Hm, Lieblingszitate. Da mache ich doch mal meine Lieblingszitat-Datei auf (ja, die habe ich wirklich

) und picke mal die besten raus. Die meisten wurden allerdings schon genannt, die spoilere ich mal raus.
Pinkie Pie: Don't worry your pretty little head about mean old Gilda. Your auntie Pinkie Pie's got it all taken care of.
Fluttershy: I'm a year older than you.
Gilda: Hey, I'm watching you. Like a hawk.
Pinkie Pie: Why? Can't you watch me like a griffon?
Rarity: I was this close to getting that diamond.
Twilight Sparkle: You mean... getting rid of that dragon?
Rarity: Oh, yeah... sure.
Twilight Sparkle: Now what do we do?
Fluttershy: Uh... panic?
Rainbow Dash: That's your answer for everything!
Sweetie Belle: Um ... that doesn't look like a table.
Scootaloo: We were making a table?
Twilight Sparkle: Aren't those all the same thing?
Rainbow Dash: You would think that, Twilight. And that's why you would never qualify to be my pet.
Rainbow Dash: ... pause for dramatic effect ...
Twilight Sparkle: Call me silly, but I think this whole hero thing might be going to Rainbow Dash's head.
Pinkie Pie: You may be right...silly.
Doctor: Well, I think I know what the problem is. He's a dragon.
Twilight Sparkle: That's not the problem. He's always been a dragon.
Doctor: Oh. Well, that would explain it.
Und einer meiner absoluten Favoriten:
Applejack: But magically you're here! Was your zebra sense a-tinglin'?