08.12.2016 |
Beiträge: 5.852
Registriert seit: 23. Apr 2012
RE: Whiteys wirres Wunderland
Ich habs endlich mal wieder geschafft was zu schreiben.
You put your head right through the wall.
Adventurous, I see.
But don't you worry, there's no fall,
For guidance you have me.
There is a mirrored world beyond
Of terror and of glee.
Your other mother seems so fond
But never let's you be.
A mirror in the mirrorscape
Reflects a truthful light,
But what you see beyond the drape
Is filling you with fright.
The ghostly whispers cry and mourn,
So sorrowful the sight.
The stalking spider's evil bourn
Reveals her boundless spite.
You run towards the little door
From nets and hollow bliss
And shaken to your very core
You flee from the abyss.
Now follow me, no rabbit hole
Is worth a fate like this.
But have you really reached your goal
Or is it all amiss?
I tried to warn you, tried to show
What lies in realms of awe.
The beast is coming and will sew
With greedy, ghoulish maw.
You will be buttoned up and and cold,
A doll with not a flaw.
So fight the stitches, get a hold
And hold on to my paw.
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 08.12.2016 von Whitey.)
09.12.2016 |
Beiträge: 5.852
Registriert seit: 23. Apr 2012
RE: Whiteys wirres Wunderland
Cover für meine zweite Gedichtesammlung.
10.12.2016 |
Beiträge: 5.852
Registriert seit: 23. Apr 2012
RE: Whiteys wirres Wunderland
Apropos Nursery Rhymes...
Jack and Jill
Jack and Jill went out to kill
Some hobo by the water.
He did drown; they went to town
And what ensued was slaughter.
From the scene they fled between
The trees with crazy laughter.
While they hid with fading grit
The cops came chasing after.
Jack kissed Jill and said his will
And fought with pistols blazing.
They were shot right on the spot
In bullet hail amazing.
10.12.2016 |
Beiträge: 5.852
Registriert seit: 23. Apr 2012
RE: Whiteys wirres Wunderland
Finalversion. :3
Nach zwei Tagen rumbasteln bin ich nun echt zufrieden damit.
14.12.2016 |
Beiträge: 5.852
Registriert seit: 23. Apr 2012
RE: Whiteys wirres Wunderland
Mal wieder eine Semi-Wunderland-Buchinterpretation. ^^
From above the loon is shining,
Darkened by the vicious smog.
Misty tendrils are entwining
Like the arms of toxic fog.
Tar and metal it is raining,
Black unbrellas twist and turn.
Spindly fingers are restraining,
UnLondon shall crash and burn.
Over roofs a girl is hurling
With a carton and a book.
Truth and legend are unfurling,
For a weapon she must look.
Uninvited, unexpected,
Deebs and Hemi take the lead.
Swift and secret, undetected,
Moving closer, street to street.
Through the jungle they are cutting,
On electric waves they fly,
Vicious windows they are shutting,
Shouting out the battle cry.
Un Lun Dun! Take the gun
And finally the smog is gone.
Not the one, but it's done
The end is near, the war is won.
17.12.2016 |
Beiträge: 5.852
Registriert seit: 23. Apr 2012
RE: Whiteys wirres Wunderland
Ich hab soviel Alice im Wunderland Zeug gemacht, hier ist mal was zu Wizard of Oz. ^^
Mighty spires in the distance,
Made of emerald and jade.
Hope is lighten our existence,
Pilgrimage or last crusade?
Everywhere our band is searching,
Following amazing tales.
Like apostles we are lurching
Onward through the deadly vales.
Wizard, wizard, make us stronger,
Heal us from our gloomy fates.
We can't wait here any longer,
Lead us to your tower's shades.
Finally we reach the city,
As we pray our journey's done.
Mighty wizard, show us pity;
You're salvation, you're the one.
Wizard, wizard, great pretender.
Charlatan! We were so blind!
You have fooled us with your splendor,
Heinous lies that seemed so kind.
There's no progress in deception,
Just the truth lets us exceed.
Bring him down, his ill conception,
Verity is what we need.
All your towers, they are crumbling,
Smoke and mirrors, fraud and fake.
All your promises are tumbling,
Built with cards, the house must break.
