14.01.2014 |
Great and Powerful

Beiträge: 268
Registriert seit: 12. Mär 2013
RE: Pinkology - der Club des Lachens
Juhu ^^ Leute. Uff, ich komme tatsächlich dazu die Frage dder Woche zu beantworten yay!
Also mir gefällt persönlich dieses ganze Pinkie ist auf Umwegen mit Applejack verwandt überhaubt gar nicht. Das mach AJ auf einaml so wichtig. Da macht mein slasher Herz das einzig für RainbowPie schlägt einfach nicht mit (ja ich hab nen Stock im Arsch was pairings angeht ;p Das ist mir klar, es nervt jeden aber ändern werde ich es nicht!).
Klar, schlimmer wäre eine Verwandschaft zu Rainbow. Aber wenn es nach mir ginge hätten sie das ganz weglassen können ¬ ¬.
Naja, kann ich nicht ändern. Dafür war die Folge davon abgesehn das sie sich zu viel um AJ drehte Pinkie mässig ein Höhepunkt ^^. Wie soll ich da denn jetzt bitte meine Fav szene raussuchen???
Also besonders mochte ich wie Pinkie immer alles für Fun hielt wenn alle anderen in Panik waren. Thats the way to live! Pinkies Duckface slefie war natürlich EPISCH! Genau wie in der Höhle wo sie fleissig Bilder macht wenn alle anderne kreischen. Ach Pinkie war einfach genial!
Schon am Anfang ihr: "I have noooooo idea what that means!". Ich mag es einfach das sie offen zugibt wenn sie was nicht kapiert. Bei ihr wirkt das nicht wie eine Blöße sondern einfach nur genial ^^.
Ach ja, diese Folge zeigte mal wieder warum ich Pinkie so liebe und sie eins meiner Vorbilder ist!
PS: Warum steht mein Weihnachts PMV nicht zur Wahl für die Monats Aufgabe?
14.01.2014 |
Cutie Mark Crusader

Beiträge: 32
Registriert seit: 06. Jan 2014
RE: Pinkology - der Club des Lachens
Hey Dsingis, wenn überhaupt dann teilen wir uns das Achievement, wenn das okay geht, denn verdient hast du es dir trotzdem.  Die Voraussetzung für das Achievement hast du eigentlich auch erfüllt, indem du uns die Sachlage über das Verwandschaftsverhältniss von Pinkie und Applejack anschaulich vorgetragen hast, dir ist dabei eben ein kleiner Fehler unterlaufen. Von meiner eigenen Theorie bin ich selbst auch nicht ganz überzeugt, nur eine andere Erklärung habe ich für das ganze auch nicht.
Dein 600. Beitrag war jedenfalls keine Verschwendung.
Hier wieder etwas Fanart:
Das ist echt traurig. Trotzdem ein schönen Bild
14.01.2014 |
Great and Powerful

