28.12.2011 |

Beiträge: 1.319
Registriert seit: 06. Dez 2011
RE: Ö1 berichtet über Friendship is Magic
Wow  Mir ist grad aufgefallen das es hier ja doch auch viele Österreicher gibt. Und ich frag mich ob Ö1 sich gewundert hat über die ganzen danksagungen die sie gemailt bekommen haben. Die Leute hier im Forum sind nämlich bei weiten nicht die einzigen die das gemacht haben.
28.12.2011 |
Ein Colt für alle Fälle

Beiträge: 3.643
Registriert seit: 28. Dez 2011
RE: Ö1 berichtet über Friendship is Magic
Hi. Habe schnell nen Account hier eröffnet, als ich gesehen habe, dass nach ner translation für den Ö1 Beitrag gesucht wird:
The Austrian radio broadcast transcription. I've added notes whenever I felt there might be something that's not well known outside Austria (written by me, copy, distribute, use as you want):
"Digital Leben" (note: translates to "digital living" or "life") *jingle*
Male voice: News spreads over the internet faster than over any other media before. But not only world-moving news spread over forums, social networks or weblogs but nowadays also pictures and videos find an audience of millions.
The head butt of Zinedine Zidane against Marco Matarazzi in the final game of the Soccer World Championship about five years ago had enormous resonance on the net. The following day a computer game existed with the goal to head butt as many Italian soccer players as possible. Head butt scenes were reenacted on open streets, filmed and uploaded.
A perfect example for an internet hype, also called "meme". It is possible to call memes "thought units" that multiply through communication of their carriers, the simpler definition is "running gag" of a world wide internet community. In the frame of a three parted series Konnie Lee will present especially successful internet "memes" of this year.
Part 1 focuses on the children cartoon series MLP that not least got an internet phenomenon because of the "Anonymous" hackers. (note: Austrian and German hacker groups working under the label of "Anonymous" used MLP characters as mascots, for many people the first time to see e.g. Rainbow Dash or Pinkie Pie)
*mlp title song plays*
In October 2010 the US-american TV station "The Hub" started to show the new series MLP:FIM. The series is based on the toy series MLP by Hasbro that was successful in the 1980s. Already back then a TV series existed about the talking ponies.
*old mlp title melody plays*
To make the ponies popular with young girls again, Hasbro ordered a renewal of the series. With success. But nobody expected this type of success. The TV series MLP:FIM did not only hit the target demographic of little girls but also found a huge male fanbase online, ranging from teenagers to over 40 year olds. These male MLP fans, called "Bronies", let their enthusiasm for the series roam free on various platforms, post images of ponies or cut videos. The wired magazine calls this trend "neo-sincerity" and sees connections to the success of others like the musical TV series "Glee".
*Glee melody*
The irony of the 1990s is out. "Guilty pleasures", secret preferences, no longer have to be defended with "I don't *really* like it, just ironically". The fan community of Bronies celebrates MLP openly, without irony. They like the humor of the series and also its core message about friendship and tolerance. Repeatedly the production quality of the show gets lauded, which is for a big part thanks to the original english voices of the characters.
*twilight sparkle and applejack speak*
Out of this fandom, every day countless amounts of images with funny texts and videos that use scenes from MLP and rearrange them. Very popular are film trailer mashups that combine the audio from known film trailers with the images from MLP. For example "300" becomes "300 ponies", "V for Vendetta" becomes "P for Pinketta" and "Inglorious Basterds" becomes "Inglorious Ponies".
*Inglorious Basterds audio*
Or scenes from the series simply get looped.
*fluttershy cheering *
And out of that new videos get made.
*music plays*
And so the MLP meme grows and creates even more memes.
*MLP:FIM title music plays*
Male voice:
This week in "digital leben" we look at internet memes with special impact. Tomorrow it's the "Pepper spraying cop's" turn, whose image of treating "Occupy" protestants spread around the world.
Ich hab vermutlich die Namen nicht richtig buchstabiert und den einen oder anderen Grammatikfehler, aber ansonsten ist das sehr nah am original Wortlaut. Hab das auch auf EQ  in der Comment-section hier geposted.
Hilft vielleicht beim subtitles schreiben.
Best Pony - Best Antagonist - Best Villain
Many bronies have become… really unnecessarily cynical. About themselves, about each other, about this fandom on a whole. And I think that's something we need to fix, and have faith that we can. ~Nicholas Ha
28.12.2011 |