You're a healer? You're the piper
Leading rats through darkened streets.
You're the poison of a viper,
Telling stories without deeds.
Like a god you have been ruling,
Speaking with the serpent's tongue.
All the world you have been fooling
But at last, your play is done.
Gnosis is no thing we're needing,
Promises can't make us whole.
We will stand and we're proceeding;
We evolve, your head will roll.
Here and now the truth we're taking.
Ugly maybe, but it's real.
See the hollow idol shaking,
See how god comes down to kneel.
23.12.2016 |
Beiträge: 5.852
Registriert seit: 23. Apr 2012
RE: Whiteys wirres Wunderland
Hier mal eine kleine Preview für meine neue Story namens Nymphenbau.
Sie ist sogar auf deutsch!
Den Text hab ich aber mal lieber rausgenommen, weil mir gesagt wurde, dass der doch schon recht hart ist. Wenn ihn trotzdem jemand haben will, kann er mich ja anschreiben. ^^
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 24.12.2016 von Whitey.)
03.01.2017 |
Beiträge: 5.852
Registriert seit: 23. Apr 2012
RE: Whiteys wirres Wunderland
(31.12.2016)willkommen im leben schrieb: Wirkt ja ganz nett. Gibts nen bestimmten Grund, dass die Bäume auf dem Kopf stehen? Dem Titel kann ich auch keinen Inhalt entnehmen. Ich würde mich über den Text schon freuen. Zumal ich ihn nicht erst übersetzen muss
Oh, richtig, ich hatte eine Ankündigung auf meinem Blog und DeviantArt geschrieben, aber vergessen sie hier zu posten.
Hier ist sie:
Zitat:Pünktlich zum Jahresende und passend zur nächtlichen Stunde möchte ich an dieser Stelle eine Ankündigung für nächstes Jahr machen.
Anfang 2017 werde ich hier mein neues Machwerk veröffentlichen: Nymphenbau.
Eine apokalyptische Endzeitvision, die über mehrere Gedichte hinweg die Geschichte des kleinen ostpreußischen Dorfes Nymphenbau am Beginn des ersten Weltkrieges erzählt. Merkwürdige Dinge gehen dort vor sich und bald schon vermischen sich der reale und der irreale Horror zu einem Mahlstrom, der die Welt auf den Kopf stellt und ein neues Zeitalter einläutet.
Wenn ich mal einen musikalischen Vergleich ziehen darf, dann wird Nymphenbau mein Black Metal Album: Düster, obszön, brutal und mit ganz vielen schlimmen Wörtern. Kurz gesagt: Mal so richtig nicht nett.
Inspiriert ist das Ganze auch zu großen Teilen von Bands, die ich in letzter Zeit verstärkt gehört hab, nachdem mir der ganze Power Metal ein wenig zum Hals raus hing. Allen voran Eisregen, Ewigheim, King Diamond, Samsas Traum und natürlich Marienbad, was mich auf die Idee einer Geschichte um eine merkwürdige Kleinstadt am Arsch der Welt brachte.
Nymphenbau ruft… hörst du es singen?
Komm nur, komm nur, immer weiter,
Folge uns zum schwarzen Hain.
Alles dreht sich, hell und heiter,
Strahl’n wir nicht im schönsten Schein?
So komm, mein Freund, nach Nymphenbau,
Der Eiswind scheint zu klagen.
Im blutgetränkten Himmelgrau
Hat er noch viel zu sagen.
Ansonsten schicke ich dir mal was per PN. Es geht teilweise wieder um Krieg, aber wir das jetzt zu heroisch, dann weiß ich auch nicht mehr weiter. ^^
Achja, die Bäume stehen auf dem Kopf weil die Welt sprichwörtlich auf dem Kopf steht.
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 03.01.2017 von Whitey.)
03.02.2017 |
Beiträge: 5.852
Registriert seit: 23. Apr 2012
RE: Whiteys wirres Wunderland
Ich hab meine Story so gut wie fertig, aber vorher nochmal ein bisschen Krieg. Ich hab ja einen Ruf zu verteidigen.
A man has to do what a man has to do... and sometimes he has to impale 20k people, infect his enemies with lepra and wage a brutal guerilla war for the glory of christendom, just to go down in history as the devil himself. We've all been there.
