01.03.2022 |
Crash Override


Beiträge: 14.574
Registriert seit: 10. Feb 2013
RE: Pony Town - Pony Browsergame (in Entwicklung)
Happy Valentine's event!
Added new placeable objects:
- Heart balloons and heart balloon bundles
- Strawberry baskets
- Envelope baskets
- Heart baskets
- Rose baskets
- Baskets with bow
- Heart envelopes
- Heart cards
Added more colors to balloon bundles
Added ability to eat heart letters
Added options to sort friends by account and pony name
Added locked outline darkness slider
Expanded the construction site
Removed old outline darkness checkboxes
Changed friends to be sorted by status
Changed offline friends to be sorted by last seen
Improved chat bubble layering to depend on chat type
Improved crystal holders and large firefly lantern sprites
Improved colliders of some objects
Fixed showing typing indicator of off-screen players
Fixed precision when selecting some objects
Fixed issues with selecting players via chat bubbles
Fixed one of the tails having an unused pattern color
Fixed some map loading issues when in a party
Fixed direction signs not showing direction
Fixed and improved some other UI issues
Fixed some map errors
It's the start of the spring season!
Concluded Valentines event
Re-added music
Reworked music backend
Expanded construction site
Added new placeable objects:
- Double beds
- Large knife
- Heart note
- Small and large vines
- Small and large grapevines
- Large paper lanterns
- Short and long stone fence pieces
- Stone fence pillar
- Short, medium and long thin fence pieces
- Short, long and broken fence pieces
- Short, long and broken rope fence pieces
- White short and tall wooden posts
- White banner post
Added ability to carry more items on plates:
- Crystals
- Candy canes
- Crocuses
- Tulips
- Daffodils
- Blueberry flowers
- Roses
- Poppies
- Dandelions
- Daisies
Added small caps font symbols
Improved colliders of some objects
Improved large paper lantern snow sprite
Improved vertical fence beams and ropes
Reduced pony swap time after using the in-game editor
Fixed not being able to fly over vertical knives
Fixed sometimes not being able to give plates with food
Fixed dismissing message not removing typing indicator
Fixed friends and whisper data sometimes not updating
Fixed player position sometimes mismatching the server
Fixed a rare error when trying to hide a player
Fixed stone oven being asymmetrical by one pixel
Fixed chat input cursor overlapping [say] in some cases
Fixed being able to walk while using a modal
Fixed island tools being active while being in a modal
Fixed incorrect preview outlines in expression editor
Fixed and improved some other UI issues
Improvements for test minimap:
- Fixed player names sometimes being outdated
- Fixed player names not updating when changing word filter settings
Added ability to sort characters by:
- Name
- Creation date
- Recently played
Added detailed setting options for:
- Allow party invites
- Allow friend invites
- Allow give item requests
- Allow whispers
- Enable text expressions
Adjusted phrasing of settings for hiding chat messages
Added showing toy preview in PNG and GIF exports
Increased brightness of large firefly lantern
Changed off-screen messages to not appear in chat log
Improved precision of checking chat message visibility
Improved searching special symbols in character list
Improved some direction signs
Improved interaction range for direction signs
Improved interact precision for some objects
Improved item interact priorities
Improved colliders of some objects
Improved volume slider precision
Improved volume icons
Fixed old Google+ socials being clickable
Fixed disabled chat bubbles showing typing indicator
Fixed received requests showing offline friends as online
Fixed issues with cancelling pending friend requests
Fixed not cancelling party invites of hidden players
Fixed offline party members shown as online once unhid
Fixed pony icons being incorrect in some cases
Fixed chat status sometimes not being shown
Fixed boop fly animation preview being offset incorrectly
Fixed brush options being scrolled to the right
Fixed missing season icon when changing object season
Fixed settings dropdown closing when using volume icon
Fixed and improved some other UI issues
Fixed map errors
Optimized server performance
Improvements for test minimap:
- Changed minimap opacity setting to be per device
- Fixed minimap not updating when unhiding players
Fixed missing Hide supporter tag option
Fixed cut off Show chat bubbles option on small screens
Fixed missing reset settings button on small screens
![[Bild: ministryofwartimetech8brjf.png]](https://abload.de/img/ministryofwartimetech8brjf.png)
Traditional Avatar by Darksittich
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 24.03.2022 von Crash Override.)
