23.01.2012 |
Atra Demonica
Luna's Festmeister

Beiträge: 4.588
Registriert seit: 01. Nov 2011
RE: Character RP - Ask Sarcastic Twilight
you write down every spoken word in this room and be quite for once! The princess will come through this door and I dont want her to notice you! Celestia will banish you in places,even you don’t want to be in. I wont stand up for you in any way. If you cant keep your mouth shut, you deserve what ever happens to you!
Hmm... and I thought I am already punished by staying and observing your stupidity. I mean, if I weren’t dead already, you would have killed me with your...enthusiastic use of Unicorn magic.
You dont know what you are talking about! You don’t know what I am going through you...
Uh oh!
Twilight what are you doing behind those curtains?
Nothing... I just wanted to see everything in this beautiful guest room. Even the smallest corner. You know me.. always looking for details.
Oh is something special there?
I mean.. no.. totally normal.. not really worth looking at...
If you say so Twilight, but I am glad that you are here. I have something to talk with you about.
You sound serious.. what did I do? My last letter wasn’t as good as always I know and I am sorry but...
I know why Twilight...
Spike told me everything...
Spike!!?? Is he here?
He left a few hours ago. He is on his way back to your library Twilight. I could finally convince him giving you another chance. You two have been through so much together.
I know I was heartbroken.. we looked everywhere for him... why didnt you tell me?
He wanted it that way. Ask him yourself when you see each other. I bet he is already back in your library.
Oh no! The Library...
Twilight you seem to be really on the edge today. Is it because of Spike or did something else happen? I am happy to see you here but didn’t really expected you.
Its nothing really. What did Spike tell you?
Just that you to had a terrible fight because he messed up your Studies.
Nothing more?
No. Why? Is there something you don’t want me to know about?
No its nothing really! I... I just have some weird fluctuations with my magic and...
The Library and all books inside are burned. It was an accident I swear!
Please don’t send me back to Magic Kindergarten!!!
Twilight stop this nonsense.. Why should I do that?
And how did this happen? Are you okay?
Can we talk about it later.....maybe in another room? I have another important issue that brought me here.
I have to talk to Luna...
You are in luck. She is not far away.
Yes.... who is it.. a Twilight Sparkle... we know you!
We dont use the royal WE anymore remember??
So what do you want Twilight? I dont have all day!
Sorry... I um.. I am pleased to meet you Luna!
So I um have to ask you something. I stumbled upon some interesting notes from someone, claiming he and his men are in a rebellious Group and are fighting for you. Some research revealed, that they are called: The Lunar Republic. Do you know them?
I...the Lunar Republic you say? Really? They still exist? I thought they split up when we were... when I was gone...Dont they realise that we live in peace now?
Doesnt seem so.. but judging from their letters, they are not the brightest cookies around... they are very loyal though...
Luna you should tell them the truth. That we are in peace now and that a Lunar Republic is not something you want anymore.
Yes.. that would be the best action if we want to stay in peace.. I agree sister.. but please say.. when do I get the control over the moon back?
We talked about it! When you are ready for it!
And how do you decide that? Why cant I decide for myself??
Luna not this again! We have a guest!!
Fine. Be that way. I have to leave anyway and visit the loyal ponies at the Lunar Headquarters. I sure hope they are on the same spot as before.
Luna, when you come back I want to know where they are hiding and who it is!
You dont trust me do you? I decide what I tell you and what not, at least until that day you decide to give me the control over the moon back again. Goodbye Twilight. Thank you for your Message.
Luna you cant just go like that I am not finished with you! LUNA!!
I am sorry Twilight... lets go to the garden to talk about your studies.
Well I...
This is boring. Her hastily put up rune does not really force me down to write everything down, but that conversation was quite entertaining. I show you guys another interesting little record I did, when Twilight met Pinkie Pie on the way to the Canterlot Express. Twilight asked me to erase that letter, but why should I. This could turn out quite interesting when I show it to you guys.