Beiträge: 2.342
Registriert seit: 02. Aug 2011
RE: Ö1 berichtet über Friendship is Magic
(28.12.2011)Evenprime schrieb: Hi. Habe schnell nen Account hier eröffnet, als ich gesehen habe, dass nach ner translation für den Ö1 Beitrag gesucht wird:
The Austrian radio broadcast transcription. I've added notes whenever I felt there might be something that's not well known outside Austria (written by me, copy, distribute, use as you want):
"Digital Leben" (note: translates to "digital living" or "life") *jingle*
Male voice: News spreads over the internet faster than over any other media before. But not only world-moving news spread over forums, social networks or weblogs but nowadays also pictures and videos find an audience of millions.
The head butt of Zinedine Zidane against Marco Matarazzi in the final game of the Soccer World Championship about five years ago had enormous resonance on the net. The following day a computer game existed with the goal to head butt as many Italian soccer players as possible. Head butt scenes were reenacted on open streets, filmed and uploaded.
A perfect example for an internet hype, also called "meme". It is possible to call memes "thought units" that multiply through communication of their carriers, the simpler definition is "running gag" of a world wide internet community. In the frame of a three parted series Konnie Lee will present especially successful internet "memes" of this year.
Part 1 focuses on the children cartoon series MLP that not least got an internet phenomenon because of the "Anonymous" hackers. (note: Austrian and German hacker groups working under the label of "Anonymous" used MLP characters as mascots, for many people the first time to see e.g. Rainbow Dash or Pinkie Pie)
*mlp title song plays*
In October 2010 the US-american TV station "The Hub" started to show the new series MLP:FIM. The series is based on the toy series MLP by Hasbro that was successful in the 1980s. Already back then a TV series existed about the talking ponies.
*old mlp title melody plays*
To make the ponies popular with young girls again, Hasbro ordered a renewal of the series. With success. But nobody expected this type of success. The TV series MLP:FIM did not only hit the target demographic of little girls but also found a huge male fanbase online, ranging from teenagers to over 40 year olds. These male MLP fans, called "Bronies", let their enthusiasm for the series roam free on various platforms, post images of ponies or cut videos. The wired magazine calls this trend "neo-sincerity" and sees connections to the success of others like the musical TV series "Glee".
*Glee melody*
The irony of the 1990s is out. "Guilty pleasures", secret preferences, no longer have to be defended with "I don't *really* like it, just ironically". The fan community of Bronies celebrates MLP openly, without irony. They like the humor of the series and also its core message about friendship and tolerance. Repeatedly the production quality of the show gets lauded, which is for a big part thanks to the original english voices of the characters.
*twilight sparkle and applejack speak*
Out of this fandom, every day countless amounts of images with funny texts and videos that use scenes from MLP and rearrange them. Very popular are film trailer mashups that combine the audio from known film trailers with the images from MLP. For example "300" becomes "300 ponies", "V for Vendetta" becomes "P for Pinketta" and "Inglorious Basterds" becomes "Inglorious Ponies".
*Inglorious Basterds audio*
Or scenes from the series simply get looped.
*fluttershy cheering *
And out of that new videos get made.
*music plays*
And so the MLP meme grows and creates even more memes.
*MLP:FIM title music plays*
Male voice:
This week in "digital leben" we look at internet memes with special impact. Tomorrow it's the "Pepper spraying cop's" turn, whose image of treating "Occupy" protestants spread around the world.
Ich hab vermutlich die Namen nicht richtig buchstabiert und den einen oder anderen Grammatikfehler, aber ansonsten ist das sehr nah am original Wortlaut. Hab das auch auf EQ in der Comment-section hier geposted.
Hilft vielleicht beim subtitles schreiben.
Erstmal: Hallo Evenprime hier im Forum  und auch vielen Dank, dass du dir die Mühe mit der Übersetzung gemacht hast.
Deine Übersetzung wurde auf EQD veröffentlicht.
Ich bin immer wieder positiv überrascht, wie schnell das Team um Seth reagiert.
28.12.2011 |
Silly Filly