27.08.2022 |
Crash Override


Beiträge: 14.574
Registriert seit: 10. Feb 2013
RE: Pony Town - Pony Browsergame (in Entwicklung)
Added options to separate eyes, mouth, pupils and effects for expressions
Added new actions:
- Shocked
- Giggle
- Nod
- Double nod
- Head shake
- Annoyed
- Happy wink
- Cheeky wink
- Silly wink
Added /shocked, /giggle, /nod, /doublenod, /headshake, /annoyed, /happywink, /cheekywink, /sillywink
Added ability to toggle shocked eyes using Numpad -
Added ability to blink using Numpad +
Added ability to change chat bubble background opacity
Added ability to customize party and whisper colors
Added ability to enter cave while flying
Added ability to eat ripe dandelions
Added ability to change supporter tag per character
Added setting to change default supporter tag
Added icons to party and whisper chatlog messages
Added showing keyboard shortcuts for emote actions
Improved colliders of some objects
Improved reset expression action icon
Moved emote actions to a new tab
Fixed bell pepper missing from placeable objects
Fixed opening menu of selected player from friends list
Fixed coloring lit objects using brush tool disabling light
Fixed incorrect camera padding preview in some cases
Fixed incorrect timeout for offline party disbanding
Fixed incorrect supporter tags showing for selected players in some cases
Fixed mouse and tap interact issues with party list
Fixed being unable to import actions on iOS
Fixed animations being desynced in some cases
Fixed color picker not closing when dropping colors
Fixed and improved some other UI issues
Optimized game performance
Optimized server performance
Improvements for unlimited zoom:
- Improved zooming behavior for house, bakery, and cave
- Fixed selecting players and building when zoomed out
Fixed account page not loading in some cases
Fixed some words being erroneously filtered out
Added ability to export 16 more animations
Added head only PNG/GIF preview export option
Added ability to set custom AFK timeout, away status time, and fall asleep time
Added preview scale button to mobile character editor panel
Added see-through to stone oven, furnace, and item shelves
Added notifications for:
- Sending party invites
- Sending friend requests
- Cancelling party invites
- Cancelling friend requests
- Removing party members
- Removing friends
Added /s0 supporter command
Improved scaling of party and whisper chatlog icons
Improved action bar to indicate actions outside the screen
Improved dropdowns to show currently selected item
Improved /s1, /s2, /s3, /s4, and /sc commands
Improved actions menu pony expression preview
Improved color picker to drop up at screen edge for custom chat color
Fixed incorrectly disabling join button in some cases
Fixed "In menu" status being incorrect after reconnecting
Fixed character changes not being preserved after refreshing in some cases
Fixed undo history not working with drag and drop colors
Fixed drag and drop colors not working in some cases
Fixed being unable to open color picker in some cases
Fixed pony name missing transparency when exporting GIF with background
Fixed tap-to-look behavior with certain eyes
Fixed custom color not applying to some chat messages
Fixed players no longer in party being shown in party list in some cases
Fixed incorrect position of player names and chat in some cases
Fixed party and whisper icons disappearing after rejoin
Fixed chat bubbles overlapping party list and action bar
Fixed game not fitting screen of high resolution phones
Fixed some actions incorrectly changing expression
Fixed incorrect drawing of some objects when moved
Fixed selection outline incorrectly layering in some cases
Fixed various issues with object see-through
Fixed some held items clipping with manes
Fixed missing "Previous tool" action
Fixed some UI issues
Optimized server performance
Improvements for test minimap:
- Fixed players missing from minimap in some cases
Fixed texture issues on some devices
Fixed joining game getting interrupted in some cases
Fixed /s0 not being listed on Help page
Fixed some map errors
It's autumn!
