysteme (GSHG) (German for "Corporation for Caseless Rifle Systems"), a conglomeration of companies headed by firearm manufacturer Heckler & Koch (mechanical engineering and weapon design), Dynamit Nobel (propellant composition and projectile design), and Hensoldt Wetzlar (target identification and optic systems). The rifle is noted for its use of caseless ammunition.

It was primarily a project of West Germany, though it was also of significance to the other NATO countries as well. In particular, versions of the G11 were included in the U.S. Advanced Combat Rifle program.

In 1990, H&K finished the development of the G11, intended for the Bundeswehr and other NATO partners. Although the weapon was a technical success, it never entered full production due to the political changes of German reunification and lack of procurement contract. Only 1000 units were ever produced, some of which made their way into the hands of the Bundeswehr. Ultimately, the German armed forces replaced the G3 with the G36

Früher mal bekannt als Pony-Lüfter
Koyo Offline

Beiträge: 16.949
Registriert seit: 29. Mai 2012

RE: My Little Pony CCG treffen zur Galacon?
Anders gefragt, wie lange hat der Laden auf? xD

[Bild: d9k953o-39e6ddfe-2025-4509-a91f-363559cd...Z7mx-PIu2g]
HK G11 Offline

Beiträge: 1.871
Registriert seit: 10. Mär 2013

RE: My Little Pony CCG treffen zur Galacon?
Offiziell bis 19 Uhr,aber wenn bei Turnieren eben so viele Leute da sind,dann kanns auch mal länger sein (bis jetzt sind wir ja schon fast so viele wie beim Canterlot Nights prerelease)

The Heckler & Koch G11 is a non-production prototype assault rifle developed during the late 1960s, 1970s and 1980s by Gesellschaft für Hülsenlose Gewehrsysteme (GSHG) (German for "Corporation for Caseless Rifle Systems"), a conglomeration of companies headed by firearm manufacturer Heckler & Koch (mechanical engineering and weapon design), Dynamit Nobel (propellant composition and projectile design), and Hensoldt Wetzlar (target identification and optic systems). The rifle is noted for its use of caseless ammunition.

It was primarily a project of West Germany, though it was also of significance to the other NATO countries as well. In particular, versions of the G11 were included in the U.S. Advanced Combat Rifle program.

In 1990, H&K finished the development of the G11, intended for the Bundeswehr and other NATO partners. Although the weapon was a technical success, it never entered full production due to the political changes of German reunification and lack of procurement contract. Only 1000 units were ever produced, some of which made their way into the hands of the Bundeswehr. Ultimately, the German armed forces replaced the G3 with the G36

Früher mal bekannt als Pony-Lüfter
HK G11 Offline

Beiträge: 1.871
Registriert seit: 10. Mär 2013

RE: My Little Pony CCG treffen zur Galacon?
Sorry für den Doppelpost,ich wollte nur nochmal jeden Informieren,dass der Treffpunkt von 16Uhr bis 16:20Uhr am Bahnhof in Ludwigsburg ist,oder für die,die erst etwas später kommen 16:20Uhr bis 16:40Uhr am Forum (da wo die Galacon sein wird). Dann kann noch jeder was essen gehn so dass wir spätestens um 17Uhr im Fantasy Stronghold sein sollten. Für die,die erst dann nachkommen Hier die website,mit adresse.

The Heckler & Koch G11 is a non-production prototype assault rifle developed during the late 1960s, 1970s and 1980s by Gesellschaft für Hülsenlose Gewehrsysteme (GSHG) (German for "Corporation for Caseless Rifle Systems"), a conglomeration of companies headed by firearm manufacturer Heckler & Koch (mechanical engineering and weapon design), Dynamit Nobel (propellant composition and projectile design), and Hensoldt Wetzlar (target identification and optic systems). The rifle is noted for its use of caseless ammunition.

It was primarily a project of West Germany, though it was also of significance to the other NATO countries as well. In particular, versions of the G11 were included in the U.S. Advanced Combat Rifle program.

In 1990, H&K finished the development of the G11, intended for the Bundeswehr and other NATO partners. Although the weapon was a technical success, it never entered full production due to the political changes of German reunification and lack of procurement contract. Only 1000 units were ever produced, some of which made their way into the hands of the Bundeswehr. Ultimately, the German armed forces replaced the G3 with the G36

Früher mal bekannt als Pony-Lüfter

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