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15.03.2025, 06:45

Character RP - Ask Sarcastic Twilight
Atra Demonica Offline
Luna's Festmeister

Beiträge: 4.588
Registriert seit: 01. Nov 2011

RE: Character RP - Ask Sarcastic Twilight
(OOC) Sry.. ich hab zu früh auf abschicken gedrückt... waren paar viele Fehler drin.. wollt ich nur sagen.., besonders wo twilight über ihre Beziehungswünsche spricht.. lest das nochmal, wenn ihr euch gewundert habt was da steht.. dieser post verschwindet in den nächsten Stunden wieder!
Lightning Spark Offline
Ponyville Pony

Beiträge: 208
Registriert seit: 07. Nov 2011

RE: Character RP - Ask Sarcastic Twilight
Dear Twilight Sparkle,

ah so you meant THAT Celestia. Of course i know her, but she is not that important here than what she is at your place. You need to know that i live in Germaneigh, a little country neighbouring Equestria.
But until now i didn't know that it's Celestia that is moving the Sun and the Moon, we were taught that they move on their own.... wich is a little strange since we have to do everything else here by hoof.
I know that Celestia is the Ruler of Equestria, but that she's that powerfull... and you're her STUDENT? I so envy you Sad
And before i forget, there were no pictures send in your first letter. At least not to me... based on your letters it looks like a lot of other Ponies receive your letters as well, maybe it only got send to one of them?
When you first letter arrived I first thought that one of my little experiments went wrong... you must know, I am THE expertise on lightning here (well, my name isn't Lightning Spark for nothing)
and i always try to expand my control and knowledge over lightning... and right after my last experiment a litte ball lightning appeared in my little laboratory and spew out a letter all of a sudden...
I first tried to figure out what happened and what this little ball lightning is and why it is here, thats why I didn't send a letter back at you immediately... But well, after the next few letters arrived,
I simply wrote one myself and tried to put it inside the ball lightning, and it looks like it arrived. Still not sure how that thing works and if it even is a ball lightning.... it behaves a little strange for that...
but hey, i got more then enough time to find out.
Ah but i still don't know anything about the war (or whatever it is you're having there in Equestria) between Luna and Celestia, could you maybe send one or two books about that topic to me?
Haven't found anything about Equestria in our local Library (well except for the fact that it is our neighbouring country and that it is ruled by a Unicorn called Celestia, but nothing more specific)...
Looking forward to hear from you again.
Lightning Spark

OOC: Hab mal "Lightning Bolt" durch "Ball Lightning" ersetzt (meinte nämlich eigentlich nen Kugelblitz ^^). Ich kann dann also ab jetzt davon ausgehen, das alles, was du in Spoiler tags machst, nicht im Brief wirklich enthalten sind, oda?

Multipliziere es mit der Unendlichkeit, erweitere es um die Ewigkeit und du wirst im Ansatz erahnen können, wovon ich spreche
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 21.12.2011 von Lightning Spark.)
Hari龜 Offline

Beiträge: 2.588
Registriert seit: 25. Sep 2011

RE: Character RP - Ask Sarcastic Twilight
Oh nah ja wenn du meinst. Auch wenn ich jemand kenne denn das möglich ist.
Egal, wie kannst du erklären das ich Erde und Stein beeinflussen kann ohne ein Einhorn zu sein. Außerdem ist das meine einsichtigste Möglichkeit zu sehen. Ich bin Blind.
Als Beweis, das ich Erde Bändigen kann, habe ich einen selbst geformten Stein mitgeschickt. Dessen Form eines Buches entspricht.

( Du merkst langsam aus wessen Sicht ich schreibe, die der Pony Toph.)

[Bild: accoleft_by_theharibokid-dbxt9ag.png][Bild: sigi_by_theharibokid-dbxt9ve.png][Bild: accoright_by_theharibokid-dbxt9aq.png]
══ 3DS-Freundescode: 4639 - 8947 - 9834 ══
══ Signatur by cute-anonyme/Aschestern ══ Avatar by Megueggu ══
Atra Demonica Offline
Luna's Festmeister

Beiträge: 4.588
Registriert seit: 01. Nov 2011

RE: Character RP - Ask Sarcastic Twilight
Spikes here... twilights "homedragon".. yeah that one who writes all that long letters and has to endure the pain of spitting youre responses out? Awesome Job huh...

I have to get my mind of for a second... Twilight is going nuts!!...
I mean, its almost as bad as that one time, where she was late for her reports.. I left her in her room for a bit.. i have to think about my sanity too you know?

Spoiler (Öffnen)

I cant sleep! I hate it when i dont get it... i am so tired!
Some letter got to here.. she hasnt responded to it yet but it disturbs her so much, that every sound that i or our treehouse makes, scares her to pieces...and always am i there to assure her, that nothing has moved an inch and that we are alone in there... You probably guessed it, but yeah, another one from that creepy Pony came through my mouth.. with a cupcake... you know that twi ate it but.. that cupcake was baked by her... Now twi thinks she is poisened and being watched by that insane mare...

uhh she is calling me again in total terror.. i should go back to her bed and calm her down.. but i feel a bit better now.. i hope no dragonburp comes this night.. i think twi would get a heartattack! Bye now
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 22.12.2011 von Atra Demonica.)
Lightning Spark Offline
Ponyville Pony

Beiträge: 208
Registriert seit: 07. Nov 2011

RE: Character RP - Ask Sarcastic Twilight
Dear Spike,

i hope i don't scare Twilight now with this letter. That sounds pretty dangerous, both the thing that Twilight goes nuts and that insane mare that is stalking you. I would really like to help you, but i don't know if thts possible from here... Well i tried to attach an amulet to this letter, dunno if it arrives (since twilights picture in her first letter didn't arrive here, who know how this connection works?). It's a little.... well lets just call it a "Ward of Protection", that i was working on... Just have her infuse it with some of here Magic, and it should protect her through the night.... although you schould probably run when she does it, and you schouldn't come back until the next morning... this little ward zaps everypony (and dragon ^^) coming near it except the wearer (of course, it would be useless otherweise -.-). Haven't found a way to include others... well i never really tried, i have no need for that here ^ ^
So it will zap you as well once she activates it.... and from the painfull look of the ponies that tried to enter my house at night... it really hurts ^^ (well there was only one, no one ever dared to try it again... those silly little foals with they're tests of bravery....).
Hope it helps, if it arrives.... if it even works with Twilight's magic... never tested it for something like that (be prepared for the worst... I warned you!).
And, by the way, good job on holding out little dragon, you can be proud of yourself Big Grin

Lightning Spark

OOC: So, habe glaube genug Unsicherheiten darin eingebaut das du damit machen kanst was du willst ^^
Man sollte ja meinen das Twilight mit ihrer Magie mehr als genug Macht hat sich selbst irgendeinen Magischen Schutz zu errichten aber naja, wir wissen ja alle wie sporadisch Twilights Fähigkeiten im Umgang mit Magie ist ^^

Multipliziere es mit der Unendlichkeit, erweitere es um die Ewigkeit und du wirst im Ansatz erahnen können, wovon ich spreche
Atra Demonica Offline
Luna's Festmeister

Beiträge: 4.588
Registriert seit: 01. Nov 2011

RE: Character RP - Ask Sarcastic Twilight
This is Twilight Sparkle again!

