28.12.2016 |
Ponyville Pony

Beiträge: 149
Registriert seit: 12. Dez 2013
RE: Poste dein STRG-V
01.01.2017 |
Dead Puffy


Beiträge: 677
Registriert seit: 06. Jul 2012
RE: Poste dein STRG-V
Gesendet von meinem Nintendo 3DS
01.01.2017 |

Cutie Mark Crusader

Beiträge: 49
Registriert seit: 01. Jan 2017
RE: Poste dein STRG-V
if !IsValid(activator) or !activator:Alive() then return end
if !IsValid(self) then return end
if activator.Noclip == true then
activator:Tip( 1, "noclipweightrestriction" )
local weightmax = activator:HasPerk("perk_strongback") and 200 or 100
weightmax = weightmax + ( activator:GetNWInt("Backpackweight") or 0 )
local amount = math.min( math.floor( ( weightmax - activator.WeightCur) / self.ItemTable.Weight), self:GetAmount() or 1)
if !activator.Noclip and amount < 1 then
activator:Tip( 3, "overburdened", Color(255,0,0) )
return false
if amount < 1 then return false end
if self.ItemTable.ID == "item_binoculars" then
activator:Tip( 3, "collectedbinoculars" )
01.01.2017 |
Ponyville Pony

Beiträge: 149
Registriert seit: 12. Dez 2013
RE: Poste dein STRG-V
Unikum km
09.01.2017 |
Dead Puffy


Beiträge: 677
Registriert seit: 06. Jul 2012
RE: Poste dein STRG-V
Real talk: Steven Universe is cancer. Why? Because it's a cartoon that pushes PC agenda and its main demographic is tumblr feminists. The art style is so bland it's the same as Adventure Time. Yes, I'm well aware the creator worked on Adventure Time, but the style is a complete knock off and nothing different, absolutely no creativity. The characters look retarded as hell and for some reason almost all of them are gay. Oops, I used the word 'retarded' and now I'm questioning why a character has a certain orientation. I guess you SJW Steven Universe fanatics will now tell me to check my privilege and go on tumblr and post how much you hate men or anyone who really doesn't give a shit about LGBT rights. I can't go anywhere on the internet without seeing something Steven Universe related IT'S FUCKING EVERYWHERE!!!!!! YOUR FANDOM IS NO DIFFERENT THAN BRONIES!!!!! THAT'S BAD FOLKS!!!!! "Hey man, why you getting so upset over a kids cartoon. Lol get a life. XD" No. I've taken all I can, I am so sick and tired of seeing this cancer everywhere I go on the internet. I'm just giving a warning to those who have yet to watch it. It is the most overhyped cartoon right now and one of the most overrated. IT'S NOT EVEN THAT FUCKING GOOD!!!! COME ON!!!! Its fanbase is soooooo bad it makes me just want to fucking PUKE. When I watched it, I was bored out of my fucking brains, how can anyone like it? ITS BORING!!!! The characters? FORGETFUL! Story? Gay as hell. I seriously hope this show will end soon and when it does I'll be drinking all those feminist tears. TL;DR Steven Universe is C A N C E R.
Gesendet von meinem Nintendo 3DS
10.01.2017 |

Beiträge: 1.713
Registriert seit: 19. Jun 2012
RE: Poste dein STRG-V
if [ ! -h "$srcdir/Libraries/breakpad" ]; then
ln -s "$srcdir/breakpad" "$srcdir/Libraries/breakpad"
ln -s "$srcdir/breakpad-lss" "$srcdir/Libraries/breakpad/src/third_party/lss"
sed -i 's,LIBS += /usr/local/lib/libxkbcommon.a,,g' "$srcdir/tdesktop/Telegram/Telegram.pro"
sed -i 's,#xkbcommon\\,xkbcommon\\,g' "$srcdir/tdesktop/Telegram/Telegram.pro"
sed -i 's/CUSTOM_API_ID//g' "$srcdir/tdesktop/Telegram/Telegram.pro"
) >> "$srcdir/tdesktop/Telegram/Telegram.pro"
25.01.2017 |

Beiträge: 940
Registriert seit: 02. Nov 2013
RE: Poste dein STRG-V
Guess who's back. Back again.
26.01.2017 |

