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03.03.2025, 08:00

Soobels Kunst und Modellbau
Soobel Offline
Cutie Mark Crusader

Beiträge: 43
Registriert seit: 25. Jan 2016

Soobels Kunst und Modellbau
So i love to draw and make some pony-fanart.
Mostly i draw digitally and try to figure, how will ponies look in real.

Mare Fatale

Some people think that i draw better with pencils:

Boopfight: Filifjonka - Rarity 1:1 (Her i failed with Rarity's eyes, paper and pencil have not full eraser and CTRL+Z function)

Probaly much better i can make the very small ponies to Modellbahnanlage in Nenngrosse H0
Work are in wery beginning stadium, no trees, no grass, buildings lays here temorary..

[Bild: rock__by_soobel-d8u205q.jpg]

[Bild: maketisign1000x200_by_soobel-db36t3q.png]
Crash Override Abwesend

Beiträge: 14.574
Registriert seit: 10. Feb 2013

RE: Soobels Kunst und Modellbau
Intresting work, especially the Model Railway. When i See it right, then had you "Piko A-Gleis" at our Modules? Ok, that's something, i had it from our Deviantart.

My questions (i warn you - i'm a few years with Model Railway, a few many Years) are packed in a spoiler - there give it something, that are from my highest interest.

But: not only the Railway does a good Plate; most of them are the residents - means: the Ponys. And there's a BIG Respect to you, that you build these on ourself. That must be a few hours (or days) to build these, or? i'm not with fine modelling, 'cause i'm a Mechanic.

and now, up to the questions:

Model Railway (Öffnen)

[Bild: ministryofwartimetech8brjf.png]
Traditional Avatar by Darksittich
Soobel Offline
Cutie Mark Crusader

Beiträge: 43
Registriert seit: 25. Jan 2016

RE: Soobels Kunst und Modellbau
One pony i make about 4-5 hours, with one evening. Pony are simple thing, few colors, no detailed hooves and joints, big eyes etc. Ok, painting the eyes and cutiemark are higher microart but easier than repaint realistic H0 scale humans around model trains.

How to make a H0 scale pony

Houses need more work, simplier can complete with few days, bigger need weeks.

Build a house #1
Build a house #2
Build a House #3
Build a House #4

About the layout: I have here 2 stations with 4 sidings, where can park a train. Here will be 4 trains at same time and one of them will run. If i use only Ponyville modules, then can be here 2 short trains, one runs and other standing in station. Its just simple oval with short station, where are 2 tracks.
I use analog system, i have not yet any digital locos. Most of rolling stock are made by PIKO at DDR era, soviet time. All the tracks in stations are insulated and can switch on/off, track shwithses have analog electric control. All the swiches are on 2 control panels, each of them are for her own station and works separately. Red emergency buttons i have not - that is idea to add them for security. About signals i have some ideas, add there classic Estonian (ex-soviet) lights. But how to control them, im not yet figured out. I hope that some friends help me out, if the building the layout come to signals, im not good of electronic.

Next bigger task are dustproof cover boxes for some modules. After that i can put the houses on layout permanently with trees and grass and paths, then i have environment for photoshooting rolling stock too.

[Bild: golden_oak_library_h0_1_87_by_soobel-d9biwqp.png]

[Bild: maketisign1000x200_by_soobel-db36t3q.png]
Crash Override Abwesend

Beiträge: 14.574
Registriert seit: 10. Feb 2013

RE: Soobels Kunst und Modellbau
Very intresting; and those Details (on the Golden Oak Library). Respect!

Ah, Dc - ok, it's only a intresting Question. But Light-signals? is that not a bit to modern?

if i think a bit in German Railway time (Epochen), Ponyville can be in the "epoche 1!, whitch calls correctly "Länderbahnzeit" - those were that trains from, like something a Sort of, the K.W.St.E*, the K.Bay.Sts.B**, the BadStB*** or the K.P.St.E****. There were in the first Years no Signals, only "Signal posts" - like Ponys, who call the Next, that the Train is away from the block (block = a definied way of traffic, whitch is "secured" by the last signal). then come some "wing signals" - like the American Semaphores.. i don't find some from the "Esti Rautee"; i think, that were a intresting way for you.

Legend (Öffnen)

[Bild: ministryofwartimetech8brjf.png]
Traditional Avatar by Darksittich
Soobel Offline
Cutie Mark Crusader

Beiträge: 43
Registriert seit: 25. Jan 2016

RE: Soobels Kunst und Modellbau
Im not sure, build i signals in Ponyville station or not, i think, there befit Russian system at 19.century, where only one semaphore stands on centre the station like here. And premissions between stations for sending trains to next stations goes by telegraph. Light signals i try set up to another trikier station, what must be accurate copy of Estonian station Kiltsi.

That i agree, to Ponyville fit perfectly Deuche Lokalbahnzüge. My present Pony train contains a Very old Fleischmann's BR70.091 And one short Personenwagen with open balconies and one 3-achsige Abteilwagen.
(I know these words better in Deutsch than English because at Soviet era was there only lecture about Modellbahn and Eisenbahn journals and books from DDR Big Grin)

[Bild: ponyville_railway_station_by_soobel-d86phik.jpg]

[Bild: all_aboard__by_soobel-d84bhpl.jpg]

[Bild: maketisign1000x200_by_soobel-db36t3q.png]
Soobel Offline
Cutie Mark Crusader

Beiträge: 43
Registriert seit: 25. Jan 2016

RE: Soobels Kunst und Modellbau
This small hut stands near the Library Oak, at right hand.