Spoiler (Öffnen)

I greet all of you that are willing to write me back. I am a bit tired, but this didnt kept me from thinking about our way of communicating! It is really interesting to see this Anomaly of space and time happening to us! I thought a bit about, how explaining this Developments could help Equestria!

Imagine, if we could control these portals that sends out these letters. We could inform Ponies around the world about new breakthroughs in Science. Celestia could inform you about new laws and Shopkeepers could inform the Ponydom about new Products like a new Iteration of a book that interests you. We are on the Edge of a breakthrough, that could alter daily equestrian lives forever. Isnt this exciting?

But I am afraid, that this possibility also is a way for very creepy ponies to express themselves to us and scare us to the bone... at least scare supersticious ponies anyway.. someone well read like me is of course unaffected by those empty Threads and wild imagination by they're part I mean, of course I was a bit uneasy at first, but that was mostly because of the way I get the responses from you. I cant explain it.. that scares me more then:

Zitat:Oh Twilight you silly filly~

Insane is such a vague expression, maybe everyone else is insane and I am the only one who catches a glimpse of sanity once in a while. I don't know if I'm insane, it's just that... life is more fun like this, you should try it too!

If I wouldn't know you, how could I have stood beside your bed last night, listening to the soothing sound of your breath as you dove into the sea of dreams, oh you looked so peaceful... I wish I could be that peaceful, a war rages inside my head, all the time and it just won't stop, do you have a spell for that?

It kind of makes me sad, I mean, you being so rude... you demand my name? Well uh, I don't know if I can tell you but I know what I can do! I'm enclosing a picture and a cupcake to this letter! I'm so excited, please tell me that I'm cute! I think you're cute, maybe we could go on a date sometime...

Spoiler (Öffnen)
Awwww, you probably can't even tell if I'm cute or not... doesn't matter! You know, you could see for yourself, just by taking a quick walk to Pinkies place, I'll be waiting there...

I have thought about that letter quite a lot actually and have come, perhaps conclusively, to an explanation for her behavior. It was wrong of me to call her insane..that was a bit too rude..but not that wrong


Spoiler (Öffnen)

I am quite sure that this poor filly suffers from a 3rd grade Depression.
This could be because of some traumatizing events in her childhood or lack of social interaction in this crucial period of her life...she might not had any friends where she lived.. a very sad thought even for me, who didnt had any friends either.. but I choose too..she might have been forced not having any friends or parties. You can see that lack of social skills in her letters. No one would talk to anypony in that way, when trying to get any friends.

I bet she doesn’t wanted me to be scared. Also, she didnt told me her name. I would certainly remembered a name I heard somewhere. I think, she tries to befriend me. Why should she bake a Cupcake if not for being friendly to me?

So she sent a picture of her all covered in an dirty old cloak with just some parts lurking out of her disguise. Maybe she thought, that my mind tells me that this resembles a pony I know. But, of course, I figured out her tricks and stood above it.

So why am I writing this conclusion to all of you? One Reason is, that you can witness by yourself, what my special talent would have been if I weren't that into magic. Lecturing and psychiatry! Imagine me with glasses and a psychiatry couch! I could really see me that way too...anyhow..

The other reason is, for you readers to learn a lesson about friendship! A Pony can seem scary on the outside and at the first confrontation, but if you take you're time and try to listen to that pony, you might become good friends!

Yes I have another friendship report ready spike. No tardiness this week!!!
Spoiler (Öffnen)

Oh right you are writing this down still...uhh...awkward...

so anyhow.. I will show you what a true believer of friendship will do now.

Spoiler (Öffnen)

So mysterious Pink Pony with maybe a tragic past. I understand you! I know you just want to be nice and make friends with somepony. Friends, who doesnt judge youre past life and decisions and like you for that pony you want to be. I had...and sometimes have... that same problem as you. Fitting in.

But you cant just imagine you're friends and claim you know them when you really dont..it could really disturb... that certain someone you want to know better..

Anypony who reads this, now I make a point to force her out of her imaginary world, where we two are already friends. This is important so she can face herself and admit her problem!

So Pink Pony. If you were really my friend all along, please tell me what circumstances led to me and my friends celebrating my birthday at canterlot castle? If you really are that friend of mine...that you claim to be... you know that.

So even if you cant answer me.. my door is open.. if it makes you feel better: I like you, think you are just misunderstood and I bet you are even cute! Maybe you and I can become good friends?

I am Twilight Sparkle, i live in Ponyville, in ponyvilles library to be exact. Its a big Tree with my house carved in...

and I dont just say that to have witnesses when somethings happens to me...uhm..yeah please visit me... dont be surprised if some other ponys are there...its just because...um...yeah to make even more friends...

so no.. I am not scared of you...i never were.. I even slept wonderful tonight... but you guys have to excuse me, I am a bit tired and have to lay down a bit....not to sleep..just close my eyes for a se........
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 22.12.2011 von Atra Demonica.)
Yue Offline
Great and Powerful

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Registriert seit: 12. Okt 2011

RE: Character RP - Ask Sarcastic Twilight
I... I... I'm confused.

What are these things you're saying? I... I don't know if you hate or like me, it hurts my head, it hurts my chest, it... hurts my soul. Is it true or fiction? I have so many friends but they're not my friends, they are 'her' friends, all of them, they don't even know me but I know all of them. It hurts to look at them each and every day, being unable to do anything. There is but one time in your life that you've all met me, you wouldn't want to see me again if you'd remember.

