Danke! Das soll es auch. Hier die Englische Beschreibung, die ich eigentlich dazugeschrieben habe:
I used to dislike her, but now that I thought of a little backstory for her, I love her.

It's supposed to be about how her parents always ignore what she does and tell her she
won't ever be anything special. But she keeps practising, and she becomes better.
She becomes great. She becomes powerful. She becomes proud of herself.
At some point, she became just a little too proud, without realising she is making other
ponies feel bad. When Twilight outdoes her, she runs away into the everfree Forest.
She finds rest at Zecora's, who teaches her about friendship and moral. Trixie goes back
to see Twilight, apologises and asks her to teach her magic. They become friends,
and Trixie is finally accepted into Ponyville.