Added "Add border padding" PNG/GIF export option
Added showing reason why party member can't be removed
Added copy to clipboard to Google socials in player profiles
Added focusing chat box with / in modals that have chat
Improved chatlog icon scaling based on chatlog scale
Improved PNG/GIF export UI
Fixed chatlog not being scrolled after setting chatlog scale
Fixed clicking whisper icon using incorrect whisper target
Fixed clicking whisper/party icons not opening chat box
Fixed chatlog names being incorrect in some cases
Fixed chat commands sent as party think being shown in public instead of party
Fixed being unable to set AFK timeout to 45 minutes
Fixed getting kicked from game when repeatedly changing certain game settings
Fixed issues with being unable to type custom AFK timeouts
Fixed issues with clicking some socials in account settings
Fixed expressions with half closed eyelids incorrectly changing look direction
Fixed action bar edits not getting saved in some cases
Fixed and improved some other UI issues
![[Bild: ministryofwartimetech8brjf.png]](https://abload.de/img/ministryofwartimetech8brjf.png)
Traditional Avatar by Darksittich
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 04.09.2022 von Crash Override.)
18.09.2022 |
Crash Override


Beiträge: 14.574
Registriert seit: 10. Feb 2013
RE: Pony Town - Pony Browsergame (in Entwicklung)
v.0.98 fixes:
Added new placeable walls with 12 colors each:
- Striped
- Hearts
- Wavy
- Zigzag
Added new colors for plain walls
Added new placeable objects:
- Various rail pieces
- Barriers
- Sledgehammer
- Flipped boat and sailboat
Added sledgehammer tool T for removing walls
Added ability to remove walls by holding Ctrl while using saw
Added ability to pick walls by holding Shift using saw
Added ability to flip island entrance boat using brush
Added eyedropper icon to tile/wall picking using Shift
Overhauled sprites for:
- Cave entrance
- Rails
- Minecarts
- Barriers
- Boat
- Sailboat
- Island entrance boat
- Wood pile
Changed wall menu to be split into categories
Changed wall type menu previews to always show as tall
Renamed "Boat with sail" to "Sailboat"
Improved cave and main map
Improved join button behavior when joining game
Improved collisions at the top border of maps
Improved building menu to open to currently held tool instead of hammer
Improved text expressions to be preserved when switching maps
Fixed minimizing game resetting selected object
Fixed incorrect preview when replacing house edge walls
Fixed incorrect expression after using text expressions
Fixed expressions being desynced in some cases
Fixed actions being incorrectly enabled in some cases
Fixed issues with editing last action in vertical action bar
Fixed incorrect bottom padding of head-only PNG export
Optimized server performance
Improvements for test minimap:
- Fixed certain player names not being displayed
![[Bild: ministryofwartimetech8brjf.png]](https://abload.de/img/ministryofwartimetech8brjf.png)
Traditional Avatar by Darksittich
27.11.2022 |
Crash Override


Beiträge: 14.574
Registriert seit: 10. Feb 2013
RE: Pony Town - Pony Browsergame (in Entwicklung)
Added library building with:
- Library reading room
- Lecture room
- Science area
- Hallway with lockers and noticeboard
- Library reception area
- Outdoor reading areas
- Functional clocks
Added 2 lecture room music tracks
Added library reading room music track
Added ability to place books and paper sheets in the library, bakery, and certain outdoor spots
Added ability to take books from bookshelves
Added new holdable items:
- 25 different books
- Notebook
- Paper sheets
- Pencil
- Quill
- Chalk
- Sponge
- Pointing stick
Added new edible items:
- Banana peel
- 5 types of herbs
Added picnic blanket spot to the forest below the library
Added /dice alias for /roll command
Added /smh alias for /headshake command
Completed construction
Improved forest below library
Improved interactions with some objects
Improved place point interaction priority
Improved colliders of some objects
Improved camera behavior inside bakery
Improved "Nom item" action icon
Improved UI for refreshing names of linked socials
Improved localization
Fixed exterior bakery lights not turning on/off properly
Fixed not being able to hide players in some cases
Fixed some plants being interactive when not in season
Fixed some light sources being incorrectly drawn
Fixed game not working on some outdated browsers
Fixed some map errors
Optimized server performance
![[Bild: ministryofwartimetech8brjf.png]](https://abload.de/img/ministryofwartimetech8brjf.png)
Traditional Avatar by Darksittich
04.12.2022 |
Crash Override


Beiträge: 14.574
Registriert seit: 10. Feb 2013
RE: Pony Town - Pony Browsergame (in Entwicklung)
It's winter!
