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15.03.2025, 16:00

Czequestria 2014 [Prague, Czech Republic] - Tickets sale now!
Honzdir Offline
Cutie Mark Crusader

Beiträge: 23
Registriert seit: 02. Okt 2013

Czequestria 2014 [Prague, Czech Republic] - Tickets sale now!
[Bild: Czequestria_Header_Draft3_zps1f9fd3ca.png]

Czequestria - 1. CZ/SK bronies My little pony: Friendship is Magic convention
Web Link: www.czequestria.cz
Date: 30-31.8. 2014 (+29.8. 2014 LARP event )
Location: KD Krakov, Prague, CZ
Language: English and Czech/Slovak

FaceBook event link: https://www.facebook.com/events/291892140969974/
Twitter Czequestria: https://twitter.com/Czequestria
Twitter Miss Libussa: https://twitter.com/MissLibussa

The inevitable has become a reality - Bronies in Czech and Slovak republic have grown in such numbers that a big celebration is in order!


Ticket Tiers:

The usual, please! (320 CZK)
  • 2-day entry
  • LARP game entry
  • Convention guide
  • Special lanyard badge
Feelin' Fancy? (777 CZK)
  • 2-day entry
  • LARP game entry
  • Convention guide
  • Special lanyard badge
  • Czequestria 2014 T-shirt
  • Name/Nick mention in con. guide
  • Czequestria 2014 badge

Castle Royale (1800 CZK)

Already gone, sorry AB spin
  • 2-day entry
  • LARP game entry
  • Convention guide
  • Special lanyard badge
  • Czequestria 2014 T-shirt
  • Name/Nick mention in con. guide
  • Czequestria 2014 badge
  • Tickets (2) to Sugar Cube Corner
  • Limited ed. of Miss Libussa '14 figurine
  • Name/Nick in sponsors

Czech brony from Bronies.cz RD laugh
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 20.05.2014 von Honzdir.)
404compliant Offline
GalaCon Volunteer-Stratege Carrot Not Found

Beiträge: 8.357
Registriert seit: 23. Okt 2011

RE: Czequestria 2014 [Prague, Czech Republic] - Ticket sale opens: 18.5.! This sunday!
Well, good luck for your first own convention, the CZ/SK know how to party, no doubt!

However, why does it have to be August once again? Summer is more than just August. With BronyCon, GalaCon and BUCK one week earlier, this month was waaay too packed already...

Honzdir Offline
Cutie Mark Crusader

Beiträge: 23
Registriert seit: 02. Okt 2013

RE: Czequestria 2014 [Prague, Czech Republic] - Ticket sale opens: 18.5.! This sunday!
The tickets sale starts in half an hour!!


Go grab one before they're gone! RD wink

And we also added information about accomodation in Prague https://www.czequestria.cz/info/accomoda...anguage=en

Czech brony from Bronies.cz RD laugh
catra Offline
Silly Filly

Beiträge: 71
Registriert seit: 21. Jun 2012

RE: Czequestria 2014 [Prague, Czech Republic] - Ticket sale opens: 18.5.! This sunday!
(17.05.2014)404compliant schrieb:  However, why does it have to be August once again? Summer is more than just August. With BronyCon, GalaCon and BUCK one week earlier, this month was waaay too packed already...

joa, das ist etwas stressig, aber... 3 europäische cons in einem monat, wie cool ist das denn? Pinkie happy

und prag bietet einen großen vorteil für alle die sich aus kostengründen von den ausländischen conventions fernhalten. es ist nicht allzu weit von der deutschen grenze, also leicht erreichbar und die eintrittspreise zur con sind nicht hoch. ich freu mich schon total darauf! Twilight happy
Nastor Abwesend

Beiträge: 3.666
Registriert seit: 16. Jun 2012

Czequestria 2014 [Prague, Czech Republic] - Ticket sale opens: 18.5.! This sunday!
To je opravdu skvělé, že česko ma vlastní Con FS grins
Já bych moc rád poznal několik českých bronies

( I must switch to Englisch, because my writing skills in czech aren't as good as they were once RD laugh )

I find it a little to close to the other Conventions, too. I'd realy like to go there, but I already used my holiday time from Work on other MLP-Cons.

