06.10.2013 |
Applejack Daniels
Ponyville Pony

Beiträge: 133
Registriert seit: 14. Apr 2013
RE: Fallout RPG Neuauflage [Infos/Diskussionen]
Oke, dann meld ich mich auch schnell, meine Anmeldung kommt im Laufe des Tages, aber ich muss darauf hinweisen, dass ich seit gestern auf unbestimmte Zeit ne Internetblockade ab 10 Uhr hab, dass heißt, danach geht gar nix mehr, ich hoffe, ich verpasse dadurch nicht zuviel, ich finds auch ziemlich beschissen, aber kann man nix machen...
06.10.2013 |
HK G11

Beiträge: 1.871
Registriert seit: 10. Mär 2013
RE: Fallout RPG Neuauflage [Infos/Diskussionen]
Achja,nochwas,wäre toll wenn ihr mir eure Skype Namen per PN schicken könntet,dann kann ich wichtige infos sofort in skype raushauen.
The Heckler & Koch G11 is a non-production prototype assault rifle developed during the late 1960s, 1970s and 1980s by Gesellschaft für Hülsenlose Gewehrsysteme (GSHG) (German for "Corporation for Caseless Rifle Systems"), a conglomeration of companies headed by firearm manufacturer Heckler & Koch (mechanical engineering and weapon design), Dynamit Nobel (propellant composition and projectile design), and Hensoldt Wetzlar (target identification and optic systems). The rifle is noted for its use of caseless ammunition.
It was primarily a project of West Germany, though it was also of significance to the other NATO countries as well. In particular, versions of the G11 were included in the U.S. Advanced Combat Rifle program.
In 1990, H&K finished the development of the G11, intended for the Bundeswehr and other NATO partners. Although the weapon was a technical success, it never entered full production due to the political changes of German reunification and lack of procurement contract. Only 1000 units were ever produced, some of which made their way into the hands of the Bundeswehr. Ultimately, the German armed forces replaced the G3 with the G36
Früher mal bekannt als Pony-Lüfter
06.10.2013 |
Ponyville Pony

Beiträge: 214
Registriert seit: 07. Mai 2013
RE: Fallout RPG Neuauflage [Infos/Diskussionen]
Öhm...Joa... hab ja kein Skype, kannst mich ja in Steam anschreiben
aka. Romanov
06.10.2013 |
HK G11

Beiträge: 1.871
Registriert seit: 10. Mär 2013
RE: Fallout RPG Neuauflage [Infos/Diskussionen]
Klar,steam is für die planung,das wichtige daraus kommt dann per skype zum einfachen rp volk^^
The Heckler & Koch G11 is a non-production prototype assault rifle developed during the late 1960s, 1970s and 1980s by Gesellschaft für Hülsenlose Gewehrsysteme (GSHG) (German for "Corporation for Caseless Rifle Systems"), a conglomeration of companies headed by firearm manufacturer Heckler & Koch (mechanical engineering and weapon design), Dynamit Nobel (propellant composition and projectile design), and Hensoldt Wetzlar (target identification and optic systems). The rifle is noted for its use of caseless ammunition.
It was primarily a project of West Germany, though it was also of significance to the other NATO countries as well. In particular, versions of the G11 were included in the U.S. Advanced Combat Rifle program.
In 1990, H&K finished the development of the G11, intended for the Bundeswehr and other NATO partners. Although the weapon was a technical success, it never entered full production due to the political changes of German reunification and lack of procurement contract. Only 1000 units were ever produced, some of which made their way into the hands of the Bundeswehr. Ultimately, the German armed forces replaced the G3 with the G36
Früher mal bekannt als Pony-Lüfter
06.10.2013 |
Sunny Crystal
Silly Filly

Beiträge: 78
Registriert seit: 09. Jul 2013
RE: Fallout RPG Neuauflage [Infos/Diskussionen]
Kein skype...kein steam
Moveboy,ich sehe dich.
06.10.2013 |
HK G11