Beiträge: 384
Registriert seit: 12. Mai 2013
RE: Pinkology - der Club des Lachens
(14.01.2014)PinkStorm schrieb: Das ist echt traurig. Trotzdem ein schönen Bild
Das ist eine Fanfiction die ziemlich traurig ist Never stop smiling
Hier ein Google doc Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1M8cCu8orET7LA2UbnMPGH3CffOu1DEhjw3-Q9uyQiwI/edit?usp=sharing
Hier für alle die kein Bock auf Google Doc haben
// Never Stop Smiling// by P3RROHAMBRE//------------------------------//
// The Letter //------------------------------//
You were my best friend.
You know that right?
I can’t really remember if I have really ever told you that, and I feel like a complete jerk that I don’t, but you were. I buck myself now for not really expressing how much of a great friend you were, so that’s why I’m writing this now.
Actually I don't know if there are words that I can think of to describe how awesome you were Pinkie Pie. I mean, yeah, you could be a bit obnoxious and make no complete sense at times, but you were always fun and happy. I couldn’t really understand why you were always so happy, but then again, there were a lot of things I didn’t understand about you Pinkie. Like how you could pop out of the most random places, and how you could even keep up with me that time when I was trying to fly away from you so our friends and I could you throw you that surprise birthday party. It kind of always boggled me, but I realized why in time.
Man, I'm terrible at writing this stuff, this is more of Twilight's area, but I know it isn't about the letter, but what I have to say, so I'm gonna keep going, but I know it's going to get harder. Never stopped me before right? Anyways...
You were more than just some random pink party pony, but a mare with a big heart. I always admired how you could befriend almost any pony you met… or donkey. Yeah, that's right, I heard about you and Cranky, and to be honest, after seeing an old geezer like him and how he acted, I would never try to be pals with that guy, but it was cool of you to make friends with him. I guess that’s what makes you Pinkie. You seemed to have this ability to just bring smiles to other ponies, and I think that was one of the reasons you were always so happy. Now, I’m not good with all that deep stuff, and I might be wrong, but that’s what I believe. It’s almost like you lived off happiness itself, and it made you glow.
Not only were you just a pony that spread laughter and joy like some type of... well... you know, but you were always there for your friends, especially me. I remember the time when I first went out to try for the Wonderbolts. I was so excited and ready, that I didn’t tell any of you what I was doing. I didn't tell any of you for a reason. I was hoping that once I was accepted, I would surprise you all. Now that I look back, it was to also show off a bit, but who wouldn’t show off something like becoming a Wonderbolt? I was confident and more than ready, but you know the rest. Apparently, I wasn’t good enough, and I was rejected. Gosh, I don’t think any pony could understand how crushed and destroyed I felt... except you... to hear the words;
Sorry Rainbow Dash, but you just didn’t cut it.
Those words haunted me and I flew home as fast as I could, crying my eyes out. I wanted to be alone, and never see the outside again. I just wanted to stay on my cloud forever and accept that I was a failure, but you wouldn’t let that happen, right Pinkie? I don’t how you knew that I was upset, considering I never told any of you guys what I did, but I assumed it was your Pinkie sense or something. I hated how you would come try to make me feel better every day, seeing me cry like some small filly, but that was just because of my pride, but you were determined. It got to the point that you had me stay with you until I got better, and I have to tell ya, trying to sleep with snoring like yours is almost impossible, but it helped.
It helped knowing that my best friend was there for me.
But there’s something else that I wanted to say in this. Something I wish I would’ve told you when I had the chance. During the time that you took care of me, I started to see not just Pinkie Pie, my super cool best friend in the entire world, but I saw… more. I had a hint of that ‘more’ after the one night you heard me crying in my sleep and woke me up. I was having a nightmare one night, a nightmare about my one biggest dream falling apart, and my failure. It seems silly now, compared to what I later found out about you, but again, the Wonderbolts were everything to me during that time. You woke me up and I couldn’t help but let it all out to you. Something swept over me when I saw how worried you looked and I could only cry. I cried the hardest I ever cried, and you held me close to you, right against your chest. I don’t know how long I cried that night, but you didn’t complain, or get upset. You simply held me as we sat on my bed for Celestia knew how long, telling you that I was done and I wanted to give up. You put your hoof to my mouth and wiped away my tears, and the words that came out of your mouth were ones that I would never forget.
