06.12.2017 |

Cutie Mark Crusader

Beiträge: 45
Registriert seit: 17. Sep 2013
The eighth Veil Anmeldung
Anmeldung zu The eighth Veil
Das RPG ist hier zu finden (zusammen mit allen Infos)
Was in die Anmeldung rein gehört:
Geschlecht: (Männlich oder Weiblich. keine 72 anderen “Geschlechter“)
Rasse: (Alicorns ungerne, ansonsten freie Wahl. Lebt dann aber auch mit den Konsequenzen eurer Wahl)
Verletzungen/Behinderungen: (synthetisch gerettetes Bein, zerfetztes Ohr, usw.)
Schiffe: (wenn möglich mit link zum Setup auf Coriolis. ansonsten zumindest mit Beschreibung)
weitere Infos:
06.12.2017 |

Cutie Mark Crusader

Beiträge: 45
Registriert seit: 17. Sep 2013
RE: The eighth Veil Anmeldung
Name: Lyra
Geschlecht: Weiblich
Rasse: Changeling
Alter: 19
Verletzungen/Behinderungen: So einige Narben und ein recht zerschrammter Flügel
Aussehen: Normaler Changeling, Orange Mähne und schweif, Orange/Rote Augen, lange Fänge
Abneigungen: Angeber, die 3 Großmächte und AEGIS
Vorlieben: Schleichen, Erkunden, Erforschen, Schiffe von Delacy
Persönlichkeit: Im Grunde aufgeweckt, neugierig und freundlich.
Allerdings durch ihre Vergangenheit sehr geprägt. Daher eher eine Mischung zwischen aufstrebender Pilotin, Psychopathin und Masichistin.
(Im Moment nur englisch, da ich die Geschichte so schon mal fertig habe. Übersetzung folgt)
She was a young girl as she had her first trip in a spaceship.
She was small enough to sit behind her father in the small sidewinder.
The view was amazing. All the stars and the big Sun of Eravate. So much to see for her eyes.
After this trip, she was in the ship as often as she could.
She had lived for 12 years in the station before she had all the licenses to sit next to her father and see that. It was silly that she has to be able to fly the sidewinder only to be in the cockpit.
But she finally had all permissions to see all that.
It was only a few weeks after her birthday. (she was 13)
Her present (an old scanner to take apart) was still on her desk in the small room as the terminal in the apartment switched to red.
Every apartment in the Cleve Hub had a little terminal for news or information.
Her father was in the docking bay. He got attacked by pirates and the sidewinder was more or less a big piece of cheese with big holes and not a single working system.
But the old sidewinder had done its job, her farther was alive and after a few weeks in the hospital her family was complete again.
Her mother was in big worry as her father wanted to get out and trade again, but after a few discussions and the sacrifice of a big part of the small money they had he got an adder.
In this time she learned as much as she could about every component of ships.
Sometimes her father scooped up a few wrack components for her.
her mother was not so happy about that, but her interest for spaceships was as big as it could be.
And after a year she could not believe her eyes.
Her family had not much money, but her parents had not sold the rest of the sidewinder, as they had told her.
At her 14th birthday she was in the hangar and looked at the old sidewinder.
Her very own sidewinder.
It was not able to fly or anything, but this was a problem she was willing to solve.
After this day she was more in the hangar as in her room.
She only wanted to repair the sidewinder.
It was her own ship and she wanted to get it in the void.. or at least in the air of the station.
Around about a year later her parents begin to work in Yakabugai.
So she was alone half the week, but she was old enough to survive a few days without anything dangerous.
At this time she had repaired the reactor of the sidewinder, she solder together the capacitors for the energy distributor, the scanners were working and nearly every week one system more was online.
Her live could not be better… but she had to learn that live can be painful and evil.
The day was not different compared to any other day.. She was waiting for her parents to arrive… but she only got a message at the terminal.
The adder had some problem with the FSD.
According to Serebrov Station the adder entered the Hyperspace.
But her mother and her father never came back.
This alone is enough to destroy the live of a 16 year old girl… but the apartment did not pay for itself. She had 4 weeks to get money or get in the void.
She had no money, she had no hope and she had no friends to help her.
Her first idea was simply to wait.. After 4 weeks she would get to any other family… but it was not uncommon that children without parents simply get sold.
But she had the will to fight… and who needs money for an apartment, if you can fix a spaceship.
She had only 4 weeks to get the ship running and the sidewinder was not even able to ignite the thrusters.
But she had the parts and no other option.
