> I ain't beheadin' him without a new pair o' Tim's
Anonymous (ID: /7cY8z3H) 08/25/14(Mon)20:51:10 No.564702610▶
We would make a lot more progress if we outlined what we knew.
OBJECTIVE FACT: The executioner "sawing" through Foley's neck isn't doing shit. He's getting him with the backside of the knife. No blood and no damage. There is no disputing this. If you do so, you are fucking retarded.
Now, ISIS could have done this for whatever reason. Perhaps this was the best take they had and they wanted to perfect the speech part in one go before they cut the head off because they could only kill him once. Either that or it's a little bit of both and this is bait to kickstart WW3 and 4.
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Anonymous (ID: BAmKTGNn) 08/25/14(Mon)20:31:13 No.564699831 [Reply]▶
Desktop Thread!
No cleaning allowed
181 posts and 80 image replies omitted. Click here to view.
Anonymous (ID: hInsW6qv) 08/25/14(Mon)21:41:32 No.564710282 ▶
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Many people frown upon rainmeter, they say it's for lazy fucks. I'd have to agree.
Is my wallpaper any better?
Anonymous (ID: OLQah52L) 08/25/14(Mon)21:42:01 No.564710357 ▶
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All other wallpapers need not apply.
Anonymous (ID: r+IfbMJx) 08/25/14(Mon)21:42:07 No.564710384 ▶
Love your own .htm homepage
Especially the "Type your shit here..." part
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Anonymous (ID: C45JgETx) 08/25/14(Mon)21:02:22 No.564704356 [Reply]▶
>>564710390 >>564710403
first to roll 88 gets any steam games they want up to a value of 25 $, will deliver
299 posts and 27 image replies omitted. Click here to view.
Anonymous (ID: 11E6XG30) 08/25/14(Mon)21:42:08 No.564710390 ▶
>>564704356 (OP)
Anonymous (ID: +ahJkpOs) 08/25/14(Mon)21:42:11 No.564710397 ▶
88 - 88 = 0
Anonymous (ID: vfSlLTav) 08/25/14(Mon)21:42:13 No.564710403 ▶
>>564704356 (OP)
Fuck it. Ill buy everyone with dubs a game for 50€ or less. Roll away, friends.
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Anonymous (ID: 4VCf4ZjM) 08/25/14(Mon)21:20:02 No.564707048 [Reply]▶
last thread 404'd
don't give up guys!
free 5 copies of day z
roll 55, 44, 33 to win
120 posts and 14 image replies omitted. Click here to view.
Anonymous (ID: sZrLsOfO) 08/25/14(Mon)21:41:56 No.564710341 ▶
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