Beiträge: 1.871
Registriert seit: 10. Mär 2013
RE: Fallout RPG Neuauflage [Infos/Diskussionen]
Hm,ich denke mal,dass ich das wichtigste schon hier reinschreiben kann.
Achja, neue Info:
Romanov wird ab sofort mit ThreeDog ab und zu mal News machen,wenn zum Beispiel 2 Raider eine RobCo Fabrik stürmen(ich weiss nicht wann das mal passieren sollte  )wird ThreeDog das ein paar Stunden später im Radio bekannt geben.
The Heckler & Koch G11 is a non-production prototype assault rifle developed during the late 1960s, 1970s and 1980s by Gesellschaft für Hülsenlose Gewehrsysteme (GSHG) (German for "Corporation for Caseless Rifle Systems"), a conglomeration of companies headed by firearm manufacturer Heckler & Koch (mechanical engineering and weapon design), Dynamit Nobel (propellant composition and projectile design), and Hensoldt Wetzlar (target identification and optic systems). The rifle is noted for its use of caseless ammunition.
It was primarily a project of West Germany, though it was also of significance to the other NATO countries as well. In particular, versions of the G11 were included in the U.S. Advanced Combat Rifle program.
In 1990, H&K finished the development of the G11, intended for the Bundeswehr and other NATO partners. Although the weapon was a technical success, it never entered full production due to the political changes of German reunification and lack of procurement contract. Only 1000 units were ever produced, some of which made their way into the hands of the Bundeswehr. Ultimately, the German armed forces replaced the G3 with the G36
Früher mal bekannt als Pony-Lüfter
06.10.2013 |
Applejack Daniels
Ponyville Pony

Beiträge: 133
Registriert seit: 14. Apr 2013
RE: Fallout RPG Neuauflage [Infos/Diskussionen]
Das is ne geile Idee, aber brauch man da nicht einen Pipboy oder ein Radio, um das zu hören?
06.10.2013 |
HK G11

Beiträge: 1.871
Registriert seit: 10. Mär 2013
RE: Fallout RPG Neuauflage [Infos/Diskussionen]
Das is schon klar^^ aber Radios gibts ja an fast jeder ecke in fallout^^
The Heckler & Koch G11 is a non-production prototype assault rifle developed during the late 1960s, 1970s and 1980s by Gesellschaft für Hülsenlose Gewehrsysteme (GSHG) (German for "Corporation for Caseless Rifle Systems"), a conglomeration of companies headed by firearm manufacturer Heckler & Koch (mechanical engineering and weapon design), Dynamit Nobel (propellant composition and projectile design), and Hensoldt Wetzlar (target identification and optic systems). The rifle is noted for its use of caseless ammunition.
It was primarily a project of West Germany, though it was also of significance to the other NATO countries as well. In particular, versions of the G11 were included in the U.S. Advanced Combat Rifle program.
In 1990, H&K finished the development of the G11, intended for the Bundeswehr and other NATO partners. Although the weapon was a technical success, it never entered full production due to the political changes of German reunification and lack of procurement contract. Only 1000 units were ever produced, some of which made their way into the hands of the Bundeswehr. Ultimately, the German armed forces replaced the G3 with the G36
Früher mal bekannt als Pony-Lüfter
06.10.2013 |
Applejack Daniels
Ponyville Pony

Beiträge: 133
Registriert seit: 14. Apr 2013
RE: Fallout RPG Neuauflage [Infos/Diskussionen]
OK :3
06.10.2013 |
Sunny Crystal
Silly Filly

Beiträge: 78
Registriert seit: 09. Jul 2013
RE: Fallout RPG Neuauflage [Infos/Diskussionen]
gibts nen npc den ich übernehmen darf  ?
Moveboy,ich sehe dich.
06.10.2013 |
HK G11