Sleep was a rare good in the first 3 weeks, but she made it.
After 3 weeks she had her first successful test flight out of the station and back in.
So there was still one week left to get the FSD running.
One of the most complicated systems on a ship, but she had luck.
Her family had not much money, but in this week she got what her mother had as she died.
The 25000 credits were not near a new FSD, but as she was in her hanger she saw a pilot in the hanger next to her.
He was older and had landed his Asp Explorer.
It was a big ship. Way better and bigger then the sidewinder she was working on.
But he was working on one of the engines.
And he was not able to fix the problem.
It was complicated to get the small thrusters on the sides going, she had to rebuild a few of them and it was not easy. The Asp had bigger thrusters with the same working principle.
The pilot was a bit confused, as a little girl told him how to fix the thruster.
But after the work was done they talked long enough. And after all what happened she needed someone to talk.
At the end of the day he sold her a working FSD for 15k.
And it was not even an E class, it was an B class FSD.
After a sleepless night the day was there.
All what she had was in the sidewinder and she was in the hangar. ready to start as the pilot from yesterday knocked on the hatch.
He was not able to get a little job done, but he said she could do it.
Just deliver the data to Wohler Terminal in Kremainn.
Now she had a target.
With shaking hands she gently pulled the throttle at 100% and watched a last time at her “Home” as the Hub got smaller and smaller.
Now it was time for her first jump. she never jumped to a system. and now she was alone only seconds bevor entering the Witchspace that had killed her family.
She looked at all the systems. Kremainn was locked, fuel was ok, reactor green, live support working, targeting computers green, cooling online. The ship was ready, so she closed her eyes and pressed the button.
The FSD pulled an extreme amount of power, but the reactor was made for that.
The lights started flickering as the capacitor for the ignition coil was charging.
But as the countdown started, she had no way to cancel the jump.
The points of the stars faded in to lines and with a loud bang she entered the world that her parents never got out of.
Big clouds shifted away next to her as all systems showed only nav errors.
But after a few seconds her sidewinder dropped out in front of the star.
She pulled up and looked at the nav panel.
She was alive and in Kremainn.
She never slept so well.
She handed in the mission and was able to repair the sidewinder fully from the credits.
This day was like the sunrise after a long nightmare.
She was free, she was in the void and she had a ship in that she could trust.
A few weeks after that she had done enough missions to buy a new apartment, but it was her dream to live in the void.
But in this dream she saw hate she had long forgotten. Hate and fear.
It was later and her sidewinder was in A-spec conditions and now was equipped with 2 beam lasers.
New USS found.
Target set… scan… weapon fire, thread 1.
Pirates had nearly killed her farther, and now she was in front of an old eagle.
An old, green wanted eagle.
It was more instinct than tactics, but with fury, an good ship and 2 beam lasers the eagle was in pieces in minutes.
She had just killed another pilot.
But it was a pirate. Maybe she had saved another peaceful trader.
It was good… and it was fun to kill this dirt in the void.
After 4 month she celebrated her 17th birthday alone.
Alone but in her new Cobra MK3 named Lilith.
And the next month this Cobra was the ship that the Kremainn Blue Brotherhood learned to fear.
The Kremainn Blue Brotherhood had officially made her an enemy.
But this was good, because she saw her next target in a fight, as a python attacked her. This was the longest fight that she had, but after a few silent running attacks she killed the python.
But it was a ship that she liked.
So her plan was clear: Buy a T6, trade, buy a T7, trade, sell the T6 and the T7 and buy a python.
And with her 18th birthday she was in the bridge of her python named Chrystalia.
This was the time she should be happy.
But she was alone in her ship.
She had millions of credits, and 80m long warship and the title of the biggest fear of the Kremainn Blue Brotherhood.
But exactly this was the point.
She was a cold killer. She was trading blood against credits.
18 years and only dead and exploding ships.
She was thinking about the Pirates.
They kill traders… but they could have children too.. maybe she was not so much better.
She started to think about her parents.
They got lost in Witchspace.
They were many old stories of the Witchspace and strange lights in there.
Stories about aliens, about black holes, and about anomaly’s that sends your ship to the other side of the galaxy.
She lived her live in the void, there were no aliens or other things.
But in all the old stories she found a short messages about an crazy guy who claimed he had found old not human ruins in the synuefe sector.
The synuefe sector was a long way from Kremainn and her python had only a 12ly range.
But It was to interesting to forget it.
So she planned her expedition.