No you may be right, I don't have any friends, no friends but a bunch of turnips and stones. I'm spending my time sitting here, wondering if anyone would like me if I just went out there with my hair straight like it's supposed to be. It's kind of a relieve, knowing that there is some pony out there who understands me. Someone who would even consider me cute, I never had anyone telling me that. It feels strange, is this friendship? Is this love? Am I overreacting? I would love to meet you Twilight but... I can't I just can't, I'm so scared, it's to bright out there, do I deserve this? Can I face any other pony? Do I deserve you?! Urgh, this is really getting to me. I'm not a bad pony, I would never hurt, never threaten anyone. I've spend my childhood farming rocks, rocks, rocks, RoCkS, ROCKS! I am so sick of them, I am sick of YOU Rocky! SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICK!!!

Ha... ha... no, get out of my head, GET OUT OF MY HEAD TWILIGHT! This is not going according to plan, you're not going to break me! Help me Twilight... No! No, I refuse to go down like that! But I'm so afraid... I still don't know what to do, I'm crying, for the first time in years I'm crying. The last time I was crying so hard, I was punching one of those stupid rocks at night until my hooves were bleeding. This letter may be soaking wet by the time you receive it... allright, back to topic, you want me to tell you the circumstances leading to you, celebrating your birthday in canterlot?! See Twilight this is important too, for you can not help me until you accept the fact that we are really already friends. Well fine, listen! Rarity went to canterlot some time before your birthday, she wanted to be back in time but then you received a letter from her, it said that Opal was sick and thus, Rarity couldn't make it back in time for your party. We all decided to visit her in canterlot instead, a sweet surprise so we could all celebrate together! Yes, You... we... I... her... you all went there. See? I know everything! Every goddamn thing! How could you still doubt me?

I... I.... I'm sorry, I guess I'm not ready to meet you yet. I have good reason not to tell you my name, my only hope is for you to figure it out someday, I bet you will, your such a smartious smarty smart smarty pants. It's so cold in here, I wish there was someone around... so pathetic... stupid Diane...


Come now, try to remember. What form did you have?
It must have been a beautiful shape...

vorher bekannt als PinkamenaDianePie
Blitzsturm Offline

Beiträge: 549
Registriert seit: 03. Dez 2011

RE: Character RP - Ask Sarcastic Twilight
Wenn Celestia wirklich so mächtig ist wie du denkst warum hat sie mich dann noch nicht gefunden?Und selbst wenn sie es hätte,meine Festung ist ausreichend gesichert.
Außerdem rede ich so mit dir wie es mir passt,was willst du denn dagegen tun?
Und um das klarzustellen ich werde mich niemals Celestia unterwerfen!
Es lebe das Luna Imperium!

♔✠☠ NOCH FRAGEN? ☠✠♔



Atra Demonica Offline
Luna's Festmeister

Beiträge: 4.588
Registriert seit: 01. Nov 2011

RE: Character RP - Ask Sarcastic Twilight
Hello Everypony!

Spoiler (Öffnen)

I am sorry that i cant respond to youre letters as fast as I want to, but I have really important studies to work on. Its also scheduled that I meet princess Celestia today! She wants to talk to me about my recent discoveries in friendship. She doesnt know about our letters and I plan to keep it that way. Maybe I ask her some questions that came up, but of course, not blatantly. I know my way around those conversations!

But I have a little bit of time before she arrives and decided to write to you again! So lets see what kind of questions you have for me this time!

(21.12.2011)Trixies Evil Twin schrieb:  Weißt du Twilight ob Rainbow Dash lesbisch ist ?

Spoiler (Öffnen)

What kind of question is that...Am... am I reading this correct..? Rainbow Dash a lesbian? Um... I haven’t thought about that before.. I study friendship not relationship...or love...i don’t think I would be the right pony to study love and all that...um..awkward..

Back to youre question!

Rainbow Dash acts a little bit ruff and tomboyish but I don't think that this makes her a lesbian. What you say is an uneducated prejudice... You think because she acts a certain way so she must fit into a certain group of people.. you should get such thoughts out of you're mane if you ever want to be full of love and tolerance!

Um but... I tell you guys something.. I hope she never finds out I spoke about it... well.. Rainbow is really popular... I mean everywhere she goes there are some that admirer who cant think straight when they see her and they suddenly start to scream louder if it has any reason to be something like:

Oh my gosh its Rainbow Dash..You’re so Awesome.. Can you show me tricks?...You’re so talented! I want to be just like you!...

Who wants to be as uneducated and smug as her!...Always thinking that she is so awesome but doesnt know the calculations of gravity in the slightest....

but...on the other hand..she is my friend and I am happy for her success... a lot of ponys seem to like that kind of attitude.. Rainbow is often out of town and meets new fans with whom she hangs out with...even over night...some of them are even here in Ponyville... I never questioned that.. I just thought about friendship and that she just wants to expand her Circle of Friends.. but... what if....hm... strange thought... Anyhow I...have to say I kind of envy her.. all that attention and all the remarks other ponys give her... and listen to me... I act as if I stand above that but part of me is just like them... its something about her...

Spoiler (Öffnen)
it begins with her looks.. her wonderfully shaped athletic body... big strong wings... her spectacular hooves, her ability to be quicker than any animal could dream to be... her adventurous but still soothing eyes.. that really beautiful mane that just multiples that wild spirit that rages in her, all wild and free with no care about anything in the world!!!......
Spoiler (Öffnen)
I think I just got carried away for a sec... but... though I would never admit it to here in person.. I too think that Rainbow...that she is...

Awesome!RD deals with it

Oh no..nonononono..... Rainbow?!!! How long were you standing there????Why are you here anyway???

I was just about getting a nap in you're tree when I thought I heard you saying my name. As I flew more closely, i were able to listen to you raving about how spectacular I am... and you’re right. I AM pretty awesome!
So what are you doing? Writing a diary? A book of how Radical I am? I am sorry, spike already have written about it... but as I think about it... no single book can contain my awesomeness!


So go on Twi.. but send me a copy. I like to hear and experience how my fans think of me!

I am not you’re fan... I am you’re friend!

You can be both!

I...listen Rainbow... can I ask you something?

Sure! Whats on youre mind?

You have a lot of Fans right... and sometimes you stay overnight with some of them...uhm...how do I ask this... do you prefer to stay with male or females...?

what are you implying?..Waaaait.. I think I know where you are going with this... twi.. its no use talking with you about this subject! You have no experience, you are most likely extremely romantic and conservative so we are not on the same level!