Beiträge: 1.871
Registriert seit: 10. Mär 2013
RE: Fallout RPG Neuauflage [Infos/Diskussionen]
Mh,eigentlich nich,NPCs werden von SL(mir) oder Co-SL(Romanov) übernommen.Kannst aber gerne nen 2ten charakter machen.
The Heckler & Koch G11 is a non-production prototype assault rifle developed during the late 1960s, 1970s and 1980s by Gesellschaft für Hülsenlose Gewehrsysteme (GSHG) (German for "Corporation for Caseless Rifle Systems"), a conglomeration of companies headed by firearm manufacturer Heckler & Koch (mechanical engineering and weapon design), Dynamit Nobel (propellant composition and projectile design), and Hensoldt Wetzlar (target identification and optic systems). The rifle is noted for its use of caseless ammunition.
It was primarily a project of West Germany, though it was also of significance to the other NATO countries as well. In particular, versions of the G11 were included in the U.S. Advanced Combat Rifle program.
In 1990, H&K finished the development of the G11, intended for the Bundeswehr and other NATO partners. Although the weapon was a technical success, it never entered full production due to the political changes of German reunification and lack of procurement contract. Only 1000 units were ever produced, some of which made their way into the hands of the Bundeswehr. Ultimately, the German armed forces replaced the G3 with the G36
Früher mal bekannt als Pony-Lüfter
06.10.2013 |
Sunny Crystal
Silly Filly

Beiträge: 78
Registriert seit: 09. Jul 2013
RE: Fallout RPG Neuauflage [Infos/Diskussionen]
stimmt gute idee
Moveboy,ich sehe dich.
09.10.2013 |
Ponyville Pony

Beiträge: 214
Registriert seit: 07. Mai 2013
RE: Fallout RPG Neuauflage [Infos/Diskussionen]
Whuups ganz vergessen, die level zu vergeben  Werde die allerdings vollkommen unabhängig vom alten Fallout Rpg verteilen. Wenn ihr die begründungen für meine Entscheidungen wissen wollt, dann bitte per PN nachfragen.
Seacht: 7
Tinker: 14
Abasi: 13
Saraya: 12
Bitte denkt dran, dass das erstmal nur provisorisch aufgestellt wurde, dat heißt, wer unzufrieden ist, kann sich gerne zu Wort melden und 'ne Begründung für seine Unzufriedenheit abgeben.
aka. Romanov
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 17.11.2013 von Tyrconnel.)
19.10.2013 |
HK G11

Beiträge: 1.871
Registriert seit: 10. Mär 2013
RE: Fallout RPG Neuauflage [Infos/Diskussionen]
Sunny Crystal,wäre nett wenn du mal posten würdest,damit ich im RPG weitermachen kann.
The Heckler & Koch G11 is a non-production prototype assault rifle developed during the late 1960s, 1970s and 1980s by Gesellschaft für Hülsenlose Gewehrsysteme (GSHG) (German for "Corporation for Caseless Rifle Systems"), a conglomeration of companies headed by firearm manufacturer Heckler & Koch (mechanical engineering and weapon design), Dynamit Nobel (propellant composition and projectile design), and Hensoldt Wetzlar (target identification and optic systems). The rifle is noted for its use of caseless ammunition.
It was primarily a project of West Germany, though it was also of significance to the other NATO countries as well. In particular, versions of the G11 were included in the U.S. Advanced Combat Rifle program.
In 1990, H&K finished the development of the G11, intended for the Bundeswehr and other NATO partners. Although the weapon was a technical success, it never entered full production due to the political changes of German reunification and lack of procurement contract. Only 1000 units were ever produced, some of which made their way into the hands of the Bundeswehr. Ultimately, the German armed forces replaced the G3 with the G36
Früher mal bekannt als Pony-Lüfter
19.10.2013 |
Sunny Crystal
Silly Filly