Twilight! Where are you going? Are you looking for Spike again??
Not really, I am on my way to Canterlot and I am a bit late.
Oh, I keep an eye out for him in case he comes back!
Thank you Pinkie. But before I go, I have a question for you.
Do you know a Pony with the name Diane?
Yes me! At least its my middle name. Pinkamena Diane Pie. Didnt I tell you about the rock farm where I lived and how I got my cutie mark? Its a gem!
No, but I dont have the time to listen to it right now. You really dont know any other Pony with that name?
Nope just me.. kind of. Why?
Just asking...
okie dokie lokie. Have a fun trip!
I will. Thank you
[/color][color=#000000] (OOC) Sorry für die Dauer zwischen den letzten Posts. Ich hab euch nicht vergessen, doch mein Leben hat sich in den letzten Wochen sehr geändert. Ihr wisst bestimmt wovon ich rede^^ Dementsprechend war meine Aufmerksamkeit einfach woanders *g*
Blitzsturm, mit diesem Post sind deine bisherigen, auch dein aktuellster Brief an Twi quasi beantwortet. Ich denke du kannst mit der jetzigen Entwicklung gut was anfangen und weitermachen ;-)
Heute kommt auch noch ein Post online für Pinkamena ;-)
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 23.01.2012 von Atra Demonica.)
23.01.2012 |
Atra Demonica
Luna's Festmeister

Beiträge: 4.588
Registriert seit: 01. Nov 2011
RE: Character RP - Ask Sarcastic Twilight
Oh my gosh its you! Let me give you a big hug!
We searched everywhere for you! I was so sad! At first we thought you hide somewhere in Raritys house or by this mean old dragon Twilight told me about. I thought, you got Greedy again and stomped all over manehattan while roaring like this: RAAWWWWRRR and smashing buildings, throwing Cake and everything... Spike why are you writing down everything i say? Is this a game? Can i play too???
Its a spell from Twilight which she couldn't unbind you from ,when you ran away? It lets you write really fast and miss no word at all?
How about Cupcake? Candycane? Chocolate Ice-Cream! This is fun.. hmm how about Superduperyummycaramelchocoltemountain? How about...
ok i'll stop. What happened to the library? Looks like a superific party with lots of fireworks and no one there to clean this mess up!
You dont know either? Is Twilight still in Canterlot?
Hmm Spike you have to tell me something. Where did Twilight pick up the Name Diane?
Of course you can tell me. I am Pinkie Pie remember? I wont tell anyone anything about it! Pinkie Pie swear! Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my Eye!
Its from a letter, but you dont know who send it and where it is now? Hmmm... is it one of those in the corner? I go check out!
Yes they are letters. Strange. I dont know anyponie which twilight writes to! Some of them are really scary. Watching and hearing you breath when you are asleep.. I bet Twilight was really afraid! I would be too, if I wouldnt have my Granny who taught me to laugh at everything scary!
Hmm this letter looks like It comes from the same pony. Same scary, mean, scarieness!
Zitat:I... I... I'm confused.
What are these things you're saying? I... I don't know if you hate or like me, it hurts my head, it hurts my chest, it... hurts my soul. Is it true or fiction? I have so many friends but they're not my friends, they are 'her' friends, all of them, they don't even know me but I know all of them. It hurts to look at them each and every day, being unable to do anything. There is but one time in your life that you've all met me, you wouldn't want to see me again if you'd remember.
No you may be right, I don't have any friends, no friends but a bunch of turnips and stones. I'm spending my time sitting here, wondering if anyone would like me if I just went out there with my hair straight like it's supposed to be. It's kind of a relieve, knowing that there is some pony out there who understands me. Someone who would even consider me cute, I never had anyone telling me that. It feels strange, is this friendship? Is this love? Am I overreacting? I would love to meet you Twilight but... I can't I just can't, I'm so scared, it's to bright out there, do I deserve this? Can I face any other pony? Do I deserve you?! Urgh, this is really getting to me. I'm not a bad pony, I would never hurt, never threaten anyone. I've spend my childhood farming rocks, rocks, rocks, RoCkS, ROCKS! I am so sick of them, I am sick of YOU Rocky! SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICK!!!
