Regeln zum "Exhausten" und "Power":
(503.5) Exhausted cards do not contribute their power to Faceoffs or to
confronting problems.
(507.1) A card’s power is the number in the top right-hand corner.
Und jetzt zum Faceoff selber:
(514.2a) If the Faceoff is a Troublemaker Faceoff, the Troublemaker
and the challenger’s characters at the Troublemaker’s Problem are
involved in the Faceoff.
(514.2b) If the Faceoff is a Problem Faceoff, characters at the
Problem(s) where the faceoff is being resolved are involved in the
(514.2c) If the faceoff is started by an effect or modifier, cards are
involved in the faceoff as specified by the effect or modifier that
started it.
(514.2d) Involvement in a faceoff does not flag any cards; which cards
are involved in a faceoff is continuously checked, and cards can
become involved or cease to be involved in a faceoff as they begin or
cease to fit the description specified by the effect, modifier, or rule that
started the faceoff.
Kurzum, die Stärke eines Charakters trägt nicht zum Confronten oder dem Faceoff bei, allerdings sind alle Charaktere an einem Problem auch an den Faceoffs dort beteiligt.
Übrigens sind auch frightened Characters noch "Characters", bzw. "Friends", wenn man sich das mal so durchliest.
Ergo können Exhausted und Frightened Characters immer noch einen Faceoff starten, bzw. daran teilnehmen.
Ich hab mit nem Frightened Friend sogar mal nen Faceoff gegen nen Parasprite gewonnen.