CTR Terms (Dictionary)
In this game there are some term, abbreviations or acronyms, which we must to learn their meanings if we want to understand this guide the best as we can.
Pointer: Part of the speedometer that indicates the speed.
CTR: crash team racing.
Slide: to friction the tyres against the track (R1 + turn)
Turn: Whichever of the two directional arrows (← or →).
Kart: vehicle that characters of CTR drive.
MAP: mid-air powersliding.
MT: mini turbo. 1 or 2 powerslides [R1 + turn + L1 (+L1)].
NTP: normal turbo pad. Turbo pad.
Powerslide: Make 1, 2 or 3 turbos or MT’s.
Ramp: part of a track where we must to jump off it to land in the part of the track that follows after it.
Jumpometer: vertical bar at the right of the speedometer, when you jump it will be filled of blue (o cm.) to red (250 cm.) it depends of how high you jump
STP: super turbo pad.
STR: super turbo ramp.
Super turbo pad: turbo pads that gives an stronger turbo and more speed
Super turbo ramp: ramp with STP.
TT: triple turbo (3 powerslides) (R1+turn+L1, L1, L1).
Turbo: flame of the kart that gives speed.
Turbometer: little horizontal bar below the speedometer. When you make a slide it will be filled with green to red.
Turbo pad: pads in parts of the tracks that give you turbo when you drive over them. Are black with green shiny arrows.
Turbo ramp: ramp with turbo pad.
USF: ultimate sacred FIRE.
Speedometer: kind of clock in the low right part of the screen.
Unknown Techniques
Sacred Fire (SF)
¿What is? It is one of the easiest advanced tech. Consist in mantain the MT speed for a time.
¿Where can I use it? SF can be activated in any track where there are normal Turbo Pads. That mean in every track of the game except for Slide Coliseum…
¿How does it look? When you got SF, you will see flames behind your kart. Even if you don’t do MT for a while the flames won’t disappear and your speed won’t decrease.
¿How do I get it? To get SF, all you need is to do a MT while or after pass over a turbo pad.
¿How I mantain it? Once you got SF, you need to mantain it doing MT’s or TT’s.
¿How it works? To understand the SF, the kart has the turbometer. MT’s and TT’s that you do are filling that turbometer progressively with some kind of energy. Sacred FIRE use this energy to make the kart goes at MT speed. So if you don’t have more energy, SF will stop automatically. To fill the turbometer the best as possible is better tomake few but longs MT’s (with trubometer in red as filled as possible) than many short MT’s.
Ultimate sacred FIRE (USF)
¿What is? It is a sacred FIRE incredible variation, it gives you more speed than the maximun speedometer indicator!
¿Where can I use it? USF only can be activated in tracks where there are Super Turbo Pads.
¿How it looks? When you get USF, the sound of your engine will noise louder. The speedometer indicator will also be stucked at the max speed.
¿How I get it? To get USF, all you need is make MT while drive over a super turbo pad and make the kart continue for itself pressing X of course and the arrow directions (DON’T JUMP). Just see how the kart increase its speed magically.
¿How I mantain it? If you do MT or press “square” o stop, USF will stop automatically, so just turn with “R1/L1” and “derecha/izquierda”. After a while, USF will stop, no matter what you do.
¿How it works? Remember the turbometer theory? Now imagine USF use that also but it requires more energy than a single sacred FIRE.
Saffi FIRE
¿What is? Its a tech that gives you unlimited SF and USF. You can focus in the route that you must take to finish the track faster. Don’t do MT’s anymore.
¿Where can I get it? It can be avtivated in any track, but only to improve you lap times, not for course times.
¿How it looks? When you get Saffi FIRE, you will see white smoke behind kart instead of the flames, but your speed is similar to sacred FIRE…
¿How I get it? To get Saffi FIRE, you need to do MT’s o TT’s (with the turometer as filled as possible) constantly while 1-2 minutes. After that time you will notice the flames start to disappear. Stop to do MT, and you will keep your sacred FIRE speed.
There are 3 ways to get Saffi Fire:
1. Do the tech I said.
2. When the race starts search a place where you can turn 180º, next drive in that direccion (wrong way) doing the step 1. When you have gotten Saffi fire search a place where you can turn again and drive in the normal direcction.
3. In some tracks there are places around doing MT's (Cortex castle, Polar pass, Hot Air Skyway, etc...)
¿How I mantain it? If you stop, crash with the wall or start to make MT’s again Saffi fire will stop, if not, Saffi FIRE will longer till the world ends.
¿How it works? Remember again that turbometer theory? Now imagine that turbometer has a limit. Once reached that limit, the energy becomes magically unlimited.
Saffi Fire examples
A video worhts 10 000 words, so here you have Saffi fire videos (first and second video) and how to drive with saffi:
¿How I do it? Jump at a bump’s top.