It’s okay Dashie. I know you’re sad, but you can’t give up on your dreams. You’re Rainbow Dash, the greatest flier in Equestria! You just got to keep going and keep on smiling!
They were simple words, but Pinkie, you have no idea how much they meant to me. They somehow had gone right to my heart, and lifted it from the darkness. I felt like I could smile again… and I did. Like I said, you had this ability to just bring smiles, even when some pony is at their lowest. It brought a warm fuzzy feeling in me, and it’s sappy, I know, but it’s the truth, but what you did next threw my heart in a total different direction.
You kissed me.
I felt your soft lips press against mine, and though it was only for a second, it was amazing. It made my heart stop and my head foggy, but I knew this wasn't a kiss of passion, but one of a mother to her filly, but it was still amazing for me.
I could feel this sudden rush of heat in my face that I was hoping you couldn’t see. I don’t know if you did or not, but I was hoping that you simply were ignoring it, or simply was just blind to it. I had hoped for the second option, though in a way, I regret it. That night made me realize that you weren’t just my best friend, but something more than that.
I learned that I actually had feelings for you Pinkie. Feelings I never knew I had, but it was a feeling of love.
Yes, I said it. The four letter word that would make me throw up anytime some pony talked about it, but that was when I never knew love, and still very young and dumb.
I loved you Pinkie Pie. I loved you with all my heart, but I was too proud and scared to tell you. I didn’t want to ruin what we had, but now I wonder if I would have made what we have, even better, if I told you.
So I’m sorry. I’m sorry I never told you, and it’s a regret I will have for the rest of my life, because it’s too late. It’s been too late for the past eight years.
I still think about you every day, and I still cry when I go to bed at night, wishing that you were with me, laughing and giggling with your adorable snorts.
It’s been a while, but the pain of you being gone is still fresh as if it happened just yesterday, and this morning was my reminder.
It was terrible for me Pinkie. All I could think about was that day.
The day you died. The day I lost my friend and the one I loved.
I woke up that morning, and I remember the sweet smell of cinnamon rolls, or maybe it was doughnuts, but I knew the Cakes must’ve started baking already, seeing that you were actually sleeping next to me, with your arms wrapped around my body. You should’ve seen the look on my face as I saw you. I probably had the biggest grin ever in history. My heart exploded in my chest, but only too soon that I realized that you weren’t snoring like you usually did. I tapped you, whispering your name, but you didn’t reply. I shook you, and you still didn’t wake up. It had gotten to the point where I actually had hit you, but yet you laid still. That’s when I realized it, and the feeling that my heart had earlier was gone, and it dropped into my stomach. It was a cold chilling fear for me, and I put my ear to your mouth and my hoof to your soft chest. I didn’t hear anything Pinkie. Your heart was still, and your body was cold.
I realized you were dead, and you died with me in your arms with a smile on your face… It’s so hard to even write about this as I can see you so perfectly laying there. I’m shaking but I have to write this. I have to write it for you.
You were rushed to the hospital, but I knew it was too late deep down in my gut. My heart shattered, too many pieces to count, and it seemed I died with you. All I could think about was why and how? You were young and seemingly healthy, and to just go like that was just… confusing. Everything was looking up, and then this happened. I needed answers and, well, I got just that, though the answer only made losing you worse.
You had a disease, one you told no pony about. A terminal illness the doctor called it. It was something to do with destroying blood cells and all that crazy medical talk, but it didn’t matter to me. All I got is that you died from a disease you had for a long time, a secret that you held onto, and I had troubled you with something so stupid in your last moments. Compared to what you had, my problem was nothing.
If I would've known...I don't know...I would've done anything to see if there was a way to get you better or something. I would've traded my dream so that I could still have you here. Even now, if I was given the chance, I would drop it all for you, but I couldn't understand why you would hold onto a secret like that.
I was broken Pinkie. I was broken and angry. I was angry that you never told any pony, but I think angrier that you never told me. It would only be later down the years that I might have known why you kept it a secret, but I was so upset, that I didn’t know what to feel really. I just lost my best friend, how was I supposed to feel?