If you repeat it next year, pleas make it on a different Month (Like June). Then I will come to the Con
Jamis Offline
Ponyville Pony

Beiträge: 200
Registriert seit: 19. Sep 2013

RE: Czequestria 2014 [Prague, Czech Republic]
(17.05.2014)404compliant schrieb:  Well, good luck for your first own convention, the CZ/SK know how to party, no doubt!

Thanks Smile I hope we'll meet there too!

Zitat:However, why does it have to be August once again? Summer is more than just August. With BronyCon, GalaCon and BUCK one week earlier, this month was waaay too packed already...

Yes, we are aware of that - it was not an easy decision. The main reason why the last weekend in August is quite simple: Czequestria starts with MLP LARP in Prague on Friday. Many of CZ/SK bronies are still students and they start with school on 1st September - unfortunately, they can't attend Friday event after this date.

The second reason is that many of us will attend Galacon this year (we can't miss it RD wink ) and these two are not so close to each other. CZ/SK expedition do BUCK will be smaller (because of the distance and the flight tickets price).

Princess Luna: Everypony has fears, Scootaloo. Everypony must face them in their own way. But they must be faced, or the nightmares will continue.

Rainbow Dash: It feels good to help others get something they always wanted but never had. Almost as good as getting it yourself.
Linzerony Abwesend

Beiträge: 1.538
Registriert seit: 12. Apr 2013

RE: Czequestria 2014 [Prague, Czech Republic] - Ticket sale opens: 18.5.! This sunday!

I wanted to go to Czequestria, since I have heard about it for the first time.
Yavos (†) Offline

Beiträge: 2.268
Registriert seit: 17. Okt 2012

RE: Czequestria 2014 [Prague, Czech Republic] - Tickets sale now!
I've got a question about your ticket sales.
Why are there additional fees for bank transfer? Shouldn't that be the easier version inside of europe with these fancy new bank number systems nobody can remember anymore? (Also as far as I know paypal charges additional fees for such things as well.)

And in worst case scenario, can I just come to Prague and give my money directly to you, Jamis? xD

[Bild: signatur_680x200px_by_yavos-d5qmuyy.png]
Jamis Offline
Ponyville Pony

Beiträge: 200
Registriert seit: 19. Sep 2013

RE: Czequestria 2014 [Prague, Czech Republic] - Tickets sale now!
(21.05.2014)Yavos schrieb:  Why are there additional fees for bank transfer? Shouldn't that be the easier version inside of europe with these fancy new bank number systems nobody can remember anymore? (Also as far as I know paypal charges additional fees for such things as well.)

I also expected that in year 2014 with all bank institutes connected and do not have any *** fees for international money transfer, as this cost them almost nothing, but unfortunately, it's not the case.

Czech Republic do not use Euro, so this regulation do not apply here.


When sending Euros from a country in EU to our account, Euro Payment (SEPA) should be in effect (we have our bank account in Fio) - that means the fee (for us - incoming EUR payment) should be only 1€:

Zitat:Individuals, entrepreneurs and companies can take advantage of Euro payments within the Eurozone for an unbeatable price. A Euro payment in this sense is understood as a SEPA payment or a payment made using the TARGET2 European payment settlement system.

Standard Euro credits for €1 (or CZK 25 for a CZK account).

Honestly, I have no experience with international payments in this way (I usually use PayPal). The only exception is Slovakia: transfers in EUR to Czech are free of charge in this case.

Zitat:And in worst case scenario, can I just come to Prague and give my money directly to you, Jamis? xD

Well, if you appear in Prague again, why not Smile we have at least 3 brony meetups per week anyway (even if I don't have a time to visit them all any more) or I travel to Germany quite often (next weekend is the nearest case; destination near Frankfurt).

It can be done, if there is no other option, but of course, I cannot provide it to everyone - that would be crazy and cost a lot of time.