¿When I should to do it? When you drive over little bumps.
¿Why? It is a way to go higher, because when you land can happen some effects that gives you more speed (Speed Ghost, etc)
¿How I do it? Jump at the end of a ramp. You must jump over the sharp of the ram to make the tech better.
¿When I should do it? Try to do it as frequently as possible.
¿Why? When you jump over a ramp’s sharp you will get an extra propulsion of that jump that will send you a hundreths far away faster.
Mid-Air Powersliding (MAP)
¿How I do it? Jump from a ramp, bump, etc. Keep pressing R1+ turn, like you’re doing a normal powerslide, but in the air.
¿When I should ot do it? When you think it’s necessary.
¿Why? When you do this the turbometer will be filled and you can do MT’s or even TT’s, all depends of how high is the jump. You fill you turbo reserves and if you have los Sacred Fire yo can recover it if you jumped high when you did the MAP.
¿What is? Is a tech used to mantain a little more the extra speed that you in some particular places. This can make the difference between the top players.
¿Where can I do it? It can be used in some tracks that have downhills:
-Crash cove
-Roo tubes
-Tiger temple
-Coco park
-Mystery caves
-Dingo canyon
-Dragon mines
It also works after drive over a super turbo pad (Turbo track).
¿How it looks? Do you know what’s a frog? So you have a certain idea of how this tech looks…
¿How I get it? To perform Froggy efficiently, you must have sacred FIRE and go downhill. You will notice in the end of the downhill the engine’s noise will be a bit louder, it means you have a little of extra speed. Mantain the extra speed hopping as soon as possible and doing it many times.
¿How I mantain it? The extra speed gained from a downhill won’t last a long time, so it will disappear after a while. Froggy allows you to mantain this speed a bit more, but eventually you will lose it and you will have to make MT, if not you will lose sacred Fire too…
¿How it works? There are some theories abut the froggy. To resume, we can say it is a bug of the game.
Mega turn
¿How I do it? Press “↓ + turn + square” (not “X”).
¿When should I do it? At closed curves.
¿Why? Mega turn allows you to turn quickly even 180º
Ultra Ghost (U-Turn)
¿What is? It is maybe the hardest advanced tech that combines the Mega Turn and Froggy.
¿Where can I see it? A place where the power of Ultra Ghost can be unleashed is Turbo track, at the famous 3 curves that draw an “S”. It also can be used to do some shortcuts that requires to get back in wrong way from a place. (Hot Air Skyway, Slide Coliseum...)
¿How it works? Try to imagine a frog going 100mph and turning 180º without lose speed.
¿How I get it? To properly do Ultra Ghost, you need to have USF or Sacred Fire. When you reach the place where you need to turn, stop to press “X” and quickly press “R1 + square + down + turn” repeatedly and very fast to turn without lose your speed.
¿How I mantain it? Due it is a variation of Froggy, its effect is not forever. Since you press “square” USF or Sacred Fire stop. So you must do Sacred Fire or MT's as soon as possible or you will lose your speed.
¿How it works? This tech use the froggy Froggy to mantain the USF/Sacred Fire speed a little more while you use the Mega Turn.
Speed Ghost (SG)
¿What is? Its a very special tech/bug that gives you a great extra speed. Few players can manage it completely.
¿Where can I get it? Speed Ghost can be gotten in certain tracks…
¿How it looks? Looks like a short USF…
Speed Ghost’s theory: Every big downhills of the game gives the maximum speed to the kart (little downills too, but while bigger is the downhill better will be the SG), because of that, if you charge your speed doing MT’s or TT’s while going downhill, when you finish it, SG will appear giving you the maximum speed that you must maintain doing Froggy. This theory may be applied to almost every tracks, except some like Sewer Speedway…
¿How I get it?
-Roo Tubes: after the big downhill, do froggy, if you have made enough powerslides (well filled) you will get a good SG that you must mantain doing Froggy. It will last until the next Turbo Pad.
-Tiger Temple: After the first red tunnel you must have done filled powerslides, do a last powerslide and just before to downhill do a little jump and you will get SG.
-Sewer speedway: In the part where you see the last barrel, do 2 MT’s over the right wall and then jump to the left wall. If you’re lucky you could get SG when you jump from right wall to left wall. (This s the most mysterious SG in the game as far as I remember)
-Dingo Canyon: Down the big downhill doing filled powerslides, then froggy. SG is more effective in the last laps than in the first (obviosuly)
-Dragon Mines: As soon as you start the race do a powerslide while you down, quickly after finish the downhill do froggy, you will get SG.
¿How I mantain it? You can’t matain it. SG is not something you can manage at all. Some SG can be mantained a for a little time with froggy.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxQF4lMHRKU [From a downhill
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6Y91Gkws5A [At Sewer Speedway]