04:23 - gurney332: now that i said that now what?
04:24 - #SL4shGod: i dont know, im tired, its 4:24 in germany ^^
04:25 - gurney332: ok
04:25 - gurney332: well in US the time is the time for <3
04:25 - #SL4shGod:
04:26 - #SL4shGod: im gonna go to bed for now, see you and good night
04:26 - gurney332: good night my love
04:26 - gurney332: ill be on tommorow
04:26 - #SL4shGod:
04:26 - gurney332: ?
15:46 - gurney332: hi
Mittwoch, 13. August 2014
15:48 - #SL4shGod: hi
15:49 - gurney332: <3
15:51 - gurney332: do u love me? cause i love u
15:51 - #SL4shGod: why do u love me
15:55 - gurney332: cause i had a felling when we were talking i had a felling saying boy i like this girl then it turned to love
15:55 - gurney332: thats why
15:56 - gurney332 spielt jetzt Team Fortress 2. Hier klicken, um mitzuspielen.
15:57 - gurney332: is that a good reason for u?
15:58 - gurney332: well is it?
15:58 - #SL4shGod: dont know, im confused
15:58 - gurney332: D;
15:59 - gurney332: well i <3 u
16:00 - #SL4shGod:
16:00 - gurney332: so ya
16:00 - gurney332: remember i told u last night and you got off
16:01 - #SL4shGod: yes
16:01 - gurney332: ya
16:01 - gurney332: and i asked u what do u wnat to say to me now that i have said that and u said idk so is there any thing u wanna tell me?
16:03 - #SL4shGod: im confused because im a male ^^
16:03 - gurney332 ist Offline.