(21.02.2012)MikeDee schrieb: (21.02.2012)Tomson96 schrieb: Ich seh mir grad die 5 Stufen des Brony werdens an xD Irgendwie hab ich eine oder zwei Stufen übersprungen xD
Und die fünf Stufen sind?
Ich hoffe du kannst Englisch:
Step 1 - Anger:
You have heard of the new series, MLP FiM and think to yourself, "How can people like this?! It's a show for little girls!" And you have a right to think so. Through the years, MLP have been aimed at little girls and you can't see how anyone older, or of the opposite gender can like it, and that anyone who does watch the show and enjoy it is either immature or homosexual. You refuse to watch it.
Step 2 - Reluctance:
Some of your brony friends who have fallen in love with the show keep pestering you to watch the show. You sneer at them and ask yourself what the big fuss is all about. It's a bloody show about magical, colourful ponies for crying out loud!
Step 3 - Giving in:
The constant pestering by your brony friends has annoyed you for long enough. You go on youtube and find episode 1 just to see what everyone has gotten so excited about.
Anyone who is open-minded will have skipped these three steps and will have gone directly onto either step 4 or step 5. If you have no soul you will stop here.
Step 4 - Depression:
You've watched the first episode...then you click on episode 2...then episode 3...then episode 4...you just can't stop. You don't know why. You sit in your computer seat staring at the screen blankly. Why can't you stop watching it? You can't understand youself.
Step 5 - Acceptance:
You finally come to terms with yourself and have finally come to realise why so many teenage girls (and a very suprising number of guys) watch this show. You end up watching the whole series and enjoy every moment. Welcome to the Brony community!