27.04.2013 |
Royal Guard

Beiträge: 3.339
Registriert seit: 12. Jul 2012
[Sammel-Thema]Rainbow Dash Fanfiktions
Guten Tag  !
Hier mal ein Sammelthema, welches auf jeden Fall gefehlt hat. Wie der Titel schon sagt, werden hier alle möglichen Fanfiktions gesammelt, in welchen Rainbow die Hauptrolle spielt (Thema wurde von Seiten des Teams erlaubt  ). Viel mehr gibt es auch eigentlich nicht zu sagen; Einfach nur ein paar Fanfiktions posten, ist wohl das, um was es sich hier dreht. So ähnlich wie im Changeling-FF-Sammelthread.
(Kleiner Tipp/Whatever: Hier könnt ihr die Fanfiktions von FIMFiction.net formatieren)
[Stand: 27.04.13][21651 Wörter][Incomplete][FSK: Teen][Likes: 21 | Dislikes: 1]
[~ Tragedy ~][~ Dark ~]Twilight Sparkle get an unusual letter from Princess Celestia. [Stand: 27.04.13][9181 Wörter][Complete][FSK: Everyone][Likes: 1248 | Dislikes: 21]
[~ Slice of Life ~]It's almost Mother's Day. Scootaloo comes to Rainbow Dash with a startling question, but then backs off, feeling ashamed she asked it. Rainbow Dash, taken off-guard by the question, starts to question both herself, how she feels about Scootaloo, and about her past... [Stand: 27.04.13][10502 Wörter][Incomplete][FSK: Teen][Likes: 18 | Dislikes: 3]
[~ Slice of Life ~]No matter what your life is like in the present, you will never escape a painful past by hiding it.
A special thanks to psp7master for pre-reading and helping me keep this story on track. Story einer etwas anderen Art; Aber sehr gut geschrieben. [Stand: 27.04.13][4845 Wörter][On Hiatus][FSK: Teen][Likes: 31 | Dislikes: 7]
[~ Tragedy ~][~ Alternate Universe ~]Alternate ending to The Mysterious Mare Do Well. Nopony has seen Rainbow Dash since the argument about Mare Do Well at Sugercube Corner, over a week ago. Too much time has passed without an attempt at fame, so Fluttershy goes to Rainbow Dash’s house to talk to her. Instead of finding a prismatic Pegasus, all Fluttershy finds is a letter. A letter of apologies, a letter of dreams, a letter of fears. But also a letter of farewell. [Stand: 27.04.13][7356 Wörter][Complete][FSK: Everyone][Likes: 356 | Dislikes: 11]
[~ Sad ~]You demanded it, and here it is at long last; the long-awaited follow-up to 'Dear Applebloom.' Inspired by Rarity and Applejack's letters, Rainbow Dash writes her biggest fan a letter of her own that will shed light not only on Scootaloo's origins, but Rainbow Dash's as well. Special thanks to Dinos4Ever for guiding me to the image. - Es wurde kein Kommentar angegeben - [Stand: 27.04.13][2987 Wörter][Incomplete][FSK: Teen][Likes: 23 | Dislikes: 2]
[~ Romance ~][~ Sad ~][~ Slice of Life ~]Rainbow Dash grew up in Cloudsdale. Everyone knows that. But, very few know what her life there was really like. This is the story of how the heroic Rainbow Dash grew up in a world full of pain and sadness, but eventually learns just what it means to be herself. Okay. So, this is my first fanfic EVER, and I would really appreciate some feedback. Just, please be nice. This is (obviously) a Rainbow Dash back story, it contains important events from her childhood, up to the day Twilight comes to Ponyville. Please enjoy! Warning: will contain domestic violence and non-heterosexual ponies. - Es wurde kein Kommentar angegeben - [Stand: 27.04.13][2964 Wörter][Complete][FSK: Everyone][Likes: 53 | Dislikes: 2]
[~ Slice of Life ~]Twilight begins to learn more about her alicorn nature, and winds up discovering something about Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy that catches her off guard. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy have always been especially close. Few ponies can come up with a reasonable explanation for this. On the outside, it would be hard to imagine them being any more different. However, on the inside, they couldn't be more alike. They've always been the perfect match. Always. - Es wurde kein Kommentar angegeben - [Stand: 27.04.13][9322 Wörter][Complete][FSK: Everyone][Likes: 602 | Dislikes: 14]
