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19.12.2024, 18:58

the english Laberthread (the fine british way!)
Whitey Offline

Beiträge: 5.852
Registriert seit: 23. Apr 2012

RE: the english Laberthread (the fine british way!)
(19.11.2014)LuminFlare schrieb:  For example, the word Verbesserung just feels like getting better! While 'upgrade' or 'improve' doesn't have that feeling. Or even herausfordern, 'challenge' doesn't have that Heraus and fordern feeling...

Also you don't have to worry about pronunciation in German once you have got used to it... I guess you can trade that with der das die lines.

Hm, i dunno. Never thought about this.

"Upgrade" has an "Up" in there. That sounds pretty positiv i think. Uplifting you could say. Cheerilee awesome "Verbesserung" has an "Ver" like in "Verboten" or something. Strikes me rather negativ. But maybe thats just me.

I think german is more complicated but a lot more beautiful. :3

No gods or kings. Only Tanya.
[Bild: epjuis9w.jpg]
Fragt Whitey - Whiteys wirres Wunderland
LuminFlare Offline
Cutie Mark Crusader

Beiträge: 18
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RE: the english Laberthread (the fine british way!)
(19.11.2014)Whitey schrieb:  Hm, i dunno. Never thought about this.

"Upgrade" has an "Up" in there. That sounds pretty positiv i think. Uplifting you could say. Cheerilee awesome "Verbesserung" has an "Ver" like in "Verboten" or something. Strikes me rather negativ. But maybe thats just me.

I think german is more complicated but a lot more beautiful. :3

More beautiful it is!
Ver- feels a bit negative.. like verbrennen, but you know, how can it be bad when it has 'besser' in it? Cheerilee awesome

Also, you can just say Hä when you don't understand.
Best part.
Whitey Offline

Beiträge: 5.852
Registriert seit: 23. Apr 2012

RE: the english Laberthread (the fine british way!)
(19.11.2014)LuminFlare schrieb:  Also, you can just say Hä when you don't understand. Best part.

Hehe, true.

So btw, when you're korean, what you're doing here? Are you living in germany or what?

No gods or kings. Only Tanya.
[Bild: epjuis9w.jpg]
Fragt Whitey - Whiteys wirres Wunderland
LuminFlare Offline
Cutie Mark Crusader

Beiträge: 18
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RE: the english Laberthread (the fine british way!)
I was looking for a brony site, but this one was the best. I tried Korean brony site, /mlp/, bronyland, but I've concluded that I like threaded board, mostly safe for work, yet having fun talking about many stuffs, so yeah..

I've never been to Germany yet. It looks like a great place to visit though.
Whitey Offline

Beiträge: 5.852
Registriert seit: 23. Apr 2012

RE: the english Laberthread (the fine british way!)
Ah, i see.

Funnily enough, a lot of people i know don't consider this side very sfw, because it's too pink and full of weird cartoon stuff. xD

And germany is mostly grey and depressing. Nah okay, it's actually not so bad. Cheerilee awesome

No gods or kings. Only Tanya.
[Bild: epjuis9w.jpg]
Fragt Whitey - Whiteys wirres Wunderland
LuminFlare Offline
Cutie Mark Crusader

Beiträge: 18
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RE: the english Laberthread (the fine british way!)
(19.11.2014)Whitey schrieb:  Ah, i see.

Funnily enough, a lot of people i know don't consider this side very sfw, because it's too pink and full of weird cartoon stuff. xD

And germany is mostly grey and depressing. Nah okay, it's actually not so bad. Cheerilee awesome

Haha it is still good. You can go into mobile-version to stop all the ponies in the background from coming out, too. (and still safer for work than /mlp/ hehe)

I don't know much about Germany being depressing, at least all the good cons all held there!