Beiträge: 53
Registriert seit: 29. Nov 2011
RE: Ö1 berichtet über Friendship is Magic
(28.12.2011)Isegrim schrieb: (28.12.2011)Evenprime schrieb: Hi. Habe schnell nen Account hier eröffnet, als ich gesehen habe, dass nach ner translation für den Ö1 Beitrag gesucht wird:
The Austrian radio broadcast transcription. I've added notes whenever I felt there might be something that's not well known outside Austria (written by me, copy, distribute, use as you want):
"Digital Leben" (note: translates to "digital living" or "life") *jingle*
Male voice: News spreads over the internet faster than over any other media before. But not only world-moving news spread over forums, social networks or weblogs but nowadays also pictures and videos find an audience of millions.
The head butt of Zinedine Zidane against Marco Matarazzi in the final game of the Soccer World Championship about five years ago had enormous resonance on the net. The following day a computer game existed with the goal to head butt as many Italian soccer players as possible. Head butt scenes were reenacted on open streets, filmed and uploaded.
A perfect example for an internet hype, also called "meme". It is possible to call memes "thought units" that multiply through communication of their carriers, the simpler definition is "running gag" of a world wide internet community. In the frame of a three parted series Konnie Lee will present especially successful internet "memes" of this year.
Part 1 focuses on the children cartoon series MLP that not least got an internet phenomenon because of the "Anonymous" hackers. (note: Austrian and German hacker groups working under the label of "Anonymous" used MLP characters as mascots, for many people the first time to see e.g. Rainbow Dash or Pinkie Pie)
*mlp title song plays*
In October 2010 the US-american TV station "The Hub" started to show the new series MLP:FIM. The series is based on the toy series MLP by Hasbro that was successful in the 1980s. Already back then a TV series existed about the talking ponies.
*old mlp title melody plays*
To make the ponies popular with young girls again, Hasbro ordered a renewal of the series. With success. But nobody expected this type of success. The TV series MLP:FIM did not only hit the target demographic of little girls but also found a huge male fanbase online, ranging from teenagers to over 40 year olds. These male MLP fans, called "Bronies", let their enthusiasm for the series roam free on various platforms, post images of ponies or cut videos. The wired magazine calls this trend "neo-sincerity" and sees connections to the success of others like the musical TV series "Glee".
*Glee melody*
The irony of the 1990s is out. "Guilty pleasures", secret preferences, no longer have to be defended with "I don't *really* like it, just ironically". The fan community of Bronies celebrates MLP openly, without irony. They like the humor of the series and also its core message about friendship and tolerance. Repeatedly the production quality of the show gets lauded, which is for a big part thanks to the original english voices of the characters.
*twilight sparkle and applejack speak*
Out of this fandom, every day countless amounts of images with funny texts and videos that use scenes from MLP and rearrange them. Very popular are film trailer mashups that combine the audio from known film trailers with the images from MLP. For example "300" becomes "300 ponies", "V for Vendetta" becomes "P for Pinketta" and "Inglorious Basterds" becomes "Inglorious Ponies".
*Inglorious Basterds audio*
Or scenes from the series simply get looped.
*fluttershy cheering *
And out of that new videos get made.
*music plays*
And so the MLP meme grows and creates even more memes.
*MLP:FIM title music plays*
Male voice:
This week in "digital leben" we look at internet memes with special impact. Tomorrow it's the "Pepper spraying cop's" turn, whose image of treating "Occupy" protestants spread around the world.
Ich hab vermutlich die Namen nicht richtig buchstabiert und den einen oder anderen Grammatikfehler, aber ansonsten ist das sehr nah am original Wortlaut. Hab das auch auf EQ in der Comment-section hier geposted.
Hilft vielleicht beim subtitles schreiben.
Erstmal: Hallo Evenprime hier im Forum und auch vielen Dank, dass du dir die Mühe mit der Übersetzung gemacht hast.
Deine Übersetzung wurde auf EQD veröffentlicht.
Ich bin immer wieder positiv überrascht, wie schnell das Team um Seth reagiert.
Hab den Beitrag gerade erst auf EQD gesehen und gleich an Bronies.de gedacht lustiger Zufall das es auch noch wirklich von uns kommt xD
28.12.2011 |

