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16.03.2025, 10:51

Meghan McCarthy’s Aprilscherzfolgen (Spoilergefahr)
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Meghan McCarthy’s Aprilscherzfolgen (Spoilergefahr)
So die 16. Folge der 4. Staffel heißt "It Ain't Easy Being Breezies" Das wäre dann schon der dritte Folgentitel nach „Bats“ und „Pinkie Apple Pie“ den McCarthy letztes Jahr als Aprilscherz gepostet hatte und der sich letztendlich als echt herausgestellt hatte. Vier wenn man „Don’t you Dare“ auch dazuzählt.

Also dachte ich mir, ich mache mal ein Topic auf in dem wir darüber spekulieren können welchen Folgen möglicherweise doch echt sind und welche nicht.

Hier nochmal alle 26 Episoden, direkt von EQD:
Zitat:401/402: is called “Wingin’ It”.

403: is called “Now You Sea Them…"

404: is called “Meet Princess Skyla”.

405: is called "The Student Becomes the Teacher: The Return of Sunset Shimmer"

406: is called "Luna-tic"

407: Pinkie Pie becomes the Princess of Pie in the season mini-arc of 407 "Pinkie Apple Pie", 414 "Pie in the Sky", and 419 "Maude Pie"

408: “Don’t You Dare” Rainbow Dash threatens to leave the Daring Do fandom when they turn her hero into an Earth Pony.

409: Our musical episode entitled "It Ain't Easy Being Cheesy" with Justin Bieber

408: “Don’t You Dare” Rainbow Dash threatens to leave the Daring Do fandom when they turn her hero into an Earth Pony.

410 "Oops" Rarity is the star of a play but is replaced by AJ.Twi forgets and tells everypony RY is the star. Ponies are pissed.

411: "Bats" It's just like the musical "Cats", but with, you know, bats. And ponies. But mostly bats.

412: "The Return of the Return of Harmony" Discord is back! And his new personality is kind of meh. Stupid writers

413: "Wrap It Up" Every loose end is tied up. Hilarity ensues when the ponies realize there are 13 more episodes to go.

414: (See 407)

415: "Who Are You?" David Tennant guest stars as a random, nameless background pony no one has ever noticed before.

417: "Just Forget It" The CMCs try literally everything they can think of to get their Cutie Marks. They don't. The end.

418: "Death Comes to Ponyville" Didn't bother to read it. Was super busy that week. I'm sure it will be fine.

419: (See 407)

420: “For Whom The Sweetie Bell Tolls” cuz literary and makes us sound smart and stuff and,dude, is anybody else hungry?

421: "It Ain't Easy Bein' Weezy" a hilarious parody of The Jeffersons. Look, they can't all be gold, people

422: “Best Pony” New pony comes to town and she’s cool and likes craft beer and Legos and has a typewriter Cutie Mark

423: “Spike and Rarity Sittin’ in a Tree” Nothing happens. That would just make things weird between them. Plus, his ex is totally psycho.

424: “Let the Games Begin” Shining Armor and Cadance join the professional wife-throwing circuit. Destroy the competition.

425/426: “Princess Discord” 2-parter in which Discord becomes a draconequalicorn and replaces Celestia. As she always intended.

Persönlich könnte ich mir gut Vorstellen das es sich bei “Wingin’ It” (möglicherweise eine Scootaloo oder Twilight Episode?), "Luna-tic" (noch eine Folge mit Luna?), “For Whom The Sweetie Bell Tolls” und “Let the Games Begin” (die Equestrian Games sind ja eine große Sache in dieser Staffel) um echte Titel handelte.

Was denkt ihr?
Demon Hoove Offline

Beiträge: 1.028
Registriert seit: 26. Feb 2012

RE: Meghan McCarthy’s Aprilscherzfolgen (Spoilergefahr)
... neigh denke iwie nich, dass da viel dahintersteckt. Obwohl man durchaus, mit den Titeln herumspielrn könnte.
Aber die Bschreibungn sind genial, David Tennant ald namenloses Background Pony wäre soooo awesome.

All your Base Are Belong to us!

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Interview mit einem Dämonenpony???

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