[~ Sad ~][~ Slice of Life ~]"Oh come on, Applejack! Just one trip around the clouds! One!" It's an invitation that Applejack has heard countless times. However, no matter how often Rainbow Dash bugs her to experience an air ride, the farm filly flat out refuses. Then one afternoon, on a day when Applejack is strangely quiet and distant, she suddenly agrees to Rainbow Dash's persistent request. The pegasus happily oblidges, not knowing what has truly motivated Applejack to give in, nor the fact that--more than anything--Applejack could really use a good friend right about now. - Es wurde kein Kommentar angegeben - [Stand: 27.04.13][16839 Wörter][Complete][FSK: Everyone][Likes: 566 | Dislikes: 15]
[~ Romance ~][~ Slice of Life ~]Applejack has always struggled to make ends meet at Sweet Apple Acres. After the chaotic events of the Grand Galloping Gala, she returns home to find her farm experiencing a stroke of good luck. Applejack celebrates her fortune with all her friends, all except for one. Rainbow Dash has gone missing, and Applejack decides to find out why. - Es wurde kein Kommentar angegeben - [Stand: 27.04.13][20083 Wörter][Complete][FSK: Teen][Likes: 58 | Dislikes: 1]
[~ Tragedy ~][~ Dark ~]"Kill Rainbow Dash." That's the story. An assassin is hired to carry out that single command. With the idea that he can't kill unless he has proven to himself the pony deserves death, he sets out to end her life. However, when he finds himself incapable of finding any reason to kill Rainbow Dash, he ends up trapped in a moral dilemma with no way out. [Stand: 27.04.13][11233 Wörter][Incomplete][FSK: Teen][Likes: 16 | Dislikes: 8]
[~ Romance ~][~ Sad ~][~ Slice of Life ~]Dash and 'Shy, after earning their cutie marks, go through a lot of things that could hone them not just as ponies, but as something else...And by a lot, I mean A LOT! Cover art by Rannva - Es wurde kein Kommentar angegeben - [Stand: 27.04.13][1132 Wörter][On Hiatus][FSK: Everyone][Likes: 26 | Dislikes: 1]
[~ Sad ~][~ Random ~][~ Adventure ~]"TWILIGHT! WHA DID YA DO?" "I DON'T KNOW!" "WHY ARE WE YELLING?" The two arguing fillies gave a disapproving look at the pink pony. "It wasn't me. I told everypony to think happy." They all looked at Rainbow. Who was huddled up on the floor. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I-I-I-" Tears streamed down her cheeks. "You said...to think of my...family." - Es wurde kein Kommentar angegeben - [Stand: 27.04.13][2509 Wörter][Complete][FSK: Teen][Likes: 34 | Dislikes: 10]
[~ Sad ~][~ Slice of Life ~]Fluttershy always thought, she would know everything about her friend Rainbow Dash. She was wrong. After getting invited for a sleepover, Fluttershy finds out about Rainbow's past. The past, which was too horrible to tell. (Bad story is bad! xD Not proud of it!) - Es wurde kein Kommentar angegeben - [Stand: 27.04.13][8035 Wörter][Complete][FSK: Everyone][Likes: 1858 | Dislikes: 28]
[~ Comedy ~][~ Slice of Life ~]The Cutie Mark Crusaders ask Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy about what happened just after the events of the Cutie Mark Chronicles; specifically, what happened to Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash immediately after the race. Reluctantly, Dash and Fluttershy delve into a tale. A tale of a young Fluttershy's amazement at the world she had landed upon, and a filly Dash's desperate quest to save her from that most evil of places: THE GROUND. - Es wurde kein Kommentar angegeben - [Stand: 27.04.13][1605 Wörter][Complete][FSK: Everyone][Likes: 5 | Dislikes: 11]