No experience? I know everything about it!

From books...


Thats my point... uhh listen Twi... lets try something and we'll see if you are... ready to talk about that kind of stuff with... how do you feel If I get this close to you...
Spoiler (Öffnen)

I....i...dont think I feel comfortable...what are you trying to prove...

That you're to prude twi. I go back a bit so you feel better..but you should lighten up. Come out of youre cave that you call library more often and just life.
I have to go. Please continue writing youre little Diary about me and...here is something for youre little book about me:

I life my life to the fullest. I like to be free as a bird and unbounded by everything. Why should I restrain in any aspect of my life. I could miss something.

I dont life by any rules twi... I make them. Thats why I am awesome!

So Cya!


…..what just happened?...

let me guess spike.. its all written down..? Great just great... how should I meet celestia now with this.... moment that just happened???...i need some time.. sry..i...i hope it answered youre question...

(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 23.12.2011 von Atra Demonica.)
Lykran Offline
Das uralte Böse

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RE: Character RP - Ask Sarcastic Twilight
Hi Twilight,

ich bins mal wieder Lykran, du weißt schon der "horny Colt" wie du mich nanntest.
Mal eine Frage. Stimmt es das Erdponys die Unterschicht bei euch bilden? Sie sind also nur Bauern und Co.
Während die Pegasi die Soldaten und die Einhörner die Oberschicht also der Adel sind?

Tut mir Leid wenn die letzte Nachricht zu direkt war.
Ich mein ja nur. Du bist viel besser als Rainbow Dash! Du bist klug, witzig, liebenswert und hübsch... das sagen dir aber wohl alle.
Aber hey du bist TWILIGHT SPARKLE das muss man dir doch sagen!

Frohe Weihnachten noch ich meine natürlich merry hearth`s warming eve.

Ich bin nicht verrückt, meine Realität ist nur eine andere.
Trixies Evil Twin Abwesend
Ponyville Pony

Beiträge: 194
Registriert seit: 29. Nov 2011

RE: Character RP - Ask Sarcastic Twilight
Hast du je ein Pony geküsst Twilight ? Oder gar ein Fohlen-Freund je gehabt Twilight happy ?

Bin auf der Sache nach jmd der für mich n Pony macht (also n Bild was sogesehen Trixies Bruder darstellt). Wer gerne zeichnet und mir helfen möchte solle sich bitte bei mir melden PLS Twilight happy

[Bild: dragonanimated_770816.gif]

Wenn ihr wissen wollt was aus dem Kleinen wird dann schaut vorbei Great and Powerful
Atra Demonica Offline
Luna's Festmeister

Beiträge: 4.588
Registriert seit: 01. Nov 2011

RE: Character RP - Ask Sarcastic Twilight
Hello Everypony...

Spoiler (Öffnen)

As you know i met with Celestia a while back. It was a disaster… I was still in shock about Rainbow Dashs behavior and was almost silent the whole get together… it was so embarrassing!

Spike keep youre comments for yourself! At least the other ponys here can’t read what you say. I am not in the mood for you’re “wanna be stand-up comedian” comments on these situations.  Uhhh I swear if this letter contains vulgar language, horny colts or another mad pony I will send it to the nether realm!

Spoiler (Öffnen)

Friendship_Warrio schrieb:Dear Twilight Sparkle,

Yes, you could say, that i know you because of the hearts warms eve. Well... it would have been better, if they'd used the old flag of Equestria instead of the new one, but take a wild guess! It seemed to be quite a good reenactment! You did a good job on acting, by the way!

I agree with you! A musical version of tis reenactment would'nt have been such a good idea, even though a musical shows a little more emotions. I really can't say, how your Ancestors would react, if they saw their tale as a musical... guess it would make them go mad.

I still can't believe that i'm actually able to talk to you!

Oh! how rude of me... May i introduce myself? My name is Friendship_Warrior.

Say Twilight... there always was one think that i wanted to know...

How do you use magic? I mean, i can't use magic myself, to be honest, there is no such thing as magic here.

Hope you'l find some time to read this letter.

Your's sincerley


PS. If Spike keeps having trouble with his stomach, brew him a nice cup of Tea, at least once per day and he should feel better.

Spoiler (Öffnen)

I… well THANK YOU Friendship Warrior. Finally somepony with manners, that doesn’t sound creepy and acknowledges my work. Though what is up with youre name? Are you born with the Name Friendship Warrior? But as strange at this is, it’s a nice name to have, especially if you are… like me kind of.. a friendship warrior! You might not know that, but I have advanced studies on friendship which results are sent personally to the princess of the sun and the moon and are handled with top priority. If I think about it, Friendship warrior wouldn’t quite fit.. more friendship adviser… but I digress..

I am very flattered, that you are even excited to write to me. Is it because i am the most faithful student of princess Celestia? Dont worry. I talk to everyone and i want to have a lot of friends to study... no!..... to hang out and interact with.

Spoiler (Öffnen)

I don’t quite understand why you don’t have magic where you live. I mean you too live in Equestria right? Its not like our kingdom is not only surrounded by magic, inhabits a lot of Unicorns wich all can summon it, it´s also ruled by our majesty that uses magic on public occasions. So how can you not have magic where you life…

You must life in one of them Earthpony settlements, where they life “the old fashioned way”. I heard they are called Quackers… but maybe you can tell me more about that…
So you want to know how magic is summoned? Well to explain it to earthpony folk is a bit hard because you can not grasp the concepts in youre mind. If you weren’t as polite as you were I would just say: Because we can! Or: Because Celestia doesn’t love you enough… but I try to make it understandable and relatable for youre kind., that doesnt know the way of science and other heretic stuff...
…I am so happy Applejack and Pinkie don’t ask questions like that…

So Imagine you're brain is a fertile forestground with lots of seeds hidden underneath the surface. Not all of them will grow and not all of them will be big. Imagine, that flowers and grass are the Earth ponys, bushes the Pegasus and Trees the Unicorns!

No Spike... this explanation does not make me a tree in literal sense!!!

… I know that Fluttershy would be happy, if I would say that her species is a tree!..


So where were we.. ah yes...thanks spike!...
Unicorns have Trees in they're Brains.


No Gemstones today!

Spoiler (Öffnen)

Uhh... fine... so can we finally answer this question!

