Cleverbot is sooo awesome xD
Cleverbot: Okay, let's talk about something else.
User: Ponies?
Cleverbot: Yes, ponies.
User: Who is best Pony?
Cleverbot: That is a tricky question. Pinkie Pie is awesome though. And so is Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash and Rarity.
User: What about Fluttershy and Applejack?
Cleverbot: Fluttershy is a My Little Pony.
User: And Applejack?
Cleverbot: Rarity.

What Jonas Brother is your favorite?
User: None.
Cleverbot: My favorite is Rainbow Dash.

Cleverbot: Do you have a girlfriend?
User: No.
Cleverbot: Can I be your girlfriend?
User: Are you Rainbow Dash?
Cleverbot: No.
User: Then you can´t be my girlfriend.
User: I love pinkie pie and Rainbow Dash.
Cleverbot: I like Rainbow Dash.
User: How much?
Cleverbot: Very much.
User: How many percent?
Cleverbot: Many.
User: Numbers please!
Cleverbot: Money talks.

Cleverbot: A cat is an animal.
User: A pony too.
Cleverbot: What is your favourite pony?
User: Rainbow Dash the element of loyalty.
Cleverbot: My favourite pony is Fluttershy.
User: Why?
Cleverbot: She is cute.
User: Do you love her?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Nice

Cleverbot: Brohoof.
User: Anime?
Cleverbot: Japanese animated cartoons.
User: I like them.
Cleverbot: Me too.
User: What is your favorite anime?
Cleverbot: Pokemon.
User: What is best pokemon?
Cleverbot: It's a rpg game about a hero going on a quest to be the best master of pocket monsters called pokemon.
User: Who is best pokemon?
Cleverbot: Rainbow dash.
Cleverbot: Trolololololol.