Beiträge: 1.027
Registriert seit: 18. Dez 2011
RE: Ö1 berichtet über Friendship is Magic
So, nun haben wir auch den verantwortlichen, der dafür gesorgt hat, dass dieser Beitrag erst ermöglicht wurde!
Der gute nennt sich "TheRike42" und ist auf Twitter unterwegs!
Dankt ihm dafür, dass er vielleicht den Grundstein für hoffentlich alle Bronie-Fangemeinschaften auf der ganzen Welt gelegt hat, und somit die Bronies sich viel schneller und stärker verbreiten!
(28.12.2011)Evenprime schrieb: Hi. Habe schnell nen Account hier eröffnet, als ich gesehen habe, dass nach ner translation für den Ö1 Beitrag gesucht wird:
The Austrian radio broadcast transcription. I've added notes whenever I felt there might be something that's not well known outside Austria (written by me, copy, distribute, use as you want):
"Digital Leben" (note: translates to "digital living" or "life") *jingle*
Male voice: News spreads over the internet faster than over any other media before. But not only world-moving news spread over forums, social networks or weblogs but nowadays also pictures and videos find an audience of millions.
The head butt of Zinedine Zidane against Marco Matarazzi in the final game of the Soccer World Championship about five years ago had enormous resonance on the net. The following day a computer game existed with the goal to head butt as many Italian soccer players as possible. Head butt scenes were reenacted on open streets, filmed and uploaded.
A perfect example for an internet hype, also called "meme". It is possible to call memes "thought units" that multiply through communication of their carriers, the simpler definition is "running gag" of a world wide internet community. In the frame of a three parted series Konnie Lee will present especially successful internet "memes" of this year.
Part 1 focuses on the children cartoon series MLP that not least got an internet phenomenon because of the "Anonymous" hackers. (note: Austrian and German hacker groups working under the label of "Anonymous" used MLP characters as mascots, for many people the first time to see e.g. Rainbow Dash or Pinkie Pie)
*mlp title song plays*
In October 2010 the US-american TV station "The Hub" started to show the new series MLP:FIM. The series is based on the toy series MLP by Hasbro that was successful in the 1980s. Already back then a TV series existed about the talking ponies.
*old mlp title melody plays*
To make the ponies popular with young girls again, Hasbro ordered a renewal of the series. With success. But nobody expected this type of success. The TV series MLP:FIM did not only hit the target demographic of little girls but also found a huge male fanbase online, ranging from teenagers to over 40 year olds. These male MLP fans, called "Bronies", let their enthusiasm for the series roam free on various platforms, post images of ponies or cut videos. The wired magazine calls this trend "neo-sincerity" and sees connections to the success of others like the musical TV series "Glee".
*Glee melody*
The irony of the 1990s is out. "Guilty pleasures", secret preferences, no longer have to be defended with "I don't *really* like it, just ironically". The fan community of Bronies celebrates MLP openly, without irony. They like the humor of the series and also its core message about friendship and tolerance. Repeatedly the production quality of the show gets lauded, which is for a big part thanks to the original english voices of the characters.
*twilight sparkle and applejack speak*
Out of this fandom, every day countless amounts of images with funny texts and videos that use scenes from MLP and rearrange them. Very popular are film trailer mashups that combine the audio from known film trailers with the images from MLP. For example "300" becomes "300 ponies", "V for Vendetta" becomes "P for Pinketta" and "Inglorious Basterds" becomes "Inglorious Ponies".
*Inglorious Basterds audio*
Or scenes from the series simply get looped.
*fluttershy cheering *
And out of that new videos get made.
*music plays*
And so the MLP meme grows and creates even more memes.
*MLP:FIM title music plays*
Male voice:
This week in "digital leben" we look at internet memes with special impact. Tomorrow it's the "Pepper spraying cop's" turn, whose image of treating "Occupy" protestants spread around the world.
Ich hab vermutlich die Namen nicht richtig buchstabiert und den einen oder anderen Grammatikfehler, aber ansonsten ist das sehr nah am original Wortlaut. Hab das auch auf EQ in der Comment-section hier geposted.
Hilft vielleicht beim subtitles schreiben.
Hast du dazu meine TXT verwendet? O.o
Doppelposts zusammengefügt. Bitte bei kürzeren Zeitabständen den Edit-Button benutzen. - Fabr0ny
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 01.01.2012 von Fabr0ny.)
28.12.2011 |
Cutie Mark Crusader

Beiträge: 17
Registriert seit: 07. Nov 2011
RE: Ö1 berichtet über Friendship is Magic
Sehr guter Bericht! Top recherchiert!
Österreich FTW
28.12.2011 |
Bester Autor 2013

Beiträge: 619
Registriert seit: 27. Nov 2011
RE: Ö1 berichtet über Friendship is Magic
Einfach nur erfrischend wie die Leute von Ö1 mit den Thema umgegangen ist, musste breit grinsen als ich dem Beitrag gelauscht habe.
Wunderbar sachlich und gut recherchiert und ohne Vorurteile wiedergegeben.
Thats Awesome !
![[Bild: cb9ll5av.jpg]](http://fs5.directupload.net/images/user/151120/cb9ll5av.jpg) Kapitel 7 meiner FF - AGNUS DEI - ist fertig: - Die Herde - Kapitel 8: In Arbeit
Fragt wenn ihr euch traut: Kapitel 5 -4x1- (UNCUT) Leidenschaft entfacht
Besucht mich in meinem ART-Block, Bilder zur FanFic. Freue mich immer auf Meinungen!
28.12.2011 |
Great and Powerful