A bigger AFMU, a good scoop and one of these big scanners for systems.
And after a week she finally arrived at the system
She was never outside the bubble, and now she can’t see any ship or station.
It was a strange feeling. But her python was a warship.
No one would attack her out here.
She scanned the system and looked on the nav panel.
Her target was 1 B.
She carefully flew her ship in the orbit and looked down.
The message had no real data.
“south, a big crater, then the 2 connected ones and then draw a line”
But this was actually a good guide to find it. -31 -129
She never believed the stories about aliens.. but now she saw the Wall.
She got in her SRV and carefully drove in.
Blue glowing obelisks, old Cargo, relicts that get out of the ground.
The view was stunning and it was the same feeling as she was the first time in the void.
The humans were not alone here… but why is that not in every local newspaper or galnet?
She was wondering, but a day later she started her way home.
For a few jumps she saw a nice looking blue nebula in the distance.
As she arrived home, she had many things to sleep about.
She could simply live her live like nothing happened, but if there is something like the ruins out there… the superpowers has to know something about it.
Long story short: a week later she dropped out at a small relay satellite.
The plasma accelerator was loading and with a sniper like shot the hull of the satellite busted away on one side.
She knew that this is highly illegal and that she only had like 15 minutes until a few condas would show up and open fire.
So she had no time to loose as she was bringing the hatch near the relay and got out to connect it to the ship systems.
The code was harder to get then she was thinking, but after 10 minutes she had limited access to the federal archives.
And yes.. They knew much more then they said.
But there was not much time, she had to jump out and hide in the next system until her trace went cold.
Hunting was a good source of credits, but she had to do more.
So her target was clear and in the hangar was her new AspX named Rei.
A dedicated exploration vessel.
No weapons and over 30ly.
Her plan was to travel to the ruins again and uncover as much as possible.
But there was not much to find in the synuefe.
There are thousands of planets and no one knows if there are any other ruins.
So she turned back to the bubble after a week of searching in the void.
But as she got in the first station to buy something to eat, she had a small conversation with another commander.
Myra was a real explorer.
Lyra had only traveled like 500ly away from sol.
Other commanders don’t even count trips under 1000ly as an expedition.
But she told her about 2 point in the Pleiades.
She never was in the Pleiades, but it was the blue nebula she saw at her last trip.
There was nothing to do in the synuefe sector and her Asp was ready, so her next target was the Pleiades. More exactly Pleiades Sector AB-W B2-4.
As she dropped out near the surface she was expecting something like a big crashed ship, or a big facility or even one of the ruins from the synuefe sector, but what she saw was different.
White, blue lines, clearly made by Gutamaya.
It was a big capital ship from the imperials.
The scanner showed it as green so she started to look around.
She got a welcome message from the research facility on the surface, but as soon as she wanted to read it she only saw the purple plasma hitting the shield of the Asp.
As she was boosting away she saw 2 clipper following her.
As she was jumping out, one thing was clear to her: something is there and something is covered very well.
So her target was the next point that Myra gave her.
She dropped out with all pips to the shields, but there was no capital ship.
Only fog and dust.
Everything was dark and she was not able to see anything in 300m.
After navigating only with the coordinates she was able to get close to the point.
At this point it was creepy enough, but without anything on the scanner the ship systems warned her.
3 scans detected.
But there was nothing on the scanner.
She carefully got closer to the point and got strange noises on the voice com.
This was not a voice or any normal background noise.
This creepy sound had a level of intelligence that she never saw in background noise. And it went louder.
But was she saw then was what she never expected.
It was a crashed ship. But not one from humans.
She landed her Asp carefully and double checked the scanner before she used her SRV to investigate the crash site.
The ship was more or less destroyed, but it looked not only organic, but partly fully active. Her SRV had system failures and the creepy sound was there even without the com system on.
She saw that there were 3 objects in front of the ship.
So called unknown artefacts.
There were only 2 explanations for that:
The first one: Myra has made this and sits now in a ship and is laughing like hell… or
the second one: This was a crashed alien ship and the capital ship was hiding another one.
She decided to take one of the UAs on the Asp to investigate in her home system.
The UA was corrosive, but with the AFMU this was not a big problem.
Her way home was normal for the first 100ly.
But then she saw an error that she only saw in her nightmares.
“Warning: Hyperspace corridor instable”
She had no control over her Ship in Hyperspace, so she could only see all the red lights flashing as her Asp was flying without any control in an dimension that no scientist understand.
Is that the last thing that her parents saw?