Beiträge: 1.713
Registriert seit: 19. Jun 2012
RE: Poste dein STRG-V
rtc snapshot tty0 tty15 tty21 tty28 tty34 tty40 tty47 tty53 tty6 tty9 urandom vcs4 vcsa4 video0
cdrom disk hidraw1 hugepages mapper mmcblk0p1 ppp
26.01.2017 |
Royal Guard

Beiträge: 2.587
Registriert seit: 11. Jul 2012
RE: Poste dein STRG-V
(09.01.2017)Puffy the Cool schrieb: Real talk: Steven Universe is cancer. Why? Because it's a cartoon that pushes PC agenda and its main demographic is tumblr feminists. The art style is so bland it's the same as Adventure Time. Yes, I'm well aware the creator worked on Adventure Time, but the style is a complete knock off and nothing different, absolutely no creativity. The characters look retarded as hell and for some reason almost all of them are gay. Oops, I used the word 'retarded' and now I'm questioning why a character has a certain orientation. I guess you SJW Steven Universe fanatics will now tell me to check my privilege and go on tumblr and post how much you hate men or anyone who really doesn't give a shit about LGBT rights. I can't go anywhere on the internet without seeing something Steven Universe related IT'S FUCKING EVERYWHERE!!!!!! YOUR FANDOM IS NO DIFFERENT THAN BRONIES!!!!! THAT'S BAD FOLKS!!!!! "Hey man, why you getting so upset over a kids cartoon. Lol get a life. XD" No. I've taken all I can, I am so sick and tired of seeing this cancer everywhere I go on the internet. I'm just giving a warning to those who have yet to watch it. It is the most overhyped cartoon right now and one of the most overrated. IT'S NOT EVEN THAT FUCKING GOOD!!!! COME ON!!!! Its fanbase is soooooo bad it makes me just want to fucking PUKE. When I watched it, I was bored out of my fucking brains, how can anyone like it? ITS BORING!!!! The characters? FORGETFUL! Story? Gay as hell. I seriously hope this show will end soon and when it does I'll be drinking all those feminist tears. TL;DR Steven Universe is C A N C E R.
I cannot describe Lazy Town, because really the only way to understand this hyper-energetic creepfest is to watch it. But I have put a warning above, as every five second burst of it I catch disturbs me to such a degree that I feel physically ill. Why not go to the Lazy Town site, where there are videos to disgorge yourself with. I believe the aim of the show is to make kids do more exercise, though how they do this with a pinkhaired girl, lots of unpleasant rubber puppets and strange men with stick on chin-prostheses leaping around I don’t know. Perhaps it encourages you to run away from the screen.
26.01.2017 |
Ponyville Pony

Beiträge: 149
Registriert seit: 12. Dez 2013
RE: Poste dein STRG-V
Spinner = document.getElementById("quickreply_spinner");
26.01.2017 |

Beiträge: 1.713
Registriert seit: 19. Jun 2012
RE: Poste dein STRG-V
==> Pakete werden von keinem installierten Paket mehr benötigt:
akonadi-socialutils audit boost bzr check deepin-nautilus-properties elfutils extra-cmake-modules fontforge gdal geoclue gnome-common gnome-doc-utils htdig lib32-glew libantlr3c libftdi-compat libirman libksane4 libpeas librpcsecgss
libunity metacity mlt-python-bindings nasm nodejs-ws ocaml opencl-headers perl-anyevent perl-extutils-depends perl-extutils-pkgconfig perl-file-slurp perl-io-string perl-module-build perl-test-compile perl-test-fatal perl-test-pod
perl-timedate pygoocanvas pygtksourceview2 python-cairo python2-atspi python2-ecdsa python2-httplib2 python2-mako python2-socksipy-branch qt-gstreamer qt5-translations ruby-gtk2 strigi vala valgrind xcftools yasm
04.02.2017 |
Dead Puffy


Beiträge: 677
Registriert seit: 06. Jul 2012
RE: Poste dein STRG-V
Gesendet von meinem Nintendo 3DS
04.02.2017 |
Dead Puffy


Beiträge: 677
Registriert seit: 06. Jul 2012
RE: Poste dein STRG-V
Gesendet von meinem Nintendo 3DS
05.02.2017 |
Laser Gurke
Royal Guard

Beiträge: 2.515
Registriert seit: 31. Mär 2014
RE: Poste dein STRG-V
![[Bild: 8khEYfY.gif]](http://i.imgur.com/8khEYfY.gif)
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