Princess Luna: Everypony has fears, Scootaloo. Everypony must face them in their own way. But they must be faced, or the nightmares will continue.

Rainbow Dash: It feels good to help others get something they always wanted but never had. Almost as good as getting it yourself.
Yavos (†) Offline

Beiträge: 2.268
Registriert seit: 17. Okt 2012

RE: Czequestria 2014 [Prague, Czech Republic] - Tickets sale now!
Okay then. Seems strange that it still costs a fee for european transactions to non-€-countries, but whatever. Seems like I have to use paypal after all. Lyra eww

I've got some other questions now, though.
Are there already more information about your LARP event? (like what time on friday afternoon it will start?)

Also what happens if we don't know yet if we can attend the LARP event?

Do you offer places to sleep again? Sleeping in our cars works but I'm not quite sure if that is allowed or a good idea in Prague. AJ hmm

Is it possible to order tickets for more than one person and/or does the person who orders the ticket need to be the same receiving it? (I still don't know how big our group will be, but I want to be prepared. [Bild: cl-spike-write.png])

That's it for now. Pinkie approved

[Bild: signatur_680x200px_by_yavos-d5qmuyy.png]
Jamis Offline
Ponyville Pony

Beiträge: 200
Registriert seit: 19. Sep 2013

RE: Czequestria 2014 [Prague, Czech Republic] - Tickets sale now!

sorry for delayed answer - we are quite busy with all around Czequestria right now.

(28.05.2014)Yavos schrieb:  Okay then. Seems strange that it still costs a fee for european transactions to non-€-countries, but whatever. Seems like I have to use paypal after all. Lyra eww

Yeah... but fortunately for us, it's just a 1€ fee for recipient, at least in this case (SEPA payment, from EU account in EUR to our account in Czech Republic). This also matches bank terms (EN).

We just tried it with our fellow brony friend from Austria. So if you want to pay this way, just add 1€ to the ticket cost. Info about this will be added to our webpages shortly.

Zitat:I've got some other questions now, though.
Are there already more information about your LARP event? (like what time on friday afternoon it will start?)

Also what happens if we don't know yet if we can attend the LARP event?

We are going to release more detailed information about LARP event soon - sorry for not much informing so far about one of the most important things we are planning.
So far what I can say: the event starts shortly before the lunch - say about 11am because we expect, that some teams will be slower (even if they should not stuck on the way) and they should arrive to finish not so late, because LARP finish will not be the last thing on Friday, we are going to do Smile

If you still don't know if you will be able to attend LARP, please fill in the most likely variant and in case of changes let us know as soon as possible on tickets@czskbronies.cz - LARP event is designed as easy to expand or reduce the amount of attendees.

Zitat:Do you offer places to sleep again? Sleeping in our cars works but I'm not quite sure if that is allowed or a good idea in Prague. AJ hmm

There will be bronies oversleeping at our brony-flat in Prague, but at this point I can't promise how many places will be available. If you are interested, please send me a PM.

Speaking of accommodation... we updated the Accomodation section on our webpages (I'm not sure if you have seen it). There is he list of nearby hotels and hostels, that are quite cheap and easy to use.

Zitat:Is it possible to order tickets for more than one person and/or does the person who orders the ticket need to be the same receiving it? (I still don't know how big our group will be, but I want to be prepared. [Bild: cl-spike-write.png])

That's it for now. Pinkie approved

Every person will have his own ticket ID and name printed on payment confirmation. So it will be really better if everypony registered for himself. You can register with someone else details and then pay his/hers ticket from your own account - no problem with that.

If you want to purchase more tickets on yourself now and then change it to tickets for someone else, please let us know to tickets@czskbronies.cz - we can arrange it individually.

Princess Luna: Everypony has fears, Scootaloo. Everypony must face them in their own way. But they must be faced, or the nightmares will continue.