But now, I apologize again. I apologize for being angry with you over something that really didn’t define you. I admit that I actually hated you for a time after that day. I hated you for leaving me, for making me realize that I might have loved you, for telling me to keep on smiling. I thought what you said was a lie. How could I keep on smiling after losing the very pony that made me smile? But one day as I cried myself asleep, a thought popped into my head. It was about the reason you were always so happy. It kind of confused me how some pony could be so happy, knowing that one day they were going to die because of some sickness, but I think I had an idea why.
You were sick and you knew it, but you didn't want to stay sad and defeated, so you rose up against it and smiled. You wanted to spread the smiles right? Why hate the world as others would've and let it bring you down? So you did the very opposite, and became the happiest pony I ever seen. Now that I think of it, when you said to keep on smiling, I think it meant more than what you were letting on, and it irks me that I didn’t see it before, but I was an oblivious Pegasus, and somewhat still are today. You wanted me to keep on smiling because you knew that one day you would be gone, and you still wanted me to smile. You wanted every pony to smile.
Everyone was hurt and just shocked when they learned of your passing but in time, it seemed every pony moved on and forgotten you, except for me and our friends. Twilight actually moved back to Canterlot, resuming her studies, but I think she just couldn’t be in Ponyville anymore after losing you, but she later became an Arch Mage of Celestia’s council from what I’ve heard, and she’s pretty darn good at it. She’s even writing a book about you. Rarity and Fluttershy were pretty upset and they started to spend a whole lot of time together, and they helped each other out, and you wouldn’t believe what happened between them from all of it.
They started dating. I guess all that time they spent with each other, comforting each other, made them see each other as something more. How things work huh? They are still together and plan on getting married here in a few months.
Now Applejack was probably the toughest one of all of us, as she was the one that tried to keep every pony’s spirits high, but she was just as hurt. I had caught her on the farm one day under an apple tree crying, and I mean like crying hard, cause I had never seen her so sad. So, I did what you taught me Pinkie.
I went to her and comforted her and took care of her, as we both needed someone to lean on. I had you but, well, you were gone. We talked hours on end until Luna’s moon came up about all the pranks you would pull, and all those crazy baking experiment’s you made. It was bittersweet, but it helped her. It helped both of us. It became a habit for us both after a while to talk about you under the stars, and talk about how happy you made all of us.
And guess what? It brought us closer, and I fell in love…again. At first it felt like betrayal to you, and it took me a while to tell Applejack, but I remembered the mistake of not telling you, and realized that you would want me to go for it. So I did, and she felt the same for me. You wouldn't believe how happy I was to learn she loved me back, but I also told her how I felt about you when you were still here. I thought she would be mad, but all she did was put her hoof over my heart, telling me that it was wonderful. You were my first love, and nothing could ever replace that. I still do Pinkie...
We're married now, and thinking of adopting some foals to raise on the farm. Can you imagine me with small foals running around? Heh, me either, but raising children with Applejack would be another dream come true, as you already know one of them already came true a few years ago, but I won't go into that, as it's getting really dark.
So here I am now, as I get to the end of writing this. Here I am in front of your tombstone as I cry, but not just because you’re not here, but also with regret and happiness. A regret that I never said how I felt about you, and happiness for what you have done for me and our friends.
Especially for what you done for me.
I look now as I read the words on your grave, telling me the message you have told me long ago.
Never stop smiling.
It’s fitting for an amazing pony like you. Even in death, you still want us to smile.
So I will Pinkie Pie.
I’m going to smile, because you gave me a reason to smile.
I’m going to smile for you, because that's what you always did.
More importantly, I’m going to smile for us.
With all my heart and all my smiles, I leave this with you now, as I know you will read it in that big party up there, and so you know that I haven’t given up, but done the opposite.
I know I’ll see you again one day, and we can pull all the pranks and throw the best parties again, and I can tell you all this face to face, but for now, I have a wife to get back to.
So,I’ll see you later Pinkie Pie.
You can bet on that.
Your friend and forever lover,
Rainbow Dash.
Rainbow Dash laid the letter on the headstone as tears ran down her cerulean cheeks. She turned and flew off into the night sky as her tears glistened in the luminous glow of the moon. She would never forget Pinkie, and never fully recover from such loss, but one thing was certain.
She would smile.
And she smiled for the rest of her days as one message stayed in her heart until the day she drew her last breath.
Never Stop Smiling.
14.01.2014 |
Fancy Ferret
Ponyville Pony