[Bild: pony_hut_by_soobel-d9os62o.jpg]

[Bild: maketisign1000x200_by_soobel-db36t3q.png]
Soobel Offline
Cutie Mark Crusader

Beiträge: 43
Registriert seit: 25. Jan 2016

RE: Soobels Kunst und Modellbau
Etwas neue hier.
Die dicke Luna:
[Bild: and_so__by_soobel-da0g5ab.jpg]

Verpackung eine Modellbahnanlage-s modul:
[Bild: storage_box_by_soobel-da2x2g9.jpg]

Eine ecke aus Ponyville anlage ist vertig:
[Bild: classic_view_by_soobel-da3udwz.jpg]

[Bild: maketisign1000x200_by_soobel-db36t3q.png]
sallycar Offline

Beiträge: 6.042
Registriert seit: 27. Feb 2012

RE: Soobels Kunst und Modellbau
Man die das sieht Hammer mäßig aus. Ein super Arbeit und so viel Details.!

Soobel Offline
Cutie Mark Crusader

Beiträge: 43
Registriert seit: 25. Jan 2016

RE: Soobels Kunst und Modellbau
Wie die gleise sieht aus

[Bild: ponyville_rails_by_soobel-da5t5op.jpg]

[Bild: maketisign1000x200_by_soobel-db36t3q.png]
Crash Override Abwesend

Beiträge: 14.574
Registriert seit: 10. Feb 2013

RE: Soobels Kunst und Modellbau
Kann sich sehen lassen. Vielleicht komm ich ja mal in den genuß, mir das ganze "live" ansehen zu können... jedenfalls dafür, was du bisher gezeigt hast, ein


[Bild: ministryofwartimetech8brjf.png]
Traditional Avatar by Darksittich
Soobel Offline
Cutie Mark Crusader

Beiträge: 43
Registriert seit: 25. Jan 2016

RE: Soobels Kunst und Modellbau
Best Princess in H0 !

[Bild: best_princess_at_model_railway_scale_by_...abtbv9.jpg]

[Bild: maketisign1000x200_by_soobel-db36t3q.png]
sallycar Offline

Beiträge: 6.042
Registriert seit: 27. Feb 2012

RE: Soobels Kunst und Modellbau
Nice Work ! Luna looks very good

Soobel Offline
Cutie Mark Crusader

Beiträge: 43
Registriert seit: 25. Jan 2016

RE: Soobels Kunst und Modellbau
Eine voller Luna...

[Bild: hey__by_soobel-dak21ym.png]

[Bild: maketisign1000x200_by_soobel-db36t3q.png]
Crash Override Abwesend

Beiträge: 14.574
Registriert seit: 10. Feb 2013

RE: Soobels Kunst und Modellbau
I think, she needs a Diet RD laugh but, it's a Nice Picture.

[Bild: ministryofwartimetech8brjf.png]
Traditional Avatar by Darksittich
Soobel Offline
Cutie Mark Crusader

Beiträge: 43
Registriert seit: 25. Jan 2016

RE: Soobels Kunst und Modellbau
(05.10.2016)Crash Override schrieb:  I think, she needs a Diet RD laugh
Better no, danger are real: Moon Puncher by Mysticalpha

[Bild: maketisign1000x200_by_soobel-db36t3q.png]
Crash Override Abwesend

Beiträge: 14.574
Registriert seit: 10. Feb 2013

RE: Soobels Kunst und Modellbau
Ok, that's an reason, why she's a bit Thicker than we know her. FS grins

[Bild: ministryofwartimetech8brjf.png]
Traditional Avatar by Darksittich
Soobel Offline
Cutie Mark Crusader

Beiträge: 43
Registriert seit: 25. Jan 2016

RE: Soobels Kunst und Modellbau
Some things again

[Bild: a_house_again_by_soobel-danurax.png]

[Bild: a_little_hut____by_soobel-dao42b5.jpg]

Little fillies

[Bild: beautiful_foals_by_soobel-daot3md.jpg]

[Bild: maketisign1000x200_by_soobel-db36t3q.png]
Crash Override Abwesend

Beiträge: 14.574
Registriert seit: 10. Feb 2013

RE: Soobels Kunst und Modellbau
Nice; with a functional light... respect (i know that from the model-railway-sector - is that a lamp from there?).

The fillys are nice, but - had it to be Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon? Don't misunderstood me, please - but, why not another, like Babs Seed or Twist? Them both aren't liked by the most...

But, when i look a bit better at Diamond Tiara, then sie looks a bit chubby; i don't want so say fat...

[Bild: ministryofwartimetech8brjf.png]
Traditional Avatar by Darksittich
Soobel Offline
Cutie Mark Crusader

Beiträge: 43
Registriert seit: 25. Jan 2016

RE: Soobels Kunst und Modellbau
That is small 12V tungsten lamp. I dislike cold LED lights because tungsten light looks cute and warm.

[Bild: ho_scale_model_lantern_by_soobel-dantvch.png]

I did Twist while ago:

[Bild: twist_h0_1_87_scale_by_soobel-d9c8dve.jpg]

I did Diamond Tiara and Silverspoon because they have just beautiful colors. And like we know, Diamond Tiara are not actually bad, she was a sad foal of terrible mare. At that size are hard to control how fat or thin that pony went, i see here that Silvespoon have bigger belly. Those equestrian foals are anyway thick and clumsy like kittens or puppies.

[Bild: maketisign1000x200_by_soobel-db36t3q.png]
Soobel Offline
Cutie Mark Crusader

Beiträge: 43
Registriert seit: 25. Jan 2016

RE: Soobels Kunst und Modellbau

[Bild: not_so_great_and_powerful_by_soobel-dapgt8b.png]

[Bild: maketisign1000x200_by_soobel-db36t3q.png]

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