Rainbow Dash: It feels good to help others get something they always wanted but never had. Almost as good as getting it yourself.
TenshiHikaru Offline
Ponyville Pony

Beiträge: 136
Registriert seit: 31. Mai 2014

RE: Czequestria 2014 [Prague, Czech Republic] - Tickets sale now!
Preju vam vsechno nejlepsi na event Wink
A hlavne hodne zajemcu. Ad vam to vide^^

(Ich wünsche euch alles gute für das Event)
(Und vor allem ganz viele Interessenten so das die Veranstaltung was wird Smile

[Bild: 2dvsxz.png]
Jamis Offline
Ponyville Pony

Beiträge: 200
Registriert seit: 19. Sep 2013

RE: Czequestria 2014 [Prague, Czech Republic] - Tickets sale now!
(28.05.2014)Yavos schrieb:  Sleeping in our cars works but I'm not quite sure if that is allowed or a good idea in Prague. AJ hmm

I forgot to answer this - as long as your car don't stand on the place, where the car standing is forbidden, it's ok. We don't have any rules about sleeping in cars and as far as I know it's used without any problems.

(03.06.2014)TenshiHikaru schrieb:  Preju vam vsechno nejlepsi na event Wink
A hlavne hodne zajemcu. Ad vam to vide^^

(Ich wünsche euch alles gute für das Event)
(Und vor allem ganz viele Interessenten so das die Veranstaltung was wird Smile

Thanks Smile are you going to visit us too?

Princess Luna: Everypony has fears, Scootaloo. Everypony must face them in their own way. But they must be faced, or the nightmares will continue.

Rainbow Dash: It feels good to help others get something they always wanted but never had. Almost as good as getting it yourself.
Yavos (†) Offline

Beiträge: 2.268
Registriert seit: 17. Okt 2012

RE: Czequestria 2014 [Prague, Czech Republic] - Tickets sale now!
Just a quick update:
Paypal seems to add its own tribute as well.
The 777 CZK ticket is raised up to 811.80 CZK (30,67€, today's price) on paypal. The 320 CZK one is raised up to 340.20 CZK (12,85 €, today's price) which means ~ 4.5 to 6.3% more to pay.
It appears that euro transfer is still the cheaper option.
Just read that it's 3.4% + 10 CZK you have to charge for paypal. Didn't see that section before. ^^"

I'll just go with that option without paypal now and see how it works. Pinkie approved

[Bild: signatur_680x200px_by_yavos-d5qmuyy.png]
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 04.06.2014 von Yavos (†).)
Jamis Offline
Ponyville Pony

Beiträge: 200
Registriert seit: 19. Sep 2013

RE: Czequestria 2014 [Prague, Czech Republic] - Tickets sale now!
(04.06.2014)Yavos schrieb:  It appears that euro transfer is still the cheaper option.

I'll just go with that option without paypal now and see how it works. Pinkie approved

Yes, if you are in EU and using Euro, then SEPA transfer is definitely better. I think we received your payment today Twilight smile

Princess Luna: Everypony has fears, Scootaloo. Everypony must face them in their own way. But they must be faced, or the nightmares will continue.

Rainbow Dash: It feels good to help others get something they always wanted but never had. Almost as good as getting it yourself.
RainbowTrashie Offline
Ponyville Pony

Beiträge: 108
Registriert seit: 09. Aug 2013

RE: Czequestria 2014 [Prague, Czech Republic] - Tickets sale now!
Wouldn't be an expensive trip from Bavaria to Prague.

I'll think about it! Pinkie happy

[Bild: apple_fritter_fan_button_by_kasumi357-d7so6tr.png]
Jamis Offline
Ponyville Pony

Beiträge: 200
Registriert seit: 19. Sep 2013

RE: Czequestria 2014 [Prague, Czech Republic] - Tickets sale now!
Info update

Didn't catch the Castle Royale ticket? We've launched crowd-funding campaign which includes the Libussa figurine!

