27.08.2012 |

Beiträge: 2.990
Registriert seit: 05. Jun 2012
RE: Brony Test
yay ich bin zu 86% Bronie mit 428 von 500 möglichen Punkten. Mega-Bronie!!!
beim ersten versuch versteht sich.
hier der Beweis:
[img] ![[Bild: bronytestbe9fmo2v5s.png]]() [/img]
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 27.08.2012 von Varany.)
27.08.2012 |

Beiträge: 1.163
Registriert seit: 01. Mai 2012
RE: Brony Test
You got 387 of 500 possible points.
Ich bin zufrieden ^^
27.08.2012 |
Cheerilee's Student
Trixies Quizmaster

Beiträge: 5.620
Registriert seit: 16. Aug 2012
RE: Brony Test
396/500 = 79%
kann man lassen
27.08.2012 |

Beiträge: 1.275
Registriert seit: 27. Sep 2011
RE: Brony Test
Also ich habs nach langer Zeit mal wieder gemacht, hat sich inzwischen ja auch was verändert...
How much of a Brony are you?
404/500; 81%
Season Two Quiz
260/345; 75%
Wobei ich hier zugeben muss, dass ich bei einigen Fragen einfach nur glücklich geraten habe.
27.08.2012 |
Great and Powerful

Beiträge: 373
Registriert seit: 23. Apr 2012
RE: Brony Test
Quiz 1:
Zitat:You got 275 of 500 possible points.
Your score: 55 %
Fully approved brony
Quiz 2:
Zitat:You got 174 of 345 possible points.
Your score: 50 %
Not bad! You seem to have an eye for details or you watched the show quite attentive.
Aber da habe ich fast nur geraten
I'm a mad god. The Mad God, actually. It's a family title. Gets passed down from me to myself every few thousand years.
27.08.2012 |
Ponyville Pony

Beiträge: 219
Registriert seit: 13. Aug 2012
RE: Brony Test
Quiz 1
Zitat:You got 372 of 500 possible points.
Your score: 74 %
Fully approved brony
It's obvious that you are a true fan of MLP:FiM. You know a lot of things about the series and you are a caring and loving person for the bronies around you. That’s great! But because this test has space for real Mega-Bronies, it is hard to reach full points. So there are still some small holes in your knowledge but you can survive that without any problems.
Die letzten Fragen waren ja abartig o.O
27.08.2012 |

Beiträge: 2.064
Registriert seit: 04. Nov 2011
RE: Brony Test
You got 278 of 500 possible points.
Your score: 56 %
Fully approved brony
Tja, wenigstens mehr als die Hälfte.
Ich geh jetzt in die Ecke und schäm mich...
27.08.2012 |

Beiträge: 558
Registriert seit: 09. Aug 2012
RE: Brony Test
you got 344 of 500 possible points
your score:69%
28.08.2012 |


Beiträge: 1.739
Registriert seit: 15. Jun 2012
RE: Brony Test
82% die letzten fragen waren echt hart 
aber mit dem ergebnis kann ich definitiv leben
(27.08.2012)playbro_61 schrieb: you got 344 of 500 possible points
your score:69%
hihi 69
29.08.2012 |
Ponyville Pony

Beiträge: 102
Registriert seit: 05. Jan 2012
RE: Brony Test
Ich bin zufrieden mit dem Ergebniss
You got 366 of 500 possible points.
Your score: 73 %
Fully approved brony
It's obvious that you are a true fan of MLP:FiM. You know a lot of things about the series and you are a caring and loving person for the bronies around you. That’s great! But because this test has space for real Mega-Bronies, it is hard to reach full points. So there are still some small holes in your knowledge but you can survive that without any problems.
29.08.2012 |