She was saying good bye to her ship, as she dropped out and the asp had a complete power failure.
She could not believe that she survived something like that.
Maybe the reactor only failed and she had to replace a few fuses and jump out.
But as she stand up to go to the reactor she saw the glass freezing and hear a beeping.
But it was not from the ship.
It was left to her. Green and with an orange trail. 8 leaf like modules and a round core in the middle.
She only needed half a second to see the crashed ship in this.
Bus this one was not crashed. It was intact. Fully functional and green glowing.
It positioned itself in front of her and started a scan or something.
It had to be a scan, because she was still alive.
She covered on the floor of the cockpit and looked at the gigantic ship with shaking hands. She noticed her tears, she did not wanted to die. Not now. She was 18 and completely alone in front of an gigantic alien ship.
But after a few seconds the scan was over, the ship turned away and jumped out.
Shortly after that the Asp powered back on.
Her next target was clear: get rid of the UA and jump home.
She never believed in the stories about aliens… until now.
She was not able to sleep for a few days, but with every sleepless night she learned more about the knowledge that got forgotten.
An old War. Undercover Agents developing a virus against organic ships.
The dark wheel, The Formidine Rift and a dynasty project.
If someone would have saw her like this she would live in a psychiatric center.
But one name was often named and had a clearer history to look up.
A woman named Salome.
Salome was known as a terrorist, but Lyra had left the room of believing the superpowers a long time ago.
This woman had information and she was willing to reveal it. But many declared that they want to kill her, so she needs help to get to the core worlds.
She got in contact with a group named PAC and after one day her new ship was ready. It was an Imperial eagle with faster thrusters and a FSD interdictor.
PAC told her to fly to the witch head.
As she arrived at the asteroid station she could not believe her eyes.
Hundreds of commanders with the same target.
Corvettes, Cutter, Anacondas, nearly any ship was there.
And in the next morning she was in fleet 3.
She was fighting against the superpowers to defend a terrorist… at least officially.
Her wing made its job perfect. They cleared the defined system to get it free of any ship with weapons.
Sadly she was not able to see Salome, but after around an hour PAC transmitted the message that the first VIP has made it.
But a few hours later it was clear: a traitor had killed Salome.
At this time she had sworn one thing: If she sees the traitor there will only be one survivor.
After that she tried to think about something else.
Her whole live was a mess since she stopped swimming in the swarm under the superpowers.
But the Messages from the VIPs did not made this more easy.
Something was in the Rift, unknown human forces killed thousands of innocent people in fear of something unknown.
In this time one thing was clear, the Thargoids were not the evil race.
She saw the Thargoids, they did not attacked first.
But what she needed as distance.
Ram tar contacted her to do a bit of research in the alien ruins in the synuefe sector.
It was a hard job, but it was the right thing after her all happenings.
After 3 weeks of nonstop working she had the credits to make her dream true.
As she was flying the first time with her sidewinder she was flying in to the station and a big anaconda was flying out.
Now she was flying with her Anaconda (Irisviel) out and a sidewinder was flying in.
After a quick stop at Farseer her Conda was able to jump 56ly.
But after that it was time for a real expedition.
With her Conda she started her first long Expedition in the Conflux to see the settlements from the dynasty project.
On the way she investigated more about the Formidine Rift mystery and got in contact with the Children of Raxxla.
She never thought that she would ever get in contact with such a legendary group, but they gave her a chance to get allied.
After she had finished her investigations she jumped to the now known system.
HR 6421 was a beautiful system.
Not only the A class Star, but it was exactly what she needed.
No security, no superpower and no power play.
An independent system.
After she docked her Conda at the Serebrov Terminal she handed over the data from the expeditions and got allied with the Children of Raxxla.
Her next order was to wait for the test.
And after 2 weeks she got contacted.
The test was not so hard.
Fly a bit, trace a signal, “what do you know about the Thargoids?”, but after a few hours her order was to fly to a point in an asteroid ring.
There she saw a few of the leaders from the Children of Raxxla.
And they agreed.
Now she was one of them.
Not only one of them. She was nearly 19 and finally had a family again.
Officially from a good hunter to a wanted terrorist.
But she knew that this was the right thing.
A few months later she started her Expedition in the Rift.
It was like in all the logs.
2 beautiful nebulas and then only darkness, nearly no stars, light follow you in the Hyperspace and the nearest station is over 6kly away.
But after a long trip she finally arrived at the ship that dos not exists.
The Zurara. Abandoned and lonely in the Rift.