Beiträge: 78
Registriert seit: 09. Jul 2013
RE: Fallout RPG Neuauflage [Infos/Diskussionen]
Ach dreck
Sorry ich dachte ich habe schon lange geantwortet
Moveboy,ich sehe dich.
01.11.2013 |
Ponyville Pony

Beiträge: 214
Registriert seit: 07. Mai 2013
RE: Fallout RPG Neuauflage [Infos/Diskussionen]
Sooo, Sunny? Is es Ok, wenn ich mir nen Charakter in rivet City mache, damit Julia da nicht verrecken muss?
aka. Romanov
15.11.2013 |
HK G11

Beiträge: 1.871
Registriert seit: 10. Mär 2013
RE: Fallout RPG Neuauflage [Infos/Diskussionen]
Romanov,ich glaub du bist am Zug zu Posten^^ ausserdem,wolltest du nich nen Charakter machen um Julia zu begleiten. Ich hätts dir ja in steam geschrieben,aber ich kann heut erst so 22uhr an PC.
The Heckler & Koch G11 is a non-production prototype assault rifle developed during the late 1960s, 1970s and 1980s by Gesellschaft für Hülsenlose Gewehrsysteme (GSHG) (German for "Corporation for Caseless Rifle Systems"), a conglomeration of companies headed by firearm manufacturer Heckler & Koch (mechanical engineering and weapon design), Dynamit Nobel (propellant composition and projectile design), and Hensoldt Wetzlar (target identification and optic systems). The rifle is noted for its use of caseless ammunition.
It was primarily a project of West Germany, though it was also of significance to the other NATO countries as well. In particular, versions of the G11 were included in the U.S. Advanced Combat Rifle program.
In 1990, H&K finished the development of the G11, intended for the Bundeswehr and other NATO partners. Although the weapon was a technical success, it never entered full production due to the political changes of German reunification and lack of procurement contract. Only 1000 units were ever produced, some of which made their way into the hands of the Bundeswehr. Ultimately, the German armed forces replaced the G3 with the G36
Früher mal bekannt als Pony-Lüfter
15.11.2013 |
Ponyville Pony

Beiträge: 214
Registriert seit: 07. Mai 2013
RE: Fallout RPG Neuauflage [Infos/Diskussionen]
Jau, naja wollt erstmal auf 'ne Antwort von Sunny warten, aber kk.
aka. Romanov
15.11.2013 |
Sunny Crystal
Silly Filly

Beiträge: 78
Registriert seit: 09. Jul 2013
RE: Fallout RPG Neuauflage [Infos/Diskussionen]
Tychuldigung! Na klar ist das ok
Moveboy,ich sehe dich.
17.11.2013 |
HK G11

Beiträge: 1.871
Registriert seit: 10. Mär 2013
RE: Fallout RPG Neuauflage [Infos/Diskussionen]
Ich glaub die levels für Tinker,Nr.7 und Saraya fehlen noch.
The Heckler & Koch G11 is a non-production prototype assault rifle developed during the late 1960s, 1970s and 1980s by Gesellschaft für Hülsenlose Gewehrsysteme (GSHG) (German for "Corporation for Caseless Rifle Systems"), a conglomeration of companies headed by firearm manufacturer Heckler & Koch (mechanical engineering and weapon design), Dynamit Nobel (propellant composition and projectile design), and Hensoldt Wetzlar (target identification and optic systems). The rifle is noted for its use of caseless ammunition.
It was primarily a project of West Germany, though it was also of significance to the other NATO countries as well. In particular, versions of the G11 were included in the U.S. Advanced Combat Rifle program.
In 1990, H&K finished the development of the G11, intended for the Bundeswehr and other NATO partners. Although the weapon was a technical success, it never entered full production due to the political changes of German reunification and lack of procurement contract. Only 1000 units were ever produced, some of which made their way into the hands of the Bundeswehr. Ultimately, the German armed forces replaced the G3 with the G36
Früher mal bekannt als Pony-Lüfter