Like a tree, it stays high above all the other plants and grasses... but I dont say its like we are better then them and stand above you.. no.. how COULD i even think that??..... urgh... I should think about what I am saying dont I?...

This is hard...

Spoiler (Öffnen)

So the Trees are grown so high, that they can feel and inhale special air, that is only found high above the Forest ground. As higher a Tree grows, the more special Air and sunlight it gets. Which results in a stronger Trees with lots of Fruits like Apples hanging from it!

Now if I bring this into context:

The Horn of a Unicorn is that tree. It can gather special Elements in the Air and transform it into Mana. Mana is then used to create the magickz!

Sorry that phrase kinda stuck with me...

that is the explanation, why other Ponies like you, cant use Magic. You dont have the Antenna to gather that special Element for youre usage! Its not like you could not cast Magic because you havnt learnt enough... its because you just cant because you dont have a horn.

But you Earthponies have other abilitys, that we unicorns could not perform like....

you can.. no....we can do that too...

Spoiler (Öffnen)

you eh...

you have a better understanding of baking,partying and farming... yeah...


I hope I answered you're question and that you understood what I was saying.. and dont get the impression that i am a racist.. I have good Earthpony friends and... they are good at baking, partying and farming!

We need you guys...!
And i like you guys...!


Dragons don't drink tea. You have to give them molted lava..it's so hard to get...

Until next time

Twilight Sparkle
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 27.12.2011 von Atra Demonica.)
Trixies Evil Twin Abwesend
Ponyville Pony

Beiträge: 194
Registriert seit: 29. Nov 2011

RE: Character RP - Ask Sarcastic Twilight
Dear Twi

I would be pleased to meet you. I've watched you form somewhere and I think this is the first step I go into your direction. Sry if I couldn't told ya it directly. My question is :

Are you.... want to got out with me ?

Your faithful & loyal servant
-Mr U-Know-n-

P.S.: You're a very beauty Pony in my eyes even if u felt stlked pls don't think about that. I just being shy... more than a little bit. Hope ya answering me... and else :

Be as cute as u are Honeybunny Heart

Bin auf der Sache nach jmd der für mich n Pony macht (also n Bild was sogesehen Trixies Bruder darstellt). Wer gerne zeichnet und mir helfen möchte solle sich bitte bei mir melden PLS Twilight happy

[Bild: dragonanimated_770816.gif]

Wenn ihr wissen wollt was aus dem Kleinen wird dann schaut vorbei Great and Powerful
Friendship_Warrior Offline

Beiträge: 390
Registriert seit: 04. Okt 2011

RE: Character RP - Ask Sarcastic Twilight
Dear Twilight Sparkle,

i was not born with this name. I don't even know, where i was born, but i lived on an uncharted island in the southern sea. There, i lived, as you guessed right, in a small tribe of Zebras. I, for myself, am an Earth Pony.

Now somepony would wonder: How comes that an Earth Pony lives among Zebras?

To be honest, i was exposed by my family. Maybe for some good reason, but that is something, i do not like to write about so back to the origin of my name.

As i lived side by side with the Zebras, a big problem occured, because of me. The Tribals started to seperate and formed 2 sides. The first wanted me to be gone, the other side wanted me to stay.

At first there was a lot of arguing, but as time flew by, they started fighting over it. I, for myself still was a little foal so i didn't really know what was going on and i started to ask them questions about the situation. I wanted to solve the problem.

After they told me, that i was the problem, because of my "behavior"
i started acting like them. After some time, the Tribe accepted me as one of them and thanked me for "forging the friendship". I didn't have had a name until they accepted me as a tribal. Because of my peaceful action they then decided to call me "Friendship Warrior".

Oh... the nostalgia striked me...

Well... Thank you for explaining it on such a "specific level"

anyway... I now understand, you absorb magical power from your surroundings and your Horn functions like a Nexus, or precisely said, like a "Magical Storage", through which you can perform "active magic".

Hmm... Mana... I've read about it in the books of the elder.

"A supernatural, extremly effective and impersonal power, that inherents inside of anything, as you mentioned especially in Unicorns, and even some "Things" like stones, trees, even plants... Also, it is said, that Mana can be transfered from anypony to anypony."

Guess the Elder were right after all. Still... there is something, that concerns me.

I accept the fact, that Earth Ponys, Pegasus and Zebras can not use magic, like Unicorns do, but there are 2 things, that speak against this fact...

1. Earth Ponys, according to the books of the elder, are said to have a "magical power", when it comes to farming or any other activity with the "Flora".

2. Pegasi can walk on clouds. Now some might say, that it is something genetic, with that i mean the Theory of the "lighter bone structure", but i don't think, that this is the real reason. Clouds are an accumulation of very thin water drops. Even if Pegasi are "lighter" it can not be possible, that water drops are able to carry a Pegasus.

So i came to think, that the Pegasus use some kind of "passive magic" that lies within anypony, but is "used" totally different. The Ability of the Earth Ponys, to have a "good hoof" on nature, would also fall into the category of "passive magic".

forgive me, if i somehow insulted you with this, if i did... It was not my intention to do so...

As i asked my stepmother, why i was so different, she simply said, that i should never think about anypony as a part of a mass.
She said, that everypony's life has a special meaning...

I sometimes whish, that i could see her again... i really miss the Tribe, No! ... My Tribe...

After this letter, ypu surely will think:

"How comes, that a tribal knows such a formal adress?"

Even though i do not think, that you are like 60% of Ponykind, that keeps saying, that Tribals are poorly educated, i still want to tell you, that not all tribes, are totally uneducated.

With that said, i want to thank you again for answering my letter, Mrs. Sparkle.

Looking forward to your next letter!

Your's sincerely

Friendship Warrior


I'm very sorry for the last piece of the letter, i didn't mean to insult anyone, but you are the first Pony i've ever had contact to so far...

[Bild: zigad8nn.jpg]
19.01.2015 - Der Tag, an dem User ihre Dummheit bewiesen
Atra Demonica Offline
Luna's Festmeister

Beiträge: 4.588
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RE: Character RP - Ask Sarcastic Twilight
Hello Everypony...

Spoiler (Öffnen)

i cant write you much because i just had a terrible fight with Spike when we were trying to answer two letters from lightning spark and now he ran away... I hope he will come back soon. He seemed to be hurt very much because of our dispute... but he really done it this time!.. i mean you ponys know what he has written... i dont! I just read, that Lightning Spark answered him and gave him advice about...HER...you know.. that pink pony which supposedly watches me when i sleep?.. This could ruin my whole Study about this situation, because i cant keep track of all the interactions with you ponys. The pink Pony could now know something about me, what i dont wanted her to know... Also that makes everything so unorganized and i just hate that!