Ha... ha... no, get out of my head, GET OUT OF MY HEAD TWILIGHT! This is not going according to plan, you're not going to break me! Help me Twilight... No! No, I refuse to go down like that! But I'm so afraid... I still don't know what to do, I'm crying, for the first time in years I'm crying. The last time I was crying so hard, I was punching one of those stupid rocks at night until my hooves were bleeding. This letter may be soaking wet by the time you receive it... allright, back to topic, you want me to tell you the circumstances leading to you, celebrating your birthday in canterlot?! See Twilight this is important too, for you can not help me until you accept the fact that we are really already friends. Well fine, listen! Rarity went to canterlot some time before your birthday, she wanted to be back in time but then you received a letter from her, it said that Opal was sick and thus, Rarity couldn't make it back in time for your party. We all decided to visit her in canterlot instead, a sweet surprise so we could all celebrate together! Yes, You... we... I... her... you all went there. See? I know everything! Every goddamn thing! How could you still doubt me?
I... I.... I'm sorry, I guess I'm not ready to meet you yet. I have good reason not to tell you my name, my only hope is for you to figure it out someday, I bet you will, your such a smartious smarty smart smarty pants. It's so cold in here, I wish there was someone around... so pathetic... stupid Diane...
I... I know you but this just cant be! You are not real.. you are just in my Dreams... but how did you write Twilight.. my poor friend.. no one should have read such terrible words and have seen such scary pictures, like the ones you show me when I am asleep.
You are not who I am and this is not okay! Leave me alone! I would never hurt Dashie like you showed me, I would never ask Applebloom to do those things! I would just bake normal chocolate Cupcakes with her and play some pin the tail on the pony. You are just mean and evil! Even Gilda isn't as cruel as you are! I know what you mean with your “never ending” party with twilight and I warn you! If you hurt my friend, I will get so angry that I would give up all the sweets in the world to make you pay for what you did!
Dont write my friend ever again and get out of my head! I left my past behind! These dumb stupid awful rocks dont mean anything anymore for me. I have my friends here in Ponyville and they are better than any Turnip or any Bag of flour. They are especially better, then you will ever be!
You will never visit Twilight and she never wanted to be, or will ever be your friend! No one wants to! No one thinks your cute! You are just so horrible and I cant stand you, even If I befriend all ponies everywhere. You are the exception.. Deep in my heart it hurts me to say but.. I HATE YOU!
That really did hurt... I would never thought I say so many mean things to anypony... am I like her...
Youre right Spike.. I am not... she isn't even real right? If I would be like her, I would be invisisisisble and could pull of the best of pranks!
But I would never hurt anypony.. these pictures I see when I dream... they tore me apart... I am happy and laugh all the time in the vein hope, that I completely forget these thoughts...when my friends are around it works.. but when I am alone and go to sleep they come back...
Please dont tell Twilight anything about it ok? I dont want her to know, that there is a part of me, that is like her, even if its just in my dreams. I want to be remembered as the joyfullest party pony that ever existed. Someone uncomplicated and just fun to be with.. not somepony who brings every party down with the sad story of her life.. its my past and it will never be the present ever again!
But excuse me.. I need some Chocolate to cheer me up and Twilight has nothing laying around here. I come and help you clean up this mess later! I even bring Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy and Dashy with me. When Twilight gets back, sees the library is back and notices that you came back, we all have a big party and she will be the happiest pony around. Maybe Happy enough, to wipe all these scary thoughts and all my tears away... maybe forever...
[color=#800000](OOC) Twilight wird auch noch antworten, aber nicht so ausfürlich. Wenn du darauf schon reagieren willst, mach ruhig^^
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 23.01.2012 von Atra Demonica.)
