Eigenes Universum vielleicht?
So wie Snadbox, nur dass ich auch nicht ALLES kann.
Ich könnte mich zum Beispiel wiedergebähren lassen und ein normales Leben führen, sodass ich nach meinem Tod erst weis, was passiert ist, oder aber als Mensch oder was auch immer auf die Erde gehen und mir anschauen, was es da so gibt.
Meine eigene Kopie dieses Universums
Naja spontan würde ich gerne einfach das Universum, die Zeit und eigentlich das sein an sich bereisen können, so ca nach Prinzip von Dr. Who. Das wäre was für mich, so eine Inkarnation, als... wie auch immer man das nennen will
Is this world important? Important? What does that mean, important? Six billion people live here, ist that important? Here's a better question: Is this world a threat to the Atraxi? Oh come on, you're monitoring the whole planet! Is this world a threat?
No. Are the peoples of this world guilty of any crime by the laws of the Atraxi?
No. "Okay! One more, just one. Is this world protected? You're not the first ones who come here, oh there have been so many. And what you've got to ask is: What happened to them? Hello, I'm the Doctor. Basically... run."
~Matt Smith, 11. Doctor to the Atraxi Invaders, S5 E1 "The Eleventh Hour"
Ich mag die Idee einer Schule in der man die Chance bekommt seine ungelebten Träume zu verwirklichen aus Angel Beats!, aber ich fände es auch als Poltergeist lustig!
Is this world important? Important? What does that mean, important? Six billion people live here, ist that important? Here's a better question: Is this world a threat to the Atraxi? Oh come on, you're monitoring the whole planet! Is this world a threat?
No. Are the peoples of this world guilty of any crime by the laws of the Atraxi?
No. "Okay! One more, just one. Is this world protected? You're not the first ones who come here, oh there have been so many. And what you've got to ask is: What happened to them? Hello, I'm the Doctor. Basically... run."
~Matt Smith, 11. Doctor to the Atraxi Invaders, S5 E1 "The Eleventh Hour"
Is this world important? Important? What does that mean, important? Six billion people live here, ist that important? Here's a better question: Is this world a threat to the Atraxi? Oh come on, you're monitoring the whole planet! Is this world a threat?
No. Are the peoples of this world guilty of any crime by the laws of the Atraxi?
No. "Okay! One more, just one. Is this world protected? You're not the first ones who come here, oh there have been so many. And what you've got to ask is: What happened to them? Hello, I'm the Doctor. Basically... run."
~Matt Smith, 11. Doctor to the Atraxi Invaders, S5 E1 "The Eleventh Hour"
Is this world important? Important? What does that mean, important? Six billion people live here, ist that important? Here's a better question: Is this world a threat to the Atraxi? Oh come on, you're monitoring the whole planet! Is this world a threat?
No. Are the peoples of this world guilty of any crime by the laws of the Atraxi?
No. "Okay! One more, just one. Is this world protected? You're not the first ones who come here, oh there have been so many. And what you've got to ask is: What happened to them? Hello, I'm the Doctor. Basically... run."
~Matt Smith, 11. Doctor to the Atraxi Invaders, S5 E1 "The Eleventh Hour"