Who knows.. maybe he is keeping something from me.. i mean when you write letters in secrecy about someone, they are usually not nice... but why... i am devastated.. i should have a lesson in mind, which i have written Celestia a while ago.. always think the best of youre friends, they only have good intentions for you at heart... but its hard to follow this advice at the moment.. it s so frustrating..

Lightning Spark?

Spoiler (Öffnen)

I will research the amulett you gave me and will notify you about my results and my thoughts about it. Thou it looks a little bit like something, you would find in youre local dumping ground. All dented and rusty and hardly functional.. but as long as it works... its not the look that counts afterall! Youre letters will be answered accordingly. I just cant do it right now..

If you ponys know a place where a Dragon could hide in such a situation: Please say it. If he doesnt come back soon, i search for him and every advice could be usefull..
If it helps you, this was our argument as far as spike has written it..

So lets see what that lightning Spark has to say, especially about this piece of junk he sent with..

Dear Spike???????

Spike did you send a letter without me knowing? How could you??? I trusted you!

Spoiler (Öffnen)

What you didnt mean to? My studies are all ruined now because youre thoughtlessness. I dont know what you have written them!

You wrote about my condition because of Diane?? Why?? I... i am SO Disappointed of you!

No that is NOT how my Number One Assistant would have worked... maybe you ARE too young to maintain this position. Maybe you are not the one i thought you were!

I dont know if i can trust you anymore Spike..Wh.......

He left then... i was a bit harsch wasnt i?... i am so devasted about it...if you have a guess where he is.. please tell me...

and in case you wonder how i send this letter without spike: I stored some of his Dragon Breathes in Jars. When i open them, the flame comes out and sends the paper...

But excuse me... ive read the argument again and its really getting to me...

Spoiler (Öffnen)

In teariness...
Twilight Sparkle

(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 30.12.2011 von Atra Demonica.)
McKay Offline

Beiträge: 1.275
Registriert seit: 27. Sep 2011

RE: Character RP - Ask Sarcastic Twilight
Now how does this...
No! Sheppard, don't...
I don't think this is how this thing....

But McKay, what's about this surface here...

We just found this ancient device here containing letters of this "Twilight Sparkle" and new ones appear, i have no idea how this works and if you keep interrupting me i won't find out.
Look... If the best scientist in our expedition has problems to find out how this works, this means it's far too much for your intellects to even get the slightest glimpse of... What do you ... please put away that lemon...

transmission interrupted
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 01.01.2012 von McKay.)
Atra Demonica Offline
Luna's Festmeister

Beiträge: 4.588
Registriert seit: 01. Nov 2011

RE: Character RP - Ask Sarcastic Twilight
Spoiler (Öffnen)
Hello everypony...

i hope you celebrated the new year with you're friends and had a wonderful party? Because.. I dont.. well I stayed at Pinkies an we spent the time together but.. it wasnt a party.. more like a funeral. Spike still isnt back and we all are worried sick! He could be out in the cold freezing to death, eaten by a dragon or even spotted by a cockatrice! We searched all around Ponyville.. even in the everfree forest.. NOTHING! I.. I am devastated..

You guys didn’t send letters with some possibility where a dragon can hide either. But how could you? Its not that every pony has a dragon... especially not some wise cracking, greedy liar like Spike is.. but I like him that way! If you guys want to look for him yourself, I attach a picture of him with this letter.

[Bild: Badass_Spike.jpg]

Hmm a thought crossed my mind... maybe he gets these letters too? If so.. Please come back Spike!! I am sorry! I miss my number one assistant!

Dont be so melodramatic...
Spoiler (Öffnen)

Do you know who you're talking too Spirit? Obey or you are trapped in this sealing rune forever!

Yes Caller...

Sorry everypony.. its a long story.. maybe I tell you in another letter. The short Version: I was bound to get tardy!!! I cant write very well freely with just my levitation magic! I would have to go back to magic kindergarten if Celestia sees my hornwriting... no other pony around here can write well enough to see the Royal Mares face. Rainbow Dash tried once.. this scribbling she calls mouth writing...urgh.. spike has rewritten it without Rainbows notice..

Dont you want to come to the point caller..?

Silence!!..urgh.... I summoned a spirit from olden times to help me...dont judge me... desperate situation require desperate measures... you dont wanna know what troubles the spirits gave me and what trouble I am in, if someone finds out... What you read between my dictate are the written and spoken words of the best Spirit I found so far... the last one tried to turn my library into a fridge.. what fun that was...

I can show you what I can do if you loosen this cage....

Dont mind him...

LightningSpark schrieb:Dear Twilight Sparkle,

ah so you meant THAT Celestia. Of course i know her, but she is not that important here than what she is at your place. You need to know that i live in Germaneigh, a little country neighboring Equestria.
But until now i didn't know that it's Celestia that is moving the Sun and the Moon, we were taught that they move on their own.... wich is a little strange since we have to do everything else here by hoof.
I know that Celestia is the Ruler of Equestria, but that she's that powerfull... and you're her STUDENT? I so envy you
And before i forget, there were no pictures send in your first letter. At least not to me... based on your letters it looks like a lot of other Ponies receive your letters as well, maybe it only got send to one of them?
When you first letter arrived I first thought that one of my little experiments went wrong... you must know, I am THE expertise on lightning here (well, my name isn't Lightning Spark for nothing)
and i always try to expand my control and knowledge over lightning... and right after my last experiment a litte ball lightning appeared in my little laboratory and spew out a letter all of a sudden...
I first tried to figure out what happened and what this little ball lightning is and why it is here, thats why I didn't send a letter back at you immediately... But well, after the next few letters arrived,
I simply wrote one myself and tried to put it inside the ball lightning, and it looks like it arrived. Still not sure how that thing works and if it even is a ball lightning.... it behaves a little strange for that...
but hey, i got more then enough time to find out.
Ah but i still don't know anything about the war (or whatever it is you're having there in Equestria) between Luna and Celestia, could you maybe send one or two books about that topic to me?
Haven't found anything about Equestria in our local Library (well except for the fact that it is our neighbouring country and that it is ruled by a Unicorn called Celestia, but nothing more specific)...
Looking forward to hear from you again.
Lightning Spark