06.08.2012 |

Beiträge: 2.588
Registriert seit: 25. Sep 2011
RE: Character RP - Ask Sarcastic Twilight
Hallo Twilight,
Ich wollte dich fragen ob du viele Drachenarten kennst? Außerdem habe ich dir als kleine Aufmerksamkeit eine Pfeife, gemacht aus einer Drachenschuppe mitgeschickt.
Sie dient dazu Drachen in einen gewissen Umkreis an zu locken.
══ 3DS-Freundescode: 4639 - 8947 - 9834 ══
══ Signatur by cute-anonyme/Aschestern ══ Avatar by Megueggu ══
07.08.2012 |
Atra Demonica
Luna's Festmeister

Beiträge: 4.588
Registriert seit: 01. Nov 2011
RE: Character RP - Ask Sarcastic Twilight
Hello everypony,
i noticed that i got letters again after i send a message to you guys. Maybe the Portal only works over a limited time? I Imagine it like a dimensional rift, wich is quite instable and can hold up just a few days! If we could find this space in which it materializes we could try to manipulate its vortex and by manipulating its gravitational field and.....
you guys are not reading anymore right?....
What are you writig on the paper when i dont say anything Spike?
Stop it!
Spiiiike! No Ice Cream for you this week!
Lets come to something more pleasent. This letter i got from Friendship Warrior. Its quite long so i will answer it in parts. I hope its okay!
(29.12.2011)Friendship_Warrior schrieb: Dear Twilight Sparkle,
i was not born with this name. I don't even know, where i was born, but i lived on an uncharted island in the southern sea. There, i lived, as you guessed right, in a small tribe of Zebras. I, for myself, am an Earth Pony.
Now somepony would wonder: How comes that an Earth Pony lives among Zebras?
To be honest, i was exposed by my family. Maybe for some good reason, but that is something, i do not like to write about so back to the origin of my name.
Then why do you bring it up then? If you begin something finish it! Half read books are wasted books. Half told Stories are none!
Urgh i dont want to hassle you if you really dont want to talk about it. I always try to find out every little detail i could find. Something which i know exists but doesnt know fully really grinds my nerves so pleaaaase tell me!
Notice from Spike... believe me... She thought about it the whole day... scribbled down the wildest thoughts on the chalkboard...
(29.12.2011)Friendship_Warrior schrieb: As i lived side by side with the Zebras, a big problem occured, because of me. The Tribals started to seperate and formed 2 sides. The first wanted me to be gone, the other side wanted me to stay.
Maybe some couldnt bear to know only half of your story too. The other figured out a way how...maybe blissfull ignorance?
(29.12.2011)Friendship_Warrior schrieb: At first there was a lot of arguing, but as time flew by, they started fighting over it. I, for myself still was a little foal so i didn't really know what was going on and i started to ask them questions about the situation. I wanted to solve the problem.
After they told me, that i was the problem, because of my "behavior"
i started acting like them. After some time, the Tribe accepted me as one of them and thanked me for "forging the friendship". I didn't have had a name until they accepted me as a tribal. Because of my peaceful action they then decided to call me "Friendship Warrior".
Oh... the nostalgia striked me...
Not enough it seems... please tell me.... i really think that this untold story part was the reason behind that great split in your tribe... YES IKNOW ITS NOT REASONABLE BUT ARGH I NEED TO KNOW!!!
No Spike. I will get some sleep when i know the answer!"
(29.12.2011)Friendship_Warrior schrieb: Well... Thank you for explaining it on such a "specific level"
anyway... I now understand, you absorb magical power from your surroundings and your Horn functions like a Nexus, or precisely said, like a "Magical Storage", through which you can perform "active magic".
Hmm... Mana... I've read about it in the books of the elder.
"A supernatural, extremly effective and impersonal power, that inherents inside of anything, as you mentioned especially in Unicorns, and even some "Things" like stones, trees, even plants... Also, it is said, that Mana can be transfered from anypony to anypony."