The proof for all the stories.
A few months later and after her 19th birthday she was nearly living in the Pleiades.
She was investigating all Thargoid related things and saw the barnacles, the Thargoid sites, the UA-UP-UL mystery at the sites, the scavengers, the destroyed capital ships.
A bit later the com network was flooded with distress calls and she jumped with nearly any other CoR in to the Pleiades.
And then she saw it:
USS: Non-human Thread:5
She took a deep breath.
She knew what would wait there.
But she also knew that the Thargoids never attacked her.
She dropped out and saw the Thargoid ship.
It was moving to her.
The scan was like the last time, but this time she was not in fear to die.
She was looking from the bridge to the Thargoid like to a friend.
And she was Right.
They are peaceful.
Die gesamte Flotte ist hier zu finden:
Grob zusammengefasst:
Irisviel [CoR]
Unbewaffnet, Erkundungsschiff.
1 Fighter, 2SRVs und 56ly
Lilith [X33434]
Cobra 3
Mit AX Waffen ausgestattet und im Pleiades geparkt.
Chrystalia [CoR]
mit schweren AX Waffen ausgestattet und im Pleiades platziert.
[PAC]Rei [227]
Altes erkundungsschiff. Nutzung eingestellt.
Lucy [nyu]
leicht bewaffnet und auf Geschwindigkeit ausgelegt
Gasai [mirai]
FDS (Federal dropship)
Nutzung eingestellt, schiff ausgeschlachtet.
Medea [CoR]
Schwer bewaffnetes Kampfschiff
Kampf: Master
Handel: Entrepreneur
Erkunder: Pioneer
Feds: Midshipman (Undercover)
Imps: none
weitere Infos: Mitglied der Children of Raxxla
06.12.2017 |
Silly Filly

Beiträge: 86
Registriert seit: 22. Nov 2012
RE: The eighth Veil Anmeldung
Name: Sayuro
Geschlecht: männlich
Rasse: Einhorn
Alter: 22
Verletzungen/Behinderungen: rechtes Auge ist Bionisch
Abneigungen: Behörden, kurzfristige Vertragsänderungen, Schwarze Löcher, unerwartete Schiffscans
Vorlieben: Freiheit, Anarchie, die Pizza Sol Speciale im Ray Gateway in Diaguandri, Fertiggerichte, Explosionen
Persönlichkeit: macht häufig einen gelangweilten Eindruck, schwarzer Humor, hat trotz einer "Geht mir am A**** vorbei" Einstellung ein funken gutes im Herzen, Anarchist
Aufgewachsen ist Sayuro als Kind einer armen Bergbauer Familie in LHS 3439. Jahre lang hieß dies schon von jungen Jahren an mit Hilfe von schweren Mechs erzhaltige Felsen zu Transportieren, diese zu zerkleinern und schließlich zu Raffinieren. Als Sayuro jedoch 16 Jahre alt und beim Abbauen war, landete nur wenige Kilometer von ihm entfernt ein Meteor, der zu großen anteilen aus Platin bestand. Auch wenn Sayuro der erste an diesem Meteor war und dem Ehrenkodex nach ihm sämtliche Schürfrechte an diesem gehörten, wollten sich dies die anderen Bergbauer dies nicht bieten lassen. So wollten mehrere Bergbauer ebenfalls von dem Meteor abbauen was Sayuro jedoch versuchte zu verhindern. So entstand ein großer Streit, welcher sogar zu einem Richtigem Handgemenge führte, was mit Hufen vielleicht noch recht harmlos gewesen wäre, war mit Bergbau Mechs bitterer ernst und als wenige Stunden nach Sayuros Ankunft bei dem Meteor seine Familie dort auftauchte, konnten die Streitereien eben noch so beendet werden. Zwar Konnte Sayuro und Familie die Schürfrechte an dem Meteor durchsetzen, doch traten bei den Rangeleien etliche schwere Schäden und Verletzungen auf, weshalb die Entschädigungen viel von den Gewinn aus dem Meteor verschlangen. Für Sayuro war dies jedoch der Punkt, wo für ihn Schluss war. Kaum eine Woche später hatte Sayuro seine Sachen gepackt, sich einen Sidewinder geholt und war fort. Als Sayuros Tätigkeit als Commander begann, war vor ihn ein Steiniger Weg, doch wer war stets Gesetzestreu und wie man sagen würde, einer von den Guten. So schloss Sayuro