Beiträge: 107
Registriert seit: 07. Dez 2013
RE: Pinkology - der Club des Lachens
Will bitte Mitglied werden. 
Demnächst will ich auch einen Pinkie-Vektor machen, hat jemand eine gute Idee/Wunsch für eine Vorlage?
15.01.2014 |

Great and Powerful

Beiträge: 415
Registriert seit: 05. Apr 2012
RE: Pinkology - der Club des Lachens
Soo, ich melde mich auch mal wieder.
Zuerst: Ich habe nun endlich wieder die Download-Packs aktualisiert. Das letzte mal war nämlich am 10.08.2013. Seitdem sind über 1400 neue Bilder hinzu gekommen. 
Finden tut ihr die Bilder(Packs) wie immer auf Dropbox und Mediafire.
Zweitens: Mein Pinkie-Tattoo ist inzwischen bestens abgeheilt.
Leider erkennt man da nicht alles. Ich werd ma ein besseres Bild machen.
Drittens: @Brownie: Ich hab gesehen, dass du bei Dropbox schon lang nicht mehr sortiert hast. Machst du da noch weiter?
Viertens: FANART!!!
16.01.2014 |

Royal Guard

Beiträge: 2.936
Registriert seit: 26. Feb 2013
RE: Pinkology - der Club des Lachens
Ich hab heute mal einen Pinkie Vector aus der neuen Folge gemacht. Ich fand' den Gesichtsausdruck einfach klasse.  Kritik ist natürlich erwünscht.
copyright by DerAtrox
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 16.01.2014 von DerAtrox.)
16.01.2014 |
Ponyville Pony

Beiträge: 199
Registriert seit: 29. Jul 2013
RE: Pinkology - der Club des Lachens
das habe ich gestern gemalt so aus langeweile meinungen ?
16.01.2014 |

Beiträge: 1.899
Registriert seit: 11. Sep 2013
RE: Pinkology - der Club des Lachens
(16.01.2014)PurbleRedGame schrieb: das habe ich gestern gemalt so aus langeweile meinungen ?
Habe ja den Schaffensprozess mitbekommen und schreib auch hier nochmal: Super 
Wenn auch abgezeichnet! x3
17.01.2014 |
empyrean dreamer
Pinkie's Pegasister

Beiträge: 1.246
Registriert seit: 19. Jun 2012
RE: Pinkology - der Club des Lachens
@ Fancy Ferret & Luzifer:
Viel pinkie-tastischen Spaß im Club wünschte euch!
Ich hatte einen Beitrag zum Dezember-Wettbewerb vergessen:
Das PMV "A Pinkie Christmas Carol - Bless us all" von MonkeyLi.
Deshalb hab ich das Voting jetzt nochmal neu eröffnet. Viel Spaß beim Abstimmen!
Außerdem hab ich ein neues Special Achievement zu vergeben.
- Ahnenforscher:
Du weißt aus eigener Erfahrung, dass Genealogie toll ist. Besser als Zuckerwatte auf einer Fontäne von Schokolade.
Träger dieses Achievements: Dsingis | PinkStorm.
Viel Spaß mit dieser Errungenschaft!
Meine Antwort zur Frage der Woche:
Die besten Szenen aus "Pinkie Apple Pie"? Das ist schwiiiierig zu entscheiden. Schließlich war die ganze Folge superklasse!
Pinkie war einfach in Hochform, gleichzeitig süß und witzig und genial. Und allgemein war's eine richtig schöne Folge, die mich total glücklich gemacht hat. Ich mag die Apples sehr und mir gefiel es, wie sie Pinkie integriert haben. "Pinkie Apple Pie" ist das perfekte Beispiel, warum ich Pinkie und MLP so mag.
Wenn ich mich aber entscheiden muss ...
Ich fand Pinkie gleich am Anfang total klasse.
"[Scream] yourself! But that doesn't answer my question, silly." 
Und dann die Sache mit der Schriftrolle. Schwerkraft gibt's in Pinkies Welt einfach nicht.
"When you're family, you make the time."
Dieser Satz war einfach über-episch! Ich liebe es, wie Pinkie ihre unmögliche 'Erdpony-Magie' anscheinend selbst als nichts besonderes ansieht.
Richtig lachen musste ich bei Pinkies "that is deep". xD
Und wie Pinkie diese gruselige Höhle mochte! Sie mag ja sowieso alles Gruselige, aber wie sie darin seelenruhig Fotos gemacht hat und dann total fröhlich rausfuhr, während alle anderen zitterten ... das war KLASSE.
Genauso wie sie ein Foto vom Adler gemacht hat, der gerade die wichtige Karte abschleppt ... und dann natürlich der Wasserfall. xD
Absolut süß fand ich, wie Pinkie das schöne Papier bewundert, noch bevor sie liest was drauf steht
Und wie sie die Apple Family aufmuntert, als sie sich für eine schlechte Familie halten. Pinkie versteht es wirklich, für gute Laune zu sorgen - und sie hatte sehr Recht mit dem, was sie gesagt hat.
Aber eigentlich könnte ich hier die ganze Folge auflisten ...
18.01.2014 |
Royal Guard