Your Elder are really wise. Especially for being just Zebra Clansmen. As far as i know, there dont exist Zebra Unicorns so they shouldnt know about it that specifically... Do you have Unicorn and Pegasus Zebras???
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 07.08.2012 von Atra Demonica.)
07.08.2012 |
Atra Demonica
Luna's Festmeister

Beiträge: 4.588
Registriert seit: 01. Nov 2011
RE: Character RP - Ask Sarcastic Twilight
(29.12.2011)Friendship_Warrior schrieb: Guess the Elder were right after all. Still... there is something, that concerns me.
I accept the fact, that Earth Ponys, Pegasus and Zebras can not use magic, like Unicorns do, but there are 2 things, that speak against this fact...
1. Earth Ponys, according to the books of the elder, are said to have a "magical power", when it comes to farming or any other activity with the "Flora".
2. Pegasi can walk on clouds. Now some might say, that it is something genetic, with that i mean the Theory of the "lighter bone structure", but i don't think, that this is the real reason. Clouds are an accumulation of very thin water drops. Even if Pegasi are "lighter" it can not be possible, that water drops are able to carry a Pegasus.
So i came to think, that the Pegasus use some kind of "passive magic" that lies within anypony, but is "used" totally different. The Ability of the Earth Ponys, to have a "good hoof" on nature, would also fall into the category of "passive magic".
forgive me, if i somehow insulted you with this, if i did... It was not my intention to do so...
This doesnt insult me at all! I really like lecturing about stuff i know.
Yes there is something like passive magic. It lays deep inside any pony without it ever knowing it. Your good hoof theorie is actually really close to the answer. Magic can only travel through thick keratinised structures like our the horn or through the outer parts of our hoofs. Normal Pony skin doesnt let Magic thorugh, even if it contains some amound of keratin. Magic cant travel through the inner parts of our skin and so can not reach its outer parts and the keratin.
Well the Pegasi have the ability to condense water on a cloud to such a massfull level that you can walk or break it to your liking by manipulating the amount of compressed water. Literally Pegasi are some form of watermages. Do you want to hear more on that?
Earth Ponys have some sort of subsonic frequency vibrating through there hooves all the time. we havnt found the exact frequency yet, but it helpes to fertilize the ground where they walk. Really fascinating!
(29.12.2011)Friendship_Warrior schrieb: As i asked my stepmother, why i was so different, she simply said, that i should never think about anypony as a part of a mass.
She said, that everypony's life has a special meaning...
I sometimes whish, that i could see her again... i really miss the Tribe, No! ... My Tribe...
After this letter, ypu surely will think:
"How comes, that a tribal knows such a formal adress?"
Even though i do not think, that you are like 60% of Ponykind, that keeps saying, that Tribals are poorly educated, i still want to tell you, that not all tribes, are totally uneducated.
I wouldnt say uneducated more like.... educated in another level... when i think back on my friend Zecora... she is really good with herbal ingridients. Better than anybody else here but... yes i am wondering where you did learn to write that well... and if you have learned it from them, where did they got it from?... Questions...always...questions...
(29.12.2011)Friendship_Warrior schrieb: With that said, i want to thank you again for answering my letter, Mrs. Sparkle.
Looking forward to your next letter!
Your's sincerely
Friendship Warrior
I'm very sorry for the last piece of the letter, i didn't mean to insult anyone, but you are the first Pony i've ever had contact to so far...
Dont be hard on your self. Your letter is quite fascinating... maybe too fascinating...i need sleep...but..i need answers even more!
So please write back again soon.. i am sorry to have neglected you this long!
Best regards
Twilight Sparkle
07.08.2012 |
Time Shift
Great and Powerful

Beiträge: 310
Registriert seit: 04. Aug 2012
Character RP - Ask Sarcastic Twilight
Dear Twilight Sparkle,
wouldn't you say that Rainbow Dash is the most AWESOME pony in the Universe? (you dont need to answer, i already know it! Yeeaaahhhh!)