Dear Spike,

i hope i don't scare Twilight now with this letter. That sounds pretty dangerous, both the thing that Twilight goes nuts and that insane mare that is stalking you. I would really like to help you, but i don't know if thts possible from here... Well i tried to attach an amulet to this letter, dunno if it arrives (since twilights picture in her first letter didn't arrive here, who know how this connection works?). It's a little.... well lets just call it a "Ward of Protection", that i was working on... Just have her infuse it with some of here Magic, and it should protect her through the night.... although you schould probably run when she does it, and you schouldn't come back until the next morning... this little ward zaps everypony (and dragon ^^) coming near it except the wearer (of course, it would be useless otherweise -.-). Haven't found a way to include others... well i never really tried, i have no need for that here ^ ^
So it will zap you as well once she activates it.... and from the painfull look of the ponies that tried to enter my house at night... it really hurts ^^ (well there was only one, no one ever dared to try it again... those silly little foals with they're tests of bravery....).
Hope it helps, if it arrives.... if it even works with Twilight's magic... never tested it for something like that (be prepared for the worst... I warned you!).
And, by the way, good job on holding out little dragon, you can be proud of yourself

Lightning Spark

Sooo Lightning Spark..

I hope you forgive my late answer.. these last days of mine were as good as they ever could get.. with spike missing, spirits, my frozen library... If i didnt know better i would say that discord has broken out of his cage again..

Spoiler (Öffnen)

You have written about a place called germaneigh, and I have read up on it. Though the information is scare, its is written to be a fictional land which supposed to have other magical abilitys known to our whole ponyverse. Some argue that it really does exist, but its exact location is not noted on any map known to me.. and I have almost all of them. The map when Equestria was founded and the modern maps. So it is not possible for you to life there, because it is not existing. You are most likely fake and try to make a fool out of me.

He doesnt even need to try to do that...


…..Even if you seem to be a nice pony, I dont trust a word you say because that would question everything in which I believe in. And I am sorry, everything speaks against youre little story about Germaneigh.. though it was fun to read it...

Celestia only a sidenote... right... controlling elements of nature.. good one!...Ball of lightning... I think I know where you got that idea!.. It was an adventure book called Ponynator. With a time traveling Colt who tried to warn everyone about rampaging books and candles, which tried to kill everyone in Equestria. I had to laugh the whole way through! The Ponynator traveled back from the future with a ball of lightning.. sound familiar?

You are so ignorant caller...

Spoiler (Öffnen)

...Pray that i stay ignorant to youre comments or I will evaporate youre spirtiual form forever....

there was something in the books about that... I think it was under e....

Dont you try to answer to this.. lightning Spark...caller?

YES... urgh...i...ok....

Now to youre amulet.. like I said, It looks like thrash and my studies verified, that no magic comes out of it or that it will react in any special way to any kind of magic.

But you know what? Ive read youre little description of it and as I said, I dont believe anything you say anymore. I got no results what so ever out of any experiment I did with it. Spikes absence and this spirit presence admittedly infuriates me and gets me impatient. I will infuse this amulet with all my magic, maybe then I get some form of reaction out of it. Lets see if anything you have said is true! When I am done, I will tell you how right I were about you and youre little game to question all what I believe in. So be prepared to be outproven by the personal prodigee of princess celestia!

Spoiler (Öffnen)

Ha it worked..but I bet she is not happy about it.. she is now toast...burned toast to be exact

OOC: Nicht denken ich veränder jetzt groß was an der Serie und Twilight. Ich habe einen Plan und den Gedanken, alles im Canon zu behalten. Ich werde Spike nicht ersetzen oder so*g* Ist nur nicht so einfach, durch die Existenz von Elementarer Magie und Germaneigh. Und was den Geist angeht... wer weiß was Twillight alles so für Bücher liest und ausprobiert, wenn niemand guckt :-) Aber für Meinungen und Kritik gibt es den passenden Ask Twilight Diskussion Thread!
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 03.01.2012 von Atra Demonica.)
Atra Demonica Offline
Luna's Festmeister

Beiträge: 4.588
Registriert seit: 01. Nov 2011

RE: Character RP - Ask Sarcastic Twilight
I am getting tired of being imprisoned in this amateurish set up rune by this pony. Though it is sealed, but the line art is what i would call desperate... i mean look at it! [Bild: rise+%2526+root+rune.png]

i am getting so bored... I cant move one bit and this pony is still unconscious. Stupid mare.

[Bild: twilightbeaten.jpg]

I hope she isnt dead, otherwise I would be stuck here forever... Oh well.. I think I entertain myself by counting those books that lie randomly on the floor... I think that pony will be happy when she sees, that many of her Books are burned and rotting on the floor.. oh well... I better start..

Spoiler (Öffnen)






74... wait! She is moving. Finally!

Wake up you lazy mare. Don’t sleep why your summoned spirit is still trapped in your damn scribbling you call a rune.

Wait what who.. where.. why?

Wait I recognize you... oh no..urghhhh..everything hurts so much...THE LIBRARY?!! what happened???

Well lets say.. you made a SHOCKING discovery when you fueled this amulett on the table with your magic.

I...Wait you´re right!

Spoiler (Öffnen)


I thought it zaps a bit if any but.. by Celestia.. my library... I hope I can restore it!

You wont...

Don’t say something like that! My Studies.. all that knowledge.. will the ring of mordor be destroyed by the fellowship? I was so close on finishing that book!

Yes. Frodo couldnt find the strength to throw it into mount doom, but that disfigured colt Gollum took it and threw himself in the lava. There. You are finished with that book. I saved you a lot of time and you can start sending me back where i belong!


I begin to hate you from the deepest regions of my heart...

Huh? Whats this? Another letter.. well it lays exactly beneath my hooves.. well maybe its Lightning Spark mocking me...

Haribokid schrieb:[font=Arial]Oh nah ja wenn du meinst. Auch wenn ich jemand kenne denn das möglich ist.
Egal, wie kannst du erklären das ich Erde und Stein beeinflussen kann ohne ein Einhorn zu sein. Außerdem ist das meine einsichtigste Möglichkeit zu sehen. Ich bin Blind.
Als Beweis, das ich Erde Bändigen kann, habe ich einen selbst geformten Stein mitgeschickt. Dessen Form eines Buches entspricht.


Another one who is claiming to control the elements... and now even with no horn and blind nonetheless...