...When is the next bronycon?
Or maybe the one on 2016/2017?
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 19.11.2014 von LuminFlare.)
Morasain Offline

Beiträge: 5.190
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RE: the english Laberthread (the fine british way!)
Well, not all the good conventions are held here. What about E3, for example, or the BroNYcon?

Well, anyway. English is indeed more complicated to learn. It may be true that English is not as synthetic as German, but that's not the problem. In German, we've got about six or seven (commonly used) tenses: Präsens, Präteritum, Perfekt, Plusquamperfekt, Futur 1. Futur 2 isn't really used anymore. In English, you have simple present, present progressive, simple past, past progressive, simple perfect, perfect progressive, past perfect, past prefect progressive etc etc etc. I'm pretty sure I made some of these up, but that's not the point Tongue

Furthermore, English has a huge vocabulary. In German, you've got Germanic roots and a few influences from Latin, plus a few loan words from French and English. The English vovocabulary, on the other hand, has a Germanic root but was heavily influenced by French and Latin. I'm not talking about a bunch of loan words, but about a heavy impact on the language itself. For example, the suffix "-ment" is French. And now think about the amount of words ending with "-ment".

[Bild: VBw1Ry]
Wenn du den Sarkasmus nicht erkennst, lies nochmal.
Peace is a lie, there is only passion./ Through passion, I gain strength./ Through strength, I gain power./ Through power, I gain victory./ Through victory, my chains are broken./ The Force shall free me.

Hat die Gunst eines Moderatoren.

LuminFlare Offline
Cutie Mark Crusader

Beiträge: 18
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RE: the english Laberthread (the fine british way!)
Well, I don't know, I thought I could join german con so I can visit Germany AND go to a con Pinkie happy

Also, yes. That is what I want to say about English and German. Also, I can just get used to aufgeben and use it as geben auf, but in English you can't use upgive when you can give up Sad
Whitey Offline

Beiträge: 5.852
Registriert seit: 23. Apr 2012

RE: the english Laberthread (the fine british way!)
Yes, they have a huge vocabulary, but they need it because they cannot form new words like we do. All in all we have more words, but many of them consisting of two preexisting words.

No gods or kings. Only Tanya.
[Bild: epjuis9w.jpg]
Fragt Whitey - Whiteys wirres Wunderland
LuminFlare Offline
Cutie Mark Crusader

Beiträge: 18
Registriert seit: 30. Dez 2012

RE: the english Laberthread (the fine british way!)
(19.11.2014)Whitey schrieb:  Yes, they have a huge vocabulary, but they need it because they cannot form new words like we do. All in all we have more words, but many of them consisting of two preexisting words.
Also you guys can just put words together.
Much better than Compensation for recoil of oil used as fuel. Fueloilrecoilcompensation doesn't feel right.

You can do same with Finnish, but idk..
Whitey Offline

Beiträge: 5.852
Registriert seit: 23. Apr 2012

RE: the english Laberthread (the fine british way!)
(19.11.2014)LuminFlare schrieb:  Heizölrückstoßabdämpfung.

[Bild: disgusted-mother-of-god.png]

No gods or kings. Only Tanya.
[Bild: epjuis9w.jpg]
Fragt Whitey - Whiteys wirres Wunderland
Morasain Offline

Beiträge: 5.190
Registriert seit: 04. Apr 2012

RE: the english Laberthread (the fine british way!)
That's not entirely true, Whitey. Most of their words are synonyms for other words from other languages.

The real problem with English is the pronunciation. There is no other language which is so inconsistent in pronunciation, the combination of ea belongs to, I don't know, four or five phonemes. That's caused by the different influences on English.

Finnish is agglutinative, you can't compare it to synthetic or analytic languages, just as you can't compare Japanese, Chinese or Turkish to Indo-European languages.

By the way, how are you learning German, Lumin, and why? Is German taught in your schools?

[Bild: VBw1Ry]
Wenn du den Sarkasmus nicht erkennst, lies nochmal.
Peace is a lie, there is only passion./ Through passion, I gain strength./ Through strength, I gain power./ Through power, I gain victory./ Through victory, my chains are broken./ The Force shall free me.