Oh and by the way: Is Discord the same person like this Sheogorath guy?
Naa... Whatever... Writing is boooooring!
Rainbow Dash
07.08.2012 |

Beiträge: 2.711
Registriert seit: 09. Aug 2011
RE: Character RP - Ask Sarcastic Twilight
Do you like Bananas?
And what about mmmmmmmmm spaghetti 'n meatballz?
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: vor 69 Minuten von zunt.)
08.08.2012 |
Atra Demonica
Luna's Festmeister

Beiträge: 4.588
Registriert seit: 01. Nov 2011
RE: Character RP - Ask Sarcastic Twilight
I... have to Spike!
Yes i know that i said i go to sleep.. but dont you see.. this really bugs me now!
YES!!! Yes is know there are other ponies who have written before her. And now stop arguing and write!
You are already... URGH!!!!!
Sooo...Rainbow Dash huh... since when do you get my letters...?????
It explains so much...!! Too much...
(07.08.2012)Rainbowhunter schrieb: Dear Twilight Sparkle,
wouldn't you say that Rainbow Dash is the most AWESOME pony in the Universe? (you dont need to answer, i already know it! Yeeaaahhhh!)
Oh and by the way: Is Discord the same person like this Sheogorath guy?
Naa... Whatever... Writing is boooooring!
Rainbow Dash
(08.08.2012)Rainbowhunter schrieb: Darn It Twi!
You took my catch phrase!!!!
You better should write:
Shiver in fear, the egghad is here!
Im going back to read my book Daring Doo and the Chysalis Skull.
Your RD
Wait there was another question I had...damn Impatience...
What do you think about all this shipping between us? U know, its a little embarrassing for me...
Ah Darn it... U know what i mean!
First of all.. do you want to make fun of me? Really Rainbow... look a few Messages back... we talked about it... and you made a fool out of me.. especially now... you could have read all what i have written about you... this is so emberassing! Please tell me, since when you recieve these letters! I cant sleep till i know it!
And for your questions. I will look in to that Sheogorath guy. I bet i have something in my library but there are more lingering questions at the moment. This friendship warrior didnt post either... urgh
And Rainbow, really? Writing is boring? Like reading was boring before i gave you daring do? You know that you could write your own Daring Stories right? I mean i saw you read the same Daring Story four times because you want to read more from her. Well, why dont you write some fanfiction then?
Daring could just hold herself with her last breath on the trusty rope before she would fall down into the deadly lava pit. With her wings broken again, she would not sruvive that fall and if she did, she would burn to a crisp. She fights for her dear life, but couldnt gather the last pieces of strenght needed for the last pull.
Then, out of no where, came a rainbowy strife and took her away. She flew Daring to a safe place and presents herself as Rainbow Dash.
So? Wouldnt you like to read more from the Story? Then write it! Do i have to tell you everything? Maybe i about how to use a microwave? I mean... i just had to buy a new one after you broke my last!
Its only fair when i take your catchphrase for that.. my nice microwave... i needed it for my microwave dinners! Spike wont cook anymore and i dont have time for cooking and preparing...
Where were i... hm lost my point...but i got another... Rainbow... quit bragging.. we like you who you are...but please...PLEASE tell me since when do you recieve my letters...
Your friend
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 19.08.2012 von Atra Demonica.)
08.08.2012 |
Time Shift
Great and Powerful

Beiträge: 310
Registriert seit: 04. Aug 2012
Character RP - Ask Sarcastic Twilight
Dear Egghaed,
I knew that im AWESOME... I thought they would have to be about 20% cooler and with me in it... They are!
On the other hand, i have found a very efficient way to get your letters... Muffins is the only thing i have to say about this!
So, anyway it would be great if you could take some time tomorrow and watch my new stunts.
17.08.2012 |
Atra Demonica
Luna's Festmeister

Beiträge: 4.588
Registriert seit: 01. Nov 2011
RE: Character RP - Ask Sarcastic Twilight
as may can tell by my this time intendet dots, i am not in the bestest of shapes and definitly not in the best mood!