No tribute paid, the envoys slain,
They got the war they wanted.
Walachia will be their bane,
The sultan's troops get hunted.
The kings of Europe sent no aid,
Alone we shall be fighting.
Outnumbered we must bide and bait,
From shades we will be biting.
Our cavalry's charging, we light up the night.
The battle with torches brings chaos and blight.
The landscape is burning, their tents stand aflame,
For freedom we're yearning, we're birds none can tame.
Two brothers divided, their war rages on.
Towards Târgovişte, by morning we've won!
The sultan's men are closing in,
By nightfall we'll be ready.
With god and glory, gore and sin,
The ottomans fall steady.
They're screaming in our vicious traps,
Their will to fight is draining.
We make them tremble and collapse
And kill who is remaining.
In 1462 the final battle would ensue.
In lands where spawns of demons dwell,
Invading forces entered hell.
With 20000 turks impaled
The ottoman advance has failed.
A wood of bloody spears spreads wide
And firestorms engulf the night.
The Janissaries watch in awe,
In terror of this devil's war.
The dragon rises like a scheme
And the impaler reigns supreme.
With plague and fire, torch and stake,
Just blackened earth lies in his wake.
His legend is growing, the devil on earth,
Count Dracula's story, a tale with no mirth.
A legend immortal, the horror lives on,
In league with the darkness he'll never be gone.
A shade with no body, a ghost none can kill,
Like torches by midnight, a blood-draining chill.
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 04.02.2017 von Whitey.)
05.02.2017 |
Beiträge: 5.852
Registriert seit: 23. Apr 2012
RE: Whiteys wirres Wunderland
Witcher Content.
Crimson taints the dark horizon,
Horsemen tread the bloody moon.
Hunters from a dreamscape wizen
Flee their world with eerie croon.
Icy winds are their companions,
All around falls deathly snow.
Specters rush through vales and canyons
Followed by a ghostly glow.
Tell the tale of kingdoms falling,
Of the slayers in the dark,
Axe and sword age, times appalling,
Of the swallow and the spark.
Elder blood and eldritch creatures
Clash in battles to the death.
There's a bird with ashen features,
Fighting on with freezing breath.
See the signs, the time is coming,
Madness takes what we have built.
See contempt and armies drumming
And the blood of ancients spilt.
Time of blight and blizzard's raging,
Time of wolfs and war-torn hills.
Every battle we are waging
Grips the world like deadly chills.
Merging spheres were the beginning,
Frost and light will be the end.
In this struggle there's no winning,
Just a bursting flame's ascent.
No last wish to turn the battle,
Just a witcher's silv'ry blade.
As the crimson riders rattle,
We rear up to change our fate.
09.02.2017 |
Beiträge: 5.852
Registriert seit: 23. Apr 2012
RE: Whiteys wirres Wunderland
So, meine neue Story ist fertig. :3
Das Ganze ist eine surreale Horrorgeschichte in Reimen geworden, über ein verfluchtes Dorf in Ostpreußen zu Zeiten des ersten Weltkriegs.
Ich hab es als Mature Content deklariert und deswegen poste ich nur den DeviantArt-Link, wo man es auch nur dann sehen kann, wenn der Filter aus ist.
Zitat:Nymphenbau ist ein seltsamer Ort. Ein kleines abgeschiedenes Dorf in Ostpreußen, von dessen grauenhaften Geheimnissen man sich nur unter vorgehaltener Hand erzählt. Von dem Fluch, der auf der Stadt lasten soll, von den toten Kindern im schwarzen Wald, dem bockfüssigen Flötenspieler auf der Heide und den Nymphen, die beim Teich hinter dem Pfarrershaus gesichtet wurden. Von der schwarzen Ziege, dem weißen Engel und dem Mann im Moor.
Es ist Herbst 1914, das Schwelen vor dem Weltenbrand, und als die russische Dampfwalze auf das Dorf zurollt, beginnt der Taumel in den Wahnsinn.
15.02.2017 |
Beiträge: 5.852
Registriert seit: 23. Apr 2012
RE: Whiteys wirres Wunderland
Da ich grad wieder so ne Bioshock-Fanboy-Phase habe, hab ich eben spontan entschieden, ein Companion Piece zu meinem "Songbird's Song" zu machen. Nach Columbia hier also Rapture.