[~ Romance ~][~ Tragedy ~]Rainbow Dash has always hated help from others ponies. A tragedy soon makes Rainbow realize that she is not all that independent. - Es wurde kein Kommentar angegeben - [Stand: 27.04.13][1835 Wörter][Complete][FSK: Everyone][Likes: 5 | Dislikes: 2]
[~ Sad ~]A short story of how Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash met. I wrote the first thing that came to mind. Sorry if it may be a little to fast paced. - Es wurde kein Kommentar angegeben - [Stand: 27.04.13][9827 Wörter][Complete][FSK: Teen][Likes: 6 | Dislikes: 8]
[~ Tragedy ~]Rainbow tries to commit suicide after the Wonderbolt tryouts. After the failed attempt, Applejack takes a look into her past about Rainbow's issues with clinical depression - Es wurde kein Kommentar angegeben - [Stand: 27.04.13][10470 Wörter][Incomplete][FSK: Teen][Likes: 42 | Dislikes: 3]
[~ Romance ~][~ Sad ~][~ Slice of Life ~]Just another meeting? Just another friend? Worlds apart brought together and tested by time. Will fate shine on them or will they fade in the foggy streets of Cloudsdale. My second story. Will be a series. A Flutterdash story. - Es wurde kein Kommentar angegeben - [Stand: 27.04.13][9372 Wörter][Incomplete][FSK: Everyone][Likes: 13 | Dislikes: 1]
[~ Tragedy ~][~ Sad ~][~ Slice of Life ~]How did the mane five cast meet before they met Twilight? Rainbow Dash flees from her orphanage and meets Applejack. Shortly after meeting Rainbow Dash Applejack receives some rather distressing news and retreats to Manehatten leaving Rainbow Dash behind. WARNING: Partial Canon. WIP - Es wurde kein Kommentar angegeben - [Stand: 27.04.13][1450 Wörter][Incomplete][FSK: Teen][Likes: 16 | Dislikes: 4]
[~ Sad ~][~ Alternate Universe ~]Here I am, on the front lines of sheer madness. I know I won't make it. My wife knew. But my foal will never know. Never know who I was. So I write this letter to her, in hopes that she'll realize why I did it. Why I'm going to put my and hundreds of other ponies' lives on the line to stop them. I'm sorry, sweetie. But now it's worth it. I can see her, and that's enough. Art is clearly not mine. - Es wurde kein Kommentar angegeben - [Stand: 27.04.13][3257 Wörter][Incomplete][FSK: Everyone][Likes: 12 | Dislikes: 1]
[~ Tragedy ~][~ Sad ~][~ Adventure ~]Rainbow Dash from a young age never knew her birth Mother and Father but that never bothered her. Until one day she crashes into a stallion who seems all to familiar. After the crash the truth is revealed when old memories are uncovered secrets will be raveled but in the end will Rainbow want to see her family again? - Es wurde kein Kommentar angegeben - [Stand: 27.04.13][7487 Wörter][On Hiatus][FSK: Teen][Likes: 23 | Dislikes: 0]
[~ Tragedy ~][~ Dark ~][~ Adventure ~]Legends often have a way of coming true. Twilight Sparkle knows this all too well, having seen first hoof several of them come to life before her very eyes. So when she receives a recently published book on dragon mythology, she jumps at the chance to learn about their history. Unfortunately she gets the book on the same day that Twilight promised Rainbow Dash that she would help her train for the Wonderbolt tryouts next week. To make matters worse, Shining Armor drops in unexpectedly to pay his little sis a visit following the honeymoon. Could juggling the responsibilities to her friend and her brother possibly get any trickier for Twilight? Of course it can. And when it does, it will lead Twilight Sparkle, Shining Armor, and Rainbow Dash into the very heart of the Kingdom of Draconia to unravel one of the greatest mysteries of old. What happened to the dragon Iris? [Stand: 27.04.13][17979 Wörter][Incomplete][FSK: Teen][Likes: 69 | Dislikes: 6]