Why you silly fillies might ask...
lets just say somepony send me a whistle which he claims, could gather up dragons. Well fine i thought, this dragon scale really does look legit and i dont want to try anything you guys send me without the full testing protocoll ever again. Thing is, something as mighty as such a flute could be a thread to our kingdom. Imagine, if the whistle gets in the wrong hoofs... which it did...
Urrgh... well i took this damn blow thingie here and took it to the grand galloping gala, which was last weekend. My intend was, to show it to Celestia in her spare time. What happened? Well Spike got a little bit full of himself and startet to complain how boring it is, that only ponies are there an no one gave him real attention. I talked to him but he wouldnt listen. He then thought, it could be a good idea to use the whistle to get some guests for him on the gala...
Just Imagine what happened as these giant creatured sored through the sky on the Gala event and landed right on the dancefloor?
Celestia thought its funny though... she said, that she is so glad that we always bring chaos to this event... chaos... yeah i, twilight sparkle, am known to bring chaos.. i am the best organized Pony around here and i am known to bring chaos.... URGHHHH
So yes.. who ever you are that sent me this letter
(06.08.2012)Haribokid schrieb: Hallo Twilight,
Ich wollte dich fragen ob du viele Drachenarten kennst? Außerdem habe ich dir als kleine Aufmerksamkeit eine Pfeife, gemacht aus einer Drachenschuppe mitgeschickt.
Sie dient dazu Drachen in einen gewissen Umkreis an zu locken.
and that whistle... thank you... i am soooo glad that you have send that, so that Spike could get his stupid idea into fruition...
Sooo maybe another letter will calm my mood?... meh probably not, but it cant get any worse...
(06.08.2012)BadDings schrieb: "Ich wusste es....Ich wusste schon immer das dieses Terminal Nachrichten aus anderen Welten empfängt..."
"Ok wo mit soll ich anfangen...? Mein Name ist Shining, Shining Star....Ich lebte damals in Equestria doch leider hat es sich verändert....Stark verändert....
Moment mal.....Von wem ist diese Nachricht...?
~Connection broken~
What the hay? I never heard from shining star... Is this another one of these roleplay Letters like the one with that mr. sheppard? But.. its so different...he seems to know me and... i mean i time travelled myself so its not impossible... but whats its saying? Equestria looks different?Really different... in a bad way?
I.. are we on the precepous of a desaster? Are we in danger?... i.. i have to study books about something which could have happen... please.. try to use that terminal again i... need to know whats going on!!!
Buck.. Buck Buck Buck...
Spiiiike, stop writing thiese stupid letters and help me search!
Urgh yeah i undo the writing spell just a mo.....
19.08.2012 |
Atra Demonica
Luna's Festmeister

Beiträge: 4.588
Registriert seit: 01. Nov 2011
RE: Character RP - Ask Sarcastic Twilight
Damnit yes it has to be!
Hello Everpony..
I still havent found anything regarding a catastrophy which could shatter equestria and i havent heard form this guy who claims that it will happen.
Maybe it was a hoax... i sure hope so!
Anyhow i need something to calm down for a second... and nothing calms me down more than reading... normally.. but its such a mess here because of all this searching that i cant find any books i want to read... so i am stuck answering you guys...
(07.08.2012)Secret schrieb: Do you like Bananas?
And what about mmmmmmmmm spaghetti 'n meatballz?
Why do i wanted to read this stuff again? What kind of question is that??
I like Bananas! A lot actually! And Spaghett ´n Meatballz? First of all it is written Spaghetti and meatballs and secondly. Yes i like spaghetti but with meatballs? I am vegetarian.... like every pony here! What are you? A Minotaur? It would explain your weird language....
(08.08.2012)Rainbowhunter schrieb: Darn It Twi!
You took my catch phrase!!!!
You better should write:
Shiver in fear, the egghad is here!