Beiträge: 3.082
Registriert seit: 29. Okt 2013
RE: Pinkology - der Club des Lachens
Mensch was eine Woche! Bin kaum dazu gekommen mal was zu posten!  Zum Glück is jetzt ENDLICH Wochenende und ich feier das mit etwas Pinkie Art (wer doppelte Bilder findet kriegt einen imaginären Keks)
"Hot Chocolate" by King-Kakapo ( Quelle)
"Agatha Christies: Pinkie" by Cyberdrace ( Quelle)
"Pinkie´s Little Felt Cells" by Cyberdrace ( Quelle)
"SMILE!" by Yuukon ( Quelle)
"Chibi Pinkie Sticker" by ShyShyOctavia ( Quelle)
"Apples to the Core V2" by seriousdog ( Quelle)
The reader will be me. I have no love, maybe I'll end up interpreting things in a weird way. However, the reader is free to decide how to read things and with which intonation. ~~Frederika Bernkastel
18.01.2014 |
empyrean dreamer
Pinkie's Pegasister

Beiträge: 1.246
Registriert seit: 19. Jun 2012
RE: Pinkology - der Club des Lachens
Und jetzt gibt's die
Ankündigung der Woche
1.) Fanart der Woche |
Welches Fanwork hat wohl heute gewonnen?
Diesmal gewinnt ein sehr trauriges Bild. Denn auch Sad Art ist eine Kunst für sich.
"Never Stop Smiling".
Hier gepostet von PinkStorm. Vielen Dank!
(Eigentlich hat PinkStorm eine andere Version gepostet, aber ich hab mal den Link zur Originalversion rausgesucht. )
2.) Wöchentliche Party-Punkte |
Diego --> 5
Daron --> 5
Dsingis --> 5
PinkChaos --> 5
PinkStorm --> 15
Ezidow --> 5
Braweria --> 5
MissOlga --> 5
Shadow ELE --> 5
Lunara --> 5
Loki1986 --> 5
3.) Neue Frage der Woche |
"'Friendship is Magic' ist eine sehr gute Serie - aber selbst die beste Serie ist nicht immer 100% perfekt geschrieben.
Und selbst der genialste Charakter muss nicht immer den eigenen Geschmack treffen.
Gibt es irgendwelche Folgen oder Szenen, in denen euch Pinkie nicht so gut gefällt?"
Viel Spaß beim Antworten!
Und der Startpost ... 100% check. 
~ die Leitstute.
Auf die Frage der Woche will ich direkt mal antworten.
Meine Antwort:
... Szenen, in denen mir Pinkie nicht gefällt?
Hmm ... eigentlich gibt's da sehr wenige. In den ersten beiden Staffeln eigentlich gar keine.
Szenen, in denen sie negative Charakterzüge zeigt, lass ich jetzt mal außen vor. Ihre schlechten Eigenschaften und die Fehler, die sie macht, passen zu ihrer Persönlichkeit - und ansonsten wär sie langweilig. 
In den ersten zwei Staffeln ist Pinkie ein soo gut durchdachter (und einzigartiger, genialer, liebenswerter!) Charakter, dass es da einfach nichts gibt, was mir gar nicht gefallen würde.
Seit Staffel 3 hat sich Pinkie ja etwas verändert. Sie wird "extremer" dargestellt und bringt mehr Witze.