Spoiler (Öffnen)



Everything destroyed... I cant believe it.. oh look there..

the stone deformation that pony was talking about. It looks like a book alright and it just well may be the only book that isn’t destroyed by Lightning Sparks Amulet... lets see what secrets are written in it... as I expected... NOTHING! Why making a book out of a stone, when nothing is imprinted in it. Such waste of Magic.. if anything. Yeah, the stone looks like a book, but why should I believe that you are

a) no unicorn

b) that you are blind

Spoiler (Öffnen)

And when we are already on topic, if you were blind, how could you know that you formed a book or, if anything, you know how a book looks like? So many holes in your story and I should just accept that you made the impossible happen?

Sorry that I don’t believe everypony that tells me, that she is super special and defies any law of magic we have here in Equestria. Are you von “Germaneigh” too? Do you know this Lightning Spark? If you do hit him hard for me!!…

Uh I shouldnt say something like that... I am sorry... but everything is ruined.. I am so deep in trouble... Spike is gone, the library is almost in ashes and my friends cant help me right now because of the Zap Apple Harvest..i wanted to help too but they are afraid my magic might differ the taste of these apples...

urgh.. isn’t this like old times... all alone again

you have me!

As I said.. all alone again... if only spike would be here...

Oh there is another short letter...its from Lunatic... maybe his stupidity cheers me up a bit!

Blitzsturm schrieb:[font=Arial]Wenn Celestia wirklich so mächtig ist wie du denkst warum hat sie mich dann noch nicht gefunden?Und selbst wenn sie es hätte,meine Festung ist ausreichend gesichert.
Außerdem rede ich so mit dir wie es mir passt,was willst du denn dagegen tun?
Und um das klarzustellen ich werde mich niemals Celestia unterwerfen!
Es lebe das Luna Imperium!

Spoiler (Öffnen)
As I thought! I feel a lot better now! Thank you lunatic! But you know what? I cant do anything at this moment in Ponyville.. I go and visit Celestia and Luna in Canterlot and ask them about youre pathetic Luna Rebellion Group. It will be especially interesting, how Luna reacts on that. Maybe... maybe Spike went there.. back to princess Celestia!

Spirit? We are going on a little Trip to the Canterlot Castle and you are going with me. I will put your essence in this little jar here and you are trapped like a Djinn in a lamp... just a lot more useless since you don’t fulfill wishes.. instead you just spout out snappy commentary and have a bad handwriting. Well better that then nothing!

no! I don’t want to be trapped in this Jar of.. whats that smell??? What did you store in there before????

Molted Red Cheese I needed for a little Experiment. It is not spoilt or anything.. it just really smells horrible. It is the only jar that I can find in this mess and I am sooo sorry for it. Dont worry.. you will survive it.. its not like you can die a second time wont you?

Spoiler (Öffnen)


(OOC) Nochmal einen großen Dank an Darrian für die Sarcastic Twilights. PERFEKT!!

Und ja.. die Schriftarten wechseln irgendwie.. das forum hasst mich heute scheinbar O-o Wenn ich versuche das zu fixen steht immer der Font Code usw. doof. Ich find in Arial ist es etwas schwerer zu lesen. Naja ich hoffe es gefällt trotzdem^^ Wenn es unlesbar ist oder bei Vorschlägen wie ich sowas am besten in Zukunft lösen soll, bitte in den Diskussionsthread!
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 08.01.2012 von Atra Demonica.)
Blitzsturm Offline

Beiträge: 549
Registriert seit: 03. Dez 2011

RE: Character RP - Ask Sarcastic Twilight
Irgendwie schon blöd für dich das ich deine vorherigen Briefe noch habe,
den wie du dich bestimmt erinnerst hast du dich in diesen ziemlich abfällig über Luna geäußert.
Ich werde in absehbarer Zeit auch mal in Canterlot vorbeischauen um
Prinzessin Luna diese Briefe zu zeigen,
sie wird bestimmt erfreut sein wie du dich über sie äußerst.
Achso und noch etwas,
schon blöd wenn man sich mit einem Amulett selbst in die Luft sprengt,oder?
Für das Luna Imperium!
Gruß Lunatic

♔✠☠ NOCH FRAGEN? ☠✠♔



Lightning Spark Offline
Ponyville Pony

Beiträge: 208
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RE: Character RP - Ask Sarcastic Twilight
Dear Twilight Sparkle,

well, normally i would say sorry... but you kinda deserved it -.- first you call me a liar, then you doubt my little artifact and now you claim that i tried to kill you...
Is this any way of making friends with ponys you havn't even met yet? I think your studies in the "Magic of Friendship", as you call it, is seriously lacking...
Or, as someone I know used to say, "Go back to square one!".

And seriously, I told you that you should infuse it with SOME of your magic and that it will zap anything except the bearer after that... OF COURSE you wouldn't find any reaction if there is no one else there!!!
Well.. granted, that thing that you summoned was there, but whatever it is, it seems like the amulet didn't react to it... what is already strange...
But still, if you overload it with your Magic there was bound to happen something of that sort... well, looks like you being the student of celestia is more talk then anything...
if that Celestia is really that powerful, its probably just a lie you came up with that she can control the Sun and the Moon.

SEE? I can do that to! I'm really disappointed, and here I thought I could find a friend which intellect is on equal footing to mine...

But well, maybe we just had a bad start. Personally, I am a friend of the "benefit of the doubt", so since I don't know you personally, I'll just assume that everything you said is true
(except for your baseless assumption about everyone else writing you via this portal), unless I can proof you wrong.

So tell me, what, in your opion, is this Portal then? How does it work? And why does it have a different shape for each of us? (Well, at least for the two of us, who knows how this portal looks like to all the other ones).

Oh, and by the way, we have that book here as well Big Grin That "Human" with the broken sword became the King and Frodo and his friends went back to their valley and everyone else in his tribe thinks that nothing happened ^^
Now you really don't need to read that book anymore!
But it's kinda strange that we both have that book... well ok, I don't have it, it's in the library, but still, it is available here....

Another thing:
Did you ever consider that, maybe, you are the one who's insane and that everybody else is normal? Life get's much easier if you simply accept it, believe me, I know. Nopony ever proofed that being normal is a good thing.


Lightning Spark

Multipliziere es mit der Unendlichkeit, erweitere es um die Ewigkeit und du wirst im Ansatz erahnen können, wovon ich spreche

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