Im going back to read my book Daring Doo and the Chysalis Skull.
Your RD
Wait there was another question I had...damn Impatience...
What do you think about all this shipping between us? U know, its a little embarrassing for me...
Ah Darn it... U know what i mean!
Rainbow? Since when do you write so much? Come over here and help me for crying out loud!!!
Or.. Wait!!!!
Please stay away from organising my library. If it went your way there would be two sections. Good books, where you put all the Daring Doo stories and boring stuff, where everything else is thrown randomly because it doesnt interest you. Newsflash numbnut. Daring doo is for twelve year olds and up. How about reading something more thought provoking? Yes i know, silly right? I want Rainbow Dash to use her brain while reading. Or at least, shut up when she is reading her stories by herself. You know how irrating it is, if you read out loud when i try to work?
Urgh... Daring doo and the Chrysalis skull... so silly... refrigiator........
And our shipping?
What do you mean? Do a lot of ponies think we have something together? Why .. i mean.. i love you rainbow.. even if i am mad at you but.. as a friend! As you approached me a while ago it was really disturbing.. did somepony see us, and spreaded the rumor? Why did you approach me like that anyway?... It felt very.. odd...
And why is it embarrasing just for you? Do the other ponies think i am the lesbian and our shipping would destroy your reputation? Would i be not good enough for you?
hmm you send another letter...
(08.08.2012)Rainbowhunter schrieb: Dear Egghaed,
I knew that im AWESOME... I thought they would have to be about 20% cooler and with me in it... They are!
On the other hand, i have found a very efficient way to get your letters... Muffins is the only thing i have to say about this!
So, anyway it would be great if you could take some time tomorrow and watch my new stunts.
Stop calling me egghead!
My head is shaped like a circle not an egg. Maybe you need a pair of glasses!
And i know you mean it not litarely, but egghead as a diffarmation is just stupid. Eggs are not smart you know...okay smarter than the average daring doo story...
My letters.. they get to Derpy hooves and she sends it all over Ponyville?... that... kind of makes sense... but.. why... please dear readers... did a grey pegasus brought you these letters? I need to know!!
19.08.2012 |
Time Shift
Great and Powerful

Beiträge: 310
Registriert seit: 04. Aug 2012
RE: Character RP - Ask Sarcastic Twilight
Dear... Twilight, (I guess this the same like Egghead)
I recieved your letter in the evening.
If you are so "smart" you should know, that Derpy is at the Equestrian Mail and althoug sends the post to Pricess Celestia
By the way, even if I would be a Lesbian, i would prefere a more... athletic Pony like my self. I just thought you would have some strange feelings
But anyway, there is a reason why i dont read all your letters... they are boorrriiinnng
I only have one question to you this time...
Could you ask Dr. Whooves, if i could fly a little in the future? That would be AWESOME
Well i realy don't know, why i am still writing messages to you... Oh i hate these evenings!
My cousin (i never heard from her before) Thunder Dash, arrived yesterday from Manehatten... she is a little bit creepy... did you ever heard something about her? Not that i would fear her!  Rainbow Dash knows no fear!
11.09.2012 |
Trixies Evil Twin
Ponyville Pony

Beiträge: 194
Registriert seit: 29. Nov 2011
RE: Character RP - Ask Sarcastic Twilight
Hallo Twilight,
es geht das Gerücht um das du einst einen Freund aka Boyfriend ( wie auch immer man das nennen möcht) hattest und das du angeblich Schwarzmagie betreibst und mit Okkultisten arbeitest die mit der Cuthulu Sekte zsm hängen. Könnten sie bitte ein Statement uns dazu geben ?
Besten Dank
Bin auf der Sache nach jmd der für mich n Pony macht (also n Bild was sogesehen Trixies Bruder darstellt). Wer gerne zeichnet und mir helfen möchte solle sich bitte bei mir melden PLS
Wenn ihr wissen wollt was aus dem Kleinen wird dann schaut vorbei 