14.02.2014 |

Beiträge: 940
Registriert seit: 02. Nov 2013
Agent shows XM-influenced Art!
Hier werde ich alles reinposten, was ich so künstlerisch fabriziere. Kritik & Tipps dringend erwünscht!
Guess who's back. Back again.
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 27.05.2014 von Dominik.)
15.02.2014 |

Beiträge: 940
Registriert seit: 02. Nov 2013
RE: Agent shows XM-influenced Art!
Ich warte immer noch auf dich,
Jeden Vollmond um Mitternacht,
Und immer versetzt du mich,
aber nun bin ich erwacht.
Wir hatten eine tolle Zeit,
wir reisten so Weit,
hatten viele Abenteuer,
das war deiner Schwester nicht Geheuer.
Sie verbannte dich eines Tages auf den Mond,
und nahm mir damit meinen einzigen Freund.
Und wer da wohnt,
das hat man wohl versäumt.
Nun ist es tausend Jahre her,
weiss davon noch irgendwer?
Und ich stehe da, wartend auf dich
Im Angesicht des fahlen Mondlicht.
Luna,du sollst wissen,
ich Liebe dich,
und es plagt mein Gewissen.
Ich erettete nicht dich.
Deine Schwester hats endlich eingesehen,
hofft darauf das du zur Besinnung kommst.
Jetzt werde wir dich ersehnen,
darauf, dass du kommst.
She is the Goddess of the Night,
She is always alright,
but burding such a weight,
of her very hard fight.
She made the beautiful Stars,
she formed the Sky in so many wars,
but always had her fun,
even if she had to run.
But she is still a pony,
and such a sweet honey,
hard shell,soft heart,
now take your part.
What´s going on?
Who has won?
I get a better sight.
And I was right.
Theres she lying,
still lying,
and denying,
she is dying.
Her sister crying,
and is trying,
to save her,
such a bear.
"I am so sorry, sister.
I never wanted such a Twister!"
"It´s ok... Luna, I still love you.
And I... Forgive you."
~ So she died, in the hooves of her sister,
later known as the doom of the twister.
The princess of the night,
giving us fading Light,
she is dark, thats right,
Because she is the princess of the night.
Luna is her name, remember that one;
And she had ever won.
Every match, every game,
Thats what they say, I do the same.
Her sister,the light,
but not guiding through the night.
Thats her sisters job, Lunas job.
And she has no right to rob. (it)
Many good aspects,
and not so good ones,
but she deserves respect,
she had her job done.
Guess who's back. Back again.
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 27.05.2014 von Dominik.)
15.02.2014 |


Beiträge: 625
Registriert seit: 24. Dez 2013
RE: Agent shows XM-influenced Art!
Das sind wirklich sehr gute Reime Domnitro
am besten fand ich das aller erste Moon is waiting wirklich gut gemacht
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 15.02.2014 von Joe.)
19.02.2014 |

Beiträge: 940
Registriert seit: 02. Nov 2013
RE: Agent shows XM-influenced Art!
Vielen Dank!
Arbeite schon am nächsten Gedicht,das wird dann viele verschiedene Ponies behandeln.
Etwa Pinkie Pie einen 4-Zeiler,Fluttershy,Lyra Heartstrings usw. (Also alle die,die sich zu dem Moment gut verknüpfen lassen und etwas bekannter sind.)
Guess who's back. Back again.
08.03.2014 |

Beiträge: 940
Registriert seit: 02. Nov 2013
RE: Agent shows XM-influenced Art!
Ist ehrlich gesagt nicht von mir, sondern von einer Freundin von mir.
Ich denke, es verdient trotzdem hiern gepostet zu werden.
+Kyra Rousseaux
Guess who's back. Back again.
24.03.2014 |

Beiträge: 940
Registriert seit: 02. Nov 2013
RE: Agent shows XM-influenced Art!
The mare in the moon,
empty her room,
loniless her doom,
banned on the moon.
The stars are beautiful,
they are pretty cool,
glowing through the night,
guiding me with their light.
The sky as blue as ever,
a beautiful landscape never seen.
I am denying my love to her? Never!
Never this lucky been.
The moon, a big, white face,
chasing the sun, like a race.
Light is fading away,
I am sitting on the bay.
Now to her herself,
will follow you until the death- by myself.
Luna, my one and only,
you are so beautiful, and I am lonely.
Guess who's back. Back again.
27.05.2014 |

Beiträge: 940
Registriert seit: 02. Nov 2013
RE: Agent shows XM-influenced Art!
Arttrade mit Mactatus, endlich fertig geworden.
The Mother of them all is a special one,
this all wasn't born in a run,
She rules the discord in Equestria,
nopony can do anything - even Celestia.
The second one gots her strength from sadness,
and that makes her so badass.
She is everything you lost,
and this she does most.
The third one creates illusions,
working like a cloaked shemer.
her intrigues looks like solutions,
her nickname is the cloaked shemer.
You already giving up? It's her fault!
She's doing this by default.
Once spoken her verdict,
her victims hopeless in her district.
The next one looks hot,
she says you are a god,
Just to attract your attention,
and what is then... I don't want to mention.
This one works together with the last one,
she rules the broken hearts and hurting feels,
but turns your heart into stone,
And step on you with her heels.
The next one makes everythnig to a treasure,
everything you got you"ll measure,
your greed becomes awake
that is was she made.
The sister of anger,
this means danger,
for her hate and rage are the truth,
like earlier in her youth.
The Death is nearby,
but it is female!
open her wings makes your vitality rely,
And then you are pale.
Pure anxiety is coming,
making your fears and horrors come true!
Her Nightmare makes your body suffer like wrapped with string,
Panic she will construe.
Pure malice this one is bringing,
Controls your mind, like it's wringing,
makes you kill your friends,
and you don't even tend.
She looks so kind, don't she?
No. She can transform in a total different be.
Making others feeling pathethic,
later they could need a medic.
The next one is envy.
Not getting envy, being envy.
It's easy for her and makes much fun,
and later some could be on the run.
Guess who's back. Back again.