Beneath the deep atlantic sea,
There lies a city proud and free,
Where everyone inside can be
A link that pulls the greatest chain.
We chose a different, better fate
And built a new, ambitious state,
But all our efforts died in vain.
O rise, Rapture, rise,
Your greatness has a price.
The songbird and the preacher know,
You've let the seeds of downfall grow.
From Adam and from Eve we came,
Evolving, rising, reaching fame,
But in the end it's all the same,
For Rapture brings it's children down.
The city eats the weak and grins,
A foul foundation built on sins
And with our failures we shall drown.
O weep, Rapture, weep,
Your pathway is too steep.
You turned on us and we on you,
The day we pay our debts is due.
So would you kindly come and die
And say the world outside goodbye?
There is no time to stop and cry,
The devolution will go on.
The stream of plasmid sways and swirls
And we devour little girls,
To wage a war that can't be won.
O fall, Rapture, fall,
The windows saw it all.
The outcome here can not be changed,
The city's mad, we're all deranged.
No gods, no kings, just greedy men.
Like wolfs inside a sunken den,
They're fighting to their deaths and then
Will leave decaying dreams behind.
The metal and the glass remains
While folly and corruption reigns,
For Atlas shrugged, but he was blind.
O die, Rapture, die,
Your long lost son is nigh.
We welcome him, we're lost at sea,
We built a prison to be free.
A man did choose, a slave obeyed,
But was this ending really fate?
Or was it conjured by our hate
And are the brightest not to blame?
We're all at fault, we paid the price
And brought about our own demise,
The best are dead, they died in shame.
Now rest, Rapture, rest,
Beneath the ocean's crest.
Atlantis is not made to thrive,
Just little sisters will survive.
26.02.2017 |
Beiträge: 5.852
Registriert seit: 23. Apr 2012
RE: Whiteys wirres Wunderland
Timey wimey stuff.
Ein bisschen spät vielleicht, aber sagen wir, dass das mein Tribut an John Hurt ist.
„Arcadia has fallen. I repeat, Arcadia has fallen.“
The invasion is unfolding,
Grand Arcadia ablaze.
Trenches in the skies are holding,
Still, this is the end of days.
Countless ages we've been fighting,
Space and time are burning out.
History we've been rewriting,
The forbidden was allowed.
From above their fleet is coming,
Ready to exterminate.
I can hear a distant drumming,
This here is our final fate.
There's a man who was the Doctor,
Lost in time with bloody hands.
But today he is the proctor
And the last of us who stands.
There's a girl, a wolf, a weapon.
All of this will end today.
In this moment it shall happen,
Ending this eternal fray.
All of us, we will be burning,
Time Lords, Daleks, all the same.
But alas, the man is learning,
Future selves erase the shame.
Many faces are connecting,
Changing what has come before.
What's been done he is correcting,
Gallifrey shall fall no more.
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 26.02.2017 von Whitey.)
27.03.2017 |
Beiträge: 5.852
Registriert seit: 23. Apr 2012
RE: Whiteys wirres Wunderland
Tüdelü. C for Vendetta Dishonored-Content.
When Justice turned her back on you, vendetta was a given.
A rain of blades will get you through, by Nemesis you're driven.
You walk among the weeping sick, a scheme on roofs and funnels.
You're tearing Dunwall brick by brick and blink through flooded tunnels.
The towers of the traitors' reign, in time they will be falling.
Through every power that you gain, the nothingness is calling.
The void must be the path to tread, no time for hesitation.
Your months in prison, cold and wet, they were a declaration.
You burn them like they burn the whales this city needs to function.
You're always on their heels, their tails, prepared for the conjunction.
So take back honor, use the mark and kill the false dictator,
And even though your path is dark, the realm will thank you later.
You're the light in the black,
The empress' sole protector.
You're taking Dunwall back
As vengeful soul collector.
The city rots away, no mercy for the hunted.
You're rising from the dead, as force that can't be shunted.
Her heart shall light the way, your knife will clear the path
Until one final day, you'll raze the mask of wrath.