Hat die Gunst eines Moderatoren.

iakovl Offline
Great and Powerful

Beiträge: 316
Registriert seit: 11. Nov 2014

RE: the english Laberthread (the fine british way!)
i need to start learning german

RD deals with it A Bronie from Israel / Ein Bronie aus Israel RD deals with it
(that is not the Living Tombstone) / (ich bin nicht the Living Tombstone)
LuminFlare Offline
Cutie Mark Crusader

Beiträge: 18
Registriert seit: 30. Dez 2012

RE: the english Laberthread (the fine british way!)
(19.11.2014)Whitey schrieb:  
(19.11.2014)LuminFlare schrieb:  Heizölrückstoßabdämpfung.

[Bild: disgusted-mother-of-god.png]

You haven't seen lentokonesuihkuturbiinimoottoriapumekaanikkoaliupseerioppilas yet!

(19.11.2014)Morasain schrieb:  Finnish is agglutinative, you can't compare it to synthetic or analytic languages, just as you can't compare Japanese, Chinese or Turkish to Indo-European languages.

By the way, how are you learning German, Lumin, and why? Is German taught in your schools?

Sorry for causing misunderstanding. I meant to say you can combine words in Finnish like you can in German and such to a certain level.

I haven't learn German in school. It's just such an interesting language FS grins
Whitey Offline

Beiträge: 5.852
Registriert seit: 23. Apr 2012

RE: the english Laberthread (the fine british way!)
Oh my, is that finnish? A friend of mine is learning that. Sometimes it's just downright insane. o.O

Also, that may be a stupid question, but what does Indo-European mean? FS sad

No gods or kings. Only Tanya.
[Bild: epjuis9w.jpg]
Fragt Whitey - Whiteys wirres Wunderland
LuminFlare Offline
Cutie Mark Crusader

Beiträge: 18
Registriert seit: 30. Dez 2012

RE: the english Laberthread (the fine british way!)
(19.11.2014)Whitey schrieb:  Oh my, is that finnish? A friend of mine is learning that. Sometimes it's just downright insane. o.O

Also, that may be a stupid question, but what does Indo-European mean? FS sad

Suomi! Heart
Indo-European is one of the 'family' in languages. I think Morasain will give you a really detailed answer by the way...
Whitey Offline

Beiträge: 5.852
Registriert seit: 23. Apr 2012

RE: the english Laberthread (the fine british way!)
Well, i consulted wikipedia and i think i get it somewhat... I'm clearly no a linguist.

No gods or kings. Only Tanya.
[Bild: epjuis9w.jpg]
Fragt Whitey - Whiteys wirres Wunderland
LuminFlare Offline
Cutie Mark Crusader

Beiträge: 18
Registriert seit: 30. Dez 2012

RE: the english Laberthread (the fine british way!)
Oh, I was also wondering, can somebody explain what the dialects in Germany like?

(19.11.2014)Whitey schrieb:  Well, i consulted wikipedia and i think i get it somewhat... I'm clearly no a linguist.

Haha me neither... It's a long way Whining
Whitey Offline

Beiträge: 5.852
Registriert seit: 23. Apr 2012

RE: the english Laberthread (the fine british way!)
Whoa... I'm sorry but don't ask me. I would get all of this horribly wrong. [Bild: cl-aj-awkward.png]

No gods or kings. Only Tanya.
[Bild: epjuis9w.jpg]
Fragt Whitey - Whiteys wirres Wunderland
LuminFlare Offline
Cutie Mark Crusader

Beiträge: 18
Registriert seit: 30. Dez 2012

RE: the english Laberthread (the fine british way!)
Oh okay Pinkie happy

Oh, then what do you think about Dutch? I find it a bit funny, but I was wondering what native German people would think...

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