Added winter variants of certain placeable lantern posts
Added ability to carry herbs on plates
Updated ice maze
Improved some book place points
Improved winter benches
Improved colliders of some objects
Improved localization
Fixed issues with filtering names of social sites and friend account names
Fixed some map errors
Optimized server performance
Updated library chalkboard and calendar for winter
Fixed friend notes not loading
![[Bild: ministryofwartimetech8brjf.png]](https://abload.de/img/ministryofwartimetech8brjf.png)
Traditional Avatar by Darksittich
21.12.2022 |
Crash Override


Beiträge: 14.574
Registriert seit: 10. Feb 2013
RE: Pony Town - Pony Browsergame (in Entwicklung)
Happy Holidays!
Enabled gift collection
Added 70 new Winter holiday toys to find in gifts
Added menu for selecting toys to the settings dropdown
Added "Select toy" action for opening the toy menu
Added "Can't land here" message when unable to land
Added loading indicator when music is loading
Overhauled music system
Changed toy stashes to open the toy menu
Improved display time of some system messages
Improved localization
Fixed food being stuck on tables and desks
Fixed issues with interacting with stockings
Fixed "Land" action being enabled when unable to land
Fixed music playing twice in some cases
Fixed music failing to play in some cases
Fixed music from stopping in some cases
Fixed music playing incorrect tracks in some cases
Fixed music playing while not in-game in some cases
Fixed music not working on Safari in some cases
Fixed volume slider not working on iOS
Fixed some key bindings missing from Help page
Fixed some map errors
Fixed some UI issues
Optimized server performance
Added holiday decoration to the library exterior
Fixed gifts not spawning properly
Fixed some map errors
![[Bild: ministryofwartimetech8brjf.png]](https://abload.de/img/ministryofwartimetech8brjf.png)
Traditional Avatar by Darksittich
29.12.2022 |

Beiträge: 869
Registriert seit: 27. Jul 2011
RE: Pony Town - Pony Browsergame (in Entwicklung)
@Crash Override tust du nur die changelogs posten oder bist du teil von den mitarbeitern ?
are you just posting the changelogs or are you part of the working group of the site ?
21.01.2023 |
Crash Override


Beiträge: 14.574
Registriert seit: 10. Feb 2013
RE: Pony Town - Pony Browsergame (in Entwicklung)
(29.12.2022)flutterguy schrieb: @Crash Override tust du nur die changelogs posten oder bist du teil von den mitarbeitern ?
are you just posting the changelogs or are you part of the working group of the site ?
