If you come to Teplice, it's easier to go to Prague by train, or by bus. It costs around 160Kč(= 6.2 €)/person for train (but you get a discount for group), or around 100Kč (3.9 €) for bus.
The game CMC Universe Travellers during the day will start at "Palackého náměstí" which is easier to reach if you arrive at Hauptbahnhof in Prag, rather than Kyje, where the programme starts at 17.00

Also make sure if you want to attend the game, that you arrive in time, since it starts at 9:30

If you don't, we can figure something else out to do
If you do arrive in time for the game, let me know in advance who would want to join, so that I can arrange a 24-hours ticket for public transport (4.3 €) for you
I could also wait for you at the Hauptbahnhof and guide you through Prague to Palackého náměstí
Who is already registered:
- DawnofDay
- PoisonJoke
Make sure all of you are registered, so that you have your place at the meet-up for sure. And you will get a nice Nametag

Registration form ->
Another thing - I suppose you would want to stay for the whole Programm -> should I arrange accomodation for all of you? There are many bronies in Prague willing to offer a couch, or floor or even a bed for a sleepover