What english is spoken here?
American English?
(Oh fuck yeah, gimme that burger.)
Or british English?
(Oh, Darling, could you be so gentle and give me the Tea, please?)
Or German?
(Can I have ze Sauerkraut please?)
(03.03.2014)Rocket Jumper schrieb: What english is spoken here?
American English?
(Oh fuck yeah, gimme that burger.)
Or british English?
(Oh, Darling, could you be so gentle and give me the Tea, please?)
Or German?
(Can I have ze Sauerkraut please?)
Both American and British English.
(03.03.2014)PartyBrony schrieb: I dont know what ya mean! Did ya wanted to say: "How are you?" or "What are ya doing?"
Ooops, sorry, thats my slang.
I meant, How are you?
Zis is prezious german english.
Cuz we germans are proud of our Muttersprache and don't accept other languages.
*seel on To-Do List the "Being Quotennazi" Point and make a Strich through the Wort.*
What game is it?
I reply questions at my "Fragethread" (stupid german language) and play Battlefield 1942!
(03.03.2014)Rocket Jumper schrieb: Zis is prezious german english.
Cuz we germans are proud of our Muttersprache and don't accept other languages.
*seel on To-Do List the "Being Quotennazi" Point and make a Strich through the Wort.*
I love Quotennazis! Can i have a autogramm on my Gasmaske?
(03.03.2014)Rocket Jumper schrieb: Zis is prezious german english.
Cuz we germans are proud of our Muttersprache and don't accept other languages.
*seel on To-Do List the "Being Quotennazi" Point and make a Strich through the Wort.*
I love Quotennazis! Can i have a autogramm on my Gasmaske?
*signs your Gasmaske with his Name and a Reichsadler*
Here, for you.