Ich fand das erst ein bisschen schade - weil sie dadurch nicht mehr so glaubwürdig als Charakter ist wie die ursprüngliche Pinkie.
Aber inzwischen find ich's vollkommen in Ordnung. Stellenweise ist Pinkie so noch genialer als früher - einfach eine legendäre Cartoonfigur, die seehr gut geschrieben ist und immer wieder überrascht. 
Und ihr grundsätzlicher Charakter bleibt ja derselbe.
Auch in Staffel 3 & 4 find ich die allermeisten Pinkie-Szenen super.
Ein paar gefallen mir dann allerdings nicht so.
In "Games Ponies Play" kann ich mich einfach nicht mit dieser "Round Room" Szene anfreunden.
Pinkie ist normalerweise immer so wortgewandt - und gut aus Situationen rausreden konnte sie sich schon in "Swarm of the Century" (Kuchen-Geschmackstest? Klar.)
Und hier fällt ihr nichts ein, außer vor Miss Peachbottom Grimassen zu ziehen? Ziiiiemlich out of character. Pinkie wird hier als etwas dumm dargestellt, und das ist sie nicht.
Ich mag die Szene einfach nicht - sie passt vielleicht gut in die Folge, aber ist eher bescheuert als witzig.
Ansonsten ist Pinkie in "Games Ponies Play" aber fast schon überdurchschnittlich gut. Ich mag sie vor allem als Drama Queen
In "Power Ponies" mag ich die Pinkie-Szenen, die in Equestria spielen.
Das hier könnte ich mir tausendmal anschauen. 
Aber Pinkie als Fili-Second? Meh. Ihre Kampftechnik ist witzig und ihre Superkraft ist passend. Aber die Pinkie, die ich kenne, würde damit mehr anstellen als ständig nur Süßigkeiten zu holen. Und das vor allem nicht mitten in Kämpfen tun.
Pinkie liebt Süßes, aber noch mehr liebt sie Spaß mit ihren Freunden. Ich hätte eher erwartet, dass die ganzen Superkräfte Pinkie total begeistern würden. Und dass sie ALLES ausprobieren würde. Aber dann nimmt sie das alles einfach hin und nutzt ihr Talent nur, um zur Bäckerei zu rennen. xD
Naja, Fluttershy war in der Folge aber viiiiel mehr ooc. Die ganze Folge fand ich nicht so toll gelungen.
Dann gibt's noch diese Szene in "Bats!", in der sich Pinkie in die Erde einbohrt.
Das war etwas zu übertrieben für meinen Geschmack.
Ich find Pinkies 'Cartoon-Magie' bzw. 'Erdpony-Magie' ja genial ... wie sie so jeder Logik trotzt. Aber das ganze muss subtil bleiben, damit es witzig ist. So war es doch immer, und Pinkies andere Mähnentricks in "Bats!" gefielen mir auch super.
Aber das war einfach nur noch ein WTF. Obwohl Pinkie in der Folge ansonsten episch war.
... so viel war das jetzt trotzdem nicht 
Und so ein paar schwächere Szenen hatte wirklich schon jedes Pony.
Da schneidet Pinkie sogar gut ab, wie ich finde. Aber wen wundert das? Pinkie ist eben toll.