Oof, hab den voll übersehen (gut, war zwischen den jahren auch kaum online) - ne, ich poste nur die changelogs. So weit, das ich ein Teil von denen bin, hab ich es nicht geschafft.
btw changelogs, hab' da noch was:
Fixed game not loading on some iOS devices
Added "Hide offline members" to party options
Added hidden party list and offline members icon indicators
Added message when leaving party
Added message when party disbands from members leaving
Added character editor shortcut hint to settings dropdown
Improved chances of finding final toys
Improved music volume controls
Improved DnD roll message handling
Fixed music failing to play in some cases
Fixed music not working on old iOS devices
Fixed some filter issues for friends list, profiles, and chat
Fixed /reply ignoring last message from chat history
Fixed copy/paste text shortcuts not working on Mac
Fixed undo/redo not working for blush color
Fixed command suggester showing invalid commands
Fixed commands being considered spam in some cases
Fixed being unable to pick gifts while holding a gift
Fixed paper lantern lights being offset in some cases
Fixed being unable to place hanging objects on the back wall of party house in some cases
Fixed issues with rotating entrance boat
Fixed manage maps menu displaying incorrectly on small screens
Fixed sprite errors with winter fences
Fixed some UI issues
Fixed some map errors
Optimized server performance
Fixed issues with commands in whispers
Disabled holiday event
Added search to toy menu
Added new placeable Indoor objects:
- Rectangular tables 1 and 2
- Small, medium and large study tables
- Engraved table
- Table with shelves
- Desk with drawer
- Lecture desk
- Wide rugs
- Pillows, pillow seats and seat board
- Chair
- Locker
- Study shelves
- Books, open books and book piles
- Short, medium, long and very long book holders
- Book cart
- Glass cabinets
- Shelf with cabinets
- Pamphlet box
- Trash bin
- Abacus
- Globe
- Stone bust
- Gold statuette and goblet
- Photos
- Paper sheets, paper piles and old papers
- Pencils, pencil cup and pencil basket
- Chalk
- Sponge
- Pointing stick
- Inkwell and inkwell with quill
- Posters 2, 3 and 4
- Pictures 4 and 5
- Notices and noticeboards
- Calendars
- Chalkboards
- Map roll
- Clock
- Windows 7 and 8
Added new placeable Food & Storage objects:
- Herbs
- Flasks, empty flask and potion jars
- Mortar and pestle
- Leaf bowl
- Dye pots
Added new placeable Nature objects:
- Small and large decorative bushes
- Vines and hanging vines
Added new placeable Gardening objects:
- Branch vase
- Tiny, medium and tall potted plants
- Potted trees and potted vines
- Potted decorative bushes 1, 2 and 3
- Short and long bushes
- Short, medium and long bush planters
- Plant tray
Added new placeable Tools & Smithing objects:
- Retort and funnel
- Cauldrons
Added new placeable Light objects:
- Sphere, crystal and paper wall lanterns
- Small and large iron wall lanterns
Improved building menu search UI
Improved /listmaps output
Improved friends list context menu drop shadow
Improved custom filters to support sentences
Improved reoccurring reconnect messages by merging them
Reduced delay when sending chat messages
Reduced delay when dismissing chat bubbles
Fixed command names appearing in chatlog when running commands in whispers
Fixed /r trying to reply to self
Fixed message formatting of DnD roll
Fixed spam messages being filtered on islands in some cases
Fixed ponytownhelp@gmail.com being filtered as a link
Fixed incorrect position after leaving maps in some cases
Fixed some critters not appearing on islands in some cases
Fixed incorrectly listing all items in building UI in some cases
Fixed disable function keys not disabling F6 and F8 keys
Fixed update process when refreshing page during update
Fixed game being stuck showing an error while loading in some cases
Fixed modal windows not closing after leaving game
Fixed trees missing stump after changing season in some cases
Fixed being unable to pick rare items while holding the same object in some cases
Fixed and improved some other UI issues
Fixed some map errors
Optimized server performance
Added ability to search friend list
Added ability to delete multiple ponies at once
Added recycle bin as temporary storage of deleted ponies
Added focusing pony name after duplicating pony
Added prompt to confirm discarding pony changes
Added "No ponies" label when pony list is empty
Added "Revert" button to account settings
Added /friendlimits and /mapsavelimits commands
Improved pony list and friend list UI
Improved search function for pony list, select toys menu and building UI
Moved new pony button from pony list to pony name options on homepage
Adjusted /roll formatting
Fixed party hide option not working in some cases
Fixed pony changes being lost after refresh in some cases
Fixed incorrect selected pony after refresh in some cases
Fixed being unable to search small caps in pony list
Fixed game not loading after switching maps in some cases
Fixed some word filter issues
Fixed /shrug not printing in chat
Fixed UI issues when setting invalid date of birth
Fixed and improved some other UI issues
Reduced loading time when switching maps
Optimized game performance
Optimized server performance
Improvements for test minimap:
- Fixed minimap overlapping notifications
![[Bild: ministryofwartimetech8brjf.png]](https://abload.de/img/ministryofwartimetech8brjf.png)
Traditional Avatar by Darksittich
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 08.02.2023 von Crash Override.)
