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Wow, that Con was amazing. It's small, and I love that. It's not overloaded with panels, you don't need to decide which panel you'd rather go to, because there's only one hall with panels. I love that. But, let's start chronologically.
Friday: We arrived at the LARP location and got teamed up with three other Germans. Amazing people. I got to be Sunset and we took part in the "race". Let's just say that it took a lot of time to get all the parts and side quests. After six hours we finally managed to get the last piece to go to the last checkpoint. We decided to drive there, since we walked for six hours and wanted to get it over with fast, since the after party was approaching.
To keep it short: The car had to be towed. Inter and I stayed at the car, our new friends took my girlfriend (who was now in a totally bad mood, since it's her car and she only has it for 2 months or so) to the hotel. After some time the tow truck delivered the car to the garage and we took a taxi back to the hotel.
Then HotelCon happened.
Saturday: No call from the garage, though they told us they'd call today. Huh.
The con itself was amazing, lots of new people. Love it. And since the program isn't so packed you could actually talk with people.
Sunday: After the con ended we wanted to go to the unofficial after party. Let's just say my friend misguided us, he didn't have the adress. It was 21:45 as we finally arrived at the correct location, but the location was already closing. *sigh*
So we got ourselves a kebab and drove back to the hotel with some other friends, and made our own little Hotel After Con Party. Hotel Con 2 - Electric Boogaloo
Monday: The garage called! At 7 in the morning. *groan*
Final verdict: 9/10, would con again. Love the family-atmosphere
Geile Con. Geil fand ich, dass das Programm nicht so voll gepackt war. Du musstest dich nicht entscheiden, welches Panel du lieber sehen würdest, da es nur eine Halle für Panels gab. Nice.
Freitag: Nachdem wir mit einer weiteren dreier Gruppe zusammengewürfelt wurden (Hallo Berliner Freunde

) und sechs Stunden die Quests und Sidequests gemacht hatten, wollten wir zum letzten Punkt fahren. Irgendwann ist auch mal gut mit der Lauferei. Kaum sind wir losgefahren, klackerte es im hinteren Teil des Fahrzeugs. Zum Glück kennen sich unsere neuen Berliner Freunde mit Autos aus und kamen zu dem Urteil - damit fahren wir nicht weiter. Inter und ich blieben am Auto, die Berliner nahmen meine Freundin mit zurück zum Hotel, da sie wegen ihres Autos total aufgelöst war.
Nach ewiger Telefonirerei wurden wir abgeschleppt und sind mit einem Taxi zurück zum Hotel. Dort haben wir dann die HotelCon gefeiert. Läuft.
Samstag: Viele neue Leute getroffen, mit denen man sich sogar unterhalten kann, weil das Programm nicht so voll gestopft ist.
Sonntag: Nachdem mein Kumpel uns falsch navigiert hatte und wir zehn vor zehn da ankamen, haben die auch schon zu gemacht. Also: Döner holen. Dann ab ins Hotel. HotelCon 2 - Electric Boogaloo.
Montag: Die Werkstatt rief an! Um sieben Uhr morgens *ächz*
Fazit: Geile Con, 9/10.