Beiträge: 2.087
Registriert seit: 28. Jul 2012
RE: Brony Test
You got 443 of 500 possible points.
Your score: 89 %
You have proven that you are a true fan of the series. Not only that, but you know much about the episodes and you also apply your brony-ness in real life. This is a really good result. You should be proud of it!
Score 10 of 10
You're watching My Little Pony and your parents or friends burst into your room. What do you do?
Score 9 of 10
You go to your closet to pick out a shirt for the day. How does your selection look?
Score 16 of 16
Time to listen to some music. Are you going to listen to music from the show or remixes?
Score 10 of 15
How many people have you turned into Bronies?
Score 24 of 24
What "curses" did the ponies have in "Bridle Gossip"?
Score 10 of 12
Do you make fan music, videos or other fan art?
Score 10 of 10
Do you ever quote the show or talk in a character's voice?
Score 12 of 12
Do you wish you were a pony?
Score 10 of 10
How did Pinkie Pie know something was going to fall from the sky in "Feeling Pinkie Keen"?
Score 10 of 10
Do you want a cutiemark?
Score 10 of 10
How does Spike send letters to Princess Celestia?
Score 8 of 11
Do you write fan fiction?
Score 7 of 10
Do you dream of ponies?
Score 6 of 6
Why was Applejack having so much trouble bucking apples in "Applebuck Season"?
Score 7 of 10
How important do you think is MLP:FiM for the world?
Score 10 of 10
Do you care for your Bronies?
Score 16 of 16
How much time do you spend with pony stuff every day?
Score 5 of 5
What do you eat?
Score 11 of 11
How many times did you watch the show completely?
Score 24 of 24
What are the Elements of Harmony the mane six ponies stand for?
Score 9 of 10
Do you have any My Little Pony accesories?
Score 12 of 12
Have you had any of your stuff ponied up?
Score 5 of 5
Who was the developer, executive producer, and creative director of the first season of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic?
Score 10 of 10
How long was Luna/Nightmare Moon banished to the moon?
Score 10 of 10
What was the name of the flower that "cursed" the Mane 6 in "Bridle Gossip"?
Score 10 of 10
What does CMC stand for?
Score 12 of 12
Have you made your own pony?
Score 10 of 10
Do you have pony ringtones/message tones/alarm tones on your phone?
Score 6 of 6
What is the name of Lyra’s friend?
Score 5 of 5
What is Bon-Bon’s cutie mark?
Score 8 of 8
What is the name of the "evil" pony in the pilot episode?
Score 8 of 12
Do you talk about ponies in public/to non-bronies?
Score 5 of 5
Who is the "mane" character of the show?
Score 6 of 6
What color is Dərpy Hooves mane?
Score 24 of 24
Assign the properties to the mane 6 ponies.
Score 30 of 30
Assign the cutie marks to the characters.
Score 10 of 12
How does your pony folder look like?
Score 10 of 10
How many birds is Fluttershy feeding with how many worms at the beginning of "Dragonshy"?
Score 8 of 24
What numbers had Rainbow Dash prior to and during the Best Young Flyer Competition in "Sonic Rainboom"?
Score 1 of 8
What did Twilight Sparkle order at the restaurant in "The Ticket Master"?
Score 4 of 8
How often did Applejack land next to the catapult in "Applebuck Season"?
Score 10 of 10
What pinkie sense combo tells Pinkie Pie that the sky is about to be graced with a beautiful rainbow?
Score 4 of 10
How many fake eyelashes does Rarity usually wear?
Ich mach kein "Beweisfoto" wie BigMacintosh, das ist mir unter Linux und 2 Bildschirmen zuviel Aufwand.
29.08.2012 |
Princess Celestia

Beiträge: 945
Registriert seit: 26. Aug 2012
RE: Brony Test
You got 351 of 500 possible points.Your score: 70 %
Fully approved brony
It's obvious that you are a true fan of MLP:FiM. You know a lot of things about the series and you are a caring and loving person for the bronies around you.
Und das für ein Relativ frisches Brony *1ne Woche*  finde ich das ganz gut *G auch wen ich noch viel zu Lernen habe
Nur Ausgerechnet bei den Wimpern von Rarity hab ich mich vertahn
29.08.2012 |

Beiträge: 910
Registriert seit: 29. Apr 2012
RE: Brony Test
You got 418 of 500 possible points.
Your score: 84 %
Fürs erste mal nicht schlecht
Es gibt so viel ungenutzten Stauraum auf dieser Welt. Zum Beispiel die hohlen Köpfe einiger Menschen.
Sollte ich vergessen haben, jemanden zu beschimpfen, dann bitte ich um Verzeihung!
29.08.2012 |
Beiträge: 1.615
Registriert seit: 15. Aug 2012
RE: Brony Test
Zitat:You got 373 of 500 possible points.Your score: 75 %Fully approved brony
It's obvious that you are a true fan of MLP:FiM.
29.08.2012 |
Silly Filly

Beiträge: 58
Registriert seit: 27. Apr 2012
RE: Brony Test
You got 317 of 500 possible points.
Your score: 63 %
Fully approved brony
Hab einige Punkte eingebüst weil ich weder Fanfics mache, Accessoirs habe, sonst irgendwelche Brony Ordner auf meiner Platte habe und auch kein Cutiemark haben will. (Sieht ja auch doof beim Menschen aus; Außerdem müsst ich ja immer meine Hose runter zeihen wenn ich es jemand zeigen will, da kriegt man schnell Streß mit der Polizei) Außerdem hab ich keinen Plan wie die Nummern bei der Sonic Rainboom Folge waren
29.08.2012 |
Der Klingone

Beiträge: 1.484
Registriert seit: 07. Dez 2011
RE: Brony Test
89% Nice
Die schmerzhaftesten Wunden sind die Gewissensbisse!
29.08.2012 |

Beiträge: 556
Registriert seit: 17. Mär 2012
RE: Brony Test
You got 344 of 500 possible points.
Your score: 69 %
Fully approved brony
29.08.2012 |

Blank Flank

Beiträge: 5
Registriert seit: 29. Jul 2012
RE: Brony Test
You got 377 of 500 possible points.
Score 75%
Fully approved brony.
Wenn ich nen weg habe mir das merch zu holen werd ich auch noch zum mega brony ihr werdet sehen.
03.12.2012 |

Beiträge: 1.172
Registriert seit: 27. Jun 2012
RE: Brony Test
Ich musste ihn nach 4-5 Monaten einfach nochmal machen 
Und es ist nicht schlecht^^
Zitat:You got 405 of 500 possible points.Your score: 81 %
You have proven that you are a true fan of the series. Not only that, but you know much about the episodes and you also apply your brony-ness in real life. This is a really good result. You should be proud of it!