28.09.2023 |
Crash Override


Beiträge: 14.574
Registriert seit: 10. Feb 2013
RE: Pony Town - Pony Browsergame (in Entwicklung)
Added new sitting spots around the map
Added rocks, trees, logs and lavenders around the map
Added woodcutting decorations to certain outdoor spots
Added log tables around the map
Added pillows and cushions around the map
Added lily pads, water lilies and rocks to some water areas
Added sea oats to beaches
Added ability to place books to certain outdoor spots
Added new placeable Outdoor objects:
- Small and large log tables
- Small and large log tables with cloth
- Short and long log seats
- Logs and log pile
- Firewood
- Wood chips
- Woodcutting block and woodcutting block with axe
Added new placeable Nature objects:
- Small, medium and large lily pads
- Water lilies
- Medium, big and large rocks
- Medium and big moss rocks
- Big and large ivy rocks
- Branches and leafless branches
- Lavender bushes and lying lavenders
- Fallen logs and fallen log pieces
- Medium, big and large trees with ivy
- Sea oats and lying sea oats
- Small, medium and large sea oat grass
Added new placeable Tools & Smithing objects:
- Axe and standing axe
Added placeable growing carrots
Added placeable small wide rug
Added placeable autumn versions of vines, hanging vines, small and large bushes
Added ability for objects to detect land type
Added rock variants based on land type
Added water wake animation to more rocks
Added rose bushes/blueberry bushes to Gardening category
Added Chinese localization to some in-game messages
Merged "Water rocks" with "Small rocks"
Renamed some objects
Improved carrots, stumps and round rug sprites
Improved colliders of some objects
Improved clovers and carrots spawning
Improved detecting ponies standing on objects in water
Improved determining if objects in water are bobbing
Improved game rate limits to be less intrusive
Fixed issues with flying up and down in water in some cases
Fixed being unable to stand on wrapping paper in water
Fixed ponies incorrectly standing on distant objects in water
Fixed objects not interacting with other objects in water
Fixed objects on tables not bobbing together in water
Fixed objects incorrectly bobbing on other distant objects
Fixed objects incorrectly bobbing when partly on ground or other objects
Fixed house to use autumn tiles during winter world season
Fixed overriding house season not setting winter season
Fixed objects disappearing when using building tools on them in some cases
Fixed incorrect building menu search after changing tools
Fixed deleting lots of ponies failing in some cases
Fixed text for direction signs being incorrectly offset
Fixed issues with clearing friend list search
Fixed server list being cut off in some cases
Fixed some other UI issues
Fixed some map errors
Optimized game performance
Optimized server performance
Improvements for test minimap:
- Fixed disabling UI not hiding minimap buttons
It's Autumn!
