meine Muttersprache ist nicht Deutsch, daher werde ich weiterhin dieses Thema, leider in Englisch haben.
My name is David (male 20y), known by some as Stjonal from the Netherlands. I will be attending Galacon this year

I call out for help. I ask for anyone who has about 2 square meters to spare anywhere near Ludwigsburg for the nights from friday 31th of july when i arive and monday 3th of august when i depart. Is it in a bed, a couch or the floor, as long as i have a roof over my head i will be thankfull. It would be fun if you went to the con aswell.
I thank you for your help. I hope this will years galacon will be fantastic!
eingegeben, mit gehypten Grüßen,
Stjonal, Galaconenthusiast h.t.