We've got cool goodies starting from badges, leaving your name/nick in convention guide for others, the classic CZ/SK bronies t-shirt (which you may have seen demonstrated en-masse on Galacon '13; available in M/F style from XS to XXL), a sand-engraved Half-liter beer glass (or any other non alcoholic drink that you can drink by half-litre meassures!) and previously mentioned Miss Libussa! (she is gorgeous ^^; Thanks Stevelynx!)

[Bild: e0cd64a4-947c-4039-b9ab-2f2fb46233cd_zps7d87adea.png]

Campaign website: http://kreativcisobe.cz/307
Instructions in EN (how to pay/register): http://bit.ly/1kY47cz

Not able to attend? No problem - we can arrange for delivery via post, althou it will take time as we need to work on Czequestria, so it will be posted afterwards. (however we will still try to handle it before!) Additional postage fees apply however, as every country's postage system is different.

Hope to see you at Czequestria 2014!

Princess Luna: Everypony has fears, Scootaloo. Everypony must face them in their own way. But they must be faced, or the nightmares will continue.

Rainbow Dash: It feels good to help others get something they always wanted but never had. Almost as good as getting it yourself.
Jamis Offline
Ponyville Pony

Beiträge: 200
Registriert seit: 19. Sep 2013

RE: Czequestria 2014 [Prague, Czech Republic] - Tickets sale now!
Just want to let you know that the deadline for advertisement spots in our Convention Guide is almost up!
More information here:

Additionally, its only 11 days left until the end of the crowdfunding campaign which is right here:

Soon we will also be releasing a compilation of vendors that have been approved to our convention so you can prepare your wallets for the goodies that will be on sale!

Lastly - we've released the full information packet regarding the friday LARP event!
You can find the information on that right here:

For any queries or questions, let us know through email info@czskbronies.cz or via Twitter, bronies.cz forum, Facebook page or Eurobronies forum!

Cheers and have a great start of the week! <3

Princess Luna: Everypony has fears, Scootaloo. Everypony must face them in their own way. But they must be faced, or the nightmares will continue.

Rainbow Dash: It feels good to help others get something they always wanted but never had. Almost as good as getting it yourself.
Yavos (†) Offline

Beiträge: 2.268
Registriert seit: 17. Okt 2012

RE: Czequestria 2014 [Prague, Czech Republic] - Tickets sale now!
(23.06.2014)Jamis schrieb:  Additionally, its only 11 days left until the end of the crowdfunding campaign which is right here:


For any queries or questions, let us know through email info@czskbronies.cz or via Twitter, bronies.cz forum, Facebook page or Eurobronies forum!
Meh. I'll do it here instead. [Bild: cl-pp-awesome.png]

You don't happen to have an english version of your crowdfunding campaign, do you? I clicked around a little but when it comes to paying everything is in your strange language that I still didn't bother to learn. And I still don't trust google translate enough to rely on that for transfering money.
Also it appears I can't get that beer glass and the figurine in one go?

[edit] Okay, found the tutorial for how to donate over at http://bronies.cz/Vlakno-Czequestria-Cro...e-se-vraci.
That however leaves me without any option to donate from outside of Czech Republic. (The german Volksbank seems to be incompatible with yours as it seems.)
Guess I'll just wait for your answer and then send you a pm with a possible solution.

[Bild: signatur_680x200px_by_yavos-d5qmuyy.png]
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 23.06.2014 von Yavos (†).)
Jamis Offline
Ponyville Pony

Beiträge: 200
Registriert seit: 19. Sep 2013

RE: Czequestria 2014 [Prague, Czech Republic] - Tickets sale now!
There was an English description for the campaign, but unfortunately, the page itself was in Czech (we certainly do not expect anyone from abroad to learn our language Smile if you do not live here, it's not worth it). I understand that Google Translator is a not so reliable, when you are about to send money somewhere over the Internet - lesson for us, for the next time (even if crowdfunding for smaller amount of money, if includes all the fees, is not that good as it seems to be).

Princess Luna: Everypony has fears, Scootaloo. Everypony must face them in their own way. But they must be faced, or the nightmares will continue.

Rainbow Dash: It feels good to help others get something they always wanted but never had. Almost as good as getting it yourself.

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