Added 3 new autumn music tracks
Added undo/redo for map load, reset and clear
Added new autumn color variants for placeable objects:
- Lavenders
- Moss rocks
- Branches
- Rounded bushes
Added separation of autumn and summer variants of ivy rocks and fallen logs
Added grass to winter fallen logs when placed on grass
Added background color transition to character list
Added /opengift alias to /open command
Added info when using /open without an openable gift
Improved autumn palette of small and large bushes
Removed Safe Vietnamese #5 server
Fixed not being able to edit friend notes on iOS
Fixed fallen logs not using correct season in some cases
Fixed winter fallen logs being offset incorrectly
Fixed unlit dark beach torch not being dark
Fixed not being able to pick leaves while holding a leaf
Fixed some issues with undoing object rotations
Fixed some issues with overlapping objects in water
Fixed being able to stand on water at map edges
Fixed FPS counter being cut by screen cutouts
Fixed some map errors
Optimized game performance
Optimized server performance
![[Bild: ministryofwartimetech8brjf.png]](https://abload.de/img/ministryofwartimetech8brjf.png)
Traditional Avatar by Darksittich
25.12.2023 |
Crash Override


Beiträge: 14.574
Registriert seit: 10. Feb 2013
RE: Pony Town - Pony Browsergame (in Entwicklung)
Happy Holidays!
Enabled gift collection
Overhauled pony plush
Added full pony plush customization to the pony editor
Added ability to save plushies separately from ponies
Added pony plush cosmetics:
- 28 top manes + 3 variants
- 35 back manes + 25 variants
- 46 tails + 20 variants
- 2 ponytails
- 16 eye expressions + 5 variants
- 15 ears + 4 variants
- 16 face patterns
- 11 wings
- 4 front horns + 3 variants
- 7 side horns + 9 variants
- 4 noses
- 6 body patterns
- 7 body accessories + 1 variant
- 7 glasses + 5 variants
- ... for a total of 182 unique items, 75 additional variants and over 620 individual patterns
Added 50 slots for saving plushies
Added +20, +50 and +125 plush slots for supporters of tier 2, 3 and 4, respectively
Added ability to export held collectable toys with GIF/PNG
Added placeable and holdable icicles in various sizes
Added placeable winter versions of:
- Small and large decorative bush
- Short and long bush
- Short, medium and long bush planter
Added icicle decorations to main map
Added "extra" pony editor tab featuring plush and toy list
Changed toys to be part of pony editor
Changed selected toys and plushies to be saved per pony rather than per server
Changed /toy 0 command to select last used plush
Moved previously saved plushies on ponies to plush list
Improved building UI search aliases
Improved music looping behavior
Improved default house map
Fixed some objects not being interactable when building
Fixed some bushes incorrectly showing as flipped
Fixed some old house objects being outside of editable area
Fixed a Fallen Log variant showing wrong season in UI
Fixed magic preview mismatching when switching horns
Fixed GIF/PNG adding extra spacing in some cases
Fixed GIF/PNG background option for name and tags
Fixed some map errors
Fixed some other UI issues
Optimized server performance
Fixed plush resetting to default when saving with certain ear
Fixed showing a headless plush when plush failed to load
Fixed server list being cut off in some cases
Fixed being unable to hold previous plush after opening gift
Disabled gift collection event
Added ability to change time in map settings:
- Set time to auto, day, night, sunrise or sunset
- Ability to pause and unpause time
Added /time, /pausetime, and /unpausetime commands
Added map saving current time if time is paused
Added pixel perfect selection for players and tools
Improved Chinese localization
Fixed changing island seasons failing in some cases
Fixed showing invalid count of placed walls in some cases
Fixed GIF/PNG exports cropping plush in some cases
Fixed some issues with name clipping pony in GIF exports
Fixed in-game pony editor incorrectly swapping to custom plush tab in some cases
Fixed inability to select last plush horn with arrow keys
Fixed inability to select plush after dropping toy
Fixed dropping plush having a delay before being dropped
Fixed not preserving current chat type in some cases
Fixed incorrect position of "Rejoined" message in some cases
Fixed getting disconnected with invalid join token error
Fixed some map errors
Fixed and improved some other UI issues
Reduced network traffic usage
Optimized game performance
Optimized server performance
![[Bild: ministryofwartimetech8brjf.png]](https://abload.de/img/ministryofwartimetech8brjf.png)
Traditional Avatar by Darksittich
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 17.01.2024 von Crash Override.)