[~ Romance ~][~ Adventure ~]Celebrating 100 mini-fics, 23 members of the AppleDash group are collabing on a single story based on a one word prompt, Desire. Each chapter is between 200 and 1500 words long, each written by a different author. Each author has 3 days to write their chapter before the story gets passed on to the next author, who continues where the last person left off. Served with a generous helping of AppleDash and adventure, the possibilities are, like, endless! Each chapter of the fic goes through only very minor editing to ensure consistency with names and to correct grammar and spelling. Aside from that, each author is allowed to write in whatever style they choose. Updates every three days! Current authors (in order of appearance): Tchernobog BronyNeumo Callisto AppleDashLuv Jondor Jet Cannon First_Down CalmNQuiet KrazyTheFox Steel Resolve bahatumay bookplayer Vengeful Demon Garaumond cooopercrisp- Es wurde kein Kommentar angegeben - [Stand: 27.04.13][1777 Wörter][Complete][FSK: Everyone][Likes: 21 | Dislikes: 0]
[~ Random ~]Fluttershy, Fluttershy, Fluttershy can hardly fly Fluttershy had been bullied and laughed at for as long as she can remember. Laughed at for not being able to fly. "What kind of Pegasus doesn't fly, Fluttercry?" But with the help of her newfound friend Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy has to learn to stand up for herself and face her fear of flight, and find her wings. Inspired by Aviators' Fear of Flight - Es wurde kein Kommentar angegeben - [Stand: 27.04.13][2150 Wörter][Complete][FSK: Everyone][Likes: 36 | Dislikes: 1]
[~ Slice of Life ~]- Es wurde kein Kommentar angegeben - [Stand: 27.04.13][2041 Wörter][Complete][FSK: Everyone][Likes: 42 | Dislikes: 5]
[~ Romance ~]When Rainbow Dash can't supress the feelings for her childhood friend, she calls in a few favors to make the most beautiful night for Fluttershy possible. - Es wurde kein Kommentar angegeben - [Stand: 27.04.13][13419 Wörter][Incomplete][FSK: Teen][Likes: 708 | Dislikes: 22]
[~ Sad ~][~ Adventure ~]Rainbow Dash, best pony, fastest flier in Equestria, all around awesome mare, was called upon to help with the wedding of her friend's big brother. And hey, she never leaves her friends hanging! Of course, when it turned out some kind of bug thing had replaced the bride, Rainbow was more then ready to fight. Heck, even after it seemed all hope was lost, the pegasus refused to give up. So when she saw Shining Armor charge up a final spell, she smirked. But when that spell reached her and flung her against the wall, her smirk devolved into shock... Cover art is a combination of Deception is Magic vector by Helios and Sonic Rainboom Version One by SkyRings. - Es wurde kein Kommentar angegeben - [Stand: 27.04.13][4122 Wörter][Complete][FSK: Teen][Likes: 50 | Dislikes: 5]
[~ Tragedy ~][~ Dark ~]Rainbow Dash wakes up in the middle of a pine tree forest, badly injured, unable to move and unable to speak. The only thing she can remember before she was knocked unconscious was colliding with the sharp branches of a pine tree. Now she lays in the middle of a forest, vulnerable and in mute agony. - Es wurde kein Kommentar angegeben - [Stand: 27.04.13][861 Wörter][Complete][FSK: Everyone][Likes: 7 | Dislikes: 14]