Beiträge: 297
Registriert seit: 28. Dez 2011
RE: Ö1 berichtet über Friendship is Magic
Ich find es toll, das wir bronies sogar hierzulande schon ein Thema sind. Ich denke auch, dass sie es gut gemacht haben, sie haben neutral darüber berichtet und auch gut recherchiert.
Ich find es super.
Auch unter dem Namen Glim Glam bekannt. Einer der häufigsten Poster auf Equestria Daily.
Discord: GlimGlam#8712
28.12.2011 |

Beiträge: 1.319
Registriert seit: 06. Dez 2011
RE: Ö1 berichtet über Friendship is Magic
Wo kommen die ganzen Österreicher her? Wo wart ihr vor dem Bericht?!
28.12.2011 |

Beiträge: 1.319
Registriert seit: 06. Dez 2011
RE: Ö1 berichtet über Friendship is Magic
(28.12.2011)Arie schrieb: Vielleicht genieren sie sich weil es hier ja bronies.de und nicht .at ist 
Es gibt leider kein Bronies.at  Deswegen bringen wir erstmal alle Österreicher bei euch unter. Inklusive mir.
28.12.2011 |

Beiträge: 1.027
Registriert seit: 18. Dez 2011
RE: Ö1 berichtet über Friendship is Magic
Ich würde ja gerne pgpwn.at oder .org registrieren, nur bin ich keine 18 und habe außerdem keine Ahnung, wie ich die Seite gestalten sollte :X
28.12.2011 |
Ein Colt für alle Fälle

Beiträge: 3.643
Registriert seit: 28. Dez 2011
RE: Ö1 berichtet über Friendship is Magic
(28.12.2011)EpicLPer schrieb: Hast du dazu meine TXT verwendet? O.o
Nein, hatte die Übersetzung direkt gemacht (während dem Video in Englisch mitgeschrieben), dann erst den Link zu diesem Forum unter dem Youtube video gesehen.
Bin auch überrascht, wie schnell EQD da war mit dem veröffentlichen. Hab's per E-Mail geschickt und nichtmal 5 min später war das online.
Wenn ich jetzt schonmal hier angemeldet bin, kann ich auch gleich nen Avatar etc. hochladen. brb.
Best Pony - Best Antagonist - Best Villain
Many bronies have become… really unnecessarily cynical. About themselves, about each other, about this fandom on a whole. And I think that's something we need to fix, and have faith that we can. ~Nicholas Ha
28.12.2011 |
Trixies Evil Twin
Ponyville Pony

Beiträge: 194
Registriert seit: 29. Nov 2011
RE: Ö1 berichtet über Friendship is Magic
Pinkie Pie Party NOW :3
Bin auf der Sache nach jmd der für mich n Pony macht (also n Bild was sogesehen Trixies Bruder darstellt). Wer gerne zeichnet und mir helfen möchte solle sich bitte bei mir melden PLS
Wenn ihr wissen wollt was aus dem Kleinen wird dann schaut vorbei 
28.12.2011 |

Beiträge: 1.027
Registriert seit: 18. Dez 2011
RE: Ö1 berichtet über Friendship is Magic
Wow, ich dachte nicht, dass ich es so weit schaffe o.O Aber gleich kommt das Video zu dem Post von Equestria Daily hinzu :3
Mal schauen, wie sehr ich gestalkt werde, weil ich ein "Austria-Brony" bin xD
28.12.2011 |

Beiträge: 1.370
Registriert seit: 27. Nov 2011
RE: Ö1 berichtet über Friendship is Magic
(28.12.2011)EpicLPer schrieb: Wow, ich dachte nicht, dass ich es so weit schaffe o.O Aber gleich kommt das Video zu dem Post von Equestria Daily hinzu :3
Mal schauen, wie sehr ich gestalkt werde, weil ich ein "Austria-Brony" bin xD
Ich find nix bei EQD dazu .. ^^
~~~~~Mc. Hoof's größter Fan, seit Anbeginn der Zeit<3 ~~~~~~
28.12.2011 |

Beiträge: 1.027
Registriert seit: 18. Dez 2011
RE: Ö1 berichtet über Friendship is Magic
(28.12.2011)Dovahkiin schrieb: (28.12.2011)EpicLPer schrieb: Wow, ich dachte nicht, dass ich es so weit schaffe o.O Aber gleich kommt das Video zu dem Post von Equestria Daily hinzu :3
Mal schauen, wie sehr ich gestalkt werde, weil ich ein "Austria-Brony" bin xD
Ich find nix bei EQD dazu .. ^^
Ja, der lässt sich iwie Zeit xD Kann aber auch als "Rache" sein, dass er mich warten lässt, da ich mit ihm heute schon ziemlich viel gemailt habe xDD
Aber mir wurde es per Mail zugesichert :3