In our Profile. The Path is: UserCP --> Profil ändern ---> Über mich
That's the Way you came in our Profile to write this:
(22.10.2014)Nova Dderracs schrieb: Ich bin ein amerikanischer brony, die lernt Deutsch zu sprechen, und ich dachte, was besser Menschenmenge zu sprechen, während das Lernen.
(The better way are to write that in English). And the Last step: Push the Button on the Floor (down).
That's what i mean. I don't mean it bad... i'll try a little to help, that's all.
Btw: Nice signature, i'd giggle at that. it's not while it's funny, it's always because you know it
Btw II: What Corny mean to say is the way you can put some of our drawing's in here - because you can link it in here. It's easier to do that so.
Btw III: I know, i forgot the half...

If you go this Way, you can switch to english: UserCP ---> Optionen ändern (it's that with the Gear in front) ---> Sonstiges (the last box on the right side, the last option) ---> english (american). Then Push the Button down on the Floor.