[~ Tragedy ~][~ Sad ~]Rainbow Dash takes Applejack on a ride with her. Since Rainbow is so caught in the moment from doing her routine, Applejack falls off but Rainbow doesn't notice. She then decides to make a loyal, courageous decision to trade her life for the revival of her friend. Update: Thanks for the C&C guys, this is my first upload so I kinda expected this much harsh criticism. Not that it is a bad thing, it actually helps when it comes to when I might write another story. The description is a bit shallow but the idea is that RD was caught in the moment, and when AJ fell she didn't notice. I'll do some revising and change it to where she falls and possibly RD cant get to her in time? Perhaps that will work. P.S. You don't have to apologize for giving heavy C&C! It's what makes a writer better. I do appreciate any input. I plan on getting better and providing you all with more well written stories. - Es wurde kein Kommentar angegeben - [Stand: 27.04.13][7358 Wörter][Incomplete][FSK: Teen][Likes: 134 | Dislikes: 20]
[~ Romance ~][~ Comedy ~][~ Random ~]It was a normal day in Ponyville until Twilight attempted to modify the cloud walking spell. She had asked Rainbow to come over and give her some help, but when the spell goes awry, a well kept secret about Rainbow Dash is revealed for all to see. - Es wurde kein Kommentar angegeben - [Stand: 27.04.13][7595 Wörter][Complete][FSK: Teen][Likes: 108 | Dislikes: 26]
[~ Sad ~][~ Slice of Life ~]Twilight, or now Princess Twilight, is staying in Canterlot for her first few days as a Equestria's newest princess, before returning back to Ponyville. As she is walking around, remembering her days there as a filly, she comes across a box. A box that should have been hidden. And it reveals a big secret. A secret that was meant to be hidden. The artwork is my own. I drew while I was in the car, coming back from the dentist. :-) It's only rated Teen as it mentions abuse and rape. - Es wurde kein Kommentar angegeben - [Stand: 27.04.13][7288 Wörter][Incomplete][FSK: Teen][Likes: 267 | Dislikes: 20]
[~ Romance ~][~ Tragedy ~]Applejack couldn't be happier with her life. She owns a great farm and has been married for three years to the love of her life, Rainbow Dash. It's everything she's ever wanted in life, but now she wants something more. A family. A foal. Can she convince Rainbow Dash that they are ready to take a new step in their lives or will a haunting secret from Dash's past prevent them from having one? (I know a story called "Foal" already exists, but I had this idea for months and I couldn't come up with a different title) - Es wurde kein Kommentar angegeben - [Stand: 27.04.13][4393 Wörter][Incomplete][FSK: Teen][Likes: 53 | Dislikes: 4]
[~ Romance ~]Not much more than two years ago, Princess Celestia tasked Twilight Sparkle with studying friendship in Ponyville. Here she's made more friends than she would've ever believed she needed, or thought possible. Despite Celestia saying that she only wanted friendship reports whenever any of Twilight or her friends learned something new, Twilight wants to send one again, but doesn't have anything new. At Spike's suggestion, she seeks out her cyan friend for help. What will that small encounter lead to? :pinkiegasp: What is this? A fanfic by Kapuchu that ISN'T sad? And, oh my, it is still incomplete. Outrageous I say, outrageous! Cover image by the lovely GreatLeonopteryx. Thank you for taking my request finishing it before "A few weeks" had passed, as you said it would. took only 1 week:yay: Character tags & additional story tags may be added over time. I still don't know if I'll make it Slice of Life, or I can pull it off as being one continuous story without large timeskips. Teen for some potential drinking & language in the future, and maybe sexual themes. - Es wurde kein Kommentar angegeben - [Stand: 27.04.13][5474 Wörter][Complete][FSK: Everyone][Likes: 21 | Dislikes: 11]
[~ Sad ~][~ Slice of Life ~]Why can't Rainbow Dash join the Wonderbolts? Rainbow Dash is the fastest and most skilled flyer in all of Equestria but still she can't join? She saved the lives of three Wonderbolts, pulled of the legendary Sonic rainboom and won the best young flyer competition at the same time. Rainbow Dash is sick of being rejected by the Wonderbolts and this time she demands an explanation! - Es wurde kein Kommentar angegeben - [Stand: 27.04.13][13470 Wörter][Incomplete][FSK: Mature][Likes: 19 | Dislikes: 1]