sich auch einer Vereinigung an, welche sich aktiv für den Schutz schwächerer und Gerechtigkeit einsetzte. Diese Vereinigung war sogar so einflussreich, dass sie zu der Herrschenden Gruppierung eines Sonnensystems wurden. Jedoch war das, gegen das sie gemeinsam Kämpften stets in der Überzahl und stark genug die Streiter für die Gerechtigkeit regelmäßig auf zu reiben. So wurde Leitung der Gruppierung immer Korrupter und Korrupter bis schließlich Sayuro sich fragte, warum er es überhaupt versucht Gerechtigkeit walten zu lassen, wenn es eh nichts bringt. So kehrte Sayuro der Vereinigung den Rücken und wurde ein Streiter der Anarchie. Mit Piraterie verdiente er sich sein Frühstück und mit Schmuggel wurden die restlichen Mahlzeiten bezahlt. Schwächere wurden erpresst und von Aufmüpfigen hörte man nie wieder etwas. Auf den Höhepunkt von Sayuros Verbrecherkarriere setzte er alles auf eine Karte und hatte versucht mit einer Anaconda über 300 Einheiten Imperialer Sklaven in eine Raumstation ein zu schleusen, doch dabei wurde er erwischt. Mit ihm wurde kurzer Prozess gemacht und unter dem Trommelfeuer platzte die Anaconda ehe man "Neutronenstern" sagen konnte. Sayuro, welcher sich eben noch in eine Rettungskapsel retten konnte wurde daraufhin verhaftet und zu lebenslanger Haft verurteilt. Als Sayuro in das Nächstgelegene Gefängniss verfrachtet werden sollte, wurde das Schiff jedoch von einer Gruppe Anarchisten Angegriffen. So ergriff Sayuro die Chance beim Schopf und floh. Weit von dem Sonnensystem entfernt begann Sayuro seine Laufbahn als Commander erneut. Er mag nun nicht der Gesetzestreueste sein, aber dafür ist er nun auch nicht mehr so schlimm wie damals.
Kampf: Kompetent
Handeln: Tycoon
Erkundung: Pfadfinder
weitere Infos: gesucht in 160 Sonnensystemen, 40 Davon ein höheres Kopfgeld als 50.000 Cr.,
Chancen vergehen, Unheil geschieht und die Vergangenheit ist Düster. Es nützt nichts dem vergangenem nach zu trauern außer das man die Gegenwart nicht sieht.
Nur wer alles hinter sich lässt und sich nicht umdreht wird die Zukunft sehen.
Nintendo FC: 5344-2427-2473
RPG Idee: Ikarus Journey
Anmeldung: Ikarus Journey
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 07.12.2017 von BigChilly95.)
07.12.2017 |

Cutie Mark Crusader

Beiträge: 45
Registriert seit: 17. Sep 2013
RE: The eighth Veil Anmeldung
sieht gut aus. geschichte passt und der char ist gut. kannst starten
07.12.2017 |
Silly Filly

Beiträge: 62
Registriert seit: 31. Mai 2014
RE: The eighth Veil Anmeldung
Geschlecht: Männlich
Rasse: Erdpony
Verletzungen/Behinderungen: Mechanisches Linkes Hinterbein
Abneigungen:Betrüger, Zahlungsunwillige Auftraggeber
Vorlieben:Geld, Sein Raumschiff, Action
Persönlichkeit:Er ist knall hart bei seinen Aufträgen doch sobald er abschalten kann geniest er auch mal etwas ruhe bei einem guten Drink
Langezeit lebe der Hengst auf einer Großen Farm, mit seiner Frau lebte er glücklich doch dann kamen die Piraten. Sie plünderten und Zerstörten alles was Grey am Herzen lag und am ende erschossen sie sein Frau vor seinen Augen, ihn selbst lies man schwer Verletzt zurück. Wie ein Wunder überlebte er seine Verletzungen und bekam ein neues Hinterbein. Nun ohne ein Sinn in seinem Leben machte er sich auf die Piraten zu finden die sein Leben zerstörten daher nahm er jedes Kopfgeld an das er bekommen konnte. Nach einer Ewigkeit des Sparens und der Kofpgeldjagt konnte er sich eine Python leisten die Seit jeher seine Treuste begleitung ist.
Die Raven
Kampf: Master
Handel: Mittellos
Erkunder: Meist Ziellos
07.12.2017 |

Cutie Mark Crusader

Beiträge: 45
Registriert seit: 17. Sep 2013
RE: The eighth Veil Anmeldung
na dann los