[~ Tragedy ~][~ Dark ~][~ Adventure ~]A month has passed since the estabilishment of Azure City. Nearly all blue ponies were herded in, saving a few on the run from the law. Princess Luna desperately struggles to shape the four escaped convicts into a true team... While those who enjoy chaos use it to gain power. But even in the country's darkest hour, new heroes arise to defend it-- from itself, if needed. ___________________________________________________________________ Sequel to: Blue- Es wurde kein Kommentar angegeben - [Stand: 27.04.13][2818 Wörter][Complete][FSK: Teen][Likes: 35 | Dislikes: 4]
[~ Sad ~]Scootaloo still doesn't have her cutie mark. She still hasn't found what makes her special. And she's slowly getting left behind. What will happen when her friends move on? When her idol can't help her? When her parents give up? What happens when life becomes too much for one filly to handle? - Es wurde kein Kommentar angegeben - [Stand: 27.04.13][58085 Wörter][Complete][FSK: Mature][Likes: 39 | Dislikes: 6]
[~ Tragedy ~][~ Dark ~][~ Adventure ~]Four years after King Sombra was defeated, Equestria is plagued by a wave of distrust and prejudice: can the colour of a pony really affect their disposition to crime? A series of gruesome murders shake the unsuspecting countryside. In the chaos, Rainbow Dash gets accused of a crime she does not recall committing. Can she prove her innocence, or will colorism dominate the country, oppressing everypony with the colour... blue. - Es wurde kein Kommentar angegeben -
(Sorry dass ich zu so wenigen einen Kommentar abgegeben habe.. Aber Faulheit und so  )
Uh, da ich jetzt vergessen habe was ich noch schreiben wollte, belasse ich es mal dabei...
( Falls hier gerade zufällig ein Techadmin hereinschaut...)
PS: Der ganze Thread wird noch verändert - Hab grad nur nicht so viel Zeit dafür.
Edit: Sind die obigen Bilder nur bei mir Schwarz, oder habe ich da was falsch gemacht  ?
Konverter funktioniert derzeitig nicht, da es den Hoster ohost.de nicht mehr gibt. Falls jemand eine alternative hätte, würde ich mich über eine PN freuen!
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 27.04.2013 von Flying-Claw.)
28.04.2013 |

Silly Filly

Beiträge: 61
Registriert seit: 11. Jan 2013
RE: [Sammel-Thema]Rainbow Dash Fanfiktions
Oh Gott! 
So viel Lesestoff!!!  Ich liebe dich dafür^^
Nein spaß. Danke dafür!!!
Zu Faul zum selbersuchen. I APPROVE!
28.04.2013 |

Beiträge: 6.116
Registriert seit: 08. Sep 2012
RE: [Sammel-Thema]Rainbow Dash Fanfiktions
Auch wenn ich meinen Hut vor der Arbeit ziehe die in der Liste steckt, so muss ich doch sagen, dass ich den Sinn Sinn dieser Liste irgendwie nicht sehe.
Wenn ich auf Fimfiction gehe, hab ich doch nen Filter für alle Fics mit RD und bei Fanfiktion.net genauso.
Soll das auf eine art Ranking rauslaufen oder ist das wirklich nur eine Liste?
Oder wird das ein Thread wo generell über alle RD fics diskutiert wird?
28.04.2013 |
Royal Guard

Beiträge: 3.339
Registriert seit: 12. Jul 2012
RE: [Sammel-Thema]Rainbow Dash Fanfiktions
So ungefähr. Zum ersten kann hier jeder zB seine Lieblingsfanfics posten - Und ja, es ist ein allgemeiner Rd-FF Thread, also ist diskutieren wohl auch drin  . Und irgendwo werden "ganz schlechte" Fanfics dann auch aussortiert, wenn mehrere Leute posten - Aeh, vergessen was ich schreiben wollte. EditNr1: Joa, irgendwie ist es irgendwo eine Ranking Liste(zB sind die oben geposteten ffs ein teil der fanfics, die ich ganz gut finde), und gleichzeitig ein Diskutierthread.
.. Oh Gott. Sorry fuer die.. Nennen wir es mal Erklaerung - Ich formuliere es morgen ausführlicher, jetzt gerade zu müde  ..
Konverter funktioniert derzeitig nicht, da es den Hoster ohost.de nicht mehr gibt. Falls jemand eine alternative hätte, würde ich mich über eine PN freuen!
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 28.04.2013 von Flying-Claw.)
29.04.2013 |

Beiträge: 6.116
Registriert seit: 08. Sep 2012
RE: [Sammel-Thema]Rainbow Dash Fanfiktions
Nun wenn dem so ist und ich deinen Post richtig verstanden habe  dann möchte ich auch 2 Fanfics mit RD hervorheben.
Die erste ist "The games we play" und ist eine der ganz ganz ganz wenigen Fanfics in der Rainbow Dash als mehr als nur ein völlig bekloppter Adrenalinjunkie beschrieben wird. Die Story ist spannend bis ganz zum Schluss und behält mehr als nur eine Wendung bereit. Rainbow Dashs Charakter wird hier eine wirklich beispiellose Tiefe verliehen. Ich kann die Fanfic wirklich jedem nur empfehlen.
Die zweite ist "A Bluebirds Song" Eigentlich wird hier Rainbow Dash als Adrenalinjunky beschreiben, aber auf eine wirklich hervorragende Weise. Ein teuflisch verzwickter Plot mit vielen Wendungen und unerwartetem. Auch hier wird Rainbow Dash deutlich mehr Tiefe verliehen als in vielen anderen Fanfics.
Generell finde ich es sehr Schade wie Rainbow Dash in den meisten Fanfics portraitiert wird. Sie selbst bietet ein großes Potenzial für Charakterstudien und die unterschiedlichsten Arten von Headcanon. Vor allem da man von ihrer Vergangenheit so wenig weis. Es ist ein wahrer Jammer das die meisten sie nur als eindimensionales "Wonderbolt-Fangirl" sehen die immer nur Aktion will.
30.04.2013 |
Blue Sparkle
Beiträge: 11.615
Registriert seit: 22. Mär 2012
RE: [Sammel-Thema]Rainbow Dash Fanfiktions
Könntest du die vielleicht Alphabetisch sortieren? Das wäre sehr hilfreich.
und ich glaube da fehlt auch noch Dash Diaries,
30.04.2013 |
Royal Guard

Beiträge: 3.339
Registriert seit: 12. Jul 2012
RE: [Sammel-Thema]Rainbow Dash Fanfiktions
@Blue Sparkle
Okay, versuche ich mal  . Könnte jedoch etwas dauern, hab' noch etwas andres zu erledigen.
(30.04.2013)Blue Sparkle schrieb: und ich glaube da fehlt auch noch Dash Diaries,
Naja, die obige Liste soll ja nicht etwas "komplettes" sein, sondern einfach nur ein paar Favoriten von mir - Wie bereits in einem anderem Post erklärt (Wenn man das Geschwafel "erklären" nennen kann...), kann hier jeder einfach was posten  . Aber kann ich gerne einfügen  !
(29.04.2013)hagi schrieb: Nun wenn dem so ist und ich deinen Post richtig verstanden habe 
Ganz genau  !
(29.04.2013)hagi schrieb: Generell finde ich es sehr Schade wie Rainbow Dash in den meisten Fanfics portraitiert wird. Sie selbst bietet ein großes Potenzial für Charakterstudien und die unterschiedlichsten Arten von Headcanon. Vor allem da man von ihrer Vergangenheit so wenig weis. Es ist ein wahrer Jammer das die meisten sie nur als eindimensionales "Wonderbolt-Fangirl" sehen die immer nur Aktion will.
Uuuh.. Entschuldigt mich mal.. Aber.. " ^This"  !
Konverter funktioniert derzeitig nicht, da es den Hoster ohost.de nicht mehr gibt. Falls jemand eine